Heilbroner's Gone! ? NOT FAR Just up llio strict, lakiiiK a liart of llio West of .Hiifr-land's Store, and lie will be pleased lo serve his old customers as well as any new ones. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist ART SILK Vesting Tlirsc ever popular Ve.sl-inj,'s are the finest tpiulily drop stitch Tricolelle and como in a taupe of daiuly .shades. including Hose, Flesh, While, J'eaeli, Salmon. Maize, Jlelio and Sky. Kill I JO iiiehes wide. Vest Length 75c West of England Store Phone 753. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. DANCE At the Auditorium EASTER MONDAY, APR. 13 Westholme Orchestra (ienls SI. 00. Ladies 50c Phono Black 449. L. J. MARREN, Prop. A Modern e n ta 1 Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED Curtain Materials for Spring Cleaning MADRASS - ;ii anil 'i inclics, wide. Al 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 per yard TUSCAN and PLAIN NETS, 45c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 00c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard CRETONNES, ill) ami '.Ui inches wide 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c, and 50c per yard ENGLISH CRETONNES, o( inches wide 90c and $1.00 per yard Ready Made Curtains in the Latest Styles. Wo are Agents for the Klrsch Flat Extension Rods 3rd 'Avenue. ARE NOT FIT FOR POLITICS AFTER FORTY Lord Esher Cites Casos to Show Only Younper Men Fit for Big Work I.OMXI.V, April 13. Hei-enl assertion of Lord Kilier that hu! few inen are fit for polities Jiflei reaching U years of agw has caused nifich speculation in I Sri I -i.h Parlianientary ' circles and has resulted in the ages of all I In; Knjrlisli cahinel members bc-injr discussed in numerous publications. If Lord Ksher s theory were hrtmplil info practice, it was revealed mat ine present, rahinel would he reduced to one member, this heinsr Lord Knslaoc Perry, minister of education, who is 38 years old. Lord Kshcr, deputy Kovemor of Windsor Castle, and author of several books dealing; with the jlives of Kmg.I'Mward and Queen Victoria, who himself is in his 73rd year, on the question of afjes, said: "To very few, and possibly only lo reflective minds, like Sophoc les and Leonardo, is the privilcr granted oT sustained vigor after the' aye oT Torly." He cited Napoleon, who was forty when a! Schouhruiiu in 18011, (he zenith of his career. In Chatham and his son as well, he contends, the vital spark paled early. Further. Lord Kslirr asserted WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTIliK thai tin- SktPlia lllvri I'arkliiir Company. l.linileil, wlione iMre l 131 f sumlanl Hank nuiioinir. tan miner, H.C. will a;ily for a lln-iit-i- ! lake ami ur i rinnr rci-i jht mmhihi o water I'lit r Wolf t.'n-rk wiiirli Nuv-imrltiwrstrrlv and drain Into rnnmlM- llaiiH.nir about imrlli end of lltli Avcmif I'orl r.ilwanl TiMiil'. TIM- waKT wi I ilivt-rlttl from the Mi-ram at a hIii about our and a hair unlet rn iu tin iiimiiIIi at I" inl or divrrsloH or I "or Kitwanl Townllp walrr yt,iii and wll tx) tnel Tor Industrial nirx iiihi tin land di'M-rllM-d a imrl or roroln.n' l.oi inilubtT 4I7G, Hanire 5. lia4 hlstrni Tint uotlrr wat mhIo! on the irrdiiiMl in the sard day or Marrli, IV0. A ropy this imlln; and an application rirsuai tbrri'tit and In the "Water Art. 191 il be riled In the orrire ot the Water lie rofder, t'ruire lliierl, Objwlloii to the appllralloii may lie riled with Ilu Mid Water Heruider r with Hie :oitn-troller or Water I'.lnliH. I'arliameti Hiilldina'. Victoria. !).:.. within tlilrt dayt arier the rirst apix-arauee or lb: notice in a linn I newrpaH-r. The date o I lie flr-l ixibliealloii or this notice I March Sf'.lh. tPS5. Sktb.NA tllVKII I'ACkTMS :OMI'A.N I.I.MITKIi. Alipliranl. II v A. J. Malheson. Mrpnt- LAND ACT In Prince Unpen laud IHMrlrl; Iilttn or rniice ituiiert. TAkl- .MiTICK that I, .Mrrlll Pes Ilrl-a. of Vancouver. II. C, ocfiipallnu nalmo brokrr, Inh-iiil to app'y rir ierinitlon I purchase the followlnir (li-tcrllieil larul.-t:- Omiinencliiir at a post plant Ml '4 nil sou 111 of the Mjiitlicat miner or l.ot RJiili Millie Creek, llaiifre I, Owt DMrlr (hence north sf i chains; lle-ine went t rlialns; licine soulll In P-hnre lln! III easterly .dlrertion to ' (mint of com luelHCliieiit; coliUlnllilf 1(1 ode. He ire o li'S. MEIIILt. IlF.S UI1I3AY. Applicant. Kdwln F.lrny liaruum, Airett'' Pateil April aril, I a jr.. NOTICE. TARK MiTICK that the partnership li. Iween Alexander James I'rudhoinnii' an Alma Victoria. Cither. In connection wit Ihe operation or Ihe Savoy lintel, Prlnc llupert. H.C.., I dlssolvrd bv Arieme: a or the cm day or Aorll. I9JS. All a rouiils recelvahte will lie paid tu and a ,111-mnls iiayable will lx paid by Ah" nniler JaiiH-s rrudhoniine. who ronllnui the bu'lness. Hated at rrlnrp ituMri. Il.c... this fit day or April, A.M. I'JJl. A. i. I'lll HIIUMMI. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 wmxM OF GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher A BAD COLD DEVELOPED INTO BRONCHITIS Mrs. .let I Ofilen. Ainhersl Shore, IVS.. writes: My luby Klrl lud a u-ry IkiiI cold which turned lo bnunhllls and lui cony not ideep at nltrlit fur I ho coiiKhlnif. I gtxv. her everjUili'K I -'Uld think or tu relieve her. lull nolhlnir seemed In ilu her any irod, and he was not irelllnir any lieller. I wa aihed, by a nicnd, to Iry , DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP I did so. and rier Rimur lier a Tv ilnsi-s I !iw Knoll erreds so I kept on with it. 1 avc her two bnlllo. ami l-r cough soon le'l her. and now she' Is a well as ran be. I cuitnol pulse Pr. WiKMl'a' eiiuiijfli; It Is certainly a won- (IclTiil medicine." This preparation has been on Ihe mar ket for the past ur years; maiiurarliired only by The T. Milliurn Co., Limited Toronto. Ont. ".N"o man, and very few women, retain physical charm and generous, instincts after 10 years of .t?e. AH men and women shou d ;o aware of the 'Ml'. In our time (here are manifold examples of he failure lo maintain, after the aye of forly, a pertinent urasp nver imlilic a trail's and the facul- y of wise deci.tion." WHOLE WHEAT BREAD VERSUS WHITE BREAD The conl rtiveoy helwccn the relative food values of whole .vheat hread uid white bread has xisleil now for ahoul fifty years. Scientists anil doctors annul come to any "definite division on the ipicstioh. Also the average man or woman is pre- tared at all times to put forward he claims of their own favorite ype of bVead. The truth admitted by all. ioweer, is that all hread is a leallhfiil food, provided il is pro-erly made and haked. "I'.lectrie-'iake" hread comes up lo this standard (hose who use il oost fur it's ittality. .Made hy he Kleclric Window Hakeries. H TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will ! receHed by the I'.lly T Prince llupert ror the tsirrlij..- or l.ot 1s. lllock Section 1. Tenders to l.e In Jhe Offlie or Ihe :ity clerk marked Tender ror l.ot" ted aler than ' p.m. Tuesday. April II. !?:. i:. r. joak.s. I Clly Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINERAL CLAIMS. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. William MjI iiii v versus Aiillioii.. Mniulie. Ily virtue or a warruul of Kteculioii tslied In Ihe above .H'lion. and directed t lie, I hav tilted ihe rollowinir mineral ialuis, situate near Alice rin, mljareiil ii the kittaiill lllver and the orlh fork f tlit kltsault lllver: "Waverly Uroup." oiifliiiir r "Waverly" and "k'lily"; 'War liance firoup," eontlttlnir or "War lance." "Ileltey. "firiuse u. U. Whlsller." "liadKer" and "liulc." AM or whlrh I will offir Tor sale, bl oiibllf Alirlloli. ror cnh, on Tnedav, the irih (lay or May. toss, at lit the rternnoii. al my lirrice. Government nuildlnir. Prince liuoert. The 'War liauee" will In- orrered ror ale subject in two mortiraices, approt tuatinir 7.:.oo.o0. JOHN SIIIIII.KV, Sherirr or Ihe County of I'rlnce lliiierl. I'riuee unpen, il l.., April . mgr.. N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. ' In Ilu- Mailer or the "Compiinlen- Art I9-.M". and n the Mil Iter or nil Application bv tin liorher de Houle Copper Company to lw restored to Ihe Iteirltler under section K.s or the said Art. TAkK MiTICi: that an aiiilicatlon will ' iniide to the Presidio Juilire In ' liaiiilier- nl the Court llmi.e. Prince llupert. II.C. on Tueoday Ihe SSIIi dav of 'lirll. A Ii. lUi:.. at the hour or in.an i cloi'K III tile roreil'HMi or so hi there rier as the motion may be heard on be 'in If or the above mentioned Company ror in oruer mat ine sain .ompaiiy lie re- loreil tu the If (titter r Joint Stock (Uilii. lumlet. AMI TAKK MITICK lhal III support of aid application will be end Ihe l'elltlu r the Company Istner herein and the irridavll or Lewis W. Calmoie sworn on 'he tiitlh day or Mar. Il, A.li. I9?r,. and riled Im h-Iii. HATKIi at I'rlnce Iiim.-, H.C, this 30lh day ol Marrli, A.li, IVS. w o. fi i.ton. Solicitor Tor the. Petitioner tmmm Phone 20 -AOE SIX TUB DAILT NEW 3 Morula Ap-lt Sport Chat I Jioxing fans hae been wailing xvlli cuiisiderable interest fur llic-article lo upcar in 'he Satur day i:ening J'osl in which James J. Curbed would rank the heavy weights of all lime. There are some surprises in the list which is as follows : 1. I'eler .lackson and James J. Jeffries Mob I'itslmnmns. ;t. John I,. tSiilliwui. t. l'raiik; Slav jn and Jack Heinp-ey (m'eseiit champion i . .. Sam LniiRford. (i. Jack Joluison. 7, Jess Wlllind. 8. Tom Sharkey and Harry Wills, 'J. Charles .MjlcliWI and Kid McCoy. Id. Jake Kilhilit. II. I'eler .Mailer and Joo Choyn-ski. Ppeakiiitf of (ho resent day heavyweight situation, Corhelt tjles Jack Dempsey as "just a slam-ham; fiKlih'r without much science or hoxni; kiiowIedr.re. Stifjesiin Hint. Tommy 'tihhons will yet prove Dempsey's most serious rival for the heavy weight crown tiorhelt says about liibbons: "Though alinosl thirty-; ix and old fiir a fighter, he looks belter now than he did at any lime since Im' entered the riim Ihere is mi doubt he is the i'leeresl boxer of all the Heavy weights still In active sen ice. 'taking him allm-ellier', (iibboiis has, think,! science enough lo beat even' lemiscy. Tom will make a lot of trouble for the champion before they arc Mi rough.' BASKETBALL BOYS ARRIVE AT ANYOX Will Play Two Games There Be fore Returning to Prlnco Rupert A parly oOJf;iskr tball plavrrs 'eft here yeslefday Anyox aboard the Laura and word was received lasl nk-lit thiil they had arrived safely. They will play twi games in the smeller town. Those goin were Itiilph Sinilh. I'ddie Mr- Lean. W. WValhall. Art l'hil lips. ( i corgr Slienloti. )niipl;is I'rizzell. John Sim. I). Craliam Dido (iurvich and Win. Cavalier GOLF RESPONSIBLE DETERIORATION ATHLEfIC SPORTS LONDON. April Li- Kiigl.nid s ucleriuralioit lit athletics, a! measured b international con-tests, is due to naying loo much attention to golf, in the opinion oT Leo Maxse, editor of the National Itevievv. Kngland has been beaten year after year by llie Australians at crickcl,!ivc,rs Mr. Maxse, who goes on lo say: "Wo play second fiddle to America al polo, and third fiddle (o America and riaiice at lawn tenuis, and we cut a poor figure al the Olympic games in Paris last year, all because ihe talents and enthusi asm Uial we ought to devote lo real games have been wasted on thai lazy, selfish, paltry puslime or igoir congratulationsTrom juneau, alaska, on LOCAL MUSEUM WORK Miss Itiilh Stewart, sec rcliirv of (he .Museum Hoard, has re ceived a letter from A. 1'. Kashl-varoir, librarian and curator of Hie library and museum at Juneau, Alaska, in .which lie expressed iiefMinal pleasure and gratification at the success at- iviiniiig me esiaiiiisiinicni or a museum here, and hooe that realer success may crown the effort s put rurward. He savs there is a wonderful opportunity for a fine museum lien- which incidentally would advertise the resources of the country. BOBBY'S POINT Hobby 'looking out of the win- uowj Imfs the matter with Unit horse, mamma? .Mother He is disobedient, Hobby; he won't, tibey his driver. Jlobby- Well, what's the man palling him f0r? Mother He Is coaxinif him. Hobby f witli an Injured air) Thnt isn't the way you treat mo when I'm disobedient. ONTARIO PROPOSES T TAX ON BEER AND SOFT BEVERAGES TOHOXW, April t.l. I'axa-tiou of 5 cents a gallon on soft drinks, including beers con I. 'lin ing up lo 1 per cent by volume of absolute alcohol, and 10 cents a gallon on the new 1. 1 beer is provided fot' in a hill introduced j in the Legislature by Provincial, I'rcasurer l'rice. . Mr. l'rice explained thai llio bill covered a lax: on various kinds of sod drinks and wines in Ontario. Soft drinks of a cer tain alcoholic content would pay' ."5 cenls a gallon. Subsc ipiently he said lhal sod drinks such as ginger beer, ginger ale ami sar-saparilla would route under' the lax. Ten cents u gallon would he imposed on soft' drinks if It higher alcoholic content, namely, t.t beer. Mr. Price said. Tint bill also provides for a lax of fioj cents a gallon on native wines i sold in Ontario. Ily the terms of the acl Ihe lax is placed on Ihe consumer. Meth ods of eolleclion are to he work ed out hv regulation. SALMON PACkTs INCREASING FAST A. . Neill. in a speech In the House or Commons last week ipioled official figures lo show how Ihe salmon pack had in creased during Hie past Tour years. His figures were: Caes yl o.VtH tDi? i,:"jo,:mCi IH23 i .at 1.(577 tULM t.7tr.;it:i Adver' ie in Hie llailv .New. LAND ACT. In Skieoa laud District or Prime llni-rl Iteriirilluic lilstrlcl. TAkK MHICK IhaT Ois.rire l.llllr, ir Terrace, 11 1 ., m rupalioti luiiilieruein, ami C I.. M. (ilKcey. or Terrace. U.C.. orrii-l.alion luuilieriiian, Inleml lo apply fr N-ruittlon in purchase the fnlloKltn dc M-rlbeil latult, ror lnilntiri.il idle: Comineiictnir at a lil planted il south end or Island Kitiialed near iihmiIIi or kn suiiikalluin lllver and lyliir near wet bank or said river: llM-nee rolluwlnr shore line arouiHl Itlatid lo imint or ouiini nci iiienl. rnnlalulnir I" acres, more r les. r.Koitm-: i.itti.k ami CIJMIIK I.. M. ClliliKY. finhfhl ,lmied this blh da nf Jamiarv. 0H SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS ! PRE-EMPTIONS Vm-Htit, unrpMrvM. urvy! Vow n liimln in.ty ls ir-mil't by I'.rillHli xul.Ji-cts over 1 ymr of hk, hiiiI by'iillvfm on ilfdarlnit Intention to liwoinn Ittlllsh nulij-itia. romll- lntial ui-on renklencf. occjritllon. nJ Iniprovtment for iiktrlcultural IUISfS. I-'ull infortiiatlon concernlnit riu-.alienii rffiinllnic iro-emillon la Kltfu In Hulleiln No. I, ImimI Krrlca. "Ilu lo IVe-nnpt Ijind," copies of tdiicli win lc obtalnwl frp of charit ty addressing Ihe Dcpiirtnifnt of Uinda. Victoria. II.C. or to any llov-trntii'iit Aernt. Ueconls will l rranled rovrrlne only land nultnlile for HKrlfuMor.il luriKscH. nnl which In not Umber-land. I.e.; i-nnlnn i.er l,wl boanl feet pr iicte west of the Const Itanc hiid r..oou feet per acre eaat lot (hat lUiigfc. AppllCHtloni! for pre-emption are to b- iiddrr.s-eil to the lnnd Com-mlMKloiicr of the IjihJ llecorditiu DI--vision, in which Ihe Innd upplleil for i sllu.itod. mid are in.-ule en printed forms, copies of which enn be ob-talneil from the Iiind Commissioner. Pre-emption muat be occupied for five years iind Improvemenla made to value of III) ier acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information ee Ihe llulletln "How to Pre-empt l, d." PURCHASE AppllcntioiM are received for pur-rhnae ot vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for firat-clam (arable) land la i per acre, and aeroud-claa Igraz Ing) land IZ.&O per acre. Further Information regarding puri-hase or leaae of Crown lands I given In llulletln No. 10, lund Herlea, "I'urchaae and Lense of Crown Iwinda." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acre, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of etumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurveyed areas, not exceeding 21 acree, may be leased as homesltee, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, litis being obtainable after residence and lm Vrovement conditions are fulfilled and Und has been surveyed, LEASES For grazing and Industrial pur poses areata not exceeding 140 acre may be leased by one person or a, company. GRAZING m Under the (Irazlpg Act th Province la divided Into grafting districts and the range administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued based on numbers rangod, priority being given to established owners. Htock-pwnsrs may form simclatlons for" range management. Free, or partly free, permits are available for settlers, calipers and travellers, up to ten head, q 1 MISSING! Send if IJ?' TUP Not much left "r washday when you use out nt i its.i se.-vice. No tub all the vashinp; is oor. No clothes-line everything comes Dack dry. And no flat-work ironingthat, too, iSCcn plctcly cared for. The hardest and longest part of washday is missing-and this family service is so low priced that it's an economy as well as a convenience. Let us call this week and take away the part of washday that you'll be most happy to miss. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners WESTHOLME THEATI Tonight and Tomorrow NigKi 7 and 8 p.m. "ENTICEMEM Knln iiiK' women .hpI ,nh' ni n lllOlls llrillllil uf ni. A ri.ill i' i" fiif,'li up I" I'll' Alp tin' fnr "I II" ' ' itul. All upplr ix Ilu itiliol of ( n 1 woman hold the applo wcil wi nifiil a mngir power for tli; woni.m ' tii't'iiii'iil lias wayi-cl Ilu dftiiii" ol ; A photo-play that iitovrs ill a i v Paris, high up in the Alps ami 'inl ' iliiit.iv in Ifi.i I.iiiiiIiiii I i:i 1 1 I'm ill) n Mary Astor, Cllvo Brook, Ian Keith, Edgar IMJ Roland Bottomley, Louise Dresser, Vera Lewis, w" Manning and others. . . BcaTi "THE TELEPHONE CIRL" SERIES No. 2 AUW" VAUGHN In "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN iv"" iMTrnrj ATinrjni implvq 2ltm saa llin iwiinta W The Boating Season is Coming .lol Arrivril English Flannel Pants ". English Sports Suits . English Gaberdine Coats Just m STEVE KING Phone Green 85. FOREA All our .li'parliiifiils hit fully ,,. X'it-oir.s goi irooils. II is riisloiiiiti'V ii' iipK'iii' in llii'ir new FIAT WORK IRONING Phone 8 IT j T. eo tin $3.75 ng STEK . .. .hi - SPRING COATS, DRESSES, HATS AND SH, ft ., .See our wimlin and inxi'i'i-l our m ...i... i ! I ..II..IIU- Ml' MM wiiai jiiii iiiuy i'iiiuc iiiiii i'hij' n Jabour Bros Corner Third and Sevonth .Ltd-