PAGE TOUR Tirc daily rnrvvs Ralurdny. f , h PEACE RIVER BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus OPENED WELL ! MU-ST SSF L ' vTHt3 lb 4J I TEO.MA.CtlP f WTACTION; W-M-f 1 j I ' A I LOOW. AtbOOT ) ilJrjSp'9f f 'vt COT TO Vf'JU TO BE Discussion of Routes by Man Who Knows the Country Proves Interesting S J?- The. KAOto Unttiu) sAfk aRPK?2 W Y fS, tV ATWMf l?rir &0& &Ss- MUST OPEN BEST LAND Peace Pass Is Only One that Leads Into Heart of Fertile District Tlio Penrp River anil ils pos sihle outlets is Mill occupying 1 Hip nlleiilion of n great, rnntiy people. Yeslcrilav reference was iimile Id an nrlicl on I ho suit jerl l.y Captain 1. K. tlafght nnil so many inquiries were maile Dial snini of I ho more otilsland injr features of the artirlo. ar roprnilurcil loilay. Captain liaight helirves in the A-eslrrit route mining nut liy the Pence River l'ass. He says in part: (ienrnphically sprnkinrr, (Iranile I'rairio is not siluulcil lo serve Hip host interests of thn Peace llivrr Oislrir.1, as a distributing centre. A glimpse at the map of the northern counlrv docs not allojrpllipr convey this impression to one who hrts not Inivrlleil through the ilislrirt, hut, to those wlio have, anil nr not irejulirei, it is vrry clear I hat to Hip south, .southwest, n'nrlli and northwest Ihpi'o is lilllp room frir expansion, as it is hemmed in lo a certain pxIpiiI hy a mountainous country and imiskop. Broken Country To approach (irnmle Prairie from Hip south or .southwest is lo Iravrrsp a woodpd, mountain ous and e.xeeedincly broken and hilly country for almost Hip cti-t i distance from the main line of the Canadian National Railway. Some years ajo, while I was in Ottawa en roulo lo (Sreat Hritaii a do)pgalion was in that cily from (trade Prairie to inlrrvievy eertain members of the govern- nienl with Hip view of havinfc. the sloel of the K. D. & 11. C. n. U litled, anil usid in Ihe construe lion of a branch line from Kd-inonlnn. to (iraude Prairie via Whilecourl. While this suggestion was anything lul a fair deal for lliB reM of Hie north, 11 was, never-Hii-lpss, so far as flrande Prairie was conceriiPd, the only feasib'n way In reach thai district If oilier iinints in the north were to lip . Ipfl out of consideration What was Imp at that lime ap plies with eoual force today, and while llm road would not pass through a very good or extensive farming country,, it would at least reach this district hy the shortest and most direct rolifc which ever will enter It. Obed Route The cry at Ihe moment is for a connection wilh the Pacific Coast ports, or nl least closer connect inn. It is suggested that such a road should ehter Ihe district from Ohed or some, poinl iit Hip vicinity of Hrule Lake and tliPnrc north and west in Sturgeon Lake and on tn flrand Prairie. To the rest of the north not now served hy railway: facil ities,) an olive branch in the'forni of brnrich lines is hr)d lnrIhV,lri appease such communities. A trip through Orande Prairie and Spirit River merely indicate to Hip stranger what may he done in Hip way of production In Ihe. north and leaves the impression that, if there is a sulllrio.nt. acreage of that class 6f land Hie Dominion could not go far wrong in immediately glvihgsnbU fertile districts ndeminle arid reasonable, transportation aoom modalinns, even though the spin of Ihe country on the whole is one of economy and retrench ment. North of Peace The; fact is, however, ns point ed out beforp, thai. 16 find my great area of lahd of Ihe ni nl 1 1 y which immediately surrounds the lowns of Grande. Prairie and Spirit River, it is absolutely! necessary In get beybnd the north bank of Ihe Peace River. I Here nnd therivnnly is there, any Inrge area 6f good agricultural 'land still open for home-steading or solllemenL Any Dominion homestead map shows with fair arcurncy the lands already alienated, which in other words means the approximate area of really first class lands, II is finite out of the question to put thousands of new settlers in those already settled districts. Vast Fertile Area The place such incoming immigrants must look to, for land in Ihe future, is cast and norths east Of St. John, H.C., and from Dunvegan to Hie Hay River Pos'Jj on Great Slave Lake. Here we' have a slrelch 'f rountry 7(10 miles lung hy nearly 51)0 miles in depth, which could he made ii' produce thousands upon Hiou-i sands of head of livestock and,) so far as niv own experience bows, would also contribute many millions of buslicls of Hie best grain on the, continent. Any statement coiu'crning "the poleiu ml Wheal um uc on of f ill nr.r- ' thcrn com -r-y im-- ttj vcrj Irulh, refer . iireali niii-tli andji not south ol' !iie.P4iice P.iVcr it 1 eif. Coa Measures II has beei! claimed, tod. tli.y ' by going via Alrule Lake or OIioia, ? that such rt, line would par Hrulp Lake coal is not much higher than I hat ohlainahle now where railway facilities are, it scarcely seems necessary to build an Obed to Grande Prairie line in order lo reach new measures of Ihe same finality. " I'hree oilier mules- for enter ing the northern territory have from lime lo lime received passing attention, namely the WapiM Pass, I ho Pine Pass and Ihe Peace. RiVer Pass. Wapiti Pass Unknown I do not. claim to have Iippii through the. YVimili Pass. I do assert, Iholigh, that many ol those now writing upon Ibis route, as individuals who have traversed it, have done so onl on the map ami not via Hie trail. Very few men indeed have ever been Ihrough Hial ; pass. Vl.'rom .r...l.....l.l..'.. rfl... - i . .. I ..CI' iny-'khqwleilge of 1he copiilrynim-mediately to the soulh and southwest of It nnd until one reaches Ihe Heaverlodgc and Willow River prairies, Hipir is liltlp lo induce anyone oilier than the most seasoned trapper to enler the district. It may, and perhaps flops,. oflVr the mosi dlrrrl roule into Ihe Grande Prairie seel ion from the south west. It no doubt will be ironghl forward tin Ihe near UHlUUtKSKtXMffiUKXSIUUaail Ihrougli a Tory wonderful Mandi'01' v,a Jnl"' ilkl' ra"- extensive con! measure. II is. 1,1 1(,nc" "l0 .'acf JUver Mil not my purple to dispute this, ; "Wapiti" means that the only insofar ms qualitv i e.on-',50u"lr' lo 'raversed before corned and Ihe necessity-or lap-levering Ihe pass ilwlf is barren ping such coi,l. In respeel to quality, it .certainly does noi come up to tl. same high -qualit as Hip great coal scams of the Hudson Hope or, Peace Pass measures show. The latter coal is not only the: highest quality of coal in Canada, but has .few J if uny, superior competitors in the United Stales. "..McLaren's (Dominion) report, lo- p found in the (ieologieal Rpporls for 1923." shoiibK prove inlpiesling as lo quality" and' convincing .'ot only thai, but we have veiyl extensive coal measures alon ihe main line ami branch lines of the Canadian National Railways as Key 'are at present constituted. If I lie quality of the prince (iieorge TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with PriwH Btthl EUROPEAN PLAN I. WINNKTT THOMPSON. MAN'O. DIR. of everything almost, with the exception of timber. The Rocky .Mountains being it ry young range, in a geological mise, contain as yel few min erals other than coal. Therefore o reach Orande Prairie by Ibis rtass is to leave Ihe main line iT the Canadian National .somewhere east of Prmce Oedrge and to Ihirough a' wilderness, to end up in one small corner of lh' vasl northern '.territory. Pine Pass Shorter rhc Pine Pass has been it much more talked of route. Vhilc my personal observations' if that district do not incline, me lo believe that it is its good u. : lu Peace Pass, it has however, one advantage over the jailer, it it really is' an advantage, and Dial is that it js somewhat shorl- Here again we have a roule which passes Ihrough a country almost as barren as Ihe Wapili. Utile or no agriciitlliral laild i?.iss along the route which must he followed; until il reaches within twenty miles or Pouce Coiipe. It leaves Ihe waters of the Parsnip neilr Lake .Mci.cnd. lo enler at otice into it lienvilj limbered ami iiiuskcg and very broken up country. Along ils entire path a hundred new sel- llers could jioI scratch a living from the soil. When il finally cuts.' through the mountains, it does nol debouch upon a fcVtile or undulating plain bill fights a IoWuoiisj way through Sleep .vaviiioV until;; asi before' Incul ioii- .. " .. . i- ft .-' il i - en, n comes oui upon me roiic.c Coupe Prairie, about twenty miles west of Ihe town of thai mime. Here, as in Grande Prairie, we have Hip most intensely scllled area on Ihe 11.13. side -of Ihe provincial boundary line, am bul few sections are still avail able for future selllcinenl. It is also well down in the southeast corner of the Peace River Illock and quite an Impossible point lo future as the only feasible route work from in endeavoring lo into that district, should pre- reach inlo the northern interior, sent efforts In havo the line en- Going twenly-five miles north Children healthy Lily White has nutrition not found in cane syrups. INSIST ON i 'ii j LILY WHITE CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH CO LIMITED MONTREAL of Hie lowti of Pouce Coupe and ; eighteen miles wesl. the limit of good lain! has been reached. Th I Prairie is perhaps, Ibeii,' twenty by Ihirly miles in extent. Any talk lo Hip contrary is pure hunk its ail investigation will show. : The country between I his section and Hudson Hope, St. John, Ihoj (Rockies or Duuvegim is nothing bul a series of low lying hills land muskegs, all of which would i defy any attempt at cillllvnlion. 1 By Peace Pass ! Mr. Ilaighl then goes on lo advocate building the 'railway by A.iy of the Peace Pass north of ihe Peace River where, he says ;ood agricultural lauds would lie tpened up, mining county tap-oed, artd a sysjeiu of good water ways he made available for set tlers and others. He urges lint he line be built, as quoted yesterday, by wiiy of Peace Pass and l-'inrilav Forks in almost a direct line lo Prince Ruporl, .lapping the very heart of the Peace liivcr country. CANADIAN YOYAGEUR ARRIVES FOR DOCKING General Machinery Overhaul and Repairs io Hull May Take Two Weeks' Time Here Jor general machinery overhaul and repairs to her hull .vliich job may take two weeks' inie, C.O.M.M. freighter Cana-riah Voyngcur ari'iteil in port at J.3(l last night. 'The vessel lied up at the O.T.P. wharf and proceeded at 8.30 this morning to the dry dock where she was taken up on the pontoons. The ship will be inspected by .Mr. Scott of Vancouver representing Lloyds before the work commences. . L. Haillie, chief engineer of the steamer Prince Ituperl, is here, lo supervise the work on behalf of the C.O.M.M. After the wink is done on Ihe vessel, she will proceed soulh to ao on berth for Australia. This s Ihe Voyageiir's first' rail here. - - Sport Chat lime operation again. Willi I i , --1 The Prince Rupert Tennis Glut has its organixal ion for the year a IT lo a good start. It is llu first of the local otildpor sporD bodies to hold ils I'.Ci.l annua ineeling an!, within, a .very shor. tune, it- is fpcecil;tlial ,1 ie'Acro- polis 'Hil ii'iiuijs- wjill bo j full second tenuis nrgani.alion, Ihe Canadian National Hub, organ iied since last season, il is ex peeled that this popular, sport will be indulged in more gener ally Ibis season than ever before. If there were morecourls than there are in the city, there is no doubt they would he worked over lime. Tenuis is a good Interest ing exercise which should have many players here. The only dilUculty is that there are not suiiieieni convenieniiy incaie. courts. -In fact there, are, no slrielly public courts where anybody can go and play. This U a matter thai might -be worthy Ihe nl lent ion of some public bodies thai profess to have the welfare nnd enjoyment of the coiinunily at heart. The ereo lion of board courts would not b'i a very cosily proposition. The fourth same in the second division billiard lournnmenl be I ween the Canadian Fish & Col Storage and Grollo leaius was played .last nlehl. V. II. Jiirnian (Grollo) won over George Kel sey (Cold Slorage) by 150 Vj 120, giving the lobacennifts lcud ot 570 In 532 in the games so far played. The firth ;ain liisl game between IL Parr (Cold Slnrnge) and J. Ileesley (Grotlol should be played this evening. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c VWANTKD WANT lo hear from owner hav . ing farm for sale: give parlic-j lilai's ami lowest price. John .1. Illack, Chippewa Falls, ' FOR PLAIN Illack L'37. SF.WINO, phono Prices reasonable. MALE HELP WANTED $.100,111) a month lo distribute everyday household necessity in rural and small town districts. No money needed. Million dollar firm behind il. Write for particulars and stale territory desired. II. L. JOHNSON. 3?'.) McDernintl Avenue, Winnipeg. TO RENT ROOM lo Rent in comfortable home. Apply 711 Third Ave. 7tl BOARD HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phono 137. FOUND 'QUND. Hunch of keys on sleel ring on Fourth Ave. Wesl. Owner can have same by iden- 'OUND. Hunch of keys on ring, including one C.N. It. switch key. Apply Daily News Ollice. 'OUND. fair of child's brown woollen mills. Apply Daily News olllee: FOUND. Pair child's fur trim med kid milts. Apply Daily News nllice. FOUND Opal brooch. Applj Daily News olllee. FOUND. Post ollice key. Appi Daily News, ollice. MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh llaby" at your ser vice day or nighl. Comfort Safely Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Lamldy. I'hone.s Illack .115 or 1.11. COLUMBIA RECORDS KV Process Columbia Records no scratching. finest re-jiriidiiclions. of latest Vnx Trots. Hongs nnd Instrumental music by world rained artists. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue RIFLE RANGE W. Horrobin and H. Floyd Were High Men at Shoot on Market Place Last Night Out oT a possible or lOO, Ihe following scores were ni.ade by marksmen of the North H.C. Regiment KUIc Association shooting on the miniature range nl Market Place last night: V, Horrobin ... . . ... 89 II. Floyd ... 8!) V. Dniss 87 Malcolm Lamb 80 J. F. Ililchie Jr 82 It. Wilson 81 A. Squires . i . .... 71 J. Harris 70 HOTEL ARRIVALS '- - 1 Prince Rupert J. W. Nunn, M. L. Dndshn, R A. Johnson, W. E. Hnillle, II. Slaller. W. 0. Mainwtiring, (, ,. Ilnwhnlhnm, 0. A. Rogers ami W. R. Hucknall, Vnlieouvcr; A I'isk, Prince George. Central ' W. Crnlg. C.N.R. Advertise in tlio Daily News ROOFING 'KLIGKODD" Coaling. The best coal Dig lor shingle, iron or paper roofs. 11 preserves the roof and slops the leaks. Also good for brick, concrele or stone walls. Cheapest and besl. Kslimates given. P.O. ' Itox III. Phono I'J. RADIO! RADI0I ARK you inleresled in Radio sets or parts? I enn suve you money. 2 lube sets miuplete with aerial, phones and batteries, installed, $55. Phone Red 707. rxi Taxi P7 Phone (dall George, Paul or Gust' Prompt Service and Comtori Day or iNiw'.t ' Stand: noss BROS. POOL ROORI Meeker tlock, Across from Kmnrsss Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ure Store. We Huy. bell and Ex change New and Secondhand Ooods. QfeO. PAPADOPULI8, H39 Third Ave. Phono i4fl AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult u when: you desire to sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PRINCE RUPKRT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM situait In the Skrftia Minin plllou if thp illanirA 5. Dlstrlri. Whore loratrd, South of Kan Circle. KIKiim-kalnm Lake, ami adjoining iho Whlmlfi on the Kail end of It. lawful holileri, W. Trmton ami 11. Wilson; No. or lloldcra Free. Miners' Certirirale, Trenton A70I0C WIImjii 7noiC. Take .Nnllre that we. VV. Trenton. F.M.C. o. ATOiniL and tiavirt Wiinon. P.M.t:., V.i Agnail In I an. I ml 111 .n.l r.t dayn from die date ticreiir lo apply to the Minlntr Herorrter for a Orliriraie of improvement for the purpose of otitalnlnt 11 Crown Orant or llu- above, claim and riirthennore take notl. e that Arilon timtei See. 85 or the Mineral Art mimt lie rom menred lierore the Isnuanre or nrh rerti rimle or Improvemenls. nated mi 311111 nay nr nov.. W. F. TflESTON, and OVVlll WII.SOX. ownera. V. T Kennv. rent IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITI8H . COLUMBIA. In the Mailer of the Administration Art ami III the Matter Ot the Kftlate or Morris Anion l'i-lereii. liereased. Intet.nte. TAKK NOTICF Hint hy nr.h-r or Ills Honor V. Mill. Yonnir. made the loth ilav or Fehrnary. A.I). I9S.1, I was apiHilnted (lminisirntor or tne estate or Morris Anton I'l-ti-rsi-ii. ilereaseil, and all parlies navinir I'l-iini airainsi the said estaie are lierehy required to riirnwi same, iirn-iwrlv veriried to ine on or hefore the inn nay or aiari-n. a. 1. I9r.. am an parties Inilrhled to Ilia elale nie re quired to pay the amount or their Indebtedness to inn rorlhwllh. NOIIMW' A. WATT, (irrirlal Artminlstralor. Crime import, 11 .n Paled the (I III clnv or Felirnnrv. ( IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter or the Administration Art; and In Ihe Matter of the Kstate or Henry Alexander Reynolds, IiitimhoiI, Inles late TAKK NOTICK llial hy nrdr or Ills Honor 1. Mrii. v 01111 ir, made the intli iluv or Kehruary, A.M. 95, I was appointed Admlnlsirator id the estate or Henry Alexander lleynolds. deceased, and all parties liavlnir rl;ilmJ airalnst I lie said estate are iiereny reiiuiri-d lo riirnlsli same, pi-o-tierly verified to me on or herore the 1 1 Hi day or Mat-rh. A ll. 9n, and all parties indi-lited to ihe elale are required to pay the amount or llielr In-ileldedness lo me rorlhwllh. NOIlMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Unpen, Paled ihe 11 Hi day or t'chniaryt IIUTi, IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH 1 COLUMBIA. Ill Ihe Mailer or llin Adnilnlstrallon Acl; nun In the Mailer or Ihe Kstate or U. I. Hen ncll, rieceased, Intestate, TAKK MlTlrf thill liv lir.l.i- i.t Illy Hole r P. Melt, Yotin. made llu- 1 9(ti il.iV or Kehruary, I Of-fi, I was aopolnted Ail-inlnlslralnr or llio estate nr Ihe late 11, J. Iieiineit. dcceiioed. ami all parlies hav-In claims airalnst the sild estate are lieri-hy remilred In rnrnlfh snlne to nn proerly veriried. on or lietore I lie gist lay or March, lots, and all parties indented In the smld eslnle are rennlred lo nay Hie amount or iheir Imlehledness to me forthwith. NOIIHN A. WATT, ..... . 'Tlolnl Administrator. Dated .u, litis Slit day or February, 1985, Articles Lost anil Found, 4c TIMBER SALE XfOl Soaletl TmwI?) i Pllrlrl I nn .1. i' , i IhK Ulli la; .,f i lniii'lmM- nr tii'h wei tfirn- ur Uii- li-IIP I ttil - (ii-ii HM ffH-t II ei hull Swhiie. I Hie (I i .Vl-81 i: mow I of limtr. PiirUwr paiiiciin M. VlrtorU. M m I'flHfH Iuukti, H i ME, II TIMBER SALE XG928. Sealed Tem, i - n MIllUKT or I :U"I ilian nwin on id : i for Ihe iHii-i-li.i-' cm I.JOii.immp i. . iiaisam aim i In- north si -ir- -i - A I t:oto.i (o-i Two (; . - ooval of limit! r lorllK-r lu-rt, i - ler, Vli-lorla, H rlnre lntK-rl. II iiHtval or tlndu i TIMUFR SALE X 311. Tln-re wil. I.. Ilr Auction, at March. lr- m t - llanter, llaultoi- i in cut ton. nun Mi ¬ ami Jfl.lWtS- Ili-ml l.nt lilt aii'i ' north or llaci-H i Three CJ eai u ' Provided an oiw v.ti in-1 loo In per- i. 11 i-nder to Di- .il-'i' mm and trcne i . . ' " T- ' Fnrtlier parii- : ler, Victoria, H - I'Miwti Ituperl. II .... j- iu COAST LAND DISTRICT. REGARDING DISTRICT OF COUT TAKK NOTICK tl I lied, or Vanc nii' i H and l'aer Maimf;i' ror a m i-lands, in :oasi P ' I rovliMe or lirin ii water lot on the w- t lei, more irll ni-n lows: lioiiiiiii-iii in at a tide line on tin w v Inie I distant si 'ill lie rroin the siiiillii-'lM Coast Dlstrli'l. Ilii IJdri-.K.. a distant- leas, to tin' -'.uiii lt t ICO: thenri-' IIm MMilh ln.iinil.n -a distance or "x corner or said lot i the. hlrh tide lion - 7.0(111 ri.. inori' "i ! commencemeiit. ntii.. or leiie. IHTFO Jannarv up pacifh w; n v jAr ii A SI tn- '- 1- ; r,it II: 11 , Vj: ' ' LAND ACT. Nolle or Inttnllon to Appl Land In Skeena land ; liiinert lierordltif H ' npprojlinately nno aii.i ' nr salvus suili'ii i :l- lllver. . rake Notice llial n 44(3 narleton HI. K l.oamr. tntenn- i lo onrrlmsc lh( roi; Conimenrlnir al a sonthweiit corner ' Island; thence it' mutely miiii yatd proOiimlely hihi i ii erly approxlmai' 1 southerly sin1 yw cnmprlsmr all lh west or Lot 4Ki" ,ii its, inoro or le Til CM " A' it. ' ,KF ,,,-. Mrf urn LAND ACT Nolle or Inttnllon to APP' lH i.. u.j.Uii inlr r -... i i? Ill Islands Land nislr,;' ir prince luiperl, R ,.in .iiIIa kr.lltll nf 111 II 111 let, and In YeslalU ; ... r -Ti 41 Take rtoioc - ,,, j or Massett, H.1 i Manager. Intend? t f j tn lease the roll w.. J; , iiommcncinir ni , ,r;f Jl Hdn of Yeslalton i" g,f i nains; iiifiin- i.h- - - & chains: thence w - , .. lalnlnir 15 . "t'-. ,r .' ' KIIIKN, t4li4 nwihr ,nf LAND ACT In Skeena Land I'l'" llerordlnir Iddi i take iNin irr: " t...... n in' ' : c. I,. M. niimev ". , iiallon liimlierninii- permission lo pin l!1flll,;. ',, J scrllied lands, Mr """ , ll3 Oominenrllir "l r v end or Island -sllti-Ht ', .,-, sutnkalliiln lllver :it.d ,, or Hani river; n , around Island lo P r, na.,..K (,j,(1,;l. r , CI-AIIlK I AW