Hi a .111 lb Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Bck Phone 575 20c 20c 15c 15c 10c 25c 30c 30c 25c 35c 35c 30c Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East Phones 84 and 18. Mothers ! We have xnnil ipialily NAVY SERGE BLOOMERS, 10 to 10 years At per Pair $4.25 NAVY BLUE SERGE SKIRTS, PLAITED Camisole Top, 1(1 lo li years, al $4.25 ..Smarl Ulannel llresscs. . 0 to 1 i years "Demers P.O. Box 327. Phono 27 Sunrise Specials MOUSSELINE boil"! juile Ibis Silk by ' Hie price Jiccatisc il's worth much more. 30 inches Svii Mousse-line for Dresses or Blouses. One boll only. Very Special, per yard $1.25 STORE Smith Block A Modern rAGE SIX THE DAILT .VEW3 Optician and 'Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD DAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUH EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by. ox-pcrlcnca and practlca knowledge of optomctrv, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable in every Instance WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware,- cut glass, ivory, genuino leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Duy Your Fresh Meats and Smoked Fish from ECONOMY STORE Smiiki'il Jllai'k dul. lb. Finnic lluililir. er II).. . Kippers, per lb Pot lloast Jteef, lb. . . . Jlris-kel lleef, per lb. . . United llib lloa.il. i,n Sirloin Steak, per II). . T-botie Steak, per lb. . Shoulder lloasl Pork. II L-K lloasl Pork, per II I.uin Pork, per lb. . . Pork Sausage, per lb llecf Sausage, per lb.. Hamburger, per lb. . . . MUSICAL MARAUDERS CONSTANTLY STEALING Makers of Modern Popular Numbers Accused of Lifting Strains of Masters .Montreal (iazetle) , "You've been lyiits lo me," is (be reproach levelled by one. character at another iif a, current musical compily success. That's no news, I kitevv.lt all t lie lime' is the relorl of the ac cused. Some such answer will probably be tin" defence of the .oii$-wrilers of the Uniled States lo the cbarg-e made apainsl IheniJiy.Jlie gppmien,s of. the proposed copyright bill at Washington, which is to the effect that most of their compositions are wholly unoriginal, being filched bodily from older music ranging all the way from almost roiigollen popular songs or once favorite melodies to classic ami religious music by the great masters. Nor will 1 lie charge occasion much surprise on the part of the general public, for anyone with an average ear for lunes, a cursory knowledge of the music, good or otherwise, of Hie past, and a memory going back more than a decade, has been able lo note of recent years in increasing tendency on Che. part of the makers of melodies ior Ihe masses lo lift most of their material lv wholesale. Som.elipies the appropriation lias Jteen open anil acknowledged, as in the case of "The Love Sons," dealing with Ihe career ii ird personality of Offenbach LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lean Land In Skeena l.aud lilsinrt, Itccnrdinir l)l Irlct of I'rinrc lliieert. and siluale an prnilrnately two miles southeast Junction of Ihe Skeena and Ocstall niters on III. .Skecna Itlver. Take Notice that fieorire Frlzzell. of Prince llunert. n.C... oreunation merchant Intends to apply for permission to Ira the follow hi described lands: Coinmenr nir at a nost Dlantcd on tie south side of Skeena lilver, thenrc south west 5 chains; thence southeast 10 chains: llienee northeast ! chains; thence northwest 10 chains along the bank of 1 1 Skeena Itlver to the point of commence, rnent, and containing IS acres, more oi less. GEOIIGE O. FIUZZEIX. Name of Applicant Hated January th. tots. J TO KLTltOl'lil MAKR KI.SnRVATIOXS NOW FROM 8T. JOHN TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP Mar. 5 Marburn Mar. tu, Apr. lo junta Apr. 8 MlinieUosa TO LIVERPOOL Mar. . Apr. :t Montlaurler Mar. :t. Apr. In Moulclarr Mar. n, Apr. 17 : Montrose Mar. 7 Moiitralm Apr. it Moll I royal TO OXASQOW Mar. 7 . . Maiforh Mar. IB, Apr. s:i Metairatna Apr. 4 Montreal FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Mar. 81 Montrnyal M Apply to Agents everywhere or J. I I. . FORSTER. f KMKK. Gen. Ln. AVf.. AgL, H m CP.R. cr.K. Station, station, Vancouver, Vancouver, fff Telephone Tcicpnone Seymour beymour 2(30, 2(30, xf fc. Can. Can. Pat. Pat. Rv Ry., &J fck Traffic TtalEc Agents. Agents. jfjr Fox Farming Let CI.KAIIV IHtDS.. willu their Celebrated 'Strain or BLUE AND SILVER BLACK FOXES Show you the road lo Fi7 miiicial iiibp e n d e n c e, Wealth, ami True Satisfae. lion. Write or Wire for Iteliable Inrormalion. NOW TODAY I "One of World'a Largaat Fo Farma" CLEAFIY BROS., Fox Farms, Seattle, U.S.A., 645 Empire Bldg. Member SeiiUlc I'.liniiiliri of I'.oinioeri'-. Ilefereiin.- Iiiailsti'i'eis Marlm .Nalinnal Hank 'Seattle DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, BOo Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. iNt BUY BOTTLES. HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HEART .Mrs. i:. Martin. D.O. .No. S. Urlllla, out., writes: "I have been troubled will! my heart for a low? time ami very often had bad H'lls Willi II. I would take Muling- sclls. ami my husband had In have somebody lo stay with , ne,a) . Ibe Ohio, lie irot uic everytnlnir he roiild think of ti sec ir Ihey would do mo any (rood, but nollilujr .celneii lu help mc. One tlay a ft lend was in to act- Die and ad vised 'me to ley. MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS My husband, went and fot ine two boxits, and after the first one was finished I fell .like a different woman; J miuiot lYniminend' tlicin enough tniall those yiio stiver with" Anything wronV Willi 'their neart or nerves. Mllbiirn's II. k N. 1'ills have been on I lie market Tor the past ? years and are put up only by The T. Milburn Co., I.lrnlled. Toronto, Out. "All druinrlsl handle them." .Hid employing his mtisio liberally as .settings for its numbers, and its now famous predecessor. "Illossom Time," in-whieh Seliu- bert's immoiial strains are adapted to lyrical Uses, sonie-liines with odd effect, as when 'The Unfinished Symphony," is wrenched from its proper tempo ami made to cavort in wait measure. Just Theft Kill, in most cases it is nut a mailer iif borrowing liul of deliberate llteft, anil the theatre-xoers, the dancers and the radio aiis of today have (heir ears initialed by supposedly original mil up-to-date compositions which in large part arc made up, note after nolo and bar after bar. of music, which was as familiar .lo their fathers, mothers and grandparents' as was '(iod Save the Queen." Numberless examples could be ciled. i.til it is enough to mention Al lolson's "Avalon." which is conr-(oiinded in almost equal parts of "Oh Promise Me" and ait ;tria from "La Tosca," and which led the recently-deceased composer Puccini lo cuter suit for infringement. MEMORIZED HIS WAY INTO MANAGERSHIP Assistant Manager at Vancouver Hotel was Picked up by Sir George Bury There ate ways and ways of breaking i"1" ""' l'Uf hotel bus-ness, bill Oscar Oahl. newly ap-loliiled assislaul manager of Hi1 Intel Vancouver, just "nienio-:ized" himself into the organization of which he has become a iirominenl part says V. A. Ornvi's in tlie Vancouver Star. ' Years ago when Sir (ieorge llttry was slillau active railroader he visited Chicago in his pri- NOTICE. IN THE MATTF.Il OF A.N APPLICATION for the issue of a fresh Certificate of ntle "for Lots thirty (SO) and thlity-one (31 1, lllork semi 7i. Section five (V, :IIV or Prlnre Unpen. Map 913. Satisfactory proof of the loss and oe .mii'tlun nf 1h Cprlirtr-alA of title cover IN 'PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III tin' Matter or the Administration Art nml III the Malice or the Kstale of William i:iiiiii-roii Sim. Iieieased. Intestate. TAhi: XOTICK that liy order or Ills tl'iiioc K. Mi ll. Yoiimr. made the Vltn day if reliriini'v. A h. ID-;:.. I was appointed dmmislrator or the estate of William i niiK-i-'Mi Sim. deceased, and all parties havliiK claims airalust the said estate are liereliy reiinlred to fiirnlsh same, pro-perlv verified lo me, on or hefore the -Mil duy of Mm ill. A. 0. !:. and. all :iii tic- Indented to the estate are required li' mi III" amount of thi-lr indculcdncs.1 to mc fortlittlth. V HIM AN A. WATT orrii'l.il Administrator. Prince ltuiert, ll.C. I nilcil the SMli day or February. (Dir.. CANADIAN SERVICE FROM HALIFAX TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON . Ausoiila .Mar U Antonu . . Mar. a 0 Andiuila mull- Umiloii Vpi'll ill TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL i.aionlii Mar. lo, Apr. Ill TO GLASGOW saturinii Mar. 30 FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL A ti in 1 1 in . Mar. 1 enrol 1 1 ii . . . Mar. 1 1 Lulictirliiii . . Mar. ill Cm niaiilii . . Mar. till TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON Aiillaula .... Mar. II, Apr. 8. Apr. 211 llerenitailii .... Mar. JS. Apr. 15. May 0 TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW Atlieiiln .. Mar. 7 Colombia .. Mar. ill Camerofiia .. Mar. it Tiiscanla .. Apr. 4 . TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG-LONDON . Ausonla Mar. 7, Apr. 1 1 Anlonla .. Mar. VS IIiiiiiU .. Jin.- u TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG-HAMBURG Andanla Mar. II, Apr. 18, Ma n Money order and drafts al lowest rates, lull Information from Airenls or iiiiupuny Orrices. J llastliift St. W., IUIICUUU'1, u.t. CROSS WORD PUZZLE 2 ? 4 I p7p IT- 8 9 i pr grji BB9L ; Pfi T" I Horizontal 1 A long . nosed animal. ' 5 A dish. 10 'Destruction. I" Uncommon. 13 A .preposition. I i ProficieiiL 17 A famous Catiailian ra IH A .small mark. 20 Part of it, grain. 2t Article of clolliing. 22 Sanction. 25 A liiiilisloitc. 20 A faslencr. 2K .Not sacred. .'II Cousiliarius (ttb.) 3,'J To decompose. 3i Oood to eal (sing.) .'10 A coiijimclioi). 37 An opinion or as true. KEY TO CROSS WORD PUZZLE from Ibal one visit of over twelve months ago?" be asked. The smiling clerk adinilled Ihe racl. "Voll slioulHll'l lie ellill shiii-s. We waul people like you in ..our hotel service," said Sit (ieorge. And il was o. Now Oscar Dalit me aliove land- navinic neen pcoouri-o in . ii,,.i.i.,,. .... to me. II Is my Intention lo Issue, after the IS rapidly Climbing Up the laddei -MiMiim of one iiimi itii from t ne " ami litis lieen assistant manager Olio In the name of Kdward II. Pierce, ror the said land, which Certificate of lllle Is dated the 3Uth June 1913, and 11 nuinliered s83 l. . II. F. MACLEOD. Iieirlstrar of Titles. Land lleirlstry Ofriee, Prince liupert, B.C. ianuarv slh. I911 of every large hotel on Ihe system. His las sttp is into the Vancouver, one of the most itrt-porlant in the trausconliuufutal chain of the U.l'.ll. system of hotels. INDIANS TO BE TRIED AT PRINCE RUPERT Instructions Sent Out by Justice Department to Mounted Pollco (Special lo Daily News) VANUOl Villi. Feb. 18. Instructions have been .received from (be Federal justice author ilies directing Dial "five Indians in Okalla jail awaiting trial for witchcraft muiilei' al Laird, It.C. lie tried al. Ihe .lone assi.es al Prince Ituperl. Tlie instructions were received by the mounted police al head quarters. BURNED TO DEATH HOUSTON, Texas, Vch. WH. The four children of .Mr. and Mrs. MerlcwpsHh:'!'.. living near l'earlanil wereip'Vnud lo death thin moniing when llicir home was destroyed hy fire. UNION IS GAINING TOIIONTO, Feb. Tlio Church Union volc loday stood ala 1 ,y7 for .and 488 ajruinsl, Ihe lliilish Cohiuibia vole lining l'Jt" and 22 'respectively. Vertical 1 Commerce, i 2 M'Miiing oiioelf. 3 Jumbled type. , i liiii's name. 0 I' radical skill applied lo Mih-, jcet.s of la.-dc. nti,; t A syiiame ior a lone in in-' musical scale. x ;. 8 Any surface, i1 0 A measure oT punelralioii. ? 1 1 To liurn. ;v SIT) To feel ileep gjrief for. , i. , 10 Prove legally. .f.y 10 A buyle call. 21 A girl's name. 23 i:iial. 2i Prefix in (ierman names. 27 Space for action, doctrine belli 20 Loving, alTeclioualu. 3D Famous characler of Dumas'. 39 A north Kaslern. slate in 32 P.y mouth. U.S.A. (ab.) 35 A singlr thing. 10 A prefix from the, fircek. 37 A kind of fancy wurk.-nicaniug iieside or nwir. 38 't he highesi part. 12 A Norh Central State U.S.A. Si Select. 15 Discolored places. vale ear ".Manitoba." To a lead ing haberdashery store he went ami ordered a special line of shitis, giving his name and ask ing thai they lie ihilivercd lo tin-car on a certain dale. One year from that dale In again relumed 'ami wished to re plenish his wardrobe, lie was-1 surprised when Ihe clerk eallii him by nanu brought out the saute Hue and Mlleru of shirts that he liailTmiml before: am' courteously asked: "Shall I send (hem lo your .private car "Multiloba" at such and such a sill ing?" "Do you remember my name. the sliirls, the car and the siding (I A New Kitglatid Slate (ab;. 13 An exclamation calling IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. lii the Mailer or the Administration Art; and it On- Mailer of tin- 1 -Ijle of Jean l.aucr. Iiriiii-i'il, Intestate. T A h K M'Ti;i; thai by Order of III-lonor I Mrll ouoir, made tlie Kill do f February. A.I). I'J:':., I vas appointed duiiiiistralor of Ibe estate or Ihe tale nan Laiicr, il'ica-cd. and all parlies luv iik rlalnis airalust tlie said estate an' irrcliv iriiii'iil lo Turnlsli name to ne-, ,ihirly veririHl. ill or lierore th Slsl lay of March, I Dir.. mid all parllc- In-lebieil lo lite said estate are iiiiulnil pi ay IIh- aiiHiiinl or 'their liHlebleilness lo ne rorthwitli. MUlM A. WVTT, orriiial AiluiUilslralor. Prince Ituperl. It.C. luted lbl jlsl day or February. !. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III the Mailer of the Administration Art: and n IIh- M.ilti'i or Ihe Kstale or Charles l.avci', Heee;iM".l. Inleslate TALK MiTI" K that by Order or lll lloliiir I Mi'll. Voimir. made Ibe Kill (ll if iVbriiarj. Ittii. I wa aplminted Ad ,nlnltrator of Ibe rslnlo or the lule :b.l Id's Later, deceased, anil all partl- iiivIuk I'lalms airalnJl tle said estate an hereby reunlreil lo ruriiisb same, pc icrlv verified lo me, oil or before ll lav or Mii-eli, 1(15, and all parlies In 'lebled to lue said estate are required I" ay lite amount or their liid'blednes to lie fvrUlullh. MIMMAN A. WTT. Official Admlnlsiralor. I'rinee ituperl, n.r. Iialid lids Slsl day of February. IV.V IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter or Hie Administration Acl: and In Ihe Matter of the Kstale of Y. Wuki molo, lieceased, Inleslate. TAKK MiTICh thai by Order of Mis Honor I . Mi'U. Vouna-, made tlie Kill dav r I'ebruary, IVir. I appulnled Ad loinlsliator of Ihe estate ..f the late . Waklioolo, deceased, and ill parlies bavluit c,iim avalnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro pcrly vermeil to Ine. on or hi-lorc 41st day or March, llij.v ami all parlies In debled In Ihe said eslale are reiiilrcd lo pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. .NOIIMAIV A. WATT. orriclal Adiniiilslralor. Pcluce Ituperl, It.C. Haled Ibis Slsl day or February. WESTHOLME THEATRE lonight Unly, Saturday Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Maurice Tourncur Presents "The White Moth Fop the First Time 'l'he l'li'iii'li llicitlrt'' on sereen! A ,;o.v timi of (ho Parisian lnylitmse til loilav ticn: liiml the .scenes from lite fall oT liie rur Tli) sensulioiial rDiiiaui e of a Pari-i.in -t Ihe frlumotii' iiT niglil life in the t;il ni I... Hal ties ArlistoK L'llt) iiennliriil dun mH lief l.alin null it story of mulyiug love II' i of the iniiiiorlnls, are but a tow of tin m llial hr' l(l make up litis fforgeous, .speri.n one llial will loiiff leiiiuin in I lie iihiikm i romance where -pints are IukIi win n litmie meet the While Moth dinn ing mi city in die world. Ili-liiiKuMicil ea-l. ;1K i'. 8 Conway Tcarle, Barbara La Marr, Charles de Roclii W .(III! I I w- I mm . . ' I uon uyun, wiuiam wrianionu, tona murpny, Josie Stdj. wick, Kathleen Kirkham. Specialty Dance Spider and Moth, by Barbara La Mart and Charlos de Roche MACK SENNETT COMEDY "SMILE, PLEASE." Admission 50c and 25c. Spring is Here! LADIES OF PRINCE RUPERT on are in iled to .-e . Spring and Summer HATS ,W IlllVf jlisl reri-iveil a lat'rfi" lliptM fuoviiiliiif,' shade ami slle-. Kee iiiir ; W'e liave aio rereiM-d a l.o-ge -lncir. A nml Mouse hresscN tlie ju ice- ol vvliu h i luireliaser. JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 645. GET IT AT! Diningroom at a Bargain 8 Piece Hardwood Sutte '8'iece Fumed Oak Suite 9 Piece Hardwood Suite 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE "f ho Quality Home Furnisher 71 h St. and 3rd A -GROCER PHONE .586 BULK COCOA 2 Ins. for 25c new HIGHCtf Suites $100.00 $120.00 $130.00 prion' 2