PAP.K two The Aroma s of ALADA" SUBSCRIPTION RATES: H429 betokens the perfect blend. Superb in flavor Try it today. The Daily News pniiVGR. buprrt - nniTisu Columbia Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert F)aily News, Limited, Third Avenue. IF. P. PULLRX, Managing Editor. Lily Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per moulh .......... $1.00 :Hy majl to nil parls of Hie Hrilish Empiro and tho IJniled Slates, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries in advance, per year 7.50 Transient Display Advertising $1.10 per jiichper Insertion Trahsient'Adverlising on Front Page -2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion.. 25c per line Classified. Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion? . 15c per again line Contract Hates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All nilverlisiug should be in The j)nj!y Xows OlTico liefore p.m. on day preceding puMicalinn. All advertising received siihjen to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Monday, February L', liS5. Likely A Boom In Lumber Business. Following I In action of the Legislature in making a more permanent and eipiilalile schedule' of royalties for the lumbermen at its last session, it seems as if there would be a boom in me iiimiicr business. A number iif deals have recently been put through and if is am uei) lluil a big new mill is to be ercrleil on the I'raser Hiver to cut loirs from Vancouver Maud. Jn Hie norlli F. 1 4. H nek ley is lu operate. his.Lui'l. (Uemejits mill to cut -iirplane spruce lor Vickers and the. mill at Prjuco l' In- I, 111.., :n :n-r i- S ....i... i upn tw.mi, viin i hiiii win, or iipurjiiiiig neioro Great Demand For Airplanes. There is a growing demand for i airplanes and airplane spruce. Information coming through at various times and from various sources lells of the growth of Ifjn airplane industry, War planes anij peace planes are needed mid Urijjsh Columbia is supplying Ihe necessary limber. This district is the centre of tie airplane spruce industry, . , Congratulate Presbyterians On Their New Church. , The members or he Presbyterian Church nro Ip be heartily congratulate'cl on their new church building. 11 is u fine structure and would do credit lo a. much larger city than this. H indicates thai church people here are alive to heir needs' and proud of their religion, else lhey would not spend so much money on a building. Dr? (iianl is to be particularly congratulated on the eyenl as it is -largely owing to his able and earnest ministration that the building of Ihe new church has been possible. It is to be hoped that lie will be able lo use il for many years to come. ,, The building is an excellent one architecturally and mechanically and the architect and builders both have congratulations coming lo them for their good work. The builders at o n local Tirni and il is pleasing lo know Ilia I they can do work or this kind. Far Away Fields Look Green. ;.. - . . I nr away- fields always look- green. V always seem to iniliK rangers can ilo things belter lhau we can do (hem ourselves. The result js Dial wv .do ipLii'ppreeialCulheiiv excellencies. As a matler of racl Prince Iliiiiert nWrnle'r.' nliiliw with the best people in Ihe world and are able to compete with nix worm in man) lines oi worn. There are orien limes when wo have to sen-l"'nway for things or when we have to get outside people, I o de .erlnui kinds of special work bul ordinarily Prince Hupert people can do juu-t classes of 'work! as well as anyone. Fine Thing To See Unity Among Christians. Yesterday at the Presbyterian Church was an object lesson in unity among Christians. Among those taking part in the opening of the new church was dev. (I. f'r. Hacker, a Methodist, in the morning, and in Ihe evening Hev. Archdeacon llix, Anglican. In the congregation wire people of all religious de-iioininatioiis. including a number of Catholics. ' The aims or all religious denominations are practically Ihe same. The chier difference is that whjlo some point more' particularly to the life herearier as Ihe reward or punishment for sin. others see the reward in virtue itself and punislinienl in this world more lhau in the lire lo conic. All proress to have the betterment of life here as among their chief objects. Insofar as religion has to do will improvement here, it i a mailer of interest to alt citizens. When it goes beyond that il is of inferesl only lo those in agreement with the particular cull or sen-l which sets it forlh. Everyone is agreed that life here might be ri great deal belter than il is today and jr religion can old in making il belter, everybody is for religion. Therein lies the common ground for agreemenl among all denominations of Christianity and all other religions of Ihe world. Much Gambling. On Food Of Peopled . There is a great deal of gambling nu Ihe people's food sup- pi, i iiousaniis or people made fortunes by buying wheat at i ne ngni utne in anticipation of a rise, and others hayf lost when there was a drop. The rise was accentuated bv the vigorous buying of speculators, and Ihe people pny the extra cost in increased price of wheat products, ' ' WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "The Siie Show ir bite." Fight- iiml Win Scrips, Xo. 0. Infernal ioiuil Xi'w.i. Wednesday and Thursday ( "The last Scl." Felix Comedy Carlonn. Fox Xews-liazclle. Friday and Saturday "Till1 -Man Wlui Came I lack." Topics of Hip Day. ' MIXED MOTIONS IN SIDE SHOW OF LIFE Clown to General and Back Again Is the History of the Hero ''The Side Show of Lire" s a screenplay of fundamental human emotion ami human suffering, sacrifice ami. love. Life it-seir is a .'-mixture of laughter ami tears! 'The Mouniebank" by William J. Locke is Ihe slorv from which the picture was mlanled. II deals with the adventures nt a circus clown who .becomes a general hiring the war, falls in love with a Ijtled Knglish lady only to cuine In he hitler realization, when Ihe war is over, thai once a clown,' always a clown I In a series of heart-tugging siliiAlious a powerful climax is leached, ami from this pitint on the picture marches on to a happy and triumphant finish. There are lavish sets and cir cus backgrounds and dramatic content or the story. With il all Krnesl 'for re nce's imoresshe porlrayal of the lovable clown nominates the picluret II is a rob that .affords a wider dramatic scope, than .anything he has buie before. Torrence has a chaiici; to be a real hero himself and the way he does it makes you love him. He is not only runny hul human and lender a iid I h a t -i a- ha rd comb in a fiorr In beat. . ... .,- Anna Q. Nils'snn fy an ideal type for Ihe aristocratic heroine. Miss, Xilsson has a featured role with Torivnce in Ihe produclion; lionise l.iigrnuure. Maurice Can non, Kalherine Lee ami others prominent fui boih stage and crcen appear in support. DEVIL-MAY-CARE MAN AS HERO OF STORY "The Man Who Came Back" Ex perienced Defeat and Degradation First Another adanlallon from a bonk and a slajje play which scored marked success hi both forms, comes to the puhlic Ibis CrRjL CHAOWICK iKATHLUN UlffOW THF MAN WHO CAMk BACK.' i'44' rax .ruciAu. season in the screen version of "The Man Who Came Hack which opens Friday next here. John Fleming Wilson wrote Ihe novel which became a bes seller Immediately. Jules Kekcrl (iooiliiian made il into a play winch won llrnadway and then Ihe whole country. Now. Cdniun Ooiildhni has written a scennrio from which Kmmclt Flynn has directed a idclure which urn inises to duplicate (he success of Hie book and slaito versions The slory concerns the black- sheep son of a weallhy New Worker. The yoimgVler hum up llroailway and when II be come loo hot for him, U ment to Sail Francisco by his father to work In a ship yard, In Ihe (ioblcii (into f lily ho Is slum- in itself. TTI2 DATT.7 WE?5: WHITES OF EYES TINGED WITH YELLOW? MUDDY COMPLEXION? YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER! Mm. Wni. Uoiirnuc. fa Orri-k, X.B., wrllPfi:- "I have been trniitileit with iny liver rr a (uiift linn', mid w mi Imd 1 i-onld irnl ilm any work. I tml sen-re palm In my -Muiiiarti thai were " liitil. l time, inn M hardly Manil tlwin. My lona-iie lii-rniiie . ihhUmI: I had a lail t.nia In my imuiih, osnerlally In Ihe mornlniri the whlle'iir my rye were linpi) Willi' 'yellow, ami I liad a muddy an. yellow 1 t-iiiiiile.Ylnn, I had read a preat deal nliout MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS jn derided I woiilfl try a lal, and afler Mklnir IIiiti-' of lliem I 'M Krually Improved and Tell mine like livlnir, and I ran now dn my own vork vlilioiii any Ironlde." For fair at all driinKlfls anil dealer; put up only by The T. Mlllnirn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. i ghaied ami eventually lauds hj Ihe Orient. The fall ami rise of Henry t'olti-r, the reckless devil-mai-care American, weaves itself jn-lo a narrative so roniaiilic and lull of action that il mjghl have been originally written for the .screen. Needless lo say, lie does rise. Hut not until he has experienced (be sling of defeat and Ihe degradation of (lie underdog. He also learns the extent of a woman's sacrifice. And in the end, Henry Poller turns out lo be a first rater in Ihe real sense of the phrase. THE FAST SET IS ALL ITS NAME IMPLIES Betty Compson Is the Wife Who is Led Away by ''The Great Lower" his wife and Mends at a diUn,'r party., , . , III "'ri'in VnSt Ilm ... . ...... . , . i'f"- ducer-direcjor iiqiI IJie nave iniroiiureii many 'ilelfgljl.riil touches, jo, ),hf j Use nf Ihe c lirf! 'ri'ie'sCi'fol of tlie screen play is considered one of he finest of k tul Icllintr in deft pictorial form a dramatic lory which relied upon brilliant ftah n.rue In lls stnsre Torm. 1 I The Man in the Moon fY.Si- III, I' I'. Mombiv huriiin. oli well) week il was llluo Friday. .M()(l. beams urn III) iiifm IIiki use lo keep ihe moon from fall ing. MO.VKY talks. "(lo.ul bye." It orien says ADAM was made, from dust hul woman was made from a rib Man sometimes wishes Woman whs made of ilusl. so tlnt slm might dry tiji once In. a while. HADIf) is louder 'at night limn in day time, possibly the luoon-hhie is responsible. Rotort Oourteous "Where ii, the I III can I wash my hands 1" said I tin rnunh burly chap lo the sweet demure llllle telephone girl, She not blinking nil eyebrow) (io riu'hi down the hall and turn. in Ihe lijilil.. Viiif'll .-i'i' a siKit thai says: "I'or (ienlli'iin'ii Only." Hut ilon'l you iniml I hat. you jusl go in anyway. A NKOATIVK virlue is ealine less .so thai your nvoirilupoi may decrease. IT Ihe nalioiis were all one family there would be more ipiar-! reling lhau ever. II' everybody works in heaven, won't il be a (peal lo see Ihe men who make soeeches at labor nieelings wearing overalls for a change, lHtlTISlI people will soon be thinking the Itussians' are all ritfht. They, are spending money in that country for manufactured soods. r TIIK opium conference was a'J failure but the other couferi'iiees have been successes. The results in each case will probably be ahbul the same. Ten Years Ago j n Prince Rupert 'February 2, 1915. The .New Kngland Fish Oo.'s trawler Knickerbocker is toiling on her way lo Seattle with a ;'liii,fiiiii pound catch or halibut which, had it been landed here, would now he on ils way by rait o Ihe I'laslern market. A great effort is being made in Vancouver to unseat .Mayor-elect ,. I), Taylor on account i;f.hU urnpcrly ipialificalion.' which are claimed lo be faulty. A Prince Hupert man is on taking an aiilomohilu to llaelloii and motoring I here' lo San Francisco to in Ihe bit; Exposition. . - i i.i .in iii;, wtitcli gties support to Ihe con- I I'll I if ut I in lev an an line n inaiiiiscrip is more real than life In an opening scene Dexter is howii dusting cigar ashes from his manuscript, with his wife's ilk scarf. II sj mholizes his limbless Tor the charms of Ills vire. Ihe role played with fine touches bv ltetlv: f!om'nson. When a phlanlei'er playfnllyi ouches the scaVf; however, the1 author becomes imlisnaiU. The presence or "the great lover," a role in which Adolphe Menjoii is ideally cast, arouses Ihe novelist nil of bis work ivf ni:i1e.liil !ive into the realm of actualities. I he philanderer s ;imrer Ihe nnvnlisl. nml i tin fl. nally plays a Irumji curd lo win iiack the woman lie loves; he in II Itliliiilllin nml W U W. from lake Do authors become so involved' Dr, iiunan returned Jast even- llicir uiirlil 1 1 f ricllon tli:il I,,., r....... I-.. ....... ..., ...... I,,. 1 "i" ' mniMiii- ' n: n; llnv f:ii1 In ti-tt In lnurli vv-illi'...n ...... i .ri il ,v. ... . t. ... -v'-'ia ni-llll ill llli- III4I1 I liii- hi the person about Ihein? 1,. lhey .,,, Cbalfield V. Iiirnan. lo 1 II il...:.. ... ... . . ..... iniur .in iin-ir jiioi.iiiu-1- nun im ii ik .miss wiMiiuicii neairice -inner, form and have none left for their own wives? (ieorire W. .Morrow is still nd- In "The FastjSel,." WJIIiam de vocitling Ihe idea of forming a Mille's latest Parainoiinl pic-1 rishiiifr company nmoiig local lure at the midweek showing. : citizens to mirage in all spheres Flliott Dexter aonenrs in n i-ule I i.r 1 1... i.1.i,,Ji,. The City Market is proving wry popular and apparently j Is an Institution thai has come In slay. O. II. Nelson was last night elected president of the Prince Hupert Hospital Hoard. O. W. Morrow was chosen vice-president and W. M. Wright, managing secretary for the year. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Hev. and Mrs. Ai l bur , Hanier 'irnl A. (iarela, Victoria; .1. W. nilerson, Winnipeg; T. )iek. fleorire (iolder. Mr. nml lr !illentons,;eiineh llnpcr. A. It. Webster. .1. l . . ... ; ' " i i ii i niri. Vancouver; U. T. Oabrera and Mr. and .Mrs. K. H. himi 1 1 . . ii. il. Simiison rwilipsoil vites a social outcast In sit with I Mussel! ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Krskine Dighy Island Mr. and Mrs. c. Il, tlitlrelt and . Jtarry llearns. Il.uc.kley ilay; It. M. Held, Kverell. r Vash. Central ;: Mrs. I. Hiib.v.'llueltley Day. TIMBER SALE, X 6603. Thi'ri' will In- nrrcCi'd rr wilp in 1'iiDMc Amlliiii hi iiihiii t.n the .Mil (iny (,r Man i. hi.v in i in' orrii'i. uf tin. l-'liri.Ht Siiiiai-. ' ihur, sinltlii'ra, II.C, 1 1 in t.liTiii-e Xniiuii.l to rut I.iiimi lineal feel i.r cedar I'nles! nun i lium mi mi men miimii'il iiii Del l-nkf. l liillM, miutliwc'st ir lliui-lliui Cii.'liir illsirkl. ' rive (5; y-H r will he olluwril fur re iiiiiviti iii milliter. I'ruvlili'il any mm muMc to atlomll llii' aui'tlnii In iwrwui may -m lititl t h m-ilnl' li'iiiliT In In- niiiii'il nl ilif Iimir nr niii'tiuiii iii iri-nit'ii a mil- inn, fiiiiliiT iinrtli'iiliir or lhi Chlor Kiirc-tcr, Vli'lorl.i. II. C, or lilmrii-t Koi-rstpr niwr H'H'iti, m.c. vTIMBER SALE X 6838. Sfolud TPiulfrn will 1 rrrrlvpil hy iw MliihHT or l.iiid.i, at Vlrinrla, tint latnf llmii iiihiii on l ho 5lh day or i'rtiriinrv 1915, for Hit' purclimn or l.lrenei! X iMa'l'. to rut ft.9SO.ono reel or Spnire, Cfdar ""' IH-mliiik, on an ari-a nljulninir l.nt I93, selwj'ni Inlet, yiiri-n Clmrlolle Island Land Mmrlrt, Twn l) yoar will tic ullnwpil ror ri. moval nf tlmliir. riirttipr parllfiilara or lhi Chli-r ForM- !!;Vn..V't:;if,','rt.v!r;. "r UMn vnr- LAND ACT Nolle of Inuntlon to Apply to Laat Land In , Miiii'tt Inlet, 1.1110011 chnrlui p laltiida Land nitrlft, llerordln liutr rl or rrlnre Unpen., and miuaie ahmit one mile aonili or nM l.laud, Ma,elt IH. In YeMalmn Ilay. mi timiier llinli tj Noilrn that Fuene It, Simmon of Miaaetl. l.c. on-npalloi Ca ne"y Miinaier, Intend, to apply rP perm miX to leae the fnllnwlnv devrlti.d land' nnninieni-lnir at a pnut plnnled on the wit j d.; or Ve.tnllon Hay; ihenre ioiilh ft f.i!;Ln,.,.""nr,! W'M ,n rhn". "'! rot" talnlnn IS arre. inure or le KI'flKNE It. SIMPSON, Dated nercnter lOth.m."' "'V11 Monday. Ff'in-iiary )r. 3;i'..J - j. . M A S you dissolve a Pens tablet kv.;&. on your tongue.certain heal- W$ in'n fumes -are released which if M are immediately taken with the A fi breath down into the furthest .y recess ot the iunj;s wnere liquid medicines cannot pene. i-VV trnte. These Fen fumes on their m wav bathe the whole of the breathing L mm IT Helgerson Block. .i..- .1: . I)-... ....... v oi aci jn iins iiiitli c-ji'n. f V. While Peps are an expe.iiivq remedy uVi to produce, the demand has become so 0$ great that it has now been found A- possible to have the M PRICE REDUCED to 25c. box f. -I I Now blaimtHftf Mf.(Kii4 Jtaltrt ntryvlurt. (i !l i or Jirwl nm i'tfit Ct . OumwiI 8.. Tarvmto j SAVAGE '&' j passaces with their healing potency, ,(" S ilW " malion in the bronchi, and relieving X WfcSj&i tjV the chest. Liquid medicines are simply 'VWYV ' V-'AW swallowed into the stomach and can- iVS '5 fil 1 AJJ A V f ; upert Fish" Fresh frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Iti Prlnn Rupert, B.C. Washer and Dryer lias no Wringer, needs none, i' Medal nl Inst Quebec Kxhilnt i American nml tlanadian Much if (iash Price $185.00: also old : Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST HONEST DENTISTRY MEANS RELIABLE DENTISTRY and necessarily implies PKHSONAU atlenlion v. ' palient. This is the only kind of denlislry I have " i ' ' hence Ihe unciiiiilitioiial giinraulee lhal goes wilh nr ' GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST II VI tHKaHBilllB Aii.1.n nu n.'.c III I U ;Rm .IIUtHWHUI," JJ i in 'mmnmK m 1 1 w m ' OLD CROW1 BOURBON WHISKEY I The same unequalled superb, rare quality Bourbon ir fact and quality-backed rbknak uunniiNT SUPERVISION 3 I i i iima II I in liH i iJiliPyVniJjJBi-JhWillH11"1 This ndverlisement Is not piihlished or displayed hy Mipiur Lonlrol Hoard or by the novcrnuicnt of Kpiliol. i i .. i nan iiiuuillliiu. Ihe