PAilH TV0 Fresh in Flavor "SALADA" is remarkable for its rich strength &. delicious fragrance. 300 cups to the pound. Try it. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, excepl Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Liritited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail all parts of the Brifish Empire and the United Slate's, in. advance, per year .j , To all other countries, in advance, per year .... .i. . Advertising arid Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY IDITIOBf Not Risht Way To Keep Good Friends. Prince Rupert Branch 98 86 'Monday, June 22, 1925. $1.0ff $7.50 New Company To Mild Cure Herring. The formation of the Standard' Fisheries to hiild cure herring on the vet coast of Queen Charlotte Islands is a new movement in the local fisheries which is likely to develop into an important industry. The. hVrriilg -which run here in winter and early spring are small amhotil (if condition. Those which come to I ho (Jueen Charlotte Islands in the siidihier are fat and. plump and excellent for culinary purposes, They are in great demand in the Eastern States and the dealers there are anxious to get them. The proposal of the new company is to take the herring with drift nets. In that way the fish are Uniform and the immature herring escape. The packing will give employment to a large uuriiher of people and will tend to stabilize the fishing When the fish commission was sitting here a year or two ago several fishermen told or the possibilities of catching her ring by drifting and of the value of ttlle fish when taken. No oije, however, look the trouble to further investigate and all at tectum wa given to the-halibut and isfdmon J"iheries. - Capt. Rorvik is to be coiVgrtifulriidfl oji Jus" enterprise jii Fn veMigating this new industry and oivTnteresting local people in it so that the work may go ahead. ' If the United States and Canada .are In remain good friends and good neighbors thoe in official positions in that country must stop saying things which whuld loud to rtnise Ihe ire tit people in this country. The United States has this country hedged in on the- west by the pan handle of Alaska, making transportation very- difficult and causfng J?ll sorts of antioyanfe in opening up the. interior country. In Ihe east tfie state of Elaine runs tip into Canada and spoils the outlet for grrtllf to the Atlantic coast. If islands on the north were takeii Over by the tJiiited Stale, the possession of them would add to the irritation fell in this country over the condition in which we are placed. It is harllly likely that the governor of Maine represents the general feeling' in the United Slates. If ft does, it is well for us to know it. Canadians have been-anxious to lie friendly with their neighbors hut they do nril want to" be friendly with people that try . to irritate .them. . . Need Or. Land For Market. Gardens; There is need of land available in and around Prince Tin- , .... 1 t r...l, 1,.. t. ' - I mt I'i:n nir Miniiriiii mmit-s ami garoens. i nere pronaiilv is no other city in the world so isolated as is this one in that reirard All the land is held either by the railway company, the provincial government or as Indian reserve.. Vlii1e it is not suggested ipai mere would ne any great rush for land if it were made nvailnble, it. is sure that from time lo time it would be taken up and little by little would be hroiight under cultivation. Vhat is iieHed.'is to haveohieVot.8,tjMs-ed jitid piit nii ,tlie. tharlvet where those interested may be abltf 'lo lMiy'without' havmVo iiinke formal application. The nearest land available now seems to be at Smith and Porcher Islands. Reefs of Debt THE man or woman who plunges into thoughtless spending, making no provision for the future, faces finariciat shipwreck on the relentless reefs of debt Men in debt no longer control their time or their careers. Others control them. To reniain ih debt is to have to do without, in bitterness of spirit. The habit of SaVing part Of every dollar you earn will help to keep yod clear of debt, arid will enable ytiu to enjoy comfort and conteht-nieht ih (lib' days that are to come. Our lludtet tool mill tuU'tt i invinll f!lH ( (it your income. ikaurAfu nattt for a copy. ThcRfil Bank Of Q F. E. Robertson, Manager 144 WEEK AT THEATRE. Monday and Tuesday Special attraction. World Famous University of California (Hep Club. Talented Artistes. MILLIONAIRE WHO WAS 0 Wednesday Only. Hteliard I ix in "Manhat- Jan." Telephone Oirl Series No.' 12. .Alberta Vaughn in "Hello and iood-Hye. International News. Thursday Only "A Self-Made Failure.' Felix Comedy Cartoon. Topics of the Day. Friday and Saturday "Lord Cliumley." Comedy " Honeymoon Hardships." Pal he Heview. . 4 Maelstrom of Intrigue In Under world Seen by Gentleman George A bored yung millionaire ven IN HELL'S KITCHEN tures down from his Fifth Ave. mansion to New York's Fasi Side! sang district in spareh of a thrill. He finds it with a ven-j peanec. Hy a queer trirk. of fate he is plunged into, a maelstrom of gang fights and underworld! intripue, and for a little while h becomes a denizen of "Hell's Kitchen" under Ihe mini de crime of "(icnlleinan Ceorge." What a role for Richard Dit in hi.s first starring picture! Manhattan" is the first direc- (oral work of H. 11. Hurnside, creator of the marvelous spec tacles at the New" York Hippodrome. Jacqueline Lopan, you reifieinber her in "Tfie Light that Failed," etc., and Oregnry Kelly, who appeared on the stare in the Tarkinnton plays, "Seventeen "Tweedles" and "Clarelwe" and hi "Little .Jee Jam.," head Hie strong supporting east. , This is Kelly's first screen work. The production is an aJapla- tion by Paul Sloane and Frank Tutllc of the popular novel, "The Definite Object," by Jeffery Far-nol.' The author drew his char acters from lire. rarnol, as a struggling free blnce, was a scene painter l;!ck stage in the AMor Theatre, N.Y., by day add by night he hob-nobbed with gangsters and gunmen in Hell's Kitcheh. He lived there, slept there and absorbed all Ihe color and atmosphere of Ihe gangster's world. 'Manhattan" is authen tic! LORD CHUMLEY IS WEEK END COMEDY Tells of Titled Englishman and Is Full of Innocent Fun Funnier than "Changing Hus bands" That's what Paramount claims for Lord Cliumley, the latest production by Paul Irib'e and Frank UrSoii, the screen'H only directional "Irani;" here at the week emkv ? Vipla, Dana Tiie(f(l0re Hoberts an'dnay'niond (iriffith -nie featur ed In I lie leading roles of Ihe picture which was adapted to the i screen by llcrtrain Millhauser I from the unusually popular stage jplay, "Lord Cliumley," l.y David Helasco and enry C. DeMille. The story is A mHodraniatie coliiedy with no small amount of 1 glee club is HERE TONIGHT Members are Artists In Their Profession and Have Toured Europe Ten thousand of the nation's most talented ymilh attend tbej University of California at IWrke-lej-i Out of litis number the best; artistic talent is selected for the. University GleitCJub. Those .who an selected a members of Hie tslee Club are not gifted novices, hut are mature artists of a professional type. The University (ilee Club, coin prising twenty members who have- Hie most varied artistic talents ever fathered in one unit, will perform lu Ihe Westholihc Theatre this evening. No Orphcum circuit. Panlagesi !or iy other Iheatres have ever boasted of a great ec fun-making entertainment than the University boys will offer lo the public here on their- trip: this is the .101 li season. The iiU-o Club has recently returned from a successful trip lo Europe and while there. wa received with widespread enthus iasm. I tie uluh financed Us own affairs from the proceed of Ihe entertainments given in F.uroficJ The famous (ilre Club lntrue lor, "Brick1 Morse will accom pany the Club on its trip to tin city. SELF MADE FAILURE SHOWS ON THURSDAY Is Comedy of Best Kind Showing Wide Insight Into Human Nature Those who have been fortun ate enough to review "A Sel Made Failure," Ihe J. K. McIon aid production which is sched uted for lliursuaj-. have pro nounced it Ihe Let picture of I lie year. The producer nf this film has Ihe record of mating two of Lie best pictures "of the season. "Peurod and Sdlh" and "Hoy of Mine" and he ha followed up those successes by A third that is eri more human and appeal ing than the-two which instalh-d him as a member of the cinema hall of fame1. Whatever may be said of M - iMnald it iuust de admitted that lie knows picture audiences am Iheir demands. Unlike most pro ducers he plans his picttins scientifically and with an exactitude thai shows a considerable knowledge of Ihe science nf hilihrtil psychology. The plot revolves largely about life adventures of Hen Alexander and Lloyd Hamilton and Director William Deauditie has desi d lo stoop In slapsiick where lie was sure that slapsticks and ho kum were demanded. Hut the iff are nnl the only ingredients of "A Self-Made Failure." There is pathos aplenty and I here is real physical beauty in Ihe scllin;. and many of the alluring scenes. The entire picture reveals a wide insight into .bujuan nature and m- a rr'iss &fos between human , atjd.. genuine . drama. SUMlVIErl SERVICE--C.N.S.S. The last boat on the Spring schedule will leave Prince Hu perl for Vancouver on Sundav, June 21, at 10.00 p.m. The next sailing southbound will be Hi S.S. Cringe Ueorge, inau'guraliiu the sunimyr service leavin Prince Itu4 Saturday, June 27, ..I con .. t i m.. n. ..I " i, , . iwniii jii in U IfllU 1 ; t ...til , t . I ' V' I r Will meitsure and tells of u tilled Knglishhiah, engaged to marry a beautiful American girl. Her brother, a lieutenant in Hie navy, loses some valuable. papei-H add Lord Algernon Chrtloniondeley, called Cliumley for short, goes about retrieving them, thus winning Hie girl and saving Hit; family name. "Forty WinkB' is Just one big leave Prince Ilupeil each Monday at 4.00 p.m. and Wednesday and Saturday at 0.00 p.m.. Arrivals from I lie souUi will Do Wednesday, June 21 and Friday, June 20, at 10.3(1 a.m. After these dales, boats will arrive from the soiilh each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10.30 a.m. l!tfecllve .tuni) 20, bonis for Anyox and Stewart will lauich ui (iriiim, ib. wi iiio !! ,""sw r"" he puis in ah appearance on the scret-n all decked' out in inrtnl Wednesday at i.00 p.m. Full information from City t't..1...l nllt.... 'IM.I..I ....... inn. iii.nj i i i i i i 1 it in; i oiuir. vio j nun l ll'. ing clothes, high hat, cane, spatsl Vvmu, 2,;n 117 t.iii. nnui 1 1 li Ll v'llllllll 11I1U IIIM IiIkIi hat are destined lo liecouie famous,. ' . When (iritmii .starts on Ihe (rail of Ihe missing naval plans the fun begins, 11 shirts in the young lieutenant's home and ends up on a navy target out in the Atlantic under fire of the guns of the battle fleet. It Is GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Beer License Notice s hereby given that on the lllh day nf June nejd. Ihe undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control hoard for I licence In rcsnert In nrenilses claimed that nit funnier scene i being pari or the building known than this was ever 'brought lo Ihulas Hudson Hay IloM, Telegraph screen before. I Creek, JI.G, upon the lands des- ' n . Sealed Tenders will lie rrceU-j ved by Ihe Minister of Lands. iil ViiTttd-iil, tint later (ban noon oni il;e iilhclh V d;ty of July 11125 for ,tlie. puvcliase of Licence X0 iR V. o rut 50.00U feet of Spriice, and 32,onn Jack-pine lies oh an area sitiiatcii on the south shore of Francois Lake, ojiposlle Collymoiiut. Itange , ('.oust District. Three (.1) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Furl her particular of the Chief Forester, Victoria, ll.C, or District Forester, at Prince Ilupert. H.C. TIMBER SALE X7147. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 25th day or June, 1025, in the office of the Forest HaniRer, llar-elton, ll.C, the Licence .7tlJ, to cut 151.10)3 lineal feet of Cedar Pules ami Piling on mi area sil-lialcd oil the eilst bank of Skeeua Itiver, approximately lii miles north of llaxelton, llango 3, Coast District. Two years will be allowed for reinoVal of limber. "ProvlilM that any nno unable to attend the. auction in person may submit a sealed lender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one ' ' bid." Further particulars nf the Chief Forester, Victoria, ll.C, or District Forester, Prince IlupcM, ll.C Advertise In the Dully News. v. 1 L-A'LU.U.1 Jf'JfW An Unusual Opportunity ! , From JUNE 23 to JULY 8 all 10 inch (double-sided) 75c His Master's Voice-Victor Records Including the Infest hits byjhe most popular artists reduced FOR 14 DAYS ONLY TO 55 AH other records In the present Victor Catalogue (excepting Red Seals are also reduced 20c a record for the same period. (IT Never before - never again will you have the opportunity of securing "His Master's Voice- Victor Records at those prices. STOCKS WON'T LAST LONG MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY At all authorized "His Master's Voice" dealers cribed as Lots 3 and t. block 2. map l75, Prinro Huperl Land Hc?itralion District in the province of Ilritish Columbia, for the sale of b'cr by the jrlass oi by open bottle for consumption on Ihe premises. Dated this 2Mb day of May. 1925. EMC MrOKKIl, Lessee. Applicant. m tlMbEft SALE XC4C4 Victor Talking Machine Company of f-anxU .United COAST STEAMSHIP and Train Service S.S. "Prince George" w Pruicc Ilupert for Stewart S J 20. at 10 p.m.; for Vancouver V 1 Senllle Sllllll.'IV Jlllie 21. id 1 V' See news item in Ibis issue for dale. PAMCNOCR TRIN U '"''-CIC DAILY etpt und 11.10 m. lor '"""J 0p "r" WINNIPLO, M ikjihu turn cantdt, vniua siie- AOCNCV ALL OCEAN tTtAHIP UNM. City Tlekt Offlet, B2I Third A, rrint fupr. tB0TO. rhon 0 Canadian Pacific Railway CANADIAN! R. C; Coast Services PACIFIC ' - failings rrom rrinw nr t immm. wmncell jinlau. smcwm .,s- t!' u, t Fir VANCOUVER. VICTORIA il SEATTLE ' ' ieK J" ' . For But.d.l.. ...on b:,.' t..t B.ll. .turd. i.Tll 11 1 m. Rl.r, .nd W.neout.f ...r f,om-, for .11 U.m.hlp Ltn... k u Ocrhtr of lh tr..r;nd 3rd, Rup.n. OF B.C., tTD UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, wnon BJ. nd '" , rd, 10 ". or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rl B.y, tnd IMiM ... m. For ANYOX, ALICE ARI. ITwni, .n.. - For PORT BIMFtON nd Rl' " "rlM. "' 129 2nd J- SALMON TROLLERS . . ui ....1 i tie lleforc outriding it pay yiiil W Hooks, mon Dear. Wo huve a new line of saimu Svvivellsj Cuttyhunk and Gear tif nil lutids. ire 111 our stock you will rmu everji.m.e , , Hult . " 1 mm 1,. LldkrluuAfA 111 Oil Anchors, Rope, cnain, man"" ",M"T;T' iU ohd Copper Palntsj Galley Stoves tind Utcnsd. If it's for the bonl we have it. t ynnr Moots are lost every yr ll ireZ Pyrene Fire ExtlnfluUher yet7 We pell tl','- Call and see us. . - nrx STORKS HARDWARE, LTD. 710 8ccond Ave. (Near Post omce,