Canadian Press, YWCOIYKH, May mi. A Pruvinre Ul'uwa correspondent stales: ON NEW ROAD Alderman Larson Is Foreman In Charge or Work With Dune Munro Ww. of grading I he ami highway has actually I'uiiiiiH'iii'i'd annoiinees U. C. Mai iiy ilisinci engineer for the meal iliiarl ini-iil of public wuikM llie work has started uiii IDs end and will probably I'. r:i ic, on lo Oallowuy Hapids. In v. Inch ioin(, a distance ol live miles, slashing and clearing ' I'unipleled lasl year. Afler i li" unuliiiia, (he surfacing will I"! Un- next process. This fin- "lii'U, i lie road will he ready for ''Hffir and will afford the first 'in motor drive in the eily. j AM, Oscar l.arseu is foreman "i 'limge of the grading and 'Hint- Munro is foreman of the 'Uig winch is grubbing ahead. INDIANS GET MANY SEALS Large Catch of Fur on West Coast of Vancouver Island This Year VK TOIU A, .May u. lo 'In- present the Indians have "null! xi-eulut' cnlehes of fur "-'ids olT the wesl coast of Van-'I'liver Island than in any year "litre sealing was closed lo while '"en hy the pelagic Irealy of lull." staled James Slutnan, fur dealer lKuy. Sluinaii returned -recently from Un" wesl coast or Vancouver js-t '"'d where he purchased 2,-00 kiiis worth approxlmalely $:i0,-The pells will he shipped I'anama lo l.onilou for the di-tiii,,.,. Kll,.s Wji, M, vxeeplion "f 'HO already sent (o FOUR DROWN IN ST. LAWRENCE t'-'MlNW ALL, Out., May 21M-J'l'ur persousi wijfe drowned yes-u'''lay in (he SI. Lawrence lliver when a Hal -bottomed boat eap- "'U 'J'ho vlctliiiH were Mr. and Mrs. Aurellavigne agi'd 21 and JK. respeclively, Homo pelosso If. and I,,.!, eleven nionlh old' biiliy. i'HiieUMmerdwaiei las' '"Slil on the Prince (leorge fur uucouer on a business trip. CORNWALL MURDERER PAYS DEATH PENALTY Thomas Colllson Hanged This Morning For Shooting Girl Who Refused to Marry Him COIINWALL, May 2t-Thomas Collisou, convicted of murdering ileal rice Thorpe. 18 year old girl whom he slml at her home lasl Novemher following her refusal lo marry him, wits hauled l his morning. PROSPECTORS LEAVE FOR CASSIAR COUNTRY WHANCELL, May 21). Twr boatloads ol prospectors with I fill Ions or rrciffhl h'fl here today hound up Hie Slikine lliver for Cassiar where numerous Canadian otlleials have already arrived. STOCKMARKET Ibueltou Cuball Howe Sound Indian Silver Crest I (unwell Premier Selkirks L. & L Daly-Alaska I lay view (raiiby Silvercresl . Itayview Surr Inlet Terminus . (i o I d ilopiilrli fro in un formal proposition from Sir Henry Tliuriilon, amplify- i...,i.i..... .......... .1. I... I. ...I ,1.. ;.. I i.. ii... ii i:. .... lip 1LI..MII11- jWj'..7Mi.T .V , l,.V , I I I.V III I ' Qlllll IV IIIV . V . . V' ..1,11 UuiIwhv is expeclcd very shortly und while pessimism had been mi ii-ii t'u ill tjini i in riers over i ie wnv it nut cr nan iiiiiil' fire drfuiilc (Jevelopiiienls lie fore (he mil uf Hie session ure GRADING BEGUN jiow expculed." I Special to Daily Newsi ' OTTAWA. May 211. While ' there is nothing ili'finile an nounced us yet, pending receipt of Sir llfiiry Thoruliiji's proposal ii reganl hi Hie Peart" lliver situation, I lit official opinion seems u ! Unit the CP. It. will uhau-ilou (he fiehl to Hie Canadian .National ami that legislation will e passed ut (lie present essioii Knit-lit providing fur preliminary steps I own id roiislriielinii of a railway inln tin' heart of Hie district and giving a weslrrn millet. l is iinili'isliiiiil (he scheme will he (Icpeiiileiil on Hie active en-iinTiilion ir (lit (wo provinces of Alherlu anil British Columbia. Hid. Asked .00 .01 10. UO .07 Vi .07 .15 .10 y,:i5 ;i.ui 2.27 2.W .(H- , .tCi .2r Vi .2K .25 .III .11 11.00 .15 .18 .10 .11 .05 .05 .50 .70 Union sleamer eniurc, bapi. A. Juhtislone, arrived in port rroin the south at 10 o'clock thl-morning and sailed at I1.II0 for Nuas lliver pidnln. Capl. John-si one, who is 1 1 be niarried in Vaneouver next Wednesday, will be relieved for a month afler this voyage by Capl. J. I). Mc-PIiit mow on the Cliilkool. II will prolialily lie I he end of next week or later hefore thn coiilracl for the foundation of the elevalor will hae 1 n eoin- pleled hy the Northern Construc- f ion Coiiipauy, and it will lake possibly six weeks or more to finish up the duck, piles for which are now heinj; driven. The company has found dilli-cullies in reaching rock bottom in one or .' two cases for llie fouudalioiis and that is holding hack the work. delivery of material has also been slow'. However spilicient uf m work is completed for the new coiitrae-lors lo o ahead. Willie it is expected dial no lime will he lost in rarryiiiK out the work (be successful contractors wil have (o assepible mat erial here, i particularly sand and snivel of suitable lexlure. A Bang or carpenters will hae l prepare the forms ami I here is a '.'ood deal of organization lo be done before actual work can he commenced. July and August should be the Iwu busiest month and il is probable that three or rour hundred men will be employed them. SAUCY SUE IS OAKES WINNER Favorlto Filly Owned by Lord Astor Romps In Eight Lengths Ahead MISS GADABOUT SECOND Horse Rlddon'by Steve Donoghuc Came Third In Classic Event HPSO.M IKIWXS. May 20. I ,u id Aslor ror llie third lime uf his parlicipalioiv in l-'.uglish racing raituteil (he Oakes Slakes for 'three year old fillies when his Saucy Sue (oday won by 'eight letigllis. -Another of bis' horses, Miss (ladaboul. finished second w-i h Ant honv ile llotlisclitiu 'Hilling Light." ridden by Sieve DiinoVhue, who rode Manna to victory., in (he Derby, came third. Saucy Sue was a greal favor ile with the public since she won lite Newmarket Slakes Ibis year 'IVdayslie reached the climax oT her career during which she has never nief defeat. Bred by Owner Saiicy Sue was bred by her owner and trained by Alee Tay lor at Manlon. An enthusiastic eritie I bus w rote of her ufler llie (Itilneas: "Since We saw her lasl year Saucy Sue has made hot It growl h and development but II is when in aclon Hint she is seen til her best. She seems lo i make no effort when walloping nor can one notice any apparent increase in llie pace al which j she is travelling, rather indeed (does II. seem, (hut her opponents are gradually dropping iiivvay rrotn her. She gives .one Indeed llie idea of always having a lol of reserve. FISH ARRIVALS on Pounds Ex- I'vvo American and two Cana- lian halibut schooners marketed alehes at the I'ish Kxchuiige- this murning. the lijlal fares be ing 10,500 pounds.. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American Oouah, 7,000 pounds, al Joe and 1c, lo Hie ltoolh fisheries. Sumner, IIO.uuo pounds at 8.0c ami te. lo Hie Canadian I'ish t lold Storage Co. Canadian Fisher, 7.000' pounds, at 10c and 5c, (o the Allin Fisheries. Nuba. 5,50(1 pounds, al 10c. and 5.5c, lo the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Vih'i'p'ifo in tho Oailv New. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, mam Ambulance .... wilh rtewly liiid dancing :!it floor for hire. Suitable for Service in ilaiices, banquets and wpd-ili Anywharo at Anytime. n parties. gtnd Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. For rnls, apply to Boston and 6th 8t. ' 7 PRINCE RUPERT rill. Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOI, XV., NO. 120. I'lilXCi; HIPEHT. B.C.. FIUlJAY, MAY 2U, 1H25. Ynttrdiy'i Circulation 1B7B lrt ! 492. PRICE FIVE CENTS, a ff1 i Ml FtYYTYTY w wv iit t wr innwrn AmrAit v v s t w KfcAlfc KIVfcK KA .WAY NSI h 1 1 Nil. M Kfc BUYER OF IRON PROPERTIES IS AT VICTORIA REPRESEN TING BRITISH FIRM Peace River Railway Again Live Issue at Ottawa is Announced Government Awaiting Formal Proposal From' Sir Henry Thornton it Regard to Plans for Building Line. FOUNDATIONS Of ELEVATOR NOT COMPLETE End of Next Week or Later Be-i fore Everything Is Finished: Dock Six Weeks MATERIAL TO ASSEMBLE .Some Canadian girls in a group on llie Li.P.O.S. Hijipress of I'riiuce now on llie last lap of her world lour. I-Voiii lefl lo right: Misses Helly KulTonl. Hrockville ; Mary Knrl, Kansas (lily: Aileeii Hall, Winnipeg: llelliuu tllark, Chicago: Ursula Hums, New York, and Hazel Tuvlor, Helle- ville. Ten Thousand Ukrainians Will Arrivt This Year Bound to the Peace River Country Announced KWMUNTUiN, .May. i'll. A thousand lamilieR coniprtsiiiB Hi.OtMt persons will migrate from Kasleni (ialicia lt Ilia Peace lliver district this summer under (he auspices of the l.'J;raiiiian Immigration anil Colonization Assorialiou of Kilmonlon, it was learned (oday. While il is nol known -definitely when the Cillers will arrive, llie farms are now staled lo be in reudiness for them. A'ews i-eceiveil here that there is a possibility of legislation at Ibis session of llie Federal Parliament dealing with llie open ing oT the J'cacc Ither countryl has caused renewed interest in 'eace lliver setllemenl. If the dans are sufficiently definite it s likely there will be a consider- ilile influx iulo that district (his summer in order lo be ahead of ailway development. Barely Fifty Thousand Sold Here today ' change LACASSEWAS JASPER GUIDE Took Part In Photographic Ex pedition Across Ice Field L. F..l.a Casse, Jormerly of Ibis eily, acting as guide, took a prominent part in a photographic expedition which look place last suinmor along the ridge of the Canadian ltockies rroin Itauff to Jasper by way of llie greal Columbia ice field. An account of this expedition written by Lewis IL Freeman appeared in the April issue of the National (!eoit raphSt- Magu.iiir covering fully half the contents of tile magazine thai month. Mr La Casse's name was mentioned ami he is lo be distinguished in some or the many pictures illustrating Hie arl icle. Mr. La Casse is now established al lluurf in Hie bakery business ami is doing well. Howard Frimll, who recently returned to the eily from a trip east, mel Mr. La Casse while stopping off al liauff. Japanese Sentenced to Hang for Murder of Countryman at Port Alice in April This Year NANAIMO, May '! 1. Yunjamolo, Japanese, of Alice Bav was round guilty or niurileriilg his fellow coiinlryinun, Y. Iso-jinia, tit Porl Alice un April 2:1 und senlenceiJ lo be hanged on August 7 by Mr. Justice. Morrison in llie assize court. F.videnci! given al lite trial revealed dial Isojitna in Hie early morning slushed bis viclim's Ibroat wilh a razor. The defence wns insanity. The inulive uf the crime is. nol known other lltuu thai Yauuinioto alleged afler the murder (but Jsojima was trying lo have him deporletl. At the trial yesterday Yam- amoto was sullen on the stand. He refused lo answer .questions . J ,u( 0 ill,,, i,y 1, is own counsel The' Canadian halibut bonis, except Ho contradict his own flose Kpll and l.ysekil were laken j slitleiheut made at (he prelintiu-on (he dry dock last night for.ary hearing llial.ilsojimu was a -leaning, painting ami minor re- bad man, declaring thai he was ,-iirs. J.i good 11'. nu in ''Very vva.v and had never done hi 111 any ItariiL BIRTH. A daughter was born al lite Prince llupert Oieuera! llospilul 011 May 20 lo Mr. and Mrs. Frank "vvm.u id Prince llupert. Buys Iron Properties for Big British Firm to Establish Smelter Vancouver Sun Says Humphrey Jones is in Province on Behalf of one of Biggest Concerns YAXCOl'VKIt, May 2i. A despal. h to the Sun from Victoria says onu of llie biggest Hrilish iron and sire) cou-eriis operating in nearly every part of llie world bus decided lo enter the British Columbia field und bus plans for e.slubtisli'uig n smeller at onie place on the coasl, according lo Humphrey Jones' who was at the Parliament Buildings yeslcrday, conitnissiuned by a corporation to buy up iron properties in the province. ZANNI FLIGHT 'PLANE AWAITING LIKELY ENDED! BETTER WEATHER Machine Will Not be Ready Until July When Conditions Unfavorable BUENOS AIllFS. Mav 20. - Xunui's attempted world High! is now considered to have ended and it is understood Hie 'organ izing committee will shortly idopl a resolution lo -this effect. A message received from the Argentine Jtvialo'r slales that repairs to I lie inaeiiiiie necessi-luled by the accident when, hop ping on on ,vi uy 11 win.uoi incompleted until July when the North Paeirie weather condiliotis are unfavorable. The charter of the two Vun- . . .... 1 1 corner lugs engageu 10 patroi Hie route expires in September. PRINCESS MARY IS MAKING LAST TRIP C.P.R. Putting Bigger Boats on Alaska Run Interesting Passongers on Vessel Today Making her last (rip of the year. steamer Princess Mary. Capl. C. U. Sainley, arrived al 2 o'clock this afternoon north bound rropi Vancouver lo Alaska The next sailing north will be taken bv Hie Princess Louise which is due here on June 8 This will mark (he .opening ' of llie summer schedule which in July, with llie Prjneess Louise, Prim-ess Charlotte and Princess Alice all on the- run, will give a boat every, three days north and southbound. The Princess Mary today is bringing the first tourists of llie season including a parly that will go into the Yukon country. The vessel also had on board III rce rede ml geological parties beudetl by W. A. Johnston, lr. F. LA. Kerr and lr. W. E. Cockftehl. Hie rirsl two ure going to llie Beast' Lake country ami Br. Cock Held to the Yukon and northwestern British Columbia. The following pusseitigers are booked to sail north from here 011 the Mary: F. Byerman and O. Leed for Wraiigell; S. Christiansen, Albert Houston, I). Buchan an, W Corbett, A. Cameron anil F. Oalgannu for Curcross; W. A. Moyar for Dawson; J. S. lingers. A. P. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. A Munn and family, and A. Mason for Ketchikan: A- J. Jhuc for Juneau. Airs. Slewurl and son of Ter nice Were passengers front Irniw lo boat lasl night bound fo. Vh U'-o uver. No Chances to be Taken With Machine Between Here and Stlklne, Fiyers State ,. , -j"i Weather eomiiiiotis still being unsettled and prospects for an iinint'diale ""improvement not verv bright, the lime of departure of the Yickers Vi'king airplane car rying Archibald Little, Detroit mining engineer, to llie i.assiar district was uncertain this morning. The flight will not lie atteiiipleiltoday In utty ease. The remainder or the parly that will go into Hie, Dense Lake country and beyond wild Mr. Lit- He is now awaiting J lit urrival 3 or I he plane at Telegfaph Creek. A base has been established on as lake six miles south r Tele-5 raph Creek and a quantity of 3 supplies are already Utere in-. eluding enough gasoline! Tor riftvas Hying hours. That will be the; headquarter ror Hie plane Until is It gees into the Dease Lakejj country. Mr. Lillle said this morning x that lliere was a lot' oT work planned Tor llie piano in Ihe. north this summer and certainly no chances were going to betaken between here and Tele-1 graph Creek through leaving Pi'inre ltitpert in any wealher but Hie best. LOSE JOBS SO ' GET MARRIED' Adoption of New Telephone System at Fort Wayne, Ind., Re sults In Two Dozen Weddings FDlir WAYNE, Indiana, May 20. rwenly-three weddings will relieve some oT the unemployment among telephone workers who will be replaced here today by an auloinalit. system. Nine girls have uniiiutnced their- wedding dates for tomorrow and fourteen others will lie married wilhifi two weeks. HARRIS WON BRITISH GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP WESTWAUD UO., Eng.. Mv 20. Hubert Harris of Dundee today won Hit' British amateur golf championship by defealiiig Kennel h Freilgeley of Wurre'i, Ihirteeii and Iwelve in Hie finul. This afleruoon's (rain, due from the East ul 3.y , U repo-' id tin timr.