i i T :n s fit . . "on. in.'. II II i' t' li i 'Tin' urn. -1 - being I'Dinliii'li'il by y Sl : K. I". Jones, Ar-sil' not ri-pri'MMilrtl by CUT HIS THROAT Carlton Cafe Yesterday and Rushed Man to Hospital I. . HA :i nl I I'.. .i.i.. n..i..i.i.. , Mil J 1 1 II I V II I II r 1 1,1 'lie I'rinei. Ituperl tleneriil "wiiiti.1 wild a cut Ihioal. x lit it fltiek yeslei'ilay nioi'n-'i'y I'tiliee Conslable Alex, ''luiiiil.l H-eelvetl a hurry-up 'l1'" "' Carllon CaTe on "ni',1 Ave,,,,,.. ,, ,.,.vili . '"lll 1 1 II 1 ,1 . t . I.. I.I . I .... I ...III. i "II HIS lll'll Willi A ainl 1 1 'III I It . I I .... I I . ' in itiiii a a nitor rnior nun " "le lii'snj, 1 '""HI II." IK .1. A "r "ii" ruse. hi...... lln... 1 . bim. Ir. II. K. iemlere, first aid ami West Ibeil IiiiiL elntfje nuit'iiiiis was ro- ' Hid bospilal in the am ""e mill is reiinrleil In be '""viMl, fro,,, i.. "I II fouseiiMis when l""'k bim In churgf. BIRTH Mrs Hi.i.,,,.1 -I. ... i lie Hie V. , i. .tllllcrKOII, ' 11 velt,rilay. A I lilt' first meeting of the museum litiaril lii'lii Saturday f filing the offer of u loan of a valiiabli ' I'olli'cliiin of Indian, curios from lr. Large of Hazel-! ton was accepted iro isiounl onj Hit' money In pay the expenses in connection therewith being fiu-throming. The rolli'i'tiiui is now in 1 1 it- museum at Toronto anil, if removed, llii mini of approximately 'fifty dollars charges paid by llit-ni will liuvi- to In' refunded In llii'in ami also tin' cost of bringing IIiimii Ihtc. II is IIioii'IiI thai 1 1 1 total i-baii's will .iiihuiiiI to about iru. The follriMion is a larKf iuio, niailr by Hip lali lr. I.arjji! at Port Sini4ison .'lilt t'onsisls of nboiil .'trill pit-fi's in all, sunn' of whit'li an.' M'ry obi aliil valuable. Tin lioitnl lalkfil ovi'r I In-wh'olf loral siliialimi ami lc-i-iili'il to coiiiuit'iicc an artut' i'.-iiiass for iinltinil hislory and historirnl spprinirii; : Itrv. Canon Itiishbrook was atbli'il to Hit' In inn I which rou-islrtl pri'vitiiisly of II. !'. l'ul-Ifii, t'liairmaii; S. K. ('aniibfll. I'., r.nllioiiri. Mis IniVt-nirl ami Miss llulli Slfwarl. Tbi' rooiii in the Hank of ConiniiMTf lliiibliiiff offi'inl for llii-,iiiiiiii' by Mr. ('.atnpbt'll will bf ulilit'tl al rirsl uulil. ciillt'i'lioii t't'ls ton litrKi! r un til Kit' room is watilt'il by Hit-bank for oIIiit puriiosps. TRAIN IS DELAYED Train From East Not Yet Set 1'lie passenger train, due from Ibe Knst al 7 o'clock Ibis iihuu-inr-r. is a mi in liebl up at Ksviinlsa mi account of trouble with snow at that point ami will not bo in uulil lale Ibis afternoon or een-inn. It. A. Harlow, roailinasler, in out al Hit; sei-iic. of trouble Willi ciuipinciil clealiiif; up Ibe I racks bill, al I o'clock llii af- li.i'iiiuiti no ilcrinilc hour haill been set ror Ibe tleliiyc.l train's arrival. Teleuriiphlc coinninni-caliou on bolh C.N.Il. ami Kov-erninent lines is interfered will' lor Ihe same reason. BUILDING PERMITS TO VALUE $7,350 ISSUED IN MONTH Hiiililint.' permits oil v eiiiiiiieer s office . , 1 1 . I lsslleil a ire illiriliR Ibe month of January lolallcd in Milne ami were as follows: (I. Yaaeher, residence in section 7, 1,500, , Howe, repairs to dwelling Seel ion 5, 100. Concrcle vnnlt in, l'niriew Ceinelery fur Calholie Church, iji.'lUO. Chens Ten if. repairs lo resi- ili.tiee mi Ninth Avenue West, ,500. Mek (iurvlcli. reiiairs lo en liiinee of llxchaime lllut'k, 000. Ileiiairs lo St. I'eler's AukII eiin Cliiircb. Seal Cove, $100, W. NVoinr, iiiififery on eleventh Avenue. ftriOO. it a iin.l.l uiiraite at Seal Covo, $350. CAMPBELL IS NEW PRESIDENT Heads Hospital Board for Year With J. H, Thompson Vlce-' Prosldont S. K. Camiibell was elecletl presiilent of Ihe l'riiice Ituperl (ieiieral llospilal Associaliou fur Hie year I '.123. al a special n I- iiiK of the board which was held al noon today in Hie cily council chamber. J. II. Thompson was elecled vice-president anil Harry W. Ilirch, nuininfin secretary. Mr. Campbell's election In the presidency, as were also the elee- 'liiitis of Mr. 'I liuiiiisiiM' iiimi Mr. I Ilirch, was, unanimous. In ex-I pressing bis Iliauks for the honor lhal had been eouferred upon. Mr. Campbell expressed Hit! hope that Hie co-operation anions ineiiibers thai had featured hospital hoards in Hie past would be continued . The 'otllce of iii-eshleiil carried wilh il a pood deal of responsibility hut lie fell, happy in I lie company of such an excellent board as had been elected for Hie ensuing year. Those preseul at the niccllnff were S. K. Campbell, Secretary II. W, Ilirch, Aid. Win. Ilrown, .1, II. Thompson, J. I.. Christie, li. II. I.lllle, Aid. J. McKechnle, Mrs. nihil. A vtle of thanks was passed to Ihe l'yne Min Chinese Associ aliou which Is to put on u show (his week in benefit of the hos Iillnl. cily, who came to rejoice and worship with the Presbyterians on the auspicious occasion. Tins church, which is a splendid structure architecturally both inside ami out, was beautifully decorated. The mornlntr service procram was as follows: Ouxoloy. Invocation. p!i;il"L,ult lite Hills." SeiMiiliiie reatlinur by llev. (I. (J. llaeker. v Soto. Mrs. I. C. rraser. "I car ' .... ... ye no!, u Israel. I'rayer. Hymn, "When Morning (tildfi Ihe Skies." Inliiualioiis by Hev. Dr. II. H (Irani. hi-ilW-ule hy Principal John Millar. D.D. Anlhein. "('tune lei us join our Cheerful Souks.", Sidoisls: Mrs. Jim is Mel.eod, Mrs. J. P. Miv TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and mm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wed-ding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For ratis, apply In Boston and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV NO. ?7. I'Minci: m. PKiiT, h.u., Monday, kemiuahy 2, iul'o. Saturday'! Circulatonl 1758. Str; Calaa 44. PRICE FIVE CENTS. prii B. IK m.M BT LASKA BY AIRPLANE IS LATEST EW rKtSBiltKlAN CHURCH OPENED HERE BY DR. MILLAR Or EDMONTON IVHIIUI. Kl IU I A WILL CLEAR FOR ALASKAN PORTS will sl'i- Hie Itteal j:i iliiiK away fur iislliiig banks ainl ,f early in Hit) week 'i Mr Mime other where IlK'y will In' links (Iriii lliey will r ,n titr-r if ii h-iuiii- $ i.-iu iii Hit- south anil I i i u'!icm arc being pill ; .in of boat, dear ! ; . i it ll -J Ibis week ami i; i I.. i nr Ml) that ,wllCII ; i : hi February Id it i I in i... i win we on i ne; i V r il l lllinil IJII'II ' mi.- i In- a gtiicpil a! i 1 1 ! islifi-uiflt that the .iw -iinulil lit obeyed ( ' I I In- prcupnee of -- - mi tin more ini- - wdl make sure - mi fishing before f i.illy opens. y if llial before iHtui llii i;.s. law . i del '.is to" keep .tlh in port uulil v ill opens. T CHARGES HEARD TODAY wunvs Mnain&v vwong rung Were taken up thl? Morning and Fifth Being Pro ceeded With i) i I '.h must, imiilfit I 1 1 ill i ii ii ty hearing ill) ; Mi'l.'.lyiiiiiiil'H cnur' " e "a fimr charges t f il in i'Iii'i- out' will hi1 nrii'innon. The ! iIhs morning in-i In iin'fi cr goods from I1 - .-''i-f to tin' respective r'i" nm ami 7l ami of i I'lic.-i from ,i( Wall ai.rs Wall. a 'f HirN nf g Is King is tin' urn' nun . MUSEUM BOARD FIRST MEETING i - Offer of Loan of Valuable Collection of Indian Curios Accepted Provisionally I'itc in -aid tu lie Ihr first pliotogru'ili to. .iriixc (roup flrr ing iroin Ui' ifbi'l.- on llus ruuliiifiil allowing Spanish nt'ar l,;irucbf in Moniffo DR. BOAK APPEAL IS .fine Neiv Presbyterian Church HEARD AT VICTORIA! , T . , , J. Taylor Appeals to Quash Conviction on Several Grounds YIC'I OlUA, I'x-t. -Ihf apppn' In juali Hit', ronyirlioii of r. I'. W. lloak .was aiftut'il by J Taylor, K.G., for tin applicanl Ainl with M. H. .Iaeknu, K.C. for Hit' Clown. Tin- main ruus'i-Sijii for J I it- appeal, as itcilt'tl by jllii' rounsfl for Hit l)octor, was that both tin yrainl jury ami petit jury welt' defectively chosen, thai I wo of the jurors were tleaf, ami thai the jmUe iiiisilirec'.cd Ibe Jury. r. lloak whs rouvit'leil ol manslaughter ami senlencetl to four years imprisonment by Mr iiin.... Miin.lii' Iii fittttweliiin AGAIN WITH SNOW will. Ihedealhs 'of David llullau- llyne ainl Alexander Mcl.aelilan ti.j M.o Kuulnlta Tlmn of'liear VielOlill. J"ll"t'" Arrival of This Morning's i-esei'M'tl. was upenea nere lesieraay oy Principal Millar of Edmonton . Willi, all lli ceriMijomcs lntling Hie asion, Hie bcuiili- ful iicw I'irsl Pli-slt tcrimi (Iliuri'h oil J-'oiirlh Avenue Kasl wa iftnrually ojienetl and dedlrU'd sterday inorniiifr hI u service wliit-li was alleiidetl liy u roiiKfi'tfalion which filled Ihe enlire capacity of the coiiiinotiious edifice. I'rjnciial John .Millar, I.l)., of Hitberlsoii rreMiyterj'tii UolleKe, htinionton, who came specially lo Hie. eily for Ihe juirpose, officiated, and he. was assisted fy Ill'V. I p. Hugh It 'Grant, Ihe pastor, ami Uev. (i. (J. Hacker, "iiiiliislcr of the Melliodist Churt-h. There was special music ami hymns ami the full choir was in attendance with Mrs. It. A. Harlow as orKiiuisl. The congregation was a ery re present at ie one drawn most oilier denominations. Mitlan, S. K Claiiperlon. Children's hymn, from lit. Shine." in Ihej Sermon by D.D. Hymn, "O Campbell . and A "Jesus bids Principal Millar, tiod our help in Afres Past." Hcneilielion. Appreciative Humility In speaking briefly, Dr. (Siaiil referred lo the deep sense of, appreciation ami humility wilh w hich be whs imbued on I his occasion which bad so long been awaited both by himself and the eonsrexallon. Thanks was due the architect,, ce-utraclors ami workmen who bad carried out I heir work w il h such perfection. He referred lo the two memorial windows thai creeled by the SI Andrew's Society in honor of il members who had given up (heir lics in Ihe (ircat War and that ei-eeled bv I". (1. Dawsoil ill memory of bis wife, Florence M i Dawson, one of Hie pioneers ami inosl anient of 'church workers in Hie cily. (conlinued on pajre 5) Seeing Alaska hy Airplane is Latest Plan and Company is Formed to Carry out Scheme Jl'NF.Ar. Feb. y.-dnrorpnralioii papers base been filed bj Hie Fairbanks Airplane Corptiruliun cnpilalued al ;il,0lH. The rum puny is formed id Fairbanks rnpilal and is bir Ihe purpose id nperiiling aerial limousines currying loiiri'ls ami oilier, on flights over Ihe rounlry. The rirsl plane has alrrudy been ordered ami is In cost syiKl.OiiO. 11 will have a cruising radius of (H)0 miles. Another company is lo be formed early in Ibe spring to ulieralc mi nil' limousine from Marino's Hoadhinise, taking pas sengers from llii! Alaska Itailway iiml giving I hem. a flight, to the lop or .Mount McKiilley. The distance there and back will be made In four'hoiirs. The men connected wilh Ibis enterprise lire said to be 'practical aviation men. Hull - 0. Chlene, the Vancouver financial man, was a visitor In Surf Inlol last week. COLD STORAGE PLANT The Vancouver Island Fish A Cob) Slorage Company lias been incorporated with a cubital of $10,000 with ils head olllce at Albernl, Ihe object being lo erect a cohl slorage plaid and to carry on a fish business at that place. AdsertWo in the Dally Nows MEMBER OFF TO DUNWELL MINE OTTAWA TODAY IS BIG DEAL Fred Stork Says He Thinks Freight Rales Will Feature Session BUSINESS BEGINS MONDAY Peace River Railway Likely be Discussed and Possibly Dealt With Freight rales will be the big subject al the coming session of Parliament, Fred Stork thinks. Mr. Stork is leaving this afternoon for Ottawa ami will be on hand for the commencement of business there next Monday morning. The formal opening lakes place on -Thursday when Hit; speech from, the throne is read, and Hie bouse formally adjourns until Ihe beginning of Hid following week. As Mr. Stork is nut. particularly keen about for i malities and social aclivilies he does not wish to be there fur the spectacular opening, but he says be will be there for all the business. - - ... - - . Freight Rales In connection with the freight rates controversy, Mr. Stork says he thinks (here will very probably be a general revision with a lowering bf the rales in the west and a corresponding slight raise in the east. The whole matter will be tliscussed and a spirited fight will be put uii by western meniliers for bet ter I'realrnenl in this regard. Mr. Stork says be believes the giAcrnineul will have ample. upporl this season. The Pro gressive lnt'iiiiters no noi wain an lection yet and as long as they, gel progressive legislation they 'are satisfied and il is pro- ifressixe leuisiauoii me i.inerais land ror. Peace RWer 11 is possible that Peace lliver transportation may be u mutter for legislation at this session, but Mr. Stork is of opinion that no very big scheme will be en tered 'into just now owing In the lack of funds. H is a little early vet for the government to enter into any comprehensive railway building scheme, as such would only increase taxes whereas what is needed today is to keep taxes down. INDIAN REVIVAL BAND GONE TO MASSETT FOR RELIGIOUS SERVICES SKIDKUATF., Feb. 2. About fifty or sixty natives left Skitle- galc for Massett where they ex- i I. In hiild religious revival services. Duriiix the nasi month they have been holding services here CAPT. LOWELL SMITH GETS $30,000 PLANE I.OS A.MIF.I.FS, Feb. '-. Cap! Lowell Smith, commander of the successful American flight around Ihe world, has been pre seuletl wilh an airplane valued al :i(.000 by Leslie C. Hraud (Herniate capitalist, 4n rccognl tiini of Ihe valiant service rendered by Smilh to his country. The fire department at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon responded, lo an alarm from I ho residence af Mr. and Mrs.' William Halagno. Fifth. Axenue West where a chimney fire resulted In no damage being dono Stewart Property to be Sold to Eastern Capitalists on Basis of $2,000,000 Value According lo a Victoria despatch printed in Vancouver to papers, a mining deal Involving more than i',000,ouo was outlined last week follow Fug the annual shareholders' meeting of Ibe Dunwell Mine Co, when it was decided to sell the present company to Kastcru capitalists on a basis of C a share of its capitalization of 350,000 shares. K. T. Klliott, K.C., was authorized to rarry out negotiations with the Fast. FOR BUILDING Mitchell & Currie Will Erect First Unit of I.O.D.E. Structure on Fifth Avenut The building crimniirtt'e of (he Imperial Order, paughters of Hie Knipire, on Saturday afternoon let. the contract for the erection of (he first unit of their a.scnrbly hall to be built on Fifth Avenue Fast near the corner of Mcllride Slreet to Mitchell A Currie, general: coru tractors -The building to be now erected will be of frame cohr slruction measuring CU by JfO feel. Construction will continence as soon as weather permits. There were our bids for the work. FUR SHIPMENT ARRIVES HERE Several Thousand Dollars Worth Came In on Princew Beatrice The largest shipment of raw furs ever landed in Prince Hu-perl arrived on Ihe CP. It.' steam r Princess Healricc on Saturday last. The furs were all trapped in Ihe interior country and col lected at Delia Coola by both while and Indian trappers from which point they came north. I'liu collection includes siber fox, mink, marten, fisher, oiler and beaver, and is alued at several thousand dollars. The furs are on display at. the slore of W. (iobltilooiu, .Second Avenue. GAS BOAT HILDA WENT ASHORE ATPILLAR BAY "Copper Mountain Shorty" Died of Exposure and two Others In Bad Condition KKTCHIKAX, Feb. 2. Word has been received, that the gas boat Hilda, which iunl been lost for I lie past several weeks, ran ashore in Pillar Jlay on January 17 wilh one man dead ami the other two mcihhcrs of llm crew in an exhausted condition. The coast guard cutler Cygun left for Pillar Hay to render what assistance is possiblo and to re-turnliere with the body of "Copper Mountain Shorty." t Thornton, who died of exposure, Albert Johnson ami Churles IHchunlson, Hie other members of the crew, are reported to be in a serious condition.