f f Mr.fi TWO Pure Tea Every tiny leaf and bud of SALADA II GREEN TEA is sealed in air-tight aluminum More delicious than any Japan or Gunpowder. AsK for SALADA. Try it to-day. J The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert iTaily New?, Limited, Third Ave"nue. ' II. K. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ,, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .......... $1.00 By mail lo all part? of the British Empire and the. United ' Slates, in advance, per year -$0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.."n Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DATLY KDITIOW 98 86 Friday, May I, 1925. Citizen's Meeting A Great Success. The meeting of citizens held in the city hall last night was a great success in that it was one of the few occasions of recent years when the people look the trouble to turn out and talk matters over. Although attempts- were made on several occasions to turn it into a political, meting, the attempts did not eom to Miccee'd. Those present passed the resolutions they wanted and doubtless the mayor will see thai they are forwarded to the places designated by the mover's-and seconders, although no provision-was made by the meeting for any fund to take care of the cost which will be very considerable. It was good to. see the fishermen and others out, men who seldom take part in public affairs but who, urged on by the force of circumstances, were bent on trying something new, the old having failed. It is to be hoped thai this interest in public affairs continues and that the men wh t were there hot night will lie there, ngain. CrIUclsmsOf wi' " V j&fr Board Of Trade. K?Sr ... W hen something goes -.wrong somebody has to be the .-eapego.il. The bottom went out of the fishing industry and people are wondering who is to blame. Among others tliev seem lo have turned their attention to the Board, of Trade. That body is supposed to represent the business, interests of (he citv. It does that to some extent although it is not as representative a it might lie, if lhot who are not members would join and attend its deliberation. As was explained last night, the members of the Board pay twelve dollars a year for the privilege of working for the city. In that they differ from the mayor and aldermen w ho are paid-lor their services. Some of the members of the Board of Trade give, many hours of their time ,preparing publicity matter, looking up data, and doing other work jn the interests of the city, in addition to paying their animal fee. For doing this they get little but abuse, bul! they keep right on in spite of the criticisms. Silg-gesliou was made last night that they be liirned out. This cannot be done except by the talking patriots themselves joining, paying the annual fee and preparing themselves to do the work which is now being done by; the others. The present members-,, we believe are not anxious for the job but they refuser to let go the work just because a few people who know little about what 1 being, done sometimes criticize them. It is always the "ase that a few people do the work and the majority sit around and tell them how it should not be done. Majority Do Not ' Vote At Meetings. At the meeting last night nothing like n majority of those, present seemed to take, enough interest iii the", proceedings to ,1,fi,1)hp! luuids.eitlfier fiw- ojf against the" resolutions. VheK a resnliitioii dpcJaredy-ftrried unanimously rn(v ft1 few of the people (iaif iyotPil. '-The: pilars. tirtvtb?iri jikt' a lntlp rm a. log. niey did m)t nppo.pj thc favor. That is the only inference thai can be taken but ifmliv not be correct. Passing Resolutions , Is An Easy Matter. One of the chief complaints against the Board of Trade in past days is (hat it pnsed (bo many resolutions. Last night a great many were passed at Ihe public meeting, too many Ui be very effective. When a meeting expresses Itself on so many subjects id the same session it is apt lo do things which may not be wise. However, most of the resolutions passed last night were nil right. The difficulty" will be to make people on the outside think so. AVheu -the government at Ottawa gets n sheaf of resolutions nil at one time 'they will not prove as effective as if just one on which the people were united had been sent through. - ii ' ' '' ' Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small size. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substantial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any brtnch of the Union Bank. rj UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager ROBERTS SPOKE lou Hall W. S. l'isher presiding. pel CLUB LUNCHEON Interesting Address Given by Famous Author In Boston Hall Yesterday "Canada (darted wilh liltle more Mian energy, brains and imagination bill there is no limit to whiil heights she may attain if she will crush dtil thai proa I (foe In m-ogress, sectionalism." declared Charles i. I. Roberts, the famous Canadian author al a luncheon given hy Ihe Canadian Club yesterday afternoon ill Bos- .Mr. Hoberls said that ilivor-eul fnleresls were always a' work. Each district tried to de-vebip its own resources, and llii was as ll should he. .o pro- press could take place witliou' that. It must he borne in mind, owever. that Ihe interests of Ihe other sections of the country ilso liad lo be considered. In injuring one part the whole was injured. Hurl one ineiuher of the'Jiody and the whole suffered and Ihe same was 1rue of Ihe ile. All parts were interde- ndent. IMvergenl Interests were loo much in the bands of politicians. Mr. Huberts thought. They wore hampered by Ihe fact that politicians hail lo consider Iheir own opnsliluoiits. I Ins was neces- iry because, unless a member looked after his own constituency he would not long he a member. Non-Polltlcal Duty In yiew of this condition it lay wjlb the nou-polilical organiza tions such as the Canadian Clubs lo bring about harmony. These could do a great deal in bringing together the divergent inferests. lie found thai the Maritime pro vinces had grievances and so did oilier pmvinops but any of the dillictillies could he quickly sol tied by a group of level-headed businessmen unhampered by poli Meal consideration. , .miv itoiierts gave as. an o- auipb' Ihe conlroversy over fnv liade alid proleelion. As Canadians (heir efforts' should he toward, ctiiicilialion of the divor-penl interests. In opening his lecture Mr. Huberts lidd humorously ai.d interestingly about his own efforts lo join the armyvWhon war broke out. He first applied Jo General Sam Hlighes and asked for a job doing anything from majot general down lo grooming a mule. He r'niild not get even I he least of these jobs. i Ihon (limed n the Imperial army and joined as a Tommy. 'After a while some of his friends thought lie ought lo he an otliccr instead of n trooper and lie was fold, to fill out sonip forms.- Ile did everything' truthfully until be Came to his age. As a matter of fact he was horn in twin hul bo left the space on the form vacant ami wrote a note saying In would leave that lo the medical Officer who bad examined him and who' bail pr'oiioiinced him' in first class physical condition. lie enl .hi the paper.M' and they came back with llnvdafo filled in H;:lK?ftMni1vni .nnltf-.ttntihtf 'nfni H?-rni?ni - iumi" "e weni ly lampereu with the paper, committing per jury on his behalf hul they could sellle thai after the war. Unusual Precocity Then Mr. Hnberts filled out another fiapcr in which, hejiiid to give the dale of his marriage and (he ages of his children. He filled this out truthfully, never thinking they would be compared hul an nlllcer sent for him and the two papers wore together showing thai ho was married at. Ihe ago of nine and was a father at Ihe age nf eleven. The nllcor' looked over Ihe papers and (ilaife no remark except tn say thai as his record showed unusual precocity he was sure be would make an excellent officer. If another war came along Mr. Hnberts said he feared ho would have In knock off thirty years. There was a good nllondanoe of members of both Canadian Clubs. Vocal solos were given by Mrs. 1'raser and S. K. Campbell. V. S. Fisher presided. i The Man in the Moon 'TIIH ipiesllnn of Heading money away for what could be tot; fiAff.? mewb CLOSING OUT SAL Boots lose Iheir menmry if il were only possible. Til K oilier day a book .agent' called on me arul(,when I lold' bliu.Iidid noj waiijcfili wares, bej v'as 'fjtijiivilcp' about it- and lefl iiie1 aboio. 1. record I Ij is. .. om of the grejit evriiM".ofjlpii,lycar, A spinster is a person who knows too much about married! life or who has not bad an op-I porlunily lo display Iter courage. Till-; windmill seems to have it greater yojfuo than ever in Hie kasl, acc'tfrding to press reports of Ihe House of Commons ilc tiale-j. I remember the lime when a dollar looked just about as big as a five-spot does today. Bui who wauls a big rlullar? II looks lo me as if rainiuak-iug would be a pretty profitable, industry in this . pari 'of (lift country. Hatfield oinulit lo make a fortune if be came hcif. K.ver since I was, twenty year ol.TI li.-ive madoW living of fvl lie land a long wajr, off. Hverythlng come? tb an end If Jon wait loifg ehntjglirven'tlio inoaiifngs of Ihe pessimists. '. v '. S NVornon ought In make good archilecls for there are plenty of , designing women who might turn Iheir talents In that direction. Hlnce the- war the weather does not seem lo have settled down and returned to normal. STORE TO BE VACATED BY END OF MAY GREATEST BOOT VALUES EVER PUT ON IN RUPERT. Genuine South African Field Boots These booh are guaranteed solid leather and waterproof, and are simply wonderful value. Sale price per pair $4.45 British Officers' Boojs: Famous "Uniform Brand" Selling at about half market value. Buy a pair , and find out the reason why John (Irrislic leads in boot values. Sale price per pair . . . . $3.95 British Officers' Boots Semi-Willow calf, guaranteed by us. Sale pri e per pair ... $4.25 Padmore & Barnes Dress Boots Famous ".Moccaviii Brand" Boots. N finer boots are lo be obtained anywhere than the "Mocassin Brand," no mallei! how much you pay. Sale price on all llico boots per pair ... $5-95 Leather Work Gloves Values up lo .ii2.no. Wearing thorn out at our closing-out sale al per pair 95o Combination Cape and G.ound Sheets British fbnern- nient issue. Worth St. Till each, for only 50c Haversacks The very thing for school or limiting b.ig. Closing out sale price 35c Pack Sacks Fine for la uidry sir dunnage bags. Closing out sale price only , 50c Slicker Coats Finest British manufneture. Worth 0.."ii each, only bought al home is always Ix-i: g discussed but nif oiie seenis ,0 worry. 'The posf.oillce and ev-prcss conipanicsji.H, well us I (to big Kalorn JiiiUse's reap the benefit. A bOLLAH al. home is .worth twenly in Toronto. ' TIUv dollar bill you send down east 1 , Or over lo the Stales To get some liiiery you' could Iniy Within your own town's gales. Is nnl likely locoine hack And Ineel your sweel caresses, As if you kepi it in your hurg Hy buying local dresses. SOMH people lose their memcrj and grieve over it; olhers woi Id $3.50 B:M straw hat; Mk ' w .... . ..aa I . , II t I I I Sold only at 77? ffi&XClSJb Store May 1, 1815. Prince lluperl will be a great wheal shipping porl in the near future declares .I. I). MeArlhur, president of Ihe Kdmoiilon Dun-vegan and British Coliuuhia Hailway, who is visiling the city. Hon. V. .I, Bowser, allornei' general, returned yesterday on the sleainer Prince Ituperl from I .. 1 ..1 1. 1.. 1 ........ 1 . 1 1 11 iiii in .liiyuA huh iiroeeeoen south on his ri'lurn to Vancouver. William .Marisou, " .M:f.. aecnmpariled him lo Anyojc. f I rear Britain Is producing Ihe finest fighting force in the Oreal War. Fierce nnd fiery training Is now in progress. Advertise In the Dully News. Si all Shirts This is your last opportunity to get these genuine British manufactured goods at a fraction of their original en EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE AT A REDUCED PRICE. , BE ON HAND EARLY. STORE OPENS AT 8 A.M. , To women everywhere Spring br'r I the many problems emb: the word "hall. Not the least ( it tin- nat11f.1l nuettion. "Sl,.; I ' last seaion'l itraw which only different color and new Uimr suit me exactly, or lhall I with a new straw which may r. ' lite Dark Grey Flannel Shirts Tiec will , cakes at Ibis price, each only . -, , $.2$ well on me at all" Why not let Elkay's Straw Hat Dye settle the question? With ih-i mtx-pentive dye you can make last "J straw look new and different soq;k-ly and easily you will wonder wliy y-:u didn't try it long ago. The results will delight you and y'-u will save considerable towir i ' Spring apparel. Elkay's Stranv Hat Dye is permanent and waterproof, dries quickly tr a 'sting, lustrous color and actualh r '' m life to the straw. Directions and b with each bottle. Select your favorite colr fr.-m following? Dull Black, Libert Blue. Burnt Straw, Old Rose, i-let JW tural, Gloss Black, Navy Blue v Cerise, Sage Green., Card.nJ 'Yellow, Cadet Blue, Brown, L--.; Ormes Ltd. THE REXALL STORE Phones 82 and 200 Khaki All-Wool Flannel Shirts Very high. 1 ; collar attached, two br(af porkel. S,,;, ,,rM " M $2.45 Ftannel Dress Shirts All wool, in jienl selr !- Price .j...... t $2.50 Khaki Drill Shirts Twill weave. Sale price $1.45 Blue Drill Shirts, of heavier ujalerial than ,l , , s I""''" 51.95 Special Quality Braces 'Tie value for only 35C DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? 3 Only Leather Overcoats We'll clear I hell! out al each ... . $29.50 Mackinaw Coats forest wool; pipe enm: V.i Take our pick al only ... ,. . $4.35 Trench Coats -(Inly a limited number of tip -. Idea' for the H.ti. rlimnfe. Sille pViee oul $19.75 Tweed Raincoats We are clearing Hiece out . t 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 k price of only . . $3,95 Honeycomb Pink or White Bedspreads l-'n! - s price ... . . S2.65 Genuine Moleskin Pants (irey or khaki; wonii pair. Sale price , . $365 Fox's Genuine Blue Serge Pants - Worth i at a m Sale price $3.65 JOHN CHRISTIE Featuring" Selected British Government Goods and British Manufactured Prodicl$ 327 Third Avenue WestDemer's Old Store - , Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert !- MONTH END SPECIAL? immons guaranteed Mattress 4 ft. 6 in. $11.40 Formerly sold a I ir.r) ll.1V h'1" rrl.nl' As the last day of Ihe hinhUr fulls '" ' s,ir,w holiday. Ibis orrer will conliiiiie iiufil W I'-'"' May 2nd. . BARRIE S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. phono