PAGE FOOT 7i?r r.TT.v srw a Fr:'..v BRITAIN LIKES I BRINGING UP FATHER ' - , By George McMe ' raff co.L. --'ihi-Jlri El S eeet1 Mwm: r -imthA JJ m look- i TLe 1,ro L m&h Shipment Looked Forward to In London and Purchased Readily lSIIX(!-nX, May 1. (llyl Canadian I'ress . Fruit ship ments. ;from lite west coast of Canada niirl the United Stales Ityl way ii( Ihe I'nnanm .Canal find favor in Hurnne. This is I In; statement matin by the Depart ment if Agriculture, Inday in sil resume or the situation liy Eil-vvin 1milh, foreign, representa tive ;if the depart men I,, whu UI making a survey of European 1 fruit markets, lln says Euro pean consumption of American armies Itas been stimulated Hie ,pasl5'year t"li rrmprli development of direct shiiinicnls from Parific' . rnastpnrln lltrousrli the PanamaVive Inches of Rain and 95 na.,!'?j- I Hours of Sunshine Recorded ti.iL Mr. Mnilti says as lo shipment from the Pacific coasf is Ittoled on as jndicatirift that nrioirs agricultural pro-duels oT this country could itn exported to Europe to pood ad-vaiil.e with Jideittate shipping facililfes. Tlie consensus in Hotlerllam nnd llainhur?, as well as in all of tfie large port markets of firral Hrltain, he says, is that Panama ships lam their car-sroes.of American apjile.s in pood condition, and that nil of the. larger markets look forward to these shipments, lluyers at the port '.auctions in fireal ltritain.i Holland, (iermany and Denmark are reported to prize this fruit because it reships well to interior points anil can he hell in .slock. This altitude is evidenced by brokers as we'll as by wholesale buyers. In fact it is said that some f the cargoes from the refrigerator ships are left safely on the quays for a period of several weeks. No Price Depression There lias been considerable controversy as to whether iicavV - I'ananui cArgoes discharged and sold on top of the regular arrivals from Xew York have tendril to depress prices in foreign markets, but Mr. Smith has round thai coincident with the arrival . of these cargoes the market llus,'arn,,1 'nJhusiasls have not usually shown increased strength rather IJian weakness, due to Ihe good condition of such arrivals. It is said that wilh the advent of. the Panama roul wilh largo Refrigerator ships carrying car- "goes df well over 100,000 boxes direct from Vancouver, Seattle,! Portland, arm San Francis under schedules that are variable and subject to change, it has been difficult for exporters lo i guage supplies. ORANGEMEN HELD A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE LAST NIGHT Enjoyable Time Spent by Large Crowd at Metropole Hall A very enjoyable whist drive and dance was given last night in the Metropole JIall by the - Eoyal )ranpe Lodge, Ihe cfim- jiiHIIee m charge being J. A. leng.Ian Davies, Frank DavieH a and G. h. Harnwell. The enrlv fparl of the evening was devoted to card playing, the winners of Ihe prizes being Tor the ladies, , Mrs. S. V. Gox with Miss Morrison consolation, ami for the men, Alan Davies with II. It. Wilson eonsolalhm. Ilcfreshmenls wero by Ihe men assisted by Mrs. Mc-Itobbie and Mrs. GoX. Dancing then was kept up until a late hour, 'with Mr. Teng as master of ceremonies. SHOWER LAST NIGHT FOR RIDLEY HOME AT ARMY HEADQUARTERS A shower of plain sewing for the Ilidley Home was held lat night nl the Salvation 'Army barracks, Hev. E. G. Turner pro-siding. Vocal solos were given by Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. J. Field, Mrs. Liiidley, anil Mrs. Pedersnn; recilallons by Miss llerry Ilire.Ii, .Mrs. II. V. Hilibard. Mrs. I'. Pip-Kir, and Miss Adelia Tburber; a plann duet by Misses M. and X. j.awrencn; u cornel iolo by the new regimental bandmaster, Mr. . Wilson; n violin solo by E. Ilcck- er and piano solos by Miss llhoiia I.amb and Miss Violet McGul- cbeon. W. Yaugbnn Davies ao compnnisd. MMmTT:ii.,HHll! IF! I! ' In H .Mif Us W mml liiffl - 11- SPC WtAlHhK KKrOKT 1 na During Month of April 'The following weather report for the month of April was issued this morning by S. C. Jackson of Digit;: Island, Dominion mejeorologisl : Mean Jpinperature, 43,7. .Maximum temperature 01 on April 15. Minimum temperature, 2!) on April 1 ami 1 i. Precipitation, 5.83 inches. .Sunshine, 0i.7 hours. Maximum wind velocity per hour, 42 miles on April r and 28. (Jrealest wind vclorily in one day, (184 miles on April 28. Tola! wind mileage for mnnili, 5743 miles. j In the Letter Box a kr ' x LAST NIGHT'S MEETING. Editor, Daily Xews. Repartling the resolution pass- S, al, V.' 'T''"" . ,,P,d a' vjilj ii. ui ui-iuiii wiui me larru on Canadian fish. Undoubtedly il would appeal to the sentiments of everyone, al the present, lime .... .I.. "ill ' i nnd under the circumstances. however I am afraid that our made a very deep sludy of the economic features involved which would act as a boomerang at simie future time, ' I orluiialely, the body was not ,hp i"i"'il legislative group and sf''e of rtur citizens still have ",0 opporumiiy or expressing llieir viewpoints. I.el us remember that our American friends are very prac tical in llieir methods of carrying on under a highly Industrialized Stale and if, the reso lution were passed as a final law if would dimply play into the hands of the businessmen Jn an extent which we, will not realize until Ihe experience has been ours. Heparding the other resolution, using n materialistic conception of good ami welfare, I cannot understand why the people of Ihe city display such apathy on mailers thai affect ihem all. As a slight liinl or in-sluuafion, I think .-something i rnllicn hi 'Denmark wlien oifc cerlain mailer has been neglect- '',h fnr s" lo,lpr a Umft vlz- "", stumps jiuil olber unpleasant appearances on the land adjoin ing the path from the railway station to the Prince Hupci1 Hotel was called to the attention of lie public four years ago lo a month through your daily col limits. The Impression I hat eyesore r iKni'rrlll Knight, Vancouver; Vn nrM.nv iw V. I I.aing liiitrll " I . The first mol touch Instantly rtops the Cety fain and biting itch. It washes out in a marveloualy rtnrt time the wont forms of skin diaeaxe. Hard cmsU and acales, weeping sores, poixoiious rashes, ugly eruptions, pimples and akin blemishes yield te a single bottle. The first $1.00 battle relieves you or yuut mtmey back. Try I). U. D. tvap, too. ORMES LIMITED makes on Ihe visitor remains and undoubtedly .lead them jo wonder why the citizens nr Prince Hnperl have not got. a little more get-up in them. Yours for prosperity, EEOXAHD WA1DE. FISH ARRIVALS V Prices About Nine and Ten Cents at Exchange This Morning Halibut arrivals were again lighl this- morning. Three American boat sold 8U.000 pounds and one Canadian, 10,000 pound . . a. u. he lallerlieing paid Ihe hihftsA,' price ui i ne nay. Arrivals and sales: American . Columbia, 48,000 pounds, af' 9.3c and 3c, to the Ilootb and Pacific Fisheries. Orient, 25,000 pounds, at tt.JJr' and 3c and Ithona, Ifi.OOfl pounds, al 10.7c and 3c, lo lhi5 Canadian Fish A Gold Storage Co. Canadian Fisher. 10.000 pounds, at I0.7e and 3c, lo Allin .Fisheries. MANY INDUSTRIES' FLOURISHING HERE Industry in Prince Huperl is on Ihe up-grade once again. The volume of business i.s growing day by day. General satisfac tion is felt all round. Amoiip 'the propressive industries of Prince Huperl j to ne numbered Hie baking industry, which is increasing wilh every-season. The boiiscjwjfe is mow sim( more relying ,irn the Jiaker fori her, ;. supply . viir bread; Vam) cakes. The "pood .quality" products of the Electric Window llakeries give satisfaction to all 1 Of HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert George Mailed and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wynne and child, cilv: F. S. McCloy. A. .1. Campbell, ), BEST PROCURABLE tsjy. tatt BOTTLED ft GUARANTEIDBY FKODUCI Of SCOTLAND. DlttlUIAtM : il10OiCB .M0 SAIVtMS-SLSMUVCT 0U"TOvr SCOTI.iid "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." The Original Label look for It at the Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Oovernmenl of UriUsli Columbia I Scott, lied ley F. Smith ami A. G. land Junius. Kerr. Victoria: It. liramley, Xaiiaiino; M. Itrocbu and sou, Anyox. Central E. llii-bartls, city; J. V. Ap llioi'ite and Hull Avitkivirh, Any ox; W. l Itarliui, Terracn. J. S. Ilopors of the Itupert Marine PinhIiuMs Go. sailed this morning on the Prince George for Vancouver. His mission i in etinneetion .villi Ihe markelinp r his I'ompauy s proilucls am lie may go us fur as San Fran-eiseti. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Fourth Team In League Is Still Expected Definite Decision. Next Week. Tlie following schedule is issued by the Prince Itupert Football Association for the Stuart Shield fixtures starting next Monday: May k. T..AV.V.A. vs. Sons of England (CI. S. Ilussell, referee). May 7. Callips vs. GAV.Y.A. (T. Jones, referee) . May 12.-.0.11. vs. ftalliees. May 15. S.O.E. vs. fi.W.V.A. May 1 8.-t.W.V.A. vs. billies. May SI. Gallics vs. S.O.E. The above Is a provisional schedule subject In change if a fourth team, which js still ex pected, becomes actually entered. A defiiiile decision on thU is ex pected at the beginning of nixl week. Games will be called al 30. There will be a working bee fin Sunday and Ihe Association ex pects all players am) enthusiasts lo be on band lo gel the grounds in shape for Monday s npeninp. 3 Sport Chat j Owing lo weather comljitions al games in the American major baseball leagues, yesterday were postponed. Preliminary plans will be for-mlaled and ollicers will be elecled at the annual meeting of the Prince Huperl llaseball Ah-soc.Ialjtui -)sAm;i belhii ..'called Tic,iiis f ;veirriJtfg'Ai,$1si'i; AH'y, mx? An (h.'c' ay.! Smi esleil in any way In Ihe game are being asked to be present lo make any suggestions or offer any advice they may have. While I hern has been little stir as far as baseluil is concerned it is CXIiecled Mini Ihe fiirfli- oming season will be as suc cessful as any in the pasl. The most or the old players are still in the crty and It is understood thai there is" some considerable new blood here lo be Injected into the league, thai will he form ed. Next Monday evening Ihc opening game of Ihe football season, the Shiarl. Shield conies! bet ween I lie Great War Veterans' Af social ion ami Sons of England, is scheduled lo lake? place. Ilolli leauiR are said lo have mustered strong aggregations and, while a few early season rough spots may be expected, the match will undoubtedly be an inleresling one. The withdrawal of the Sons of Canada will lend lo make several chunges )n the line-ups and ull Ihree teams In Urn league are prelly confident of Iliemselves, The old Callies will be the third team. Each, of Ihe three learns will have former players back wilh them fconie of whom have not been seen in Ibn local soccer field for the past year or ao. Wanted For Sale For4Rent DAILY 2c per word in advance. No Adverliem-nt taken for leu than 50cJ WANTED SHALEI) lenders will lie received by 4 lie Ollirer Commanding. 1J.C.P. Police, Prince Itupert, 11.0. for Ihe purchase nf tlie launch "Adauac," (length 40 feel). Envelopes lo be marked "lender." Highest or hiiv lender not necessarily accepted. Tenders VIII b openud May J, 1025, al noon. 108 GASHOAT wanted. Must be cheap for cash. Apply Hot 240, Daily News olllpp. 103 WANTED. Second hand loKRiog jack. Apply tins 24fi, Daily News Olllce. 105 GENERAL Servant Wanted. Ap ply Mrs. F. Mell. Young. WANTED. House or gardfln work. Phone Had 408. lit FOR SALE FOIl SALE. llolel, wilh iwifiMir-anl and pool ball in connection. Cheap mil and good lease. Apply ir wriU A. E. Henderson, Hums Lake, J.G. FOIl SALE. To sell for ttonige charges on Mav 37, three boxes of household effects tie-longing tit Mrs. M. Peterson. Dyer's Garage, Third Ave. FOIl SALE. Ileauliful Daven port bed and gramophone. Apply ader 0 p.m. to lift Sixth Avenue West, above laundry. 101 TO RENT TO HENT. Modern house, com pletely furnished. $30.00 Apply G. P. Tinker. Tel. f,1. HOUSE lo Ilenl. Three apart ments. Corner Itaeon and Tenth. Phone 078. 10C ROOMS lo rent . Federal block. G. P. Tinker. Tel. 57. tf FURNISHED House for rent, nix rooms. Phone 418. FOR RENT. Olapp apartment Weslenhaver Ilros. tf BOARD HOARD mid Room, or board oply. 4.1 Fifth Averuii Eat. J'hpn RciL.7p7, Y , HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD AND ROOM, or board only. Phone Red 707. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Record no scratching. Finest, reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and music by world famed artists. Call in and hear Ihem. PRINCE RUPEnT MUSIC STORE, Thinl Avenue WOMENS EXCHANGE IF you have any plain sewing or fancy work you wish to dispose of, we will sell il ror you. Articles in this department not limited to one dollar. The Dollar Store, Red 324. KNITTED GOODS SWEATERS and all kinds qf knileed goods made lo order. Phone Hlack 31)5. tf KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Iveilh's Cafe in King Edward Hotel now re-modelled. Up-lo-ilale Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Mnnaaer. Advertise in tho Dally News. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Ti BOATS AND LAUNCHES PHICF.8 OF EASTHOPF. 4 CYCLE Murine Engines 4-II.P. without clutch $!8r..O0 i-II.P. I .ylinder Ml) 2tVi 0 0-II.P. I cylinder HD 4&n on 8-H.P. I cylinder III) 7T,iuin 8-U.I, t cylinder Ml) 4r.D.iMl 16-II.P. 4 cylinder LD 47r,.on All the above ex crip t the firs! include the Famous Joes Inverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. Tin best UihI money can buy. Has! hope tiros., 1747 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, B.C. Alway at yonr nwrrlec. SNEDDON TAXI -134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas aenger Dodge Sedkn Coin fort and Coirrtaay. Rals: 50c for 1 or 2 passengers. 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH -Oh llahy" at your si r vice day or nigat. Comfort Safety Courtesy. If il't a wUr trip.oafl Laurjaaqibly. I'lnth. s 570 or 131. TAXI 592 THE DEPENDAIILE TA.M. Da and NiKht service. Comfor' and Courtesy is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taut G7 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gu Prompt Servine and Comfort Day or Nig' I Stand: noss cnos. pool Room Mocker Dock, Aen ss irom Km or s lime. FURNITURE WB hmi.lle the EAWCETT- guaranteed oopper be-arin Sleel Ranges and all grades ttT high grade furniture we et- change. ' ' . PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers FURNITURE Netf and Secondhand FurnL ure Store. We buy. Sell and Hx- chr.nge New and Secondhand Goods. QfcO. PAPADOPULI8. r139 Third -Ave Phine MH CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Bannnrje, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox ODD. NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Haggage and Express Northern Transfer. Day Phono Red 2n. Night phone Green 3i7, W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR, FIREWOOD. He Comfortable and Cheery. Dry block wood, per load $.1.50 Fresh split wood, per load fi.OO Phone muck 101 A. ISAACSON - Seal Cove. . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, May 1. High 7:32 a.m. in.2 fl. 2 1 :l)H p.m. I fi.H Low I : I B a.m. tO.ti " t4:00 p.m. 7.0 u Saturday, May 2. High 8:49 a.m. IfKfS ft. 2 1 :HK p.m. 1 0.0 " Low 2:5! a.m. 0.0 " l&:lO p.m. 6.7 " Article Loit and 0ud,&; MAIL SChEuULE For the East Mond.i. urda , Frcm tho East .Miiihl.i'. - Fnua, : ,. To Vancouver Tues(iu s ; Satur.l.;- Friday C.P.H : From Vancomsr Sunday? Wednes'i.n -Thursii.n -C.P.H. V To Anyox, Alice Ai- Uni and Premier Wediii- i r Sunday- From Anyox Ai'u- Brm S:e.l and Premier Tudii s f riday- To Port Slrrp?an tr. ialli; Points Tliursil.iy From Port Slmpsw a W River Points Sat ti i i i - To Alaska Points Anril r, I , From Alaska Point- Anril I" To Queen Cliai'lourUM' Mrl Auril I I n i l From Queen Chr!olU Points 1 April v : BIX COLLEvTIOi v A .in (. Me A nin we A I V I , t: W i . A 5;. : t:. . . t I thl Ave. 4 1 " J i ii M1. A il.i - v. 1 - 1 m A i 8Hi V. A i. :m, u' a m i G.T.I Win-1 - Sud Ave. A: ' rd Ave. A ' Ird Ave A 1 WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION N0 I (IB - , . rrk!nt Oiini'-" I'lIK -1,1' " ' v OOUV'i. I, ,Lal.,i il ' : . nortiiw. 1-1 1 , Hrn,,in an.. IiikI I iiii:il Ahrtlll i. Ill r 'BSutli 1 ROWS'1 '"", Itttll nwnlH'i 4i-' Till ll"'tr; " tint t:ir.l lr ihu n.tlri l' thrit' ui'1 11 tui nil.. i in 1 1 ' enr" l'1'" ' 10 III" il" mill v ii'i ";. n lltttKlltiM. v " " . . din - "i1,1' null, .' in ' , Uie in l I'i'1 11 BIU-I- ' 1 , , . i. sLr 0 JRITI'1 IN the tho Mfitl'-' mm 1 tilt- it Man' 1 " sun. Mi" ' takk' 1 1 1 r 1 p. I. Mi-li ' p AnHI A.M 11 ill ! . IIUBWUW1 I i. (hWI-i"! .Id. WtlUllW ,t M I"' to mi'. A II M'.' amount of II" 11 ' won. III ,J(. "aI ot ruled Hie H"