II a. -.i..;r)4fcti. Sykes or Bussey Rackets, $3.50 to $30.03 Presses $1.25 Covers $2.00 Hii Rubber liber Orips Orips ... ... 23c 23c Out Out Reviver Reviver . .. . . ..G5c . 65c Sun Visors . . ... $1.00 Head, Reach Halls Palls . .. ... . . 50o Mo SJazengers ...... 65o Improved Improver! Birmal Birmal All All Steel Racket, 13, 13, li oz. priced at $14.50 Postage paid on all out of lovn orders. Kaien Hardware Co. J. L. Main Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing, fllass and Olazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 I Did You Buy Premier, Dunwell, B.C. Silver, when these Mines were only prospects? History Often Repeats I Cold - Ore at Barents is a mighty good buy,' when you consider the location of their properties. Write isAfor information on this. Porlland Canal SalesCo 318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver Dr.Alexander Smith Block . Phone 575 DENTIST Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11. 1 Dance 10c; 3 for 25c ' Ice Cream and Confectionery on Sale Cards and Tables MARINE MOTOR Less Starter . . . . $250.00 With Starter . . .. $300.00 flovernment Taxes and Freight Extra S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prince Rupert, B.C. URGES BRITISH INVEST IN B.C. Americans so Far Have Secured Plums Says Griffith Thomas LONDON, Juno i. Oriftllli J, Thomas, capitalist and inininjr authority, has returned here from a business trio in Itril Columbia, as a result of whin1! he has issued a warning Ihrougl' the Canadian Chamber of Com meree in London (hat "in the past American money has secured most of Ihe plums and will In Hie future1, unless English financiers wake up lo the fact that one of the richest areas in Ihe Empire requires our money and our brains." In his statement lo Ihe Canadian Chamber of Commerce her', Mr. Thomas says: "I have recently returned from a periodical business Irin In British Columbia, and it oecur- 'ed to me thai it would be of in leresl if I hroughl to your no! ice certain 'aspects of Ihe business situation over there, as I hey ap pear lo me. In the "fir! idace. one might mention thai capilul for development is the greatest .need of that province anil British "It is useless, however, taking capital inlo the country unless it is accompanied by technical and, preferably, British brains. British Columbia is strewn willi uie wrecks, or r.nglish concerns that have gonp out there, in vested large sums of 'money, anil sent out .sons or relatives to run them, whose sole idea was ti have a good time, and I could give chapter and verse of several such" Caes: There have, hT course been other cases. "In Ihe past American money has secured most of the plums, and will ju future unless Knelisli financiers wake up lo the fact Ihat one of the riche,sl areas in the F.mpire requires our- money and our brains. To instance only ffirt tnitinil nnlaiiliLlilinj t II. n yet the ground has hardly been scratched. Today most of the. Urge producing companies are owned and controlled in Mm United Stales and Byproduct of the mines is, without' excrpti((i almost, sent lo Ihe United Stales and lo the Fast for treatment, Mum giving the American slock-liolder the enormous profitable advantages that naturally accrue under such circumstances Develops Claims "The average niosnectbr Is seldom in a i' )ion lo develop his claims. T f banks are use less lo him their interests ami in the Fast where I heir headquarters are. Tie finds and lo cates his claims, does Ihe as-jsessment work, being just enough to hold I lie property; Mien, per force, he is compelled to seek .some outfitter, or it may lie he has sold an inleres in his previous find, wilh which money he is enabled lo do further prospecting, but sdon he loses control, an agent of one of the large American companies comes along, bonds his properly al his own ffgurc, and generally the American Investor hecomes Ihe owner at his own figure and , terms such in brief is Ihe history of a great number of Ihe pending mines in British Columbia today. "The opportunities are really Iremcndnuy, and even the report jof the Minister of Mines does ,110.1 give any idea of the' vast ! potential assets of the country in melallio and non-mclallic. possibilities. I brought away with mo details of very fine propositions in coal, natural cement, popper, heiimlili and magnetite Oivs, gold, silver-lead, sine, nickel, nl.itiininl, the develop ment of which only requires British Capita) and brains lo bring highly satisfactory results. Sport Chat j Activities of the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club Tor the Iti23 season will be opened wit i a flourish this eveninjr when the cub stages a regalia off the club house al Cow Bay. Trie water front promises to be Ihe cent re for Ihe more important silverware the Mobley Con. emblem atic of cily championship. Their opponents will be the O. W. V. A. -who save Ihem a clos.- run for the Sluart Shield. The Scots are .undoubtedly out this year lo cop off all the honors and, now that I hey have made such a good slarl, they are full of confidence and hope. Tha (i. . . A. also have a Province: "II. nossesses nrne.lic.-lS"0'1 ,paI of confidence in tlieii any every known mineral, hut as stanlial prizes'. The rae com mil tec consists of (Seorge Bryant, It. V.. Benson and A. Mnc-donuld and Ihe refreshinent.coru'-niulee,' .lack Lindsay and (ieorse Richmond. Willi the first soccer match of Ihe season the Slliarl lieiiefp Shield already lucked safely away for 11)2.1, Ihe dallies will play I heir first game (oniuhl abilities and those who have III material for the year pretty well i.eil figure that this Veteran aggregation has .a good chance as any other. In any case, lo- nighlV game promises Id be" a gnoij 'one 'and Ihere will no doubt be a large cfowd or fans out lo witness it. Tom Jones will re feree. i Healthy babies thrive Eagle Brand and doctors recommend It In sink. born feeding cases. It is the natural food when mother'smilkisnot available because it is mini country milk with sugar added. Always uniform, digestible, nourishing. Fot Free Baby Books wttti Vancouver. DECLARES HE ISTHEEARL Man Named Mason of Winnipeg Would Oust Asqulth From Title WlXXIPKC. June I. Following the startling claim of Captain Samuel Lawrence of Salmon Arm, B.C.. to he the rkjhtflil Karl of Oxford, supplanting lit. Hon. 11. 11. . Asiiuilh, who recently adopted that title on his elevation lo Ihe peerage, there now appears in Winnipeg an- of alfraelions as a result. The "ier clnima.nl. xeculive and coniinillees of thfli "'''deriek William Mason, son club have gone lo some trouble lo inako Ihe event a success and will feel of Mrs. F,mily Julian of Kricks dale, Man., formerly of Rosario de Sle fre, Argentine, has entered i i .iiiii! amply rewarded rrwiuiiHi ii if i Ihe hp affair proves popular. There will I ,nP fiel11 rr 1,10 coveted Htle. be no charges not even for tho"is "'"ier is a sister of Samuel luncheon thai will lie served lo all-comers. The program, which opens al 5:30, will include I lie handicap power boat race (club boats only) for the Yachl Club Cup (now held by M. M. Stephens' Trilonj and a handicap sweepstake race for all pleasure boats in the harbor complying with the rules. The distance of Ihe latter race will he six miles. There will also be -i menV. and ladies' single arid capital wo'iibl be welcomed nioreV,oubI'' rowing races for s,nh- ban any other. Strewn with Wrecks Hiram, father of the British Columbia claimant, and granddaughter of the sixth 'Karl of Oxford. A si range and romantic tale surrounds the marriage of her mother Sarah Barley lo her father's overseer, which was eon- trary to the will of her parents. Ihe family difference ended with the emigration of the descend-ents lo Soulh America. It was ill (he Argentine that Emily Lawrence married lo Walter Mason, father of Frederick William Mason of Winnipeg. In i'JMI she moved (ovBolhuue, Sask., to reside wilh her brother Samuel Hiram ami later moved lo Winnipeg, following her second fiiarrhiige. The toeaj. claimant is endeavoring Uv establish prior riKbls over his British Columbia relative. RAILWAY EARNINGS HAVE FALLEN OFF Canadian National Drops Over Million a Month But Has t Reduced Exponses MOXTHF.AL, June i. Operating results for the mouth of April, iy25, issued by the Cana dian Xational Railways, show a decrease of $1,301,201, or 7. .12 iter cenl in gross earnings as compared with April, 1021. Op erating expanses for the samo period were reduced by 81.30.1.- 012, or T.H.'I per cent, leaving net earnings(uf, $t;!)ti5:i!K rjrsl compared, wijii; tj$35;r,p iifi,i;irii of 1 .is 1 ji'iir. ' Ihe results of operations for Mie first four months of 102.'. how n decrease in gross re venues of .(5,70,378, or 8.80 per peril, but that operatltiig ex penses during Ihe same period were reduced by $0,701,021. or 0.31 per cent. Nel earnings for the first four months of 1025 were $3,77 1,782 or $.in,:i5f less than for Mie corresponding per iod or last year. Ah comnared with a 8.80 per cent decline In traffic; receipts, (he reduction in net was less than one per cent. nn r .. 1 1 en i ears Ago In Prince Ruport J June 4, 1915. P. L. Smlthers of Chlcatto. vice-president and general man ager of the Booth Fisheries fib. and L. I). Ilosenheiiner. Keneral 'ralHe manager, are here; inakfutr arrangements for the establishment of a branMl of the coinpanj here. ,They nay that the com pany is prepared to lake care of .10,000' pounds per week now, The following men from Prince Rupert have so far' hecrt killed or wounded in Ihe Oroaf Wart killed.', j). Holland and J; 0 Nicol; wounded G. W. Peck, D. M. Moore, 11. W. Entwistle, F. B. Wanted For Sale For Rent - . . T- ... np BRINGING UP FATHER GeMcM ! TENNIS I fHSFIIESp'&l ! We have a complete ! j S.i&mtovek to I Lf& --jri J Lftb hlTf . J line of Tennis Goods, . rt if fffir fMr M 1 W rnTTTTTTlTTrrfT ii ;ci - - - i , kJK , :.l,S.i.Jbm mBam mm Wilted II III P I5!Ettt.Btfr)) P Kill l-kL III Ml iTT 1 1 tfflIMB I Ml I IL'jI 1 1 1 1 1 Mil Imll 1 V .V. i: 1 1 ixu II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 KX4' -il!yp II 1 fWfU TrLiMS? B9a1&y' LliiiLW WErW P- Jk J - - II CT , 0 r u - r....n....; - C III t V , " : . DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for less than 50c vmmwm m KB i M I n w W V'l'L'H 'l t ......I m.i.mi'.ii. iu iiiij or cju'iiaug'v furniture and stoves of every deseriptfoit. Prince Hupert Kx change. If MAID Wanted. Suite 2, Waldroit 771. Hotel Central. 132 FOR SALE I'OH SALK. Ten acre ranch, alt fenced, half 'mile from Tclkwa; ideal for small fruits and chickens; seven room house. 28 by 30, open fireplace in living room, water in kitchen, furnace in basement. $1(10.00 down. For particulars' apply lo Thorpe and Hoops, Tclkwn. FOR SALK. Knlire household furniture including Victrolu, Hugs, Linoleum, Mining Itootn Suite, bedroom suile, fixtures, dishes, sewing machine, elo. Apis. iPhone 13( EIIXHST Slubbs. A.H.H.S.: CM. Ag.Cainbs; Landscape Hardening. Plans and estimates for gardens. Ferns and ; other plants from $3.00 per doz. F.O.B. Usk, B.C. Fort SALF.. Cabin launch F.va. 27 feel, fully equipped, in first class condition. Apply Ward Electric and .Marine Supply. Cow Bay. If FOR SALF.. Commercial Hotel. Prince Huperl, furnUlicd. A bargain. M. M. Stephens & Co.,LUL II FOK SALK. Pleasure boat"Fcho" 0. L. Heindel. Cold Storage. Phone 221. tf TO RENT TO HFXT. Furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. Centrally located. Ileasnnable rents. Xorfold Booms, Fulton Street. Phone Black 320. tf COMFOrtTABLF. bcd-sltllng room to rent. Suit two men. Phone Blue 3.10. 1.1 ( FOB HKiVr. Clapp apartment Westenhaver Bros, If FOUND FOUND. Moosobeurt pin. An- V nlV 'Dail News ofllce. ; , FURNITURE EXCHANGE Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Manges, Healers, elc. moderately priced. Everything for Ihe home. Call In and look aroutrtl. ALEX. MACKENZIE, Third Avenue Phone 77.1. (J.nhn Christie's old stand.) Darley, F.. Middle, .. Van Dyke, W. (I. Broad, C. (i. Thome, A. HoliiiNerK. V. F. O. Gamble. W. A. Mafbeison, A. E, Jessiip, de Meyer, W. A. Noble, Frank Salter, A. Chappie, Albert Clark, A. Carr" and Ii. O. Hietuhel. BASEBALL SCHEDULE HAS BEEN CHANCED OwinK lo Ihe cancellation of n game Ihe baseball schedule has ben changed and the games will now be ns follows: ' June ' 5 flyro vs. Mill. 8 Sorts of Canada1 vs. Oyro. 1 1 Sous of Canada vs. Mill. 10 Mills vs. Oyro. 10 Oyrrt vs. Sons of Canada. 22 Mill vs.-Sons of Canada. 25 Oyro vs. Mill. 29Sons- nt- Canada!, vs.- Oyro. July 3 Sons of Canada vs. Mill, BOAHD and Itooin, or boanl only -113 l ifth Av'fiiuo Hast. Phone Hed 707. BOAIU). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. COATS AND LAUNCHES PIIICHS OF EARTIIOPK l-CYCLH Marine Engines 1-II.P. without clutch $185.00 1-11. P. I cylinder MM 200.00 C-II.P. 1 cylinder 111) 100.00 8-H.P. 1 cyllndor HI) 750.00 8-H.P. 2 cylinder MM 150.00 IC-II.P. 1 cylinder LM 175.00 All Ihe above except the first include the Famous Joes He-verse Oear, and' full eleelriual and propeller equipment. Tfie best that money can buy. Ens! hope Bros., 1717 Oeorgld SI. W. Vancouver, B.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathoute, Agents Phone 381. SHEDOON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five passenger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hales: 50c for 1 or 2 passengers, 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Baby" at your ser vice day or night. Comfort Safety Courtesy. If It's a water trip call Laurie Lambly Photios 570 or 131. TAXI 592 TUP. DEPENDABLE TAXI. Daj and Night service. Comfort and Courtesy is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Hielimond Houtus. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Ocnrge, Paul or Oust) Special C and 7 passenger Slude-hakers al your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block AcroRs from Empress Hotel. FunNrruRE hospital And 0ene'ral flepair Shop, Repairs of all kinds promptly attended lo. Wo repair typewriters, gramophones and do picture framing. Carpet laying. Furniture crating. TOM BALLANGER Phone Bluo 025. .118 Fifth St OIL SKINS Patronize Homo Industry. Ask for Lo Claire's RUPERT BRAND OIL SKINS Best by lest Made iu Prince Hupert by Hupert Boys and Oirls Phone: Black 404 KEITH'S CAFE. When in Slewarl visit Keith's Cafe in King Edward Hotel now re-modelled, tjp-lo-dain Dining Boom and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us, P.O. Box 000. NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Maggngo and Express Northern' Transfer. Day Phono' lied 213. Nlgit phone Oreen 307. W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. To To .Article COLUMBIA RECORDS music i.y w,!,a r Call in mill -' l PRINCE RUPERT IKIUSIC $T0flt - .5 BEDDINQUT PLMTJ. " Plants thai k, ,w . j" ' for your la,,. v Iddliijt ally aeeliiii,,! j t " reliwl unon 1 good. Store l'liuiii uj fireenhoiH.. !! $ MCCARTHY'S. TOM CALCHEFF Experienced Tillor Suits niade t j. Pressing a: 1 .. . n Fulton Sire.! f FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furai-ure Store. We Buy, $ti tii h. change New and Sec::diiuj (loods. QKO. PAPAD0PULIS, 39 Third Ave. PboiHH FIREWOOD. He Comfortable rJ O fj. Dry Block w 1. r Fresti -iplu w 1, . ; -j Pho;;? I'a; . .' A. ISAAf'.Sii.N Sri )it PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. tox IsU Priin-e It'irirr' P.C Service ;onl S Cii;iti:r KNITTED G00DS SWKATKHS ami all n"1 knltecd good n.aJe ' Phone Black 395. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays. Wednesday "l urdays. closes al l 10 ' From the East , iMondays, Wednesday Friday, due at 3. (0 f". To Vancouver TnnadflV Mall closes Saturdays Thursdays Sundays From Vncour Sundays Wc.lnesilays Frldnys aaiuiiiajn , ,o l.P.Il. May . an vox. Alice Arm euiH'wiiw" 7 p,s. Sundays From Anyox, Alice Tuesdays 8 p.y. Thursdays Stewart ana n pJIi Saturday Sunday From Tuesday Sundays To Port Points From Will Port 5imp" - - rivap Points Saturdays To Alaska May From May To Queen May From Pnlnts Points a 1 a nnil al 4 15 9. IS A.. 9 15 P 9.15 P " .P- ,- ""lo 30 A"' St to 10 a"1' Alaska PolnU- 7 P,M. 'stewart SU and Premier-. 8P.JI. Simpson Sli andNa.." Thursdays d Na . A 12 nd 22- ..,.. point" Charlotte 0. ....... Hii"' Queen n1"""" May 7 and 21.