V 41 ' J h 10. li'-.l. THiS DaILY news Share with it a Victoria Marks New Steamer's Arrival by Dinner Ineno to Pioneer of Coast Shipping .' J W ATS r t v w liiU y t-- ir .:ir nnrltet Jt'. .1 if- ' rtinona 1, -r .. ulL I - . your i ' . -r emer- I L riches, ' 1.4 automobile. MA.- IN by Tl I V I I .m tnrf Canada HOTheslciNar-s Fop This Week OFFER SOME REAL BARGAINS : s per nine $5.G0 $3.15 ... i a.-k $3.15 - . . $1.65 85c Your Supply From niomv Store 7 HHh Ave. East & ' w Celebrated Strain of AND SILVER BLACK FOXES .id lo I'i- KCW TODAY! CLEARY BftOS.. ire for Farms, Seattle, U.S.A., C$5 Emnlm RMn a- imlii'i nf -i- Marine E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hilgerson Block. ie Moure, 8 U A. Phone 688. Evenings Only Far CISl tort t..a a lift Cafe CA Nun . .1 1 - ueaaina nesiaurant. Third Avenue. NDSAY'S 1 n uuu iiitia nvr 1 . ..""'ciiuusiUf. n1 Mi im or ""vice. ' bH"id and Oriiv.i in P ino Bnrt DEATH KNELL BREECUTOFF Alberta Paper Argues that Coal Is of Only Ordinary Quality Ii I it it ti I ii .lnuriial ) Aiiiirt'i)lly (iitvcriiuit'iil olli-. inls, I'ailiainonl and lh jmhlic liavc Imm'ii M'llinsr an t'xasryci'alcil value on I In1 coal ilcooslis in whal lias coinc lo lie known as the llniiie area. This Iracl, ly-iny in Hie fooMiills of Ilic Iloek-ii'K nlons die Smoky Hivnr ami Slicei (ireek, alioul iiihl-way lie-IweiMi Hie main line or llm Urand Trunk Pacific and Crumle. I'rairir, lian lieon huiijkwwI In contain a larscr deposit of an-lliracile coal lliau the Stale of I'ennwylvaiiia. Geologist Report A i eminent gnloKiil. after ni.ikiii an inveitl ialion of I lift iJislric.t, ny lln're i no an I lira - cile there ul all. There are. of course, immense coal ilejio-.il tint oT oilier pi'ioliM. One seam is said In he semi-anthracile, the olhi is lo vary from a high quality of sleuiu coal lo the varieties popularly known here as tin "domestic" coal. Valuable as these will he lor fill lire use, and as pi'invin' demand warranls Iheir eAplnilHlion, l lie aniiouiice- ii 1 thai lliere is no uulhrucilc in the region will have to he ac-'j cepled as exploding a supmsi-liou upon whicJi there were Uiiill wry luree hopes of early ilevekipmenl. Another declaralion hy the same invest igalor is also of jtreul iiniiorlance. He says the confisiiratioii of the otunlry forhids the cousl ruclioii uf a railwify south of (iraiidv I'rairio lo the (irand Trunk. wliich would serve the thuhlc puriifise of providing an oullel fftr l'eaco Hivcr Brairt and an ourti!L' fiij?. coal Irom flio Iloppr aicii. The latter, he says, will hnvn. lo he. lapped hy lines huill In from Hi slward, mil from I In norlh or south. Forpet It There have been hopes thai a line could he located which would . . I i r tfive the reiUiron nuuei mi l'eace Itivor products and also provide shipping faoililies for anlliracile from the Unpin trad. As lliere is no anlliracile there, and as u dual-purpose line could not he huilt if I hero were anlliracile there, I ho problem immediately or inlerosl is resolved into one of providing: the most elllcienl oullel for tlx 'ace Itivor mips, 'Torse!! ins ' Hip lloppc area for I he tiine heint! SIXTY PER CENT OF CREDIT SOCIETIES ON PRAIRIES CO BROKE ("Kdmonlnn llullelin) Six more of Maniloha'n rural eredil societies have ?nno "broke." That is what II amounts to. lhous.1i the iiolilo pliraspnloRy eniployrrl says they bavp been placed in lhc hands of the provincial supervisor of rural creililM as arlminlslralor." II l hoy were private concerns f would simply be said that thev were bankrupt. Out of ' i ofju those .societies in the Province,' l i of Ihein are now in llial posir! nun, vviui iiamiiiies lolallinp a million and three-quarters. At a time when the privalely-owiieil banks are being subjected In a ileal oT criticism, because one of iliem went to the wall through uiismauaemcnl, it is informing to mile that these credit societies in Manitoba have established a record for failures which stands allopetjier by itself. These iuidilulinn are publicly-owned and nperalod if my kind of a concern conies'.iin-der that caiegory. Huf they lfave Ihe banks beaten to a fraz'xlo Avhen it wmies to ycollaiisinsr. Sixly pei ul. of the banks in (Canada have not gone broke, nor any pcrccnla;:c comparable to thai. The theory thai the public know how to run a financial in stitution belter than financiers iknow is correspondingly put at a idiscouiii . SMITHERS MAN IS MARRIEDJN SOUTH Miss Edith Frances Buss Be comes Bride of Major Reginald L. Gale An interest ins wedding tnok place in Saanich on Saturday, .March 7, when Miss Kdilh Fran cos Jluss, younfcsi. daughler of Ihe lalo Kilward lluss and Mrs1 Huss, Mount Newton Cross Hoad, liec.Hiiie the bride of Major Hesi-milil I., (tale, M.:., sou of the late Mr. Charles Krancis (ialo, of Cheltenham, xlCnnland. Th" rori'inoiiy was performed at SI. Stephen's Church. The bride, who was jiiven in niarriapp by her brother, Henry Huss, was beautifully frowned in liberty aliu made on lonir slrtihiht linos, Willi real laco; p lullo veil worn wMli a fillet of-ornnpo , blossoms and silver )ttfli aVil ai iriilioiiiyii xtj reil roses compieieii a iniisl cliarmiiiK loilctle. Mrs. William Palorson, matron of honor, was gowned in a must becoming ensemble suit of blue jKjplin with rrey hat ensuilo. Her boiuiuel was of niuk roses, carnations and maidenhair ferns. J.illli Miss Nancy Paterson made a most liewilcbing flower girl dressed in a frock of while silk ami a mob cap of lullo with liny llowers. She carried a bouquet of daffodils and carnal ions. The groomsman was 0. 11. M. (Sale, brother of Ihe groom, . l-'or traveling Mrs. (tale ware a dark blue costume with cloche bat. Mr. and Mrs. Gale will spend I heir honeymoon in Tacoiua and California alter which I hoy will propped to Sinilhcrs whom they Will reside. Major dale is .on-gaged in Ihe brokerage business in I ho interior I own. TOO STRONG Two or Hirer citizens of An chorage wore imbibing of the. forbidden convivial fluids recently and each had partaken of one swallow when Ihe eiirlli(uako hit. With one accord each placed hi glass on, the bar and swore off the slulT forever. "II," gnspod one," "I lint's Ihe slrong-e.sl slulf I've over tasled. Anchorage Timeu. lit... Wl..t,w, "lW.lt. K. l7 'i"""": M " "" lrnl li.rl ul rlo.-,, J, ,. (...,,11,, ftrnirel u,bJ left ll. , ,, Srl...sS;,!, I xv" xV..r.M . ' ' ! Ntrout.o., marine .uperlotfn- lliill. loprrIUi-ut ..f .l.c "... I,,, I'rlrl2" ii.,k.L. ,!;"",,0",r.'r "'. ' " -iKn.' U. a .... ten.,.,.., fir.ot hand.,.,, e .., ,,,, , iA"-rt fS"?"Cj',V .f thS rteTT.fc1 I"",,,I"C ,r,orI"' ,,C- The Man in the Mood K f I THK wishbone is all rijfhl but what is imrlicularly needeil today is hatidione.. SO.MHOXH wants lo know what in the .lorusalejii blazes is that piiilocol they are- making so much fuss about. Ho think U must be some kind if a graflor or Ihe ItHIish wtuibln'l deiiounce il so much. " NKXT week Alex llobb, the honorable the minister of finance, pro Inn, as Ihe scholars say, is lo tell hov hi intends lo spend our nionoy for us Ibis yar. And yo this is hot half as important as my weekly bud 40l. You see, it's this way. I .mo u bill down town and 1 have .teen trying to reduce it but hung I I can iiudgoil. V A J-'KV more spring Iambs j were shorn nf tlmr savings a' I Winnipeg yoislennorn when tliej price of wbrnl diiiiipml thirteen cents. II w"us Friday thirteen' for some of them. i I HAVE heard of glullon.s but never one quite . grindy as that lloolh school, furuac'' when a Ion a day is sliovolldiT into its maw. WHAT sort i f girl .do you Ii i 11 k 1 am? Inmtiivd Ihe prctly slonog. when I obi by her Omploy-er lo make il snappy. A (iilll.'S life is an open book but il usually opens at the wrong place lo be really interesting. Lost Word Puzzle A MAN onco lived at the Who ovcrv dav niado it his He could Walk up the slroet Without using his foot. Hut you see, each leg was a- '()NI?.!toucii'-of spring-' And all I lie town Is out lo lake the sun At baseball tennis Uoaling or Some other kind of fun. P LAYING hockey 'when lbs llicrnioinclor is 20 below zero may be all right, but silling for two hours to watch the. . game would need a few warm wraps. A ,MAX droppyd dead washing dishes for his Men, beware I when wife "XKVF.H bother abd'uL keeping Ihe wolf from the door. Sol. a Iran and then sell Hie. wolfs poll. MEN like gambling That is why Ihey conlinue to buy booze in the U.S. They jiro gambling with I'enlh. IT was a game of draw and I bad. four kings and you bet bet the limit and I should have won if that chap opposite hadn't had three noes and Ihe joker and Unit's why I quit poker. 'TlK light ones,, (hoy arc killers. Tim dark ones sweetly nilld. Not t ho wrapper., but the. flllor? Mnko cigar or women wild. IT'S said that down cast when It costs you seven out of every ten dollars to live PAF. ECONOMIC experts tell us that it costs the average family about 70 per cent of its total income to buy food, clothing, household utilities and all the multitude of little things that keep a family comfortable and happy. Seven dollars out of every ten and that doesn't . include rent, luxuries or entertainment. Think what a job it is to spend this large proportion of your income wisely and well. To get the biggest and best possible value from every one of those seven dollars! The clever woman goes to the advertisements of her daily paper for help. There she finds a directory of buying and selling. She learns about the offerings of merchants and manufacturers. She compares values. She weighs quality and price. She takes this opportunity of judging and selecting almost everything she needs to feed, clothe, amuse, instruct and generally bring up her family. ' Do you read the advertisements? You will find them willing and able to serve you in the daily business of purchase. Advertisements are guardians of your pocket-book read them carefully I h n earthquake hit one of Ihe towns somebody spilled I lie beans. 1 hope there's no earthquake hero. 1IKANS are all don'! spill 'cm. - right if yon j Ten Years Ago J in Pilnre Rupert J a - March 16, 1915 The provincial government has ipw granted Ihe city's record on Wkc Channel power righls. l'lif announcement was niado I ) Hit; city council last night by Mayor .Vcvvlon following Ihe return from Victoria of William Munsoii, M.P.P. A committee from the bosplial board consisting of O. H. Nelson. George W. Morrow, Harry Hoffman, hen Hell and l. 0. Stewart appeared before the cily council last night with tho request that a grant of 10,000 be mado to tho hospital. 1 lie matter was roferreil lo the finance The Mayor and Aid. Mnrrissoy at last nighl s meeting or the cily council presonlod a full re port on Iheir recent nnanciai mission in Montreal. II is said thai, lis one result of I ho fishery concessions re centlv aranlcd. narl at least of llbo Seattle halibut rishing fleet will be moved lo Prince Hupsrt In some quarlers it is expected that fully t h ill v boats will bo hero by the end of April. TJin Canadian Fish & Cold Storage. Company announce thai a largo-supply of herring arrivoi at I In? week end and Ihey nr well salisried vvilh Ihe calch so far Ibis season. Tho supply of bail promises to be a good one Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 Family Shoe Store See our Window for MEN'S NEW SPRING SHOES AND OXFORDS Special This Week. Men's mid Young Men's gnml .quality. Drown Calf, Welled Shoes for only $5.85 Phone 357. Third Ave. RAW FUR! If yon want to lie paid highest passible C'.VSH prices for your RAW FUHS. forward them to R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Heml Office :--lt.S.ll. Ilblp., 4:-rl honise St., Winnipeg. Man. Kst. 1S8H. Incorporated 120 I Another Portland Canal Opportunity The Tirsl Treasury Issue of the Porter-Idaho Mining Co., Ltd.. is now ort'erecl the public at 25c per share. This is Ihe only oilier shipping mine besides Hie Premier in th" Portland Canal District. Ore shipped last year more than paid development work. For lull informal ion apply . H. W. ML ROLSTON & CO. Stowart. Stockbrokers. Victoria.