"AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by ex perience and practlca knowledge of optomotrv, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine , leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist PETER JUDGE DIED I ON SATURDAY LAST Was Well Known Figure of Long Standing Along Waterfront Fisherman and Jeter Judge, well known figure of Inn? standing along the' walprfront, expired in flic Prince' liupcrl (Teueral Hospital on Jan-I WATCH THIS SPACE for Our Ad. Tomorrow JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 7th. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE in 5 different shades. $1.25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. i uary 31. On December 30, he I rp . r 1 1 F i 11 wa admitted to ti.e institution l reat loids Externally after, having been fomul ill an.lj Fo bronchitis or decp helpless in the shack he occupied chest colds, rub Vicks VapoRub briskly on the waterfront tiff Section 2. over throat and chest and cover with ..... , ... -. , warm flannel. n J uiikf as . J ... s -m ; Vlks ccts twQ jbcu, direct. fixe and a native or Ireland, lie; oWW like a liniment and iahnltd as lived in I'rince Hupeti for many; a vapor. A quick relief for the cold tIWihles of family- years and was regularly em-1 ployed by the pacific Stevedoring ".i. us a longshoreman though he occasionally followed salmon fishing. As far a is known, he leaves i no kin in this country. Mr. ami Mrs .Alonzn Haines ami family returned to the city at f lie end of the week aflrr having spent two months and a half n vacation, in the East. They spent the most of the" time af Toronto but also visited Detroit. WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. The Side Show of Life Aj tliree-ring drama uf circus, stage and society. A pirlure which throws the spotlight on the secret, behind-Ihe-scenelifc of a cireus funny muii showing him us lie really is, stripped of his grease paint ami hag of tricks. A hraud new kind of love story with a clown as Iho lover and the Hig Top urn the .Sawdust Iting as (he, sellings. The love-drama of Hie fun-maker who rose lo a higher plane; who had to choose between the sorie.ly girl of his new world and the circus girl he had lert behind him. A strong mixture of romance and comedy. Strong cast: Ernest Torrence, Anna Q. Nilsson, Neil Hamilton, Lawrence D'Orsay, Maurice Cannon, Louise Lagrange and others. "FIGHT AND WIN" SERIES, No. 6-JACK DEMPSEY in "BRING HIM IN." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35o and 10c MAJOR ZANNI NOW AT OSAKA! Argentinean Aviator Making Arrangements to Continue His World Flight In Spring TOKIO. Feb. 2. Major Pedro Zanni, the Argentine aviator who arrived here last fall on hi light around the world, hopped off last week for Osaka where :e will store his airplane pernios the' continuation of his flight teross the Pacific and Canada ollowing the route which was aid out for Squadron Leader loart Mael.arrn, leader of the ill-fal'-d Ili'ilish expedition, 'alrick Murphy, Zanni's advance -Hi. is leaving for Seatlle. in .in effort lo seture ships to as- isl Ihe aviator in his flight. I BOTH BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL AT LIBRARY Among hooks recently secured y the public library dealing willi biography and I ravel are "A Tool in Knglaiid," by W. II. Hudson. - Tbr Color of London," bv W. I. Lortie. ' The (Hiisy Camp and lloyal I Palace," by K. (). Iloope. i "Wandering in Northern .I China." by 11. A. l'ranck. j "In the Heart of the Canadian j 'loekies.' by James Outram. I iinani iiazlitl,; by Augus- i inn liuricll. I "Life of S'ir Krncst Shacklc- ion." by II. It. Mill. "Duperl. Prince Palatine," by a a Scoll. CANADIAN MILLER COMING TO RUPERT Wirsless Station Reports C. G. M. M. Vessel Bound From Japan For This Port Iiigby Island wiryless slnlioji eporlx U, (I. M. M. steamer 'jinadfan Miller coming into .'Mince lluperl from Japan. Last night at 8 o'clock, Ihe vessel was 1,002 miles out. Local authorities hae not been advised is lo the ship's coming here. If 'hi' Miller actually' does arrive it will be her first visit to tin' port. NEW BUILDING AT KETCHIKAN STARTS KI.HnilKAN. Feb. 2. The iiuilding housing the New York Cafe and Slenslaud Jairy Is to be lorn down and a new store block erected containing three slorcs. The work is being done for the Ketchikan Wharf Company which owns Ihe property. JANUARY WEATHER Precipitation Totalled 9.28 Inches; Only Thirteen Hours of Sunshine The following weather report for the mouth of January is issued by S. C. Jackson of Digby Island, hominiou meteorologist: Maximum temperature, II on January 26. Minimum leniperalure, lit on January :il. Mean leinperarure, Total precipita,litn, :iti cbes. Snowfall, Jt3 inches, Hnliifull, fi.UH inches. , Sunshine, 13 hours." Maximum wind velocity. miles per hour on January 19 du- Ci I Total wind velocity for mouth, , miles. "Tile prisoner looks Ihe pic ture of dejeclion." cs, and he says he's been framed. '' THE DAILY YEWS Montlay, Ftbruary js Pre-lnventory Days are money saving events for our patrons All oddments and brokei assortments are offered at very low prices to effect a speedy clean up. The limited number of lines mentioned below are but a few of the many reductions in all departments Boys' Heavy Wool Ribbed Hose Sizes O'a to II Mi. 11 eg. s 1.25. 95c Heavy Boys Mackinaws Pure Wool Finest materials. To clear Service $5.45 Children's All Wool Pullover Suils .....!: i v l ALICE ARM It. 1'. Mctiuiuis was taken to Ihe Anyox Hospital last week for Irealiueut following an accident, i on the skating rink when Ins i spectacles were-luoken and lnlaj of iian entered his eye. The wedding took place last week of I.ee Inlermela of Alice Arm and Miss Lillian .N'ickeison of Anyox.' They are taking up llieir residence in Alice Arm. V rilliL,i it f mi viil ell tins lienn 'made in the llaliiy tunnel of the, Ksperanza Mineiwhicli, il is expected, will greatly enhance the values of ore from that mine. ' HIS ONE MERIT Customer (looking at parrol) Can be talk? Itealer-- No, iiiiu'aiu, hul he's :i wonderful listener. Boys' Strong Work Shirts . h) K;lk , , Camel, lu.les 1 .' oip.e, To dl.ar Mills and Lap. Sizes 2 lo 5 $3.95 85c BOYS' WEAR at clean up prices Mackinaws, Overcoats, Underwear, Hose, Boots, etc. at Reduced Prices Boys' Leather Gauntlet Gloves With .Star on ruff. lteg. $1.30. Special $1.00 The Home of "20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co Boys' Fleece-Lined Shirts and Drawers Heg. MIc It g 55c Combinations Itegnliir l on. T $1.10 Children's Oliver Twist Suits ciilh oiade S pattern, lteg. ao.lio. S rial $4.45 CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY FROM 9 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY switt ""swa SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON Taking whole side 332C lb. eiglil and price marked on every side. H T Svi lt J Sv FELS NAPTHA SOAP Special, 75c 10 bars lo i-arlou EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Special, 5 tins for 90c Limit 10 tins lo ouch customer TAPIOCA OR SAGO, :$ ll.s. Tor ; . . . EVAP. PEELED PEACHES, .1 lb. for WORLD MATCHES Special, 35c package 3 for $1.00 . 23e EOc 100 TINS QUAKER GREENGAGE PLUMS, in lleaw Syrup. Hug. 3."e. Special 20e 200 TINS QUAKER STANDARD PEAS, 2 s. Kxlra Spe. ial", per I'm 15c PURE LARD SPECIAL, SHAMROCK OR SILVER LEAF, :i lb. fails G0c; 5 lb. Pails 05cj 0 li. Pails $1.85 Satisfaction Renewals for Spring Cleaning READY MADE CURTAINS, MADRAS, SCRIMS, NETS, AND MARQUESETTES ON SALE UNTIL SATURDAY. Klrsch Flat Curtain Rods, Curtain Fixtures and Blinds at Special Sale Prices. SPECIAL OFFER IN DOUBLE AND SINGLE FACED VELOURS Single Faced Velours Sun Fast Poplins In Miowii, Mine, lloso, ami (iieen. Crcnm, Circuit, llluc and llrown, r'" u." I !llT yanI 52,50 in,'lu,s v,'l- lrlft ynril $2-25 Double Faced Velours Casement Cloth In Mine, llrown, mid Ciold. Hale I'rico no inches wide. In CJirain, Hose l,cr anl $4.00 Hliie. Sale l'rice, per yard . . Shadow Cloths :CI inch Mhrnlow Clolh. Halo Price, per JJU inch Shadow Clnlli, heavy M"1'1' . J"1''1 . . $1.00 per yard . . . $2.80 oO inch Shadow doll,, heavy quality, HO inch Silk Shadow' Cliolh. Sp' 1,1,1 l1 52.00 per yard ... $3.75 lo lake Ailvaiilago of our Salu will mean a saving to your. 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 32