'A riP. RDC A Watch Sale Worth Watching The Watch worth while la the Watch than can tick, When oilier watches Are feeling sick. For a Boy - - - $1.50 Watch Chains, 25c We are running an extra special Watch Sale in .Ladies' and Gent's High Grade and Medium Grade Watches at Extra Special Low Prices. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 2o years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North. One cannot burn the candle at both ends You wouldn't light u candle at hot It ends and ex-peel it lo last very Ion?. And you can't attend your many duties as wife and mother, then pile on washday labor, and expect to keep yourself fresh and vigorous. Why not let us lake care of washday toil and trouble? One of our many services will fit exactly both your needs and your purse. And you pan "keep the home fires bum-ins" without burning the candle at both ends. Canadian steam Laundry Phone 8. Kindling We are offering for a short time only an d for a limited number of loads our "DIHKD KILN" kindling wood delivered for $0.00. This is nice clean wood and easy to split. You have been wailing for Ibis kind of wood for 8 years. Order at once from the The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue Give Us a chance to do your drayage, we can satisfy you in every way. Our Taxies will lake you any place and at any lime for 50c. Nice clean Sedans. Phone 189-112 Special Dessert For Table Use Del Monle Apricols, 2'h, reg. 40c Special, 5 tins $1.40 Del Monte J'eaebes, 2's, reg. 35c. Special, 5 tins for ... . , $1.25 Del Monte Peaches, 2'j's, reg. 50c. Special, 5 tins for $2.00 Del Monle' AspaiagiiH Tips, picnic she, reg'. 30c. Special, 5 tins for . . $1.15 Del Monte Asparagus Tips, white,' reg. 50c. Special, 5 tins for $2.00 Del Monte Spinach, 2 Mi's, nw. 30c' Special, 5 tins for $1.15 'Del Monle Pork and Means, lulls, reg. Hie. Special, 5 tins for ... 50c Del Monle Catsup, reg. 10c bottle. Special, 5 hollies for $1.50 (Limit 10 tins to each customer) Don't forget Hie five per cent discount Mussallem's 417-423 5th Ave. E. Phonos 18 and 84. P. O. Box 575 .1 LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Least Lands. In the Land lterordlnir District oflvc'at-s I'MIIPU ltlllu.fl ntl1 killfaul.i .... .1... ,,...lh I vi.ict west roust of Yearse Island, B.C.. approximately three miles north rrom tlie ihuuili of Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that J. Fielding- Strang of Simnyslde, ll.C... occupation eanneryiiiau. Intends to apply fur a lease or the ful-low In destrribed lands: Commemiufr at a post planted approximately three miles north rrom the luotilii of Winter Harbor, pearse Island; then r imrtliwest two (S, chains, more or less, to low water mark; itieuce northea-a aloiifr low water mark one hundred and sixty tr,(n chains; tlietr-e Koulheast io (i chains: tlicnee Kouthwest one hundred and sixty tco chains, more or ess, to point of ciiuiiiienceiiieiit and eoli-alnliiK; llilrly two 3ii acres, more or 'ess. JAMES FlhLHI.G STIUNO. Name of Applicant. Dated May 13th. im. WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) TAkE MITICK that Ultllalu Mi,rir:ni hosi address is l.ix'kp'irt, ll.r... will apply .or a lieence to take and use s.nuu (falcons dally or water nut or sprlnir on west side or Ijorkfporl, JXJ.. ll.C, Alilch flows southerly and drains lulo vest arm. "Lont-relluw" Mineral Claim. July Crown Urauied No. 2:tr.;i y.cj. The Aater will be diverted rnmi the stream at a point r I r lit at source, about !,!m reel ir su rrom Lockeiiort Harbor, and will lie iseo ror (lomestlr caniieey purpose upon iniiiiff.iij i.itiiiiery ai UM-acpori, v.i.j. This notice was posted on the lSlli d,i r May, loss. A copy or this notice and in application pursuant therein unil i he "Water Act, 19 U," will lie riled in lie office of the Water lleeorder at Prhice ituimrt, ux. objections to the application may lie riled with the said Walei llerorder or wtll Hie Comptroller of water nurnis, earllaineiit liuildinir. Vli--orla, ll.C. within thirty days artcr Hie rst appearance or this notice In a local ieuspuMT. The date or the rirst piihil-alion or this notice Is Mav 6tti. iVH, WILLIAM MOIIOAX. Applicant. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Lands. Apply to Lease in the Land tiecordliiir District oi mice Iluti-rt. and situate inf tho north west coast or Pearse Island, ll.C, approx-mately six miles north rrom the moulli ir Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that Uosse-.Millerd Llmllwd r Vancouver, It.c, occupation packers. Mend? to apply ror a lease or tho fol-owlnir described lands: Commencing at a exist nlanteil iiinriit imaleiy u miles north frrom the mouth ir winter Harbor, Pearse Island; thence northwest two (Si chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence northeast alonir low water mark one hundred and sixty (100) chains; thence soulheas' 'wo It' chains: thence soiiihweni no hundred and sixty tlGi, chains, more or io ihiiih or commencement and eon 'alnlni. thirty-two (Sit) acres, more OOSSE-MII.LEIin LIMITED. . . Name or Applicant. " Tinted Mav l?ili. LAND ACT. CA88IAR LAND DISTRICT District or Cusiur. Sttkiiio Division. TAKE MIT ICE that I. Vller Jnliun (llelurned Soldier), ir Telerrnnli Creek 11.1' orciination Miner, intends In nnnlv for pei'mlstloii to purchase the following- oeseriueo lainis: (.mninenclr.z at a post tilanted about one mile east of McLeods Sloufrh near the Stlklne Itlver and about 9 mile- southwest of Teleirrtiph Creek; thenei north 80 rhalns; llience enst rlialii: thence south SO rhalns; thence west 40 mains to point or emnmencement and cuntalnlnr 33U acres, more or lens. WALTEII JULIAN. i . .. Applicant. April i mil, mgr.. m TIMBER SALE, X7173. Sealed Tenders will be reielnil liv ilie District Forester nut later than noon on the itoth day or June, llao. ror tlx; purchase or Licence X7I73 on portion ol Lot IBtta. kliliK Is Is and. Massett Inlet. o.ci., to cut r.tu.oun Jeet board measure or spruce, nemiock ami Cedar saw Ions. iwu i 'J i years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, or the District Forester Prince llupert, ll.C TIMBER SALE X 6740. Sealed Tenders will be received by lleN I'lounicr ni i.(iihip m victoria uoi later than noon on the till day or June, iVil, Dir tlie purchase or Licence X 0740, lo cut U34.UOO reel or Spruce. Cedar, lleui-lix-k and llalsum on an area situated on Silver creek, prince llupert Harbor, Iiangi li. Coast District. Three years will b allowed ror re moval or timber. Further particulars or the Chler Fores ter, Victoria. ll.C. or District Forester, l-rinru HOIHTI. n TIMBER SALE X7148. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister or Lands not later than noon on pie itn day of June, togs, ror the purciiase or Licence .71K, to cut 80(1 1(00. feet of Hemlock, Cedar, Spruce and balsam, on an area situated on the East Arm of Drayney Inlet, Itanfre 3, Coast insirici. rwo () years will be allowed for removal oi iiinner. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Vlilorlu, B.C.. or District Forester, llliuq liUl'CIt, D.m RUSSIA IS NOT PROMISED LAND Doukhobor Investigator Just Returned from Country But Will Not Return There Air. Seuienolf had (he advanl age of meeting practically all; the heads of the Soviet surh conditions rover-n-l .Mr. S"emenolf. Glowing Accounts Two Doukliobor rep'esenta-tives visited Russia two or three ago on tli c same mission! as Mr. SemeuolT and had brought baeV glowing accounts of Hie beauty of Hie country, its fertility and freedom accorded Ibo people. Mr. Sernenoir's mission was lo see if Ibis report was correct, and if it was still advisable to migrate. In the Southern pari of the country, alons the Don river, be .mind Hie land all that it bad been described; much of il belter than in Western Canada: black loam nine feet deep and level. Sometimes good water was difficult to get. Hil beyond Micsc natural advantages, little favorable could be said. The sys-'ein Of land tenure was intoler able, and was largely responsible! fur the. peasants being on Hie FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With Othlne Double Strength This preparation for the removal of freckles is so success-iul in removing freckles and giv-iiiig a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by all drug and lepartment stores with a guarantee to refund tlio money if il fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil or waste time on lemon juice or cucumbers; get an ouncef :r (llliino nml fiMiinve lliem Kpnl the first few applications should show a wonderful itnprovenienl, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. He sure lo ask for the double, strength Olhinc; it is Ibis tliat is sold on moneyback guarantee At all drug or department stores oi by mail. Olhinc, P.O. Hox 201 C. Montreal. Canada. Round Trip Excursion Fares Tickets ea eel dally to Sept. If Kansas City St. Louis . . Chicago . . Detroit . Cleveland . Washington New York . Boston . . . $126.00 129.50 134.00 153.62 156.56 189.56 185.40 201.50 Com iponding teres to other important centers. Final return limit October 31. 1935. Liberal stop-over privilege go- . ing and returning. ZUn National Park Low ummer fares to this nw Wonderland of Color In Couihrrn Utah. Why not take it in on your way East ? TallowiIonaNattonat Park May alao be mada at a tide trip at a small additional coit. AtV for free booklet deKriptivt of theae famous reaorts. Wlierever you want to go. let us make all your arrangements. It coats no more and will save your valuable time. Union Paclflo System 1405 4th Ave. and Union Station Seattle, Washington THE DAILY HEWS ThnrMa HAD BOILS ALL OVER HIM Tlmre Is only aim uv to trt rid of Imlli imt Hint Is by irolwr rlirlil to the mat ir tlio trouble the blowl- as the bad MiHid must be made pure be lure the bulls will disappear. BURDOCK SASKATOON. June 1. uuvw VI I 1J-U ri. i.i.. .i;;n. .. ;it. rieaie.es trie jymcih and removes an me , , ...' . . i rI matter ft-tun the blond In a way that) regard lo conditions in soviet fpw nwAMwt w, ri0 . Russia, Satll Seinenoh", of Killlej,', Mrs. Clms. Iiankln, Uuljea, Sask.., Saskatchewan, returned to the' write: -"A few n. my Imshandj west recently, aHcr'a three W"V..UW vulh J"""'-,. " " " : arm lin had A A hln bIIuiu' mtn I months I which lie look rip, usw.r,M. rKe 0I, ,,, bs,.k r lieck and representative of 10(1 I oukho- several mure on different arts of hi bor families, former residents of '""'J le ned evrrjrtinnir he .hum think Iti.h; ,. f. irol no relief unill be took Bnrd..rk . . ...... ( ....... v ... ....... . 4 ..'., tli ere. . l!lm! lillters. and to his nurprlse It curn pleltly relieved htm or his both, lu a very slmrt time." n.lt.n. has been on the market for the I Tiant il. VMM. be sure you KM It when , , , . i .... j iui it; ui up iwijr vy uie i .cm. ni .uu.-i i, uuu in uMuiiuMi.Mllburn Co., Limited. Toronto, was privileged to spend a inonlli with the peasantry in their vil lage, a privilege not extended ordinarily to foreign investi gators. I do not know "what act la". Hie people who senl nio will take after I have made my report, but I will never leave Canada lo Out. verge of starvation. In the cil- iies lawlessness was rampant, in dustry was practically dead and the commercial life of the country at a low ebb. II was when he gut out among the peasantry thai Mr. Semeno"' milt., i.iv Ilium, In 111 im.lpri " - "uv picture ui agn- as I saw, i .. :. : said ullural life in Russia today. The farmers had no chance to make a living. They bad not votes, only Coinniilnisls having the franchise and were unable lo exercise any influence on tbei government lo improve their conditions. - No Land Titla Mr. SemenoiT was sIipwii beautiful land, virgin prairie, once the property of Hie gentry, which he and bis people could obtain. Hut though there were millions of acres of such InmK all the goM'rninenl would grant was a life inleresl in seven and one half acres per head, count ing each member of the family. No definite parrel would lie al- lolled, a dilferonl parcel in the same district would be given lliem each year! This was Hit system on which those now engaged in agriculture, occupied the laud. This obviously .objectionable syslein, Mr. Semenolf cfeclarcd. reflected itself in I be mode oT living of the peasants. Tlieii diet for Hie most part wus coarse bread and wal"r. The season had been dry last yar and the polaloe crop failed. In addition to I lie bread, they made soup by boiling cabbage, nee or when! with water. II contained no meal or fat of any kind. The children were mere skeletons. In one village, the people he had once known were so emaciated be did not recognize them. Want to Come Hera lie found the Doukhobors, he visited, anxious lo migrate lo Canada. Theme were not community Doukhobors, but ordinary independent farmers, inleresl ml in t lie education of tlieir children, and of an altogether progressive lype. Needle to say, he remarked, there were no schools there. Mr. Semenolf found the Ilus sian government anxious to buy horse.se in' Canada. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIOHY ISLAND Cloudy, calm; barometer, 20.08; temperature, 50; Sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Admiral Watson, Kel ebikan for Seattle, 530 miles from Seattle; 0 p.m.' spoke steamer Alaska, Kclchikair -for Seattle, 553 miles from Seattle: 12.10 a. m, spoke steamer Mogul, Anyux for Vancouver, left Anyox 0 p.m.; 12.10 a.m. spoke steamer Prince Ceorge abeam Kinnahan Island north bound. DliAD THKL POINT. Clear; calm: barometer, 2D.H0; temperature, 50; sea smooth. Noon DIOHY ISLAND. Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.00; temperature, " 52; sea smooth; Prince John tlue in 10 'p.m. northbound. DKAD TllKK POINT. Clear, light east wind; barometer, 20.-05; temperature, 02; sea smooth HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnco Rupert Hoy C, Wright, A. A. Cox, Mr.-. K. I'ish, L, S. Hawkins and II. I' (ioulbourn, Vancouver; S. A. Hell .and Foster, Toronto; Philip A. Horn, Chicago; W. H. Anderson, Victoria; II. O. l-'lsh, Prince llupert; Waller M. McKay. Montreal; II. II. Kalon ami Mrs. D. W. Cassel, Terrace; II. V. I'luuii- 'bers, Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall. Salvtis Kast; H. (I. Olsen, 'P. M. Olsen, Mrs, J. C. SteplieiiH iiind Olive Slejih'ens, Sniilhers; ' Harlan I. Smith ami H. I'. Hal-Uaulyne, OLlawu; T. H. Uampbell, Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 v" Juno i i... BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canadi iu tno uh UbUEMlIEn, 1924. it ..i. ...... i i:.......,io .... r.. ii. ..... . in 1. , UK iuiinu .'iiuuiii.i lis imiiina.' i"ini:rr tilUU, Si I .IX" 'I , ' 1 '173.100; Silver, $08,8 U7U; Lead. $70,548,578; Copper." 8 1 Y '.'km ' IP In N 171, H)7; Miscellaneous Minerals, $l.Ml,;i'iO; Coal ami Coke .;.. wU,' , .' 7 Stone, Mrick, Cement, etc., $'i2.5.8i ; making its Mineral Product,,,,, , ' 1021 show an Mir (' Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 I lie .Mining i.nws oi wus rroviuce arc more liberal ami the Tees i. ' . . . I i. : : II... t... any tuner rniviiue in tut: tioiiiinioii, or anj eoinny Mi Hie Hrilish ' Mineral locations are gruruuii to Discoverers r(. ni,tn;u f,.(.s Winnipeg: .1. Craig, .lusper: O. W. Smith. Hig Valley. Alia: Mi. and Mrs. J. Ilaily, Somerxille. Central W. It. Hurknall. Itoy S. AsU and Mrs. M. Hloudal, city: Mrs. A. Stone, William Hardge and . AlfreiNou, Vaireouver; N." K. (lar-loup. Kainsack. Sak.: Mrs. O- Connor. Port Ivdward: Joliti W. Morison. Suunyside. POPE GETS LARGEST ROSARY miMC June t. What is be-j lieved lo be I lie lai gesl rtisary fit j Hie world has been presented in! Pope Pius by an expert wood, carver of .Merano, wlio made il.: The roary measures more than! 15 feel in circumstance. Kadi bead, o finely carved wood, ii larg'-r I ban an average-size I fgg. SKAI.LD Tl- NDMts addi - sse lj lo I lie undersigned, and endorsed'! " Tender rr W harf llepairs. Pm lj Clements. U.i... w ll be received, until 12 o'clock noon (daylight' sav.ng), Tuesday, Juno 23, 1925 'or repairs to tin' wharf at Pm-: Clemen Is, Skeeim District. ,C. Plans and forms of conimcl can be seen and specification ami forms of tender obtained at this, Department, at the olliee of lh"i District Engineer, ()ld Post Ollli e Htiildiug, Victoria. H.C.; and nt' the post Ollices, Vancouver, IM'.; Prince llupert, H.O., and Pori: Cleiiieuls, ll.C. I Tenders will not lie eonsideredj unless made on 'Hie printed forms Hiipplied by (he Deparl-j menl and in uccordanco wilh the conditions contained tbcreiu. Kach lender must be aecom-panietl by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to 'be order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of Hie amount of Hie lender. Honds of Ihe Dominion of Canada or Honds of the Canadian National Hallway Company will also be accepted as serurily, or bond and a cheque if required lo make up an odd amount. Note. Hlue prints can be obtained at lliis Department bj depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of fslt). p'ayi.blc to the order of the Minister of public! Works, which will be relinked if the intending bidder submit u regular bid. Hy order, S. E. O'HHICN. Secretary. Department of Public Work, Ottawa, May 20. IU25. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 CHARLES T. CABRERA, Mlno Engineering and Contracting (117 Second Avenue Toion'lo i(J7 Conunoii-weallli lluililing .lllpUT Absolute Titles ure ohliiineil liy developing sin-h properlies, the -enii,u ,,, guaranteed by Crown tirants. ' v Full informatjoii together witli Mining Hcrls a d Maps, trtny be obi, ,, addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF Vlctorio, British Columbia X.H. I'raclh-nlly till Hrilish ColiiiiihinMiiiei al Prupertic hhiu wb ;, work has been tbuie are described in some one of the Annual Hepmu oT Mines. Tio.e considering mining iiiveslmeoU should refer to , are available without charge tin application lo the Depirlnienl of JU;, Jleporls oT Ihe (leolopical Survey of Canada, Pacific Pudding, ;ui.o , mended as valuable souncs of information. tin lie o, MINES WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 nJ 9 VIRGINIA VALLI in "K, The Unknown" I'oin Ihe slurx by Mary Mni. rt i; . star. A splendid picture. A Ijiuh.ii-east. A liafriing ni-ter. A Ihrilling ,,' 4 Virginia Valli in the tml cliarniiug rol , Who was "K, The t'likiiowo? W'hal I A he iloing in the village? A plioto-drnm , v dons problem of right ami wrung. If b lire it would betray hi- own secret. Hie wi-.i . would be o Ui him and a prtsnu i ell ,iv s, liow "K" solved il. An enigma pbiy int. i ever-new slorv of love - ol. -wt'cl -ong s Virginia Valli, Percy Marmont, John Roche, Francii Feeney, William A. Carroll, Margarita FUhcr and othea COMEDY "THE PREHISTORIC MAN." 35c and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engr.ier, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith!, Pie makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F i i j Ready-to-wear SPECIALS For Thursday, Friday, Saturday Juno 4th, 5th and Gth 7 Ladles' Summer Coats, including a Vvav model. Peg. ?;.!. Hpecial . . . . Ladles1 Cotton Crepo House Dressos broidereil. Peg. Jti.:.7:. Sale Ladles' Gingham House Drosses Peg. if-' Ladles' Sateen Aprons Trimmed with PeuuM'i .,(). SMC 2.2S. Hale Ladles' Figured Crepe Drosso9 Peg. S.7." to K!l,-"'- 2Sm DISCOUNT ON ALL OUR LADIES' HATS Ladles' Panama HatsMcnl ror picnics, oiil -Chlldron's Panama Hats To denr during $16.50 lit ci" $2.95 $1.35 lii'-' $1.50 TaViour RrnPi. Ltd. Phone C45. Cor. 3ro " Siil' $7.50 $1.00 50c