ednesday. July 8, 1925. SVd Avenue. "YniTD Hwt Cancelled Cheque RECEIPT fwYtef. -'is rr if 1 ' tXi i you P3y est" account ty cheque ontheBankofMontreaitheman VJ -. -i rtrQ gCtJ jt automatically signs a receipt when he endorses the cheque to get his money from the hank. He '; ... " ct' "ot cash your cheque without ft gning his name on the back, ' thus acknowledging payment. It is l-xxaiwe of thi method of doing business that payment through jour bank is the sure, safe, economical way. You need not-even call to pay a bill. Just mail your cheque to the person to be paid. Open a Chequing Account with us. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1317 Tital Aiicts in excess of i 700,000. opo Tho Latest Style in FACEPOW CO M PACTS A ii.unl cast- holding LoOhK hiwtlcr, l'uff 41111I Tlx- Powder cannot spill unci it is a great iinproyu-it"i) ini-rtlnr'Dlrt tyle solid ruke. l-'ur .i hurt lime oulv we .ire ellinK one of these cases I . Ik ol NAttCISSl'S KACK lMiWIiKIt lor $1.40 -lt'i-ial iiiliuiluihirv ol t -r. See them when 1111 .11 our -iori' ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th St. FOR SALE Halibut G The Rexall Store Phones 32 and 200 ear $10.00 io $25.00 per skate ' including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Sff2L mmwMm Do Use minion iioleom for all you f oors BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123 ! Local and Personal 11.(2. Undertakers. Phone 41. Wallace's July Sale continued ' all this week. , 158 . A real 50o Taxi Service. Drown Taxi, l'hone 80. tf Hig reductions summer goods. Wallace's July Sale. 158 You'll like our joall ers Coal Co. Phone 7, La Parisiennc Ueauty l-'ourth SL, Phone 301. Two cars Sheddon Taxi. O.W.V.A. picnic July in. USE Shop, tf at your service. IM10116 131. tf Send someone in or call for a Prize List at the Exhibition of fice. In case of rain tomorrow af ternoon, the Hotary field day will lie postponed one week. Hicli and poor can ride now, jOc. for a taxi to ijo anywhere Jirown Taxi. Phone 80. tl Tomorrow is the Hotary field day at Acropolis Hill grounds iwo bastfDall games and races for boys. Geo. Horic went south on the Cardena last evening, and will ptm-eed to. Golden to pay a-visil lo iiis son. Ktlicl Coombs, charged' wilh vagrancy, appeared in police courl this morning, and was remanded until 1'riday. Joe Hose, charged witii using obseene language, appeared in Hie police court this morning and was remanded until Friday. Aiy 'you building? Take advantage of (his snap. Shiplap at $11.50, a regular bargain. Phones 18J-11U. P. H. Transfer & Taxi. 101 Last evening at about seven o'clock the fire department had a call io the vieintly of the -ites- ner Apartments to extinguish grass fire. .Mrs. H. J. Seolt, mother of -Mrs. A. S. Paul of this city, who has been spending sometime in Hie cily, sailed for the south on I lie Canlena last evening. :ecil .Morrison, who has been employed wHh .Mcllae llros., Infl this morning on a trip lo Calgary, where he will spend some Mine in studying Hie typewriter repair business. G. II. Arnolt, of the llnperl Table Supply, left on illic Car dena yesterday evening for Van corner to join his wife and fam ily and to spend u two week's vacation wilh them. Itcjmrdless of problems lo be solved an Hxlillilliim will prosper if Hie eoniinunWy spirit is behind it. The diiet'lors all say that Hie successful exhibition is a lask for a united vommunHy. Mrs. Kvans of Vancouver, mulher uf i. J. Kvans, of this city, arrived on Hie boat this morning lo spend it short visit witii her sou. Site wit accom panied by her daughter who will make the round trip to Alaska. This morning ut three o'efock Hie fire department was called lo the other aide of the Dyer apartment, where a fire, which had been lighted yeslerday to burn tin some rubbish, bad been funned by the wind during Hie night and llirca'iciicil buildings in the vicinity. The fire was promptly extinguished without any ANNOUNCEMENTS ' .Moose Picnic. July 12. STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which makes them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. SIH0NDS CANADA SAW CO. U.MITtD VtNeouvlf TORONTO IT. JOHN, N.S. TIH! DAILY ITEW8 PAO THItKP Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. llreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners aiid after Theatre llefreshtnenls Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Iletail. You will be pleased witii our service. Let us please you, KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Dollar Day at "Demers." !5J Spring coals at cost. Wallace's July Sale. Sheddon's Taxi- tho 50c. taxi. Phone 13 4. Anywhere. Anytime. Taxi,' 50c. Phone 078.- 158 original tf Arthur's for the south last evening. tf J. Pinder .Moss sailed for the south last evening on the Car dena. The Sale of "Victor" Records will be continued until July 11, Inclusive. JCO waviu .Main was fined S-'O in the police court this morning for assault. .'; ;!,'; 25,000 feet shiplap at ll.50. Phones 18SM12. P. H. Transfer & Taxi. tot Hegular meeliiii' Trades and Labor Council tomorrow night at 8 o'clock.. Geo. Derringlon was a for the south oil the Cardena kisl evening. .Mrs., II. !. King ami family were passengers on the Cardena The fishing boat llelhune will enter Dry-Doc' lodiiy for ' gen eral cleaning and painting. The 'Amur arrived in port ye? let-day wHh a iuimlity of 111a-lerial for Hie new elevator and after discharging cleared for Anyox. " T. II. Jrtlmson, manager of the local Canadian .Fish and Cold Storage Co., returned on tho Prince Hupert from the south lliis morning. How old does a person have lo lie lo play baseball? Make a guess after seeing the game between Hie Rotary Club and Gyros tomorrow uflernoon. Mrs. (Dr.) Drown of Vernon. and formerly of this city, arrived in the city recently to spend vacation wilh iter parents. Capt. .and Mrs. Metfroskie. Mrs. ltrown had no knowledge of the accident to her father before her arrival. 1. H. 1'. MeNaugli ton. left on the outgoing train this morning. He will proceed as far as Jasper where lie will meet I he narlv which comprises , the fourth annual personally conducted tour from the prairies, avIio are ar riving in Hie cily on, Saturday. Miss McCoskrie. assistant ma Iron at the hospital -n't Alert Hay,! SHOWER WAS GIVEN FOR MISS KEMP BY MISS WINNIE DIBB A cup and saucer shower was given last evening at Hie home of her parents, Graham Ave., by Miss Winnie Dibb for Miss Gladys Kemp who is shortly lo be married, (lames and music passed! the time pleasantly and at Hie close a humorous presentation was made to Jiinmic Mitchell, who arrived late in the evening. Those present included Missj Gladys Kemp, Mrs. John Mitchell, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Macey, Mrs. Halclier, Mrs. Morris, Misses Caroline Mitchell, Willa Dyer, Margaret .Davidson, Kllcn Mcllae, Cunningham, Thompson, Violet Cameron, Johnson, Ileid. and Clay. MOSQUITOS IN ENGLAND LONDON. July 8. Hritain is getting not a Utile alarmed over i plague of mosquitoes, and de mands are -being made all over the country for concerted action by local authorities against the unwelcome visitors. In some districts on the east coasl of Hritain it lias been found necessary to equip beds willi mosquito netting. In oilier districts residents are already complaining bitterly of the in convenience which lias been caused by Hie mosquito biles. SMALLPOX CASE. J'.IJMO.MON, July 8. -, One case of smallpox was reported by (he city health deparlmen last week. This was of a very mild nature and it is underslQod that Hie patient will bo able to be discharged .soon. SEEKS FIRST AUTO ROAD MUNICH, July 8. The government has asked Hie diet lo ap propriate 30,0()0 for the Hrst automobile road in Havaria. The proposed road would be 15. miles long, connecting Munich and Starnberg. MANIFESTLY IMPOSSIBLE. I Knew an artist once who painted a eolrweb on lie ceiling so realistically that Hie maid spent hours trying to get it down." "Sorry, dear; I don't just be lieve it." Why nolr Artisls have been known lo do such liiings." "Yes Unit not maids." L011 ilon Opinion. PROTECTING HER INTERESTS. A woman went to Hie bank and asked for a new cheque I)oik "I've lost the one you gave pie yesterday," she said. "Hut 11 doesn't matter. I took the precaution of signing all the cheq ues as soon as I got il -so, of course, it won't be any use to anyone else." SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swunson's Float on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. until 0.30 p.nr. and on other week days ut 2, 3 and 0.15 p.m. The lust boat home each day will leave Salt Lukes flout sharp at 7 p.m. j Sunday and holiday picnic! parlies specially arranged for. Launches, rowboals and canoes for sale and hire. PHINCF HlHillT 1IOATIIOUSK dverlie in the Dallv Vewu arrived in the cily this morning YTT , f on I be Prince Hupert. She canio! Alter JLVeryMeal V norm on account of the illness 1 of her father, Cnpl. McCroskie. who has not been improving as well as was expected since his recent accident. FINES IMPOSED ON BASEBALL ERRORS i At Hie Gyro luncheon today Gyro Kddie Muan, manager of Hie Gyro baseball team wlito-h will ulay the Hotary team to-; morrow, announced Hint the team bad a work out unit thai , there was very promising tun-; jterlal in Hie lineup. "Any player' wiiu pcrmumi any meinner or Die Hulary to ideal base or score, would lie fined,'" lie said, and1 any player guilly or nil error would lie fined, the niin-eeds In Ko Inward Hie payment of the! tlui'v of ' he Manager." I Pass it around after every meal. Give the family the benefit of Its old to digestion. Cleans teeth too. Keep It nlwuvs in 'the house, b.i J hoi r Sj Costs little - helps mucb) W8KL05 Tor Vour Picnic- lhls Solid mtk Chocolate uar the Ueul Flavor )erseyMiIk slip a few bars of Neilson's ALWAYS Jersey Milk into the picnic basket. Easy to carry and easy to eat, these attractive white-and-gold packages make a most alluring super-dessert. You see, there are no nuts, fruit or fancy mixtures in Neilson's Jersey Milk. It is a bar of plain solid milk chocolate :of the highest quality so you may be sure it will appeal to everybody. It has a new flavor distinctive, and all its own. Look for the white-and-gold wrapper. 5c, 10c and 25c sizes SoUctTMll Chocolate Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK . SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle al. kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F SALMO N TROLLERS He fore outfitting it will pay yon to inspect our line uf Trolling dear. c have u new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our sloek yon will find everything you require Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marino Hardware of all kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves mid Ulensils. If it's for Ihe bout ve have it. Hunts are lost every year by fire ltavo you got your Pyrcne Fire Extinguisher yef? We sell Ilium. Call mill see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) DON'T Throw Money Away! When eonlemplntmg house or boat building get our mill prices un vour lumber roqiiirtmieuls. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY We urc agents for the Priiti e Uuper! Hpnice .Mills and can quole you attrui-live prices on llteir products: Cedar Timbers and Shiplap. ' , Cedar Boat Lumber. - Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. " Spruce Shiplap. -Spruce Dimension. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564, .i