Figured French oulards Or v "ft shades, patterns . . . . . 1 1 .. 1 . t .. f... iirsip:iis sniiaioe ior : ir. Dresses, ami L; willing liiautlfiilly. ..II.. vmimtil i I iifit rrai.l $1.50 'est of England Store Phone. 7B3. PER CENT REDUCTION on Spring oats ami Hats Demers" House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 Now obtainable In i Prince Rupert. Suprema Canada' Favor! Jo Fiirnihire 'olish. iVi all Rood stores in jr (urge bottles. pi "SUPREMA" Mop Oil lii 'lie fiiiiiniiM "Eureka Sleach." ho flimsier I.aliel. DRY IIRCHWOOD and Cedar $8.50 Per Load 1 u' to nny length. HydeTransfer I 139 Second Avenue IPhone 580 Nlaht or Dav WE BUY BOTTLES. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone St. ' ariane, WarehouslnR. and Wstributing, Team or Motor Bervlne. oal, Sand and Gravel w Speolallze In Piano apd Furniture Rovlnfl. FUNERAL OF jSTEAUNG FROM AGED PIONEER! CARS PARKED AT Donald McKlnnon of Smlthars was 94 Years of Age The fnnoral nf ihe l(,c Donald MrKinnin was liolii nil Moiuhiv laflcrnnon, a large number of friends attending to pay their llasl respects In one of the pion-,eor of lliitf district. I air. .McKinnon wlm was in hi Oilh year, came lp Siuilliort isoine sixteen years ago and 'started farming on n piece of i land on llu' road between hero land Lake Kallilyn. ) Two sons and a daughter sur-jvivM, one of wlnun, I). ". MoKin-innn lias been living on (lie farm wwii ins lamer ror simiio years. HAVE MANY PLANSFOR INCREASING OUTPUT AT PRINCERUPERT MILL One of Hie guests at Hie Notary Club luncheon yesterday was J. A. Smith, owner of the lnnther mill at Seal Cove, who in lhw course of a short talk expressed the wish to know the people of I'rince Itnperl Deller. He said they had many plans on hand for increasing production al -the mills and extending Hie plant ami Ihey would not lie sat-salsfied until all were CANNERY SHARES ARE SELLING IN EAST Toronto (ilobe U.K. Fishing came hack into a prominent place in the market ii yesterday's I radius and ad the close. In both Toronto and Mouleral there has been marked operations in Hiis slock in anti cipation nf more satisfactory conditions in the fishing indus try in British t'.olnmliia durins the current swim on. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Leaae Lande. In iris Land llwinlln- nittrlct or I'niK HiiiH-rl, ami almal mi IIm liorlh-wtl -nl of Vrttf llaiul, II.C. apirti.-iiulfly li mil iHtrth rn.iii I Ik- mouth nf Winter llirlHir. Tike Nolle thai r.o.w-Mlllrrd Limited f Yiiinmvrr. H.i... nrriiiwtlnti lurkem, inirnii I" apply rr a n-a or in ioi-lipwlnir tlrtrritittl laiuli: iiniiinieiiriiiK at a mai planlwl apprni-IiiuiHv eli mile mirth frmm Die mouth or Winter llarlmr. I'narae Inland: llienre niirlhwet ln t rhaln. more or lei's, Ik ! water mark: thenro iurlliial almiir Iw water mark one hundred and ulily tliW) rlialna; thenre miiiUihiM iwn ?i rtiatn.t; llienre mihNvel one hunrireil and sixty di rluinia. more or lee, to iHilnt or rommenrenient and containing Winy-two (.tSi acres, more or tm' ' r.OS.SK-Mll.t.Kim LIMITED, Maine or Appllrant, Dated May 1 9ib. HS. LAND ACT. Nolle or Intantlon to Apply to Laai Lands. In Hie Land Ileeordlnir DUtrlrt at Prince Uupert, and Hlliiau- iffl the norlli wel rmnl ir 1'earne llnd, U.t:.. appniv linately three miles tinrlh rrom the mouth or Winter 'llarlmr. , Take ,otli that Krliieira Limited or I'rlnre Umiert H.i:.. orrupallon parkjr. Iniend to apply Tor a lease or the rut-loxtlnr deiierllied landt: r.i.mineni-lnif at a t Planted approj-Imatelv three miles tmrth rmm the month nr Wiuler llarlKtr, rear lUndi llienee iiurlliwrat two rltaln, morn nr .lea, to low water mark: thenre w.utliWes alonir low water mark oiu' Jnmdred am lxlv ( chains: thrnre southeast two' ) rh.llns; thence - nurlkeaat .one Hundred and fitly l rhalnj, more ir les. to point or commencement unit eon-talnW thlrly lwn (Si rn-s, mom or '" FniZZEl.t.'S LIMITED. Nauin of Appllrant. naled May Hln, tttt. LANO ACT In Prince Uupert Land District! District or r rlncn llnpert. TAKE NOTICE that I. Merlll Des lirlsay. nr Vancouver, II.C, occupation nuiiwi broker. Intend' to- pplv pcrmlasloti to descrfl.ed lands purchase the rollowinir south or the southeast corner ; of Lot MM. nmiA Creek. Ilanire " 4. Coast District; Z ee north chains:' IJ.ence xvest SO chains- thence south to shore line In an laslerrv direction to olnt or com-ioencei'iicnt: contalnlnir iO acrea. more or MEIULL DES nniSAY, Applicant. Srtwln Elrny ll.irniun, Airent, Dated Amljlcijnm LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT District or castlar, Sllklne Division. TIKE NOTICE "That I. Waller Julian llleiuiiM'd Soldier), or Teleirraph Creek. Ii. :. Vice ipallon Miner, Intend to apply ror permission to purchase llio rollowinir ?!"":L, a nost Planted about one iiil e rast or McU-ods SloiiKll near Urn "t kme lllver and anout 32 miles ! "....:... r TelerraPh Creek: thence iii chains: thence east 0 chains; south HO chain! thence west w "."'.A. thence ... . r eoinniencemeiit and containing: "res. more( or Applicant. April Ifltti. 1025. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnra from I'rlnre nupert. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Altrt Ba,,, 'Of Saturday, 10 A.M. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Altrt Ra. and Swanion Ba, f0f ANYOX. ALinr toy .tiuit nH.. I P.M. ir J"0."! '"PtON and Naat Rlvar CannarUe, rrld wg nvtnuo. 4. BarnaUy, Ait. Prlnea Rupart, B.O. POLICE STATION New Yorkers Lost Much When Waiting for Cases to Come Before Oourts MiV YOIIK, May 2!). New York's growing loll of motor violalorx has reacheil oich prn-iiorlions that the Traffic Court, preum! almost Ihe worst traffic problem that motorists have to face. , May after day Ihe three, court rooms, sealing 120 persons each, are called upon lo accommodate a calendar of .from 500 lo 700 cases, with 1,100 cases the water mark during a recent parking crusade. Hut the court itself is sorne-lime the least of the , worries of Ihe traffic violator.-Street, vandals often steal his car or pilfer all ils movable parts while he is wailiiiig in court; policemen leave him tickets for parking loo long, pick-pockets use the dally crush lo steal his purse and Ihe inev-ilahle delays in court cost him heavily in his business. So full of terror is the ordeal, for traffic offenders llial court records show more than Oil per cent plead guilty, preferring" lit have the stigma "first offender" attached lo their names than lo ndd lo delays liy protesting innocence. Court attendants quote them ns saying they want to get it over willi iis ipiickly as possible. The parking spare in front, nf Hie court house luis become a thieves' paradise, court attaches say. I'olice reports show that Hie loot taken by yotilhs who fre-(pienl the place includes twelve iaxirahs, as many touring cars. vanced to 35 before selling off aU wagon load nf pies, a trnck- load of eggs, thousands of dol lars worth of merchandise, m-Inr robes, lieadliglils, spare lire and anylhinw that ran be detnehed. One fruit merchant, summoned 'for speeding, found bis Irnck denuded of 0 stems nf bananas, while lie was in court. The crowds in the building, waiting for their cases In be railed, are oflei.lie prey for pickpockets. One banker reported his pocket was picked of .'100. A woman ahoiit to pay a $10 fine for speeding found her purse enmity when she opened il. Prospects of ten days in jail caused her lo faint, but Ihe court Suspended senlense when il was learned she had been robbed. Husiness men report that Ihe inevitable delays rire costly lo Hiem, one Wall Street broker asserting he lost SIH.onn during his enforced absence from the slock licker. PLANS NEARLY READY FOR MOVING BUFFALO Transportation of Big Animals by Rail and Water to Preserve Near Fort Smith Begins Soon KD1I0XTMX, May 2D M. II. Cluistie of (jie Nip'thwesl Terri- lories ilejlarl men t, - Ol lawn, Hia gone north to Waterways in or- tier o look over Ihe arrange ments which are in progress for Ihe inovins of HulTalo from Wainwrighl park In Hie Wood HulTalo preserve al Kurt Smilh. Mr. Christie, who will supervise the movement (of Ihe buffalo, spoil a few days at Wainwrighl, and stales that Ihe young slock which it is proposal lo move, this summer, are all :n splendid shape. The animals have been corralled in the park, ami am ijulle tractable, so that no great ilitllcuHy is anticipated in Iranspnrling lliem over lb') long rail and waler route lie Iween the two parks. The original plan as previous ly announced, will be adhered to Ihe .movement this slimmer con templating about, two thousand of Ihe young buffalo, wilh km'all number nel, yHar. Weather und oilier conditions will be Ihe deuiding faclor in the iiiovenient, but wilh favorable conditions, it is anticipated that llio entire Iwo thousand will lo in Iheir new home before Ihe season closes. Col. J. K, Cornwall, of North ern Traders, l.inill ), is alreaily nl Wnlcrways, stipervising coin plelion of Ihe river scows which will bo used in transporting tliu ImlTalo by water, and ajso look ing over the corrals Hint Iiuvo been billt ut Waterways lo hold 1,, . t ' THE DAILT rTEWB 1 Hie animals pending their trans- Hanson, 3b.; M. Krizzell, If.; n. shipment aboard the scows, and Smith, cf.; ilorley, rf.; Irvine. .Mr. Chrislie, after an inspee- lb.: Oray. p.; Vnllaiiee ,ss.; C, linn nf the preparations at tho McKeown, c. end of sleel, will return lo Kd- monlon. i'lio firsl movement from Wainwrighl is planned to take place about Ihe middle of June. Mid regular shipments will, pro- eed thereafter, so long us the season holds. CANUCKS WIN FIRSTlGAME the Sawmill was a first class af fair which gaP pleuly of excite ment to the rather small crowd of Jans that, owing to tho un favorable weather, was present. I'Iib game was scheduled lo go five innings lint an extra frame had lo be played before Ihe Canucks emerged winners by a score, of 7 lo (i The support of the sporting public oT (he cily is bespoken for the Junior League football games thai are beins staged weekly on Saturday at the Acropolis Hill grounds. The games are well worth the dime admission and the presence of spoclalors, besides helping the youngsters Id purchase Iheir equipment, gives them encouragojuonl, in Ihe Interest Inn Baseball Match Plav- sport. The games should lie ed Last Evening Between Canucks and Sawmill I'lie ojieniiiff game of Ihe Sen ior llasejiall League last liigui between Ihe -Sons of Canada and Sport Chat drawing. larger crowds than Ihey bavo been doing. Tomorrow's game will be I ho fourth of I lie season and the High School and llordcn Street are lo be the opposing learns, Honlen Street announce Ihe following line-up : McLean; Sliles and Veirick: llogers, Parkin and (iurvich; 'Irvine, Smith, Hunt, Morrison and Millord. At n meeting of the Hoard of Control for lest cricket matches held in London, Ihe dales for Ihe test, matches against Australia the tiext year were, fixed as follows: The I fmH fl'IIP opened IPiiiM tlir scoring vl 1 1 1 p i - with nik run In Ihe first, inning I'irsl match al Noltinglmm on ami the Mill evened up in the croud with a questionable hoiiio run wilh no men on bases. The Canucks got two in the second and three in the third and, nt Clie beginning of tho fourth, lb.1 score was G lo 2. Til tho fifth Ihe mill again evened up by scoring for runs anil jn the sixth the Sons of auada .squeezed in the winning run. The batteries were; Sawmill, dray and McKwen; Soiiji of Can ada, Roy and Halfour, Juno 12; second match al Lords on June 20: third match al Leeds on July 10; fourth innlch al Manchester July 21; l-'ifti match at the Oval Augusl 1 1. The matches will bo of three days duration, but Hie last will bo played lo n finish if the rub her depends on H. At the llotary luncheon yesterday .a coinmillee was given aulhorly lo try - to organize baseball team lo wipe out Ihe I'he teams lined up as follows: slur cast upon lliem in a recent Sons of Canada Fnrquhar, challenge from Ihe Inlanders In 3b.: L. Sherman, ss.rJaek Hatch ford, cf,; Vlo Menzies,- lb.; Hal-four, c; Harry Mcnzies, 2b.; Lambie, If.; Hoy, p.; l.idslonc, rf. Sawmill McMasler, 2b.; II. tho effect that they were too obi lo play Ihe game. Tho opinion was expressed that Hie Holarians might put a credilablo team iii tho field. .. SALMON TROLLERS Before outfitting it will pay you to inspoct our line of Trolling Gear. We have a new line of .Salmon Hooks, Swlvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our slock you will find everything you require- Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of nil kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley 8toves and Utensils. If it's fur the boat we have it. Boats are lost every year by fire have you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We soil them. Gall and sec us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) IicanadianT Vacific Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway May 8th, 18th, 29th, Juna ith For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle May let, 12th, eznd, June 2nd, 13th. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Bella Bella, Ocean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay", Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday 11 a.m. Agenoy (or all Steamship Llnea. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. cows SPECIAL SELECTED (lNADIAN rye whisky Bottled m Bond under Dominion Government supervision The Quulify Whisty of Canada- since 1859 This, advertisement is not published or displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.