wg Hing had Plenty of Money Supplied by allow or Friend in Vancouver Chinatown, says Paper YWCOIYKII. April I'X- - Wong Sing, I lit Chinese hniisc- ir i I')" i;ril more ilimi Ihrce weeks ago from the , liuiiji hi Khniighiicssy Heights where .land Hmilh, Hie II Ii li:::; inaiil. met her ileal li lal .Inly, lias been identified , ' runners' a a Chinaman Ihey smuggled over tin1 : i !i in niglll iif March 551), according In a story puh- n M li -. rdny. Tin i'i of the ear. according In Ihe newspaper, said I lie ... . .. I ...I.. ..r I I.: I I.. I:.... Hi i i: ill piciliy in unmet ..no in ii.iii nn ii in ar- L'cil Hlic;:- k'i trienil if his ill Viuirmiver Chinalovvn." ETTLEMENT OF EMPIRE nlng Post Regrets Delay In Formula llrtq Scnenio -i f AXIS II l It Piili-u I l.i. -While Hie i scheme llll- rulotiial nlllro ! i : 1 1 and Oann-- im excellent a 1 i onl 111'- be- ! Morning Pot. i Seti ineiil Ael us ao. liartlly ii dime toward.'! I,' Hie" Post w srli'iuc Is Ihe iit!iini made lo it haelinn of the il ii is wilh some w nail Mm slnte- l'Moal olTlee thai lame before I lit undertaking rail FOR AIRPLANE L . - Preparing to Resume im Hght Across Pacific Ocean l"KH. A il t,i Major Pedro "I ' lit- A i unlil in.. nil'ilmv I Ho' world flight 'it here on account w u'lii'i' eoudilions In ll I'll! IIP linl.IV IHPl'lv I'll '" i -v, r ruj-ih,. rrom Ihe 1111 l:n foe Ihe airplane in rll lie ' fllil- I., fiwm.in l,iw III " PNTON GRADS BEAT VANCOUVER AT BASKETBALL April CI. nil" uiil 1i.iL..II..iII '"''""'"tutivr Vancouver lea.n , ''"b"" ' lo i a in ' r""t mc witne.s.sed ''...' i l'.SVil iu ihu aii"!iuv... si,,,,-!. B0DY IS FOUND IVlVi'oi ... .. Ky FOR AND AGAINST VACCINATION IN VANCOUVER PAPER VAM'.lHYF.n. April I'I. A curiou nhfie of newspaper work (was !reeifei- here last ween. I lie Slur ic.ru1rolM by' Ce'iiefa! Odium, who, writes Ii coldinh in 11 every day. The professor wrote aSruinsI vaeeinalion. llis sun, I lit" Ceueial, has a frniil paste e.Jl- a hy history I, " it. n 'ci... Anr April P' or 1 1. 1 , ;:.. - ."v utli , ' icttpcu IO hi.,, ,. , , " ':'Piiano, was ij.ug in 11, u Will VViim I.I. n.-.i ' - . : ".vuiiiieu as v""'"' M. Fra,er, an in- "lll"'l'.Vs employee In l.iro.l mliele slating tlial lie WRITING ARTICLES ABOUT CANADA FOR art ides on niiiiiii'liiiiilies 111 I HI ."., l.H. 11 J 1 DANISH NEWSPAPERS Canada. Ho 11 r 11 thinks many yomiK iauis.. ers would like In se.lllc country. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE iu Ibis of Ibis week very wet and work on them will tc Impossible, for some liltla First Report Shows Seeding Commenced in all Prairie ' Provinces .plenty of moisture WIXMPF.C. Apl. J.'L--.Moisture eoudilions Ihroughoul Ihe prairie provinces an uch as lo ii.h.L. ii. i i ue ors know more "' Acreage and about vaeeinalion and ils elTecN pr.d.ahly induce th seedi.. ot than does his father and on ll.at an incrcae.i acreage 01 ia.ni, . iteeotinl he and Ins family lino' r " ami . mo r -,.o . ... ...i- - lie heen vaeeiualcl. .pioles peeuu, slalislies showing Avhat wonder. Canadian .Nalional Ha.lways is- ful results have been allaiued byMuen acre lomn., in no..., ,..ac- vaeeinalion. ELECTION RESULTS SHOW LIBERAL GAINS .ieeuiajT' is wen uuuer way him. vill be general Inwards Hid end Low spots are still lime. 1 Manitoba generally rej.ortu -ex- OTTAWA, April t- A stiiu- eelleni weainer yuii nrying mu t inarv of Hie by-elcrlion results which nave enameu larm.-is o .... I 4 II. . I 1 I ...w.l .!.! since Ihe general eleelion iuKCl oil oj me lain., nunuj .... v 11(21 shows Ihal oul of U con- rej.orled fc'eneraliy goou wun slilueiicies opened, ai nave pieniy in moisiure. in me ptouoo been won by Liberals, fixe by lo ensure germination. I'lowmg Oonscnalivcs and one by Pro- on Ihe hifh ,laml is general anil itressives. The slalislieiaiis haveLeeding will be well under way .U.. r.iiin.l Ihal n contests lliai .v the eml of tills wcck. have been lost Ihe govoriiineiil SasKalehewan rtmorls higher U more llrt.n held its own culling land being , worked ami seeiieu. tldwn Hit' opposilion majorities. Seeding will lie general aooui Iwelve of I ho eleelions were, iuil '- if H"tni weainer con- - . . . . . I caused by Ihe necessity oi ro Unties. Deep win spins m soon- elecling minislers afler their ap- (llVi,s will retard seeding In sonic U poinlincnt lo cabinet positions. ,.xlent. Plenty of moisiure is ro-j purled everywhere wincn, won Uooil warm weainer, win oroir Ho' seed along rapiuiy. 1 In Alberla some dislricts report 1 part of last years crop yet rc- niainiiig un-lhr.'slie.i. veaiueri is favorahle, moisiure plentiful . 1.1 f .....lilt.r ..II III MlYIIW..l, 'M-n. ... ,.,,,1 ,.,,. . 1 1 1 ..i , i. ., I ii i i. i i :i rriiri'-i. " eilCK oir.soi ........... .,,,,1,... w:,v- . f Jif 11)1.1 IIUI L i'U'UMP j sentalive o. a "" '., ,,.( werk or ten days will P""'"' 'lil"- !,,'W,ar,:.. .. r, ,.!,os, before seeling operaliou. ,nilii. IIUI 111 lirilllllll" I - ' . . . ..... ...ot ..-..iin ... series of are general riven aim " . . , , irm..H iiiriiuiiu a. hi uiimber of nolnls in all three provinces report that in .leased acreage will be seeded Ibis year, parlly on account ol heller prices obtaining for last vear's eroii. pari ly on account of good moisture eondtlions .ami because or II arner tiain P'rlly HI AT UIC PAQT1 F ILL Al MIj tflOlLL ul w,0, spring Wlll.k Is com mencing. Considerable break- .. 1 . ...t. ..1 1. ..1.... wnTllFOIll). Ireland, .vpru ing o new . . 1.:.... .1 1:1 'f ie hike or lievuii-iii.. '"" . . 1 .. r C .. .. r !... ..i.iii.i. liimerai 01 uu iuiiiki uuiuMv. - 1 rtlRTH. .. .. .... . ini.ii v.iaieriiav u aoa, nan .u. v.' v ...... 1....... ,.l II.,. Urine.. l 1....lli 1.11 lllW lHLUli:i fWII C I'Viu fv. ....... .tnsiuore v'."-' "- iti,d,iii'i ..,.n .,., , 1 1.1. ...... 1 wn, ll.v l.n Ih Sill III I lllllJ.'l l ociiviai 'i'"!"'"' .' 1 Mill nil.-. - ,, , m.,a ,.. . .til .. I . . HIII1S- I. IO. Jl . ill.U .HIS. 1 in 11 . .....ill., ills comillioii is , ... , ... , ..... ....... OI iMIltl .WUOUf II Ul ! Lulher Iturbunk, famutis horlienlliiral wizard, planled a "rreulion," as a memorial lo Ihe war dead of California, 7'ilh birthday reecnlly ..... . i . MORE ACREAGE TO BE CROPPED In Ihe House of Commons Ihe other day Hon. P. .1. A. Oardin liiinisler of Marine and Fisheries, gave oul I lie siuns received by Hanada from United Slates as her'share ih the scaling to recompense her for Ihe loss of Ihe industry u Canadian ports. The firsl three ainotinls went lo repay Hie stun oT -.nu,uun paitl. lo Canada' al the lime" the Ircaly came into effect. They were: I our' I ill'. i UCMl 11121 UI22' III 2:i 11)25 :il.G72.UI UKI.C. IU.il 2I5.('.22.HJ 1, 5 2H.2I. i7.:ur.i:J r.'.i.i 18.81 ' 2,27L8I SEARCH FOR BODY OF JAMES CLARK AT ; ; 1 ! i 1 I'olal receipts 50.2rj:i.77 . QUEEN CHARLOTTES SKIOKUA I L, April laV Two uf Ihe ' native fishermen of Skidegale Mission. Walter Ste vens and (ieorge Aonug, hav. Milunleereir to search for Hit body of James (.lurk who vvu drowned al Cunishewu. J best two boys left for Cunishewu in their launch Helen I. One of them will walk Ihe beach at Cum shewa, a distance 'of 30 miles. I P.. Wiggins of Til lllver has also v olunteered, lie will search the southern part of the -etml coast of (.rnhani Island on horse back. Advertise in Ihe Dully News TAXI BOSTON GRILL 5 mid Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Sorvice lances, banquets and wedding invwhera at Anytime. parlies, jund noyal Hot J PRINCE RUPERT For raKi, apply to Hoston ana Orill, Thin! Ave. MATT VIDE v ;-';nx. . Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. XV NO, 7 PHINCK 111 PHUT, 11.11, MONDAY, APltJL 13, 1025. Saturday'! Circulation, 1604 Strtet 8al 364 PRIHE FIVE CKNTS. AB1NET CRISIS FRANCE STILL CONTINUES ONG HING THE CHINESE HOUSEBOY SAID TO HAVE ESCAPED TO STATES lorder Runners State Chinese Houseboy Got Across Border to U.S. Paradox walnut tree, his own during the eelebralion of Cabinet Crisis in France Caused Province Saskatchewan Manitoba Dnlario Quebec Xtiva Scotia Xew Hrunswiek lion" Prince Jldward Island Newfuundlaiol l.; by Passive Resistance to Briand by Socialists: Extension of Time PAIUS, ApritN;. -The cabin el crisis her rmiLTiiurs. Tlie resideiil trailed upon M. Itriund to form a cabinet and he seem o have been unsueiT.ssfur mj far because today lie raited upon . resident Ihiinergue and asked for more lime lo seleel his niiiislers. Tin; irioeialisLs who hold Hie key of Ihe ilualiou do not ap-tcar inclined lo help oul any eombiiialiou oilier Mian anollior lei-riot cabinet, following the policy of passive resistance lo tlriand, which shows-ils effectiveness in Ihe Jailer's re.piesl lo lie president fur an extension of lime until tomorrow. PAYMENTS MADE TO CANADA UNDER SEALING TREATY FEW CONGREGATIONS VOTE OUT OF UNION to Jotn; Manitoba and New Brunswick to( Hear From TOUOXTO. April I.'). The elTecl of Ihe non-concurring vole iu Ihe various Provinces lo dale is shown by the following stun ii7h IUI2 1 125 7IC. ;i:tl 1:1 722, U'.0 OTTAWA, April 13. Hi :i:i7 Mauiloba and New Hrunswiek ... . . A . have nol yet void, or I lit .1.1 1 Churches in Xewfomullatiil 'oiily :i are Presbyterian. In Mauiloba there are 118 Presbyterian Con gregations; lit New Hrunswiek there are 1 1 I Presbylerian !on- ijerlalions. DOMINION BASKETBALL TITLE GAMES .AT VANCOUVER SOON Communists Control Ontario Labor Party; ! Vote for Independence Instruct Delegates to British Gathering to Vote for Separation of Colonies from Empire TOP. UNTO, April I Coniiiiiinisls seored a vielpry in the election of officers al Ihe eonveiition of the Ontario scclion of Ihe. Labor Parly, eleeling I hi president and vice-pre;ddenl and st'curing eonlrol of the exeeiitive. President A. K. Smith was at one lime a Methodist min ister ol western umaiia. A resolution introduced by Ihe Communists was passed providing Unit live delegales from Ihe Canadian Labor Parly lo Ihe gathering r Ihe Hrilish Kinpire yar be iuslructed to move llial;' the t'olonial and 'enii-trobuial ; portion oT the Kinpire have t-oin-plele iinli-peiulenee. William Irvin and .1. S. Woi'dsworlli were aioou I In I elc;ridcs chosen lo attend the Loudon conference. The Communists stale that Ho y will alti'inpl lo train control of the nonunion convention of the Trades and Labor linress. FORESTRY BOAT TO HAVE TRIAL RUNS TOWARDS WEEK-END Some- pine rililiisr lo he com- ideleij iu the ineanliuie, Ihe new asoline cruiser for Ihe forestry department buill al Ihe dry dock will be given her trial runs In wards Ihe end of Ibis week. Finishing touches will then be pill on Ihe vessel before she is commissioned in service iu Ibis So far 564 Out of 0,353 Refuse district replacing the Leila II. which is lo he sold. A name. lias not yd been selected for Ihe new In.al. J. II. Illake, mechanical super- inlendenl for the forestry depart ment, will remain here until next eek lo see the vessel placed in service. Mr. 'Hake is hie'hly satisfied with Ihe work of building inary, giving Ihe lolal number of ,,v innl( i,,.,.,., Seveial novel and eongregal 1011-iug Churchc of the three null iu each Pruviuc up-to-date features have been embodied in her roiistruelion so iml Ihe lolal number of Presliy- ,..,.1 Inuv . nueraled under leriau congregations voting noil-L.iy ,.lni.itM'neies bv two men. concurrence. Hrilish Columh Iberia tongrega- .on- run ivn nrrcATcn a Couetit 1- nnULMUJ ULfLii 1 V im: 0 27 FRANCE AT RUGBY lt Won by Closs Margin in Interna :iu7 an n 17 tional Gamo This Afternoon PAIUS. April 13. Knglaml lefeateil France 13 lo tl today iu the final game of the inlerua- llonal rugby fooUiall series, thus finishing afler Scotland and Ire- laud wilh France iu Ihe interna tional standing. At half lime this afternoon the score siotMi 1.1 101111 to in favor of the F.uglisli team but Ihe Frenchmen picked up iu Hit second half making a close PREPARATIONS FOR DRIVING POLES DOWN SKEENATO CEDARVALE Preparations are bein for the spring drive of cedar poles down the Skeena Hiver llie Ol- from the country around Ha.el- tawa Uidcaus. haslern (..aoada ou lo Cedarvale. The Hanson basketball champions, will leave Lumber and Timber Company on Auril 20 for llie West to en- has tiuanlilies of titdes 011 llio gage wilh Ihe University of H.C., river bank awaiting the break-up western ehaiuiiloiis, on ..April Zo of Ihu river and this will soon and 30 for Ihe Uoiuiiiloii Tllle Pake place Labor parlie in Loudon next LOW PRICES , FOR H ALIBUT Soven and EHht Cents Paid at Excbanqe Today at I IlulUut HH,iv.tl'tMjlT3ringialtl) r H tt !f " Itf i' fi'aS e TlfRlMhu n g were again heavy ami prices wero low. There was a Total of 50U pounds inarkele.l 321.U0O pounds from American Jioalt and o'J.oOti iumiiJs from Canadian. Arrivals and sales wCj tas fol lows : American X'eplunr, 15,000 iiounds, al 7.3c and 3c; llepublic, 05.0110 jiounds, ut 7.3c and 3c; and Ivan- hoe, 23,H0( pounds, af 8.'Jc and Jc, lo Ihe Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. Scandia, 00,000 iiounds, at 7.3o f and 3c, lo Hie Pacific l ishcries. ? Kodiak, 15,000 tiounds, at 7.au . and 3c; to Ihe Hooth 1-lslierie; Canadian Co. MajesJic. 38J)00 pttnnds, al and 3c; and F.aslem Point, 3,500 . rz . 1 ft pounds, al 8.2c anU 'Jc, lo llio . Allin Fislieries. Ilhona, 10,000 pounds,, al 8.V0 and 3e; Fureka, 0,000 pounds, al 8.7c and 3c; Ki.lsvobl, 13,000 pounds, and Pioneer III. 11,0011 pounds, a'. 8.7c ami 3c, lo Uio lioyal Fish Co. Canadian Mulrneag, O.OfM), pound, and Fisher, 0,O0H pounds,- al 7.30 and 3c, lo Ihe .Allin Fisheries. Poinl May, 0,500 pounds, al 7.3c and 3c; Tillie S, 8.000 pounds, al 7.5e and 3C, anil In English League D'v. I. I Cardirr 2. Sunderland 0. madei Kverlon, 0; Preslon X. F.. 0. 80 i gred P., 8,000 pounds al 7.u: ami ;ic, lo the Canadian Fish & CoM SLuage Co. Yule, 3,tHlO pounds al 7.3c and Jc, lo Hie lloyal Fish Co. HUGE CROWD ATTENDS BIG FOOTBALL MATCH CLAStidW, April 13 Seventy-five thousand people alleuili'd the big Scottish Cup final game here Saturday when the Cellif ti'-at the Dundee team two goals lo one. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Mant'hesler City 1, Asloii Villa 0. Xolts County 2, Hurnley 0. Sheffield V. 1, .Newcastle I'. 2. West Hroiuvvicli 2, Ai!fmil 0. West Ham 0. Liverpool I. Illackburn 0, XolU Fti'iest 0. Scottish League Dlv. I. ijueeu's Park I. Aberdeen I.