II! PAQE TOUR II n..tt.. rrnvsa BRINGING UP FATHER By George III WELL WE?LU tE CT RiOW i Crt-COLL- THEPC film -J That TENNIS OCHis OUT vE-sT m' jMO TIME TO CMCH I I iiRlNCi CT HE.RC TH I'JF I f-ri. rr r HEu TXE T TO MEPMEw 1 t-W TCaiu E vEtsf WHERE ) if 1h r- coo tl,., , . A I i I Wo linvc a complete VINO t-Mf line of Tennis Goods, REL &UT l MUbT and it is nil now 1925 WOt Tr ... stock. Sykes or Hussey Rackets, $3.50 to $30,03 I'resses $1.25 Covers ., .. .. $2.00 Rubber Orips . . . 25c Out Reviver .... G5c Run Visors .... $1.00 Reach Halls . . ... 50o Slazcngcrs ...... 65o Improved Birmal All Steel Racket, 13, 1.1&, 11 oz. priced at . $14.50 Postage paid on nil out of town orders. Kaien Hardware Co. t J. L Bain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 2S8 You were Fortunate if you bought Premier Mines when it was only a prospect; or Dunwell or H.C. Silver when these stocks could bo bought for a fraction of (heir present value. Gold - Ore is yet but n prospect, if it was a mine you would pay much more than eight per share. Wrile us for particulars. Portland Canal Sales Co 318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11. 1 Danco 10o; 3 for 25c Ice Cream and Confectionery on Sale Cards and Tables MARINE MOTOR Less Starter . . . . $250.00 Wilh Starter .... $300.00 Government Tuxes and Freight Kxtra S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prince Rupert, B.C. f'l?3 BY lT t hEATUlf StRVICK. InC Grt Britain i:ght rrtcrvrd Biggest Year in Mineral .lie outlined Hie plans fcr the fulure work in this parish ex plaining why it was thought, ad visanie io nave one minister in cnarge or mis nehl wlilcli now includes Telkwa. W. 11. Maclnnes of Vicloria, provincial civil service cnrnmls sinner, was In town on Tuesday and spent several hours at the local government ntllce in con neclion with his lour of inspec lion of tin nuclides or Hie , pro vince. ...... cm pirn nay was spent, very nuielly in Siiiithers, a largi number or citizens taking ad- ivanlage or llie nice weather and gooil roads lo ulleml tho Cele brallons at 'lelkwn and New iiazennn, wiuie ntiiers went picnicking at Lake Kathlyn or on Production in History of Province was that of 1924 Mineral production in the iimvinre of British Columbia (lur ing the year H2i totalled 8,70-1, MM in value exceeding aiiv other year wince records have been kept according to the animal report of the minister of mines. The runner up vear was 1010 when the production totalled $42,2110,4(12 in value. District An. 1, which incljides Allin, Slikine, Liard, Naas Hiver, l'ortlnnd Canal, Skeena Diver, Uiieen Charlotte Islands and Delia Con I a came third in the province during 1024 in value of production the total of which was 1,012,170 ns compared with 10,3a,235 in 1923 and 10.807,111 in 11122. District No. "5 (Fort Meele, Shican, Arrow and Koolenay Lakes, etc. was firsl with a lo-lal production , of $21,1152,774; District No. (J (Vancouver Island and Mainland1 was second with .$'13,343,2-17. The total for No. 1 No. 1 District Atlin, Slikine and Liard... Naas River . . . . . '.. Portland Canal . . ... Skeena, Queen Charlotte and Delia Coola No. 2 District Cariboo and Quesnel .... .. Omineca and Peace River I Naas River and Portland Coital divisions came third and fourth in (he province exceeded only by Fort Steele, 18,757,222, and Vancouver Island (coal,', !),-428,015. In placer gold production Car iboo and Peace Rive r'divisiou led the province with a total of 8210.000. Atlin, Stikine and Liard was second with $ 150,325. Portland Canal, principally through the Premier mine, led the province in lode-gold pro duction with a total of $2,882,- 080. There was no other division that came within a third SMITHERS John Dergnian of Prince Ru pert arrived in town this week and is busy gelling things in readiness to start ..building., a summer hfOne for John Dybhavn at Lake Kat'blyn. i nomas Alien, i;..N.ll. engineer of Prince (icorge, spent a cpuple, of days in-(own Hit- tore-part, of ii... 'v . -tr I lie Wi'CK IOOKlllJ, ,'Up ;Olll ; aCr ipiaintances. Joe llourgon of Telkwa wa a business visitor on Monday and Tuesday, returning home in a new Ford car purchased while here. Archdeacon (1. A. Rix'nf Princ Rupert spent a few days in Siiiithers and district, getting acquainted with the members of his church in this community, and discussing church work of (be diocese. At a meeting of tbe olllccrs of the local cli'irch, district ((irand Forks, Oreen-wood and Similkaineen was 551,r7t ; No. 2 (Cariboo. Omiiu-caj anil Peace Riven, lH(i,n78, -anti 1 District No. 3 (Nicola, Lillooet' and 'Vernon, elc.i, .335,r(Vt. The detail for District No. 1 and per divisions for the past llfree years is as follows: 1U22 $ 155,271 1,5(51,185 5,288,4(51) 802,211) 1112,300 110,8 14 l!i23 8 157,871 5,240,085 4,121,213 .850.003 270,5751 1 1,0001 I 1021 153,122 5,024,242 1,052,055 881,851 240,11(10 21C..H78 of if, Portland Ciinnl -wrt fllso first Jn,,, silver production Jwilti a llal (if .$1,037,211. Furl Hjcele was a close second wilh 1,777,5 12. i Naas River division (through Anyoxi led in copper production with a lutal or 81,580,001. Vancouver mainland was second with 3, 102.580 (through Mril-annia). Fort Steele was ahead in lead anil zinc, the volume of Ibis accounting for its leadership in production totals for t lie province. (Vial accounts for Vancouver Island being second in production total. fishing trips. The baseball team with several carloads of fans went to New Hiucllon and spent a most pleasant day, Die game was won by Hie Siiiithers team. Mrs. Lester Davis and children after a residence in Smltliers of three years left mi Thursday to join Mr. Davis in Vancouver where I hey will make Iheir home for awhile. Mrs. Davis was accompanied by her mother, .Mrs. Mni'tlnniiir.'.MIsH',.Mnrllniari ln valid sister, who came out from F.nglam! a year ago. The new building at the comer" of Ilroadway and Main Streets erected ny a. t. llarrer as a butcher shop for Chas Morri lias now been vcoiiioleled and Charlie has moved from bis obi stand next to Watson's store. Dr. C. II. llankinson and Mrs. Ilankinson, rormerly Mrs. A. I l orde ol Siiiithers, returned to town on Saturday morning artec a Irip of several weeks spent points on Hie prairies and Ontario. RICE CROP LARGE T1IH II AC-UK, May 20 Re ports from Java stale tbal jic? will yield a bumper crop llii year in the Dutch Cast Indies. Notwithstanding that thousands ol unemployed have descried he cities lo bep bring in thy crop there is slill a dearth or coolio labor. STRIKE AVERTED COPL'NIIACF.N, May 20. The threatened lieup in Danish ship ping has been averted. The ship owners, seamen and firemen nave signed a two year agreet3 ment providing tor nn increase in wages or rive per cent. RE-STOCK LAKES NEAR SMITHERS Lake Kathlyn Chosen as Most Satisfactory for Planting Trout SMITH Hits, May 20. In response to appeals from the Came Korean or the Smilhcr District Hoard nf Trade, Chas. Harrison, dominion fisheries inspector and C. T. Iieam, butchery superintendent at Lakelse spent Tuesday and Wednesday in this dis trict inspecting some of the lakes that the Hoard has requested Ion be restocked wilh trout. . In company wilh the ollicers of t lie Hoard of Trade and Rod and (Sun Club they have been taken to the various lakes by D. D. Munro. Of the lakes closest to town it was found Ihul at Lake Kathlyn the conditions were the most satisfactory for the planting llie cgs and it is likely that Ibis work will be umlcr-laken ai a favorable opportunity. PURSE OF GOLD WAS PRESENTED AT ANYOX TO REV. J. B. GIBSON i ANYOX. Mjiy 20. On Wednesday night tip. J. H. (iibon was the recipient of a purse of gold from the people of Aliyox as a mark of appreciation of his ser vices during Die several years of his ministration their. The pre sentation InoJr place at a church social at which musical numbers were giveiuJ. anil refreshments served. Mr. (libson, who was taken by surprise, thanked the donor and in a short address recalled some of the experiences in Anyox mil said lie hoped his successor would be given the same manly treatment by the men iir (he town that had been accorded him. Mr. Cihson preaches his fare well sermon Sunday prior lo leaving for Snillhers where Iip will be located. REGIMENTAL OPEN AIR JITNEY DANCE PUT OFF FOR WEEK On account or Ihe inclement weather last, night it was impossible for -the First Haltation North H.C. Recipient lo hold the Jitney dance on ,the new tenuis courts fo,' the children's ward iiino. ieverilieiess Itiere. was a dance held in the armory, Ihe anair Jieinsr allfTinled tiy some 150 persons. The regimental baud furnished the music and refreshments were provided bv Hie Ladies' Auxiliary. Sergeant C. L. Youngiiian was master of ceremonies. The open nlr jitney dance on llie leiims court Is now set for Friday, June 5. COAL MINE OWNER OPENS A GROCERY NOTTINfiHAM. F.ng., May 20 Sir Charles Markham, owner of extensive coal mines, recently surprised frjf)nils by opening a grocery store. "I ain nid exactly a phllan Ihropisl," said Sir Charles in ex piaoauou, "imt I do like to see Iho public gel, its iionyM worth. His iile.f in opening Ihe slnre ia lo supply the people- with the best possible goods at minimum price. Adverllie In the Dally News. Wanted For Sale For Rent WANTKB W ANTFD. - Kitchen help, im mediately, male or female, Wrile full particulars to Hoxj 253 Daily News oltice. (20 WAN'I'F.D. Coiujieleut woman cook desires position, camp work preferred. Write Hor 252, Daily News. 120 WOMAN with private .home would like lo lake care of little boy or girl. Phone HIud 330. 127 WANTKD. Position as wnlch- imin, or other -work by reliable married man. P.O. Hox 510. FOR SALE FOR SALK. 8 h.p. 2 cylinder. Kasthopo wilh clutch, propeller, shaft and coils. Used very little. Snap at 275. 32 ft. by 0 ft. cabin cruiser, 13-15 h.p. Sterling, heavy duly, limit and engine in good condition. Price If 1 10(1. Kugiue cost $1200 3 years ago, has been used very little and wul cared for. Hull 18 foot, suitable for small eiiKinc. Prince for ipiick sale $75. Piston rings Aulo and Marine engines. Ford Motor, $10.00. Northern Ilxchange, Phone 23. KltNKST Slubhs. A.R.IIi?.: CM J Ag. Lambs; Landscape Hardening. Plans and estimates for Kardens. Ferns and oilier plants from $3.00 per dor.. F.O.H. Usk. H.C. FOR SALK. Cabin launch Eva. 27 feel, fully equipped, in first class condition. Apply Ward Electric and Marine Supply. Cow Hay. tf FOR SALK. Quantity of used sbiplap, window frames and sashes. Apply A. S. Lewis, 225 Second Ave. W. 120 FOR SALE. Commercial Hotel. Prince Rupert, rurnitdied. A bargaHi. M. M. Stephens A C0.,J.ld. U FOR BALE. Pleasure hoafKcho" 0. L. Ilcindel. Cold Storage. Phone 221. V. -'tf TO RENT TO RENT. Two room iiirnished apartment, by day, week or month. Close in. Phone Red 007. 127 FOR .RENT Three large house keeping rooms, furnished com plete. 218 Second Avenue. FOR RKNT. Clapp npartmcnl Woslnnbavor Hros. tr TIIRKK roomed callage lor rent. Phone Red 023. 127 AUCTION SALE AUCTION Sale eolilinued on Sal unlay, May 30 from 2.30 to 0 p.m. and fiom 7 lo 10 p.m. Every article In our store must he sold on Saturday and rem bargains will be olTered, Our loss is Ihe public's gain. Don'l overlook Hiis opportunity as opportunities only come once PRINCE - RUPERT EXCHANGE. BOARD HOARD and Room, or boarij only. 113 Firth Avenue East. Phono Red 707, HOARD. The Iniandor, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. NORTHERN TRANSFER Call lor Ilaggage and Expreas Northern Transfer. Day Phono Red 213. Night phono Oreen 307 W. H. "MONTGOMERY, JR. LOST LOST.- Some lime during Ihe last month, navy blue silk umbrella wilh gray lips and brown handle. Finder pleune phone Oreen 703. 127 LOST. (Jrey woollen boy's sweat it eoal, initialled J.M. Reward. Return lo Dally News. . 127 FOUND FOUND.- Moosebeart pin. Apply Daily News oflice. DO ATS AND LAUNCHES PRICKS OF EASTIIOPE 4-CYCLK Marine Engines 4-11. P. without clutch $185.00 1-1I.P. I cylinder MD 200.00 C-ll.P. I cylinder HI) 150.00 8-11. P. I cylinder III) 750.00 H-1I.P. 2 cylinder MD 450.00 I C-ll.P. I oylinder LD 475.00 All the above except the first include Hit) Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Ensthopc Hros., 1747 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Doathouse, Agents Phone 381. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort ami Courtesy. Rates: 50c for I or 2 passengers, 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" at your ser vice day or night. Comfort Safety Cnurlcsyf If lt' n water trip call Laurie Lambly Phones 570 or 1 31. TAXI 592 THE DEPENDABLE TAXI Daj and Night service. Comfort and Courtesy ia my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Slund: Richmond Roams. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone ' (Call George, Paul nr Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel. FURNITURE t108PITAL Ami General Repair Shop. Repairs or all kinds promptly at-lemled lo. We repair typewriters, gramophones nnd do picture framing. Carpel, laying. Furniture crating. TOM BALLANGER Phone iilile 025. 318 Flflh St OIL SKINS Patronize Home Imliinlry. Ask for I. e Claire's RUPERT BRAND OIL SKINS lies! by lest Made in Prince Rupert by Rupert Hoys and Girls Phone: Blaok 404 KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Cafe in King Edward Hotel now re-modelled. Up-lo-dalo Dining Room and Lunch Cnunler BOB KEITH - Manager. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono 177 Bangnpo, Furnlturo Moving. If you want nnylhing Ment for, or delivered, phone us. l'.O. Box 001). Tik, 1 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c Article, COLUMBIA RECORDS 4,r-M ''ro':e o:.:s .HrW. no craf 'hhy, p , 1 limine-' ions iK music ny w j t Call ir, aid : fir - a PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC fT0U, Jiura avc BEDDIWOQUT PUtTl in . . . . . 1-lillllS Ml.i; g . : for jYMii ,a,- 1 11 1 1 1 1 ! I ally ar. h -relied ii.. TOtl JO til goods. Stun. Pli - r. :J! (Ireenli.iiis.- PS jj... . m MCCARTHY'S. TOM CALCHEFF Experienced Tailor Milts lll.i'l. :Ml Pri--riy ,r : V,,: Fullon Sir." SI FURNITURE. New and Secondbtnd fntj ure Store. We Bjj, Sell inJtl chnnfre New sod Seoadffll Goods. QtO. PAPADOPUUi; ri.lU Tblrd Ave. P!l FIREWOOD. lie Cornfu'Vi: i-' i 1' Dry bio.- W'--f J',S' PI...'. Ii ' A !Bl.CSlN S PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN p ii, Jte f pruii'o nn B-r Hni-M.'f afid S;i UK" ( inunaj'"' KNITTED GOODS SWKATMS and all xniieeu u""" Phnnr lOae'- MAIL SCHEDULE For the Eait Mondays. WednMJay ;d;i unlays, dose ' l"Ms From the Eait Mondays. Vf PrMav due al J IO vbhwum.w- Tuesdays .., Mail close l J;j Saturdays Thursday riuiiuay From Vncouir- Bunauj 'Wednesdays Frld.iys run m.iv "- 15 M 15 si ,9.15 10:30 -A lo::m i To Anyox, Alice Arm- pj, From Anyox, Tuesdays 8 . Sundays ?ttmw From - Thursdays - i To Stewart and Prf" fl.5 p.J Saturdays i Pi SuiKlnys ind " NJ"""' To Port Slmpso" n.lnl a . l" From fori nl.n POinva it-' ,11 . V . Saluntnys Alaska Pol" To 18 and ...It. Point- From n ,:v : My "i::l.i.aPo1 To Quen J ' M,,y J' - Chariot11 " i May 7 and J