ASK EXCLUSION 0 OF ORIENTALS;: ANaitVI II. May I .--A rcsn- i 1. 1 ssi-d tn Premier K 1 1 k was adopted last ii , i r-h tin-cling nl I'iti- . t..i 1 1n exclusion of fnim Ihc lioiiiininn j: aila i i iif speakers wns Hi'v. I;r . pastor of Iln' I lily VirNnia. who said hi' 1 i Mil niiiiilii'i' of Oriru-' provinre tn hi' (50,-il W cannot 5ur- mji,tp with people 1 I'lii-u who have eight ;ti I yea s of hislnry and ui i u i hardship behind TRAIN CHARGES A ROCK SLIDE En8'neer and Fireman In Hospital and Engine on Side "V.U Mv t. An .MiKiiH-.-r i'.'"1 "''man ,.n Cauiulian atuiMii Ui-i.1,,1 Limilcl" air 111 li'.sniial and an rii-,f'm' "" -ii Us slilo on Ihc hunks "f Urn si i ....i ...n... i . iirr M'M'l lll llllir ""m l as u ,.,!Slli or tint. " "' a n.i'k slide " i.ii tin .'""uMlalifax n.u this n.ojn- i' "'Ml I" Ml ...... It.. "hikmi limy on s ""III i.r slj.killK lo his post m ii ri ..i,.i..... . . ... . "mur in sioi I In (rain "I'li.-i. i, ,n .1 '' i III; I'OCKS. PARTY COMING HERE IN JULY ""' Van ""-wvor Board of Trade -v.,auiD Provides For Ar. rival on 19th ..&!..v!:- i. Ti.p in in,' Naiicinivcr Hoard r' '"''. "MMirsi,,,, Ul,v i WI"H annoiiiu't'il r ihn ''rm " fur tho arrival " ' '""P" IHlTl July III , Oil . 1 .oin there they "will X. ' Uu' Hulklry and .. ii mi .... ..... ... icorj.,. " ''I'lico 0,.,,1(,i ' 1,1 ',,,, I way of .si.lon uril,0 same hint', declared Jilt Pre mier. I will say here right now that if I lie government rinds il impnssililc In carry mi llii liusi- Or, Clm Davis of Victoria Says,iifss of 4hc country in an expe- Cannot Competo With jdilioiis. maimer. I shall not hesi-Chlnese' dale one mimical In ask His V.x- -- icellcncy In 'dissolve this House," WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FOR NUMBER OF TWINS Lake Forest, Chicago Summer Resort Claims Unique Record. CIIICAOO. .May Cl, fashinnalili! sulmrli, holds tin iiutishii fur Ilic (wins lo its tolal miulaliou. Iiri'liarnlioiis for a baby ronlcsl havi- .shown. II has Iwi'iily st'ls of twins alining from Hutu nioiilhs lo forty years, drawn from all walk? of lift'. One family, Ihe Haruej MH ioverns, boasts two sets. Lake l'dre.l iiopiilalinn is ILHTii. CHICAGO TO HAYE AIR POLICE FORCE Force of Twenty Flyers to be Used by Chief Collins CIIICAOO. May I. - Plifus for an aerial imlii-e foire in Cliira;:o l.--f.aku l'or-Nitrlh Short' world's rham-U'ninrtiiui of Mo Mbl. Asked Silver I.:ta t.'lO U....P I..1..I it- 1 ..i .-Mil l unci . u.) Yt .00 VI Duiiwell . fllacier 2 1 Vi .11 Indian .10 .10 I., and I '.'0 .21 Daly Alaska ... .. .20 BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, LiJ A n m with hr'wiy laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for 5 7 dances, banquets and wed. Ah at Anywhere . -1 U.I.I '. s. ding parties. Itantf noya " n PRINCE RUPERT For ratis. apply In Iloston ana m v Grill, Third Ave. WATT VIDECK, ft g g is.. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457, "VL XV. NO. pmxci: ih;ieht, n.c, imiday, may i, hl'5. ViittriJij'i Circulation 1676 8tr 61 S PRICE FIVK CENTS. 4 CHARGED WITH MURDER OF JANET SMITH GOVERNMENT 37 MAJORITY ON BUDGET DIVISION; THREATENS ELECTION Premier King Threatens House of Commons to Appeal to Country if Progress Not Made with Business dissolution will be Asked Declares Premier: Refuses to Waste Time of Members to Please Members (ITTVW - May I. Willi his followers wildly applauding ivitm'' W L Mackenzie King uiieiiiiviM'ally declared lo I he llii . lit Commons if mure progress was iimL made wilh .-b-,-kMi i.ii piiiinmeiil would be dissolved. Tlic premier's dcclarnliou came in answer lo n ipicry as In n in : i h Icgislalion .is Dial on rural errdils would he i,m igli1 down He said it would depend Ihe progress made. Iliii I want lo make it perfectly clear that t fit government tiiii": ill i:tnid lo slay t Itioiifch the summer moulds trying lo " - ....... -r ,.rrV ,, ,. Iiiisincss .if the , coonlry' because honorable gen-Hcinen opposile wish tn go rigid in opposite, directions al the n-e tiniler (onsiileralioii liy .Mor- HH A. Collins, chief of poirco. A force of twenty flyers woiiiii nu utilized in Ihe plan. The air millee wn old co-onerale in pur- stiil of Ihifves, make topographic sluilies and lofalo lake wrecks or vessels in distress. HYDER HOTEL MAN VIOLENTLY INSANE M. Ridley Runs Amuck Aftor Arrest on Liquor Chargo, Police are Informed Knllowliitr hi" rro-l- al Slew- art on a li'Pitir ciiai'"', lliilley, prnprii'lnr "1" tin Ocean View Hotel al Hydrr, has pone violenlly insane acconliiiK lo word received by Mi"' provincial police here. Illdb'y I" '"''"t? I"'1'1 al Slewart and will i ("'"i I'.ssoiiilale by Ibe nexl sleamer. Diirinu April tin) fife "b'l'iU'l-incut r.'spoiHle.l lo -Ix alarms. Only in one case was. namae. done, that being lo lb"' residence of 1'. (Samiila on April U eslimal-eil al 1,000. There were Tout1 Kniss fires ami one cliininey lire. STILL HOPE FOR A PEACE SETTLEMENT - . Matter Once More In Hands of Railway Heads With View to Solution OTTAWA, May I. There is still hujie llial Mime action .will be taken Ibis year in regard to Ihe Peace lliver railway outlet, Ihe mailer llavin been referred i.n'5 to Ihe Iwo hi? cmiipauics .villi ii view -In one more elforl 'icing made, lo have Ibeui a,'re in ii Joint scheme. If they fail it is possible the (iovcrnment may take Ihe matter into I heir iwo liands and iirnceed witlt what mtiiis tn llii'iii the lit-. I ,'iissilile scheme. FOR ENGLAND IN A SLOOP Commander Maude, 77 Years of Age Going by Way of Panama VICTORIA, May 1. Commander Maude, R.N., arrived from his home on Mayne Island last, night, starting out on a long voyage to England by way of the Panama Canal In a 25 foot sloop. He will leave here today for the open sea and expects to kosp out of sight of land until he reaches the Panama Canal. Commander Maude has laid In a stock of provisions sufficient to last him 100 days and he has fifty gallons each of water and gasoline. The Sloop Is the Half Moon equipped with a five horsepower engine. Commander Maude Is 77 years of age. VANDERHOOF SLIDE" MAKES TRAIN LATE Due this Morning at 7 O'clock, Will Not Arrive Till 4.1S This Afternoon Delayed by a mud slide I5l) feel lonjr three miles east of Viiiiilerhoof, Ibo passenger I rain, due here Ibis inoriiluv al 7 o' clock, will not reach Ihe eily until I.I.' Ibis afternoon. The drainer Prince (Irorjjo did not iwiiil the arrival of the train and sailed for Ihe south on timi at ! o'clock this niunuitg. SAUCY SUE WINNER" THOUSAND GUINEAS NIAVMAIIKKT, Mav I. Saucy Sue, a favorilr. won Ihe Thou sand (iiiineas slakes run here today. The hookies paid four Ii one. STOCK MARKET Chinese Houseboy at Baker Home Public Meeting Asks was Arrested Today by Point Grey jj r L DI J Police and Charged with Murder ! "Ve UnOWTgO nacea VANCUl YKIt, May I. - Wou' I'oon .Siuv', hoiiM'lioy, vyus ancrded by t lit Point ( iiiuriiiiif,' on .Marine llrivi To Ask Tenders for Children's Ward in Hospital Trusting the People of City to put up Money .. Hiili-lactjy ariiiiigenieiits having b'oiui made Jbc.Ua' J'nr iiig of Ihc a I ,.VU" or mi wlii. Ii w ill be rt'tuiicd loTurrf Tiiif (he woik, tlii! hospital board at a special Hireling.' yesterday aitci-noou ilt'cidcd lu nil I for tenders for Ihe making oT iillriahoii" ill Hit ho-piliil which will be involved in Ihe establishment of a chililM ii .- waru. I lie plans ami spccilic.Hioiis Have Iji-eil prepared for Hit". hoard by W. II. .Shorlridge. A commiltce con- tsling of .1. II. I hompsoii, Mrs. II. d. Parsons and Leo itiigl. was ap poiuicii lu (UKe enarge oi me carrying out oi ilir piojccl. Ilir committee - opened in each of the banks ami also by Ilie Daily News, school principals were neing nsKcu joi eck contributions in the schools ami socielies ami service clubs were being appealed to for assistance It was fell. Unit the lime was now ripe lo call for lenders for Ihe work. I Waiich favored oiny: ahead and felt there would be no lifficully in raising the money. On motion of Mr. Thonipsuii, seconded by Mrs. Parsons, II was lecided to call for lenders. All Iclails are being left In Ihe bauds of Ihe eominillee. -Mrs. Parsons reported that Ihe l.iplirs' Auxiliary bad dj- ideil lo hold a tasr day, Ihe pro-(conlinued on page six (Jhilie ; police o.'iriy Hi s mid formally chargi'd with the iii.nt.'i.T of .lauel Smith, Ilic Keolli-li housemaid, in (lit It P. Maker home al Shaughnessy Heights last slimmer. Wlieii picked up, Wong was ele;;ij and in good ihii-Oifl condition but reltiseil lo say w licit' lie had been iur lie was irpoilt'd missing from Ihr Maker home on Iuivi 'jji lasl, lie W mreslcd at Ihrcc o'clock in Ihe niotniiig (iflcr Ihr poirc;;.liad bcfii iiilorincd by sonic unknown perjon out (lit! Iclcplioiit: Unit ii (liiiic-c w.i- itcliug ipicerly liii flu! road. ? Mroughl before .Magilralp Joliu-oii in llo police coml Ibis moiiijug, ii n niiind for one week 'was gronlrd, jlii rhargo hiivlng bccii liijd liy .icliug cliicf t polici.l. Alunluck of Point (f(cy. The pplice aniioiiiice Dial iilentific.tlion of the man lots bt en made. llenorliiiv for bavin; tin raisin; of money in-hand, J. II. Thompson staled that subscriptions were beiu,'; MAJORITY 37 BUDGET VOTE Government Supported by 123 to 86 After Twenty-Four Hours of Debate OTTAWA, May 1, After 24 hours debate the House of Commons adopted the budget at nine o'clock this morning' with a vote of 123 for and 86 against. The unexpected large majority aroused wild enthusiasm among Liberals, who banged the desks and flung sheaves of paper Into the air. The Conservative amendment had been defeated half an hour previously. British Columbia Leads All Other Provinces in Wealth per Capita and in Sinking Funds VANCOL'YKJt, May I. Charging Ihc bulletin of Ihe citi zen s rt'sciiren nireaii o l.niiiiua Willi iiiisreprescjnniiuii oi HrilMi Columbia's financial position and declining thai Hii province leads all others in Ihe creation of sinking funds lo re tire its indebtedness, linn. Dr. Macl.eaii, miiiisler of finance, addressing Ihe Cccdiliucn's Association lasl iiighl, placed Hrll'- ish Columbia's gross debt at s7il,n"Mi,IHi0 wilh !?ai,((M,tm" worlh of readily ruuvrrliblc seeurflies in I In banks lowartl meeting here indeliledness. The that the - ' - '" - mill I-! tr slnlcd net ilehl oer caoiltt was M7(l.ti( the laller being Ihe highest in ami Ihe per rnplln vveallh !jt,.l.'H, Ihe-Doinluion. TONIGHT TONIGHT THE HOE-DOWN IDANCE AUDITORIUM Life's loo short lo miss the fun. tlou't lease the animals. Cniie on time ipid Tickets 75c. Benefit Children's Playground 0 p.m. American Fishermen Six Resolutions Passed by Public Meeting at City Hall Last Night Dealing with Various Local Conditions Mesoliilious pclilioning Ihe Dtiminluii government lo place iiu embargo on Hie landing of American fish id Cdimdimi Pacific purls by American fishing vessels, ulher than those whose owners or captains, maintain a residence in Canada and reiiiicsiing linl Prinri UupeTi'Da ' restored as liie ccnU'e of operation of (Jan-iidian .ii'ioiii ifi'tisf : lenmcrs were the two most important of six re.-o-(tiiiiG iWcU at a public meeliiig of eilizens which look Jilin-e in tik - City Hall last night, at the call of Hie city council. So I n rite wiis the attendance al, - lie meeting llial it summed at Hnr ipt'niiii llial il would be neces-siir to obtain larger ipiaclcra Hutu the city council chamber in which to hold il. As il was; a11 Hie sPiitiotr accniiiinodatioii was lakeu tin and slaudiji; room in Hie chamber and at its entrances Wii.s filled for nearly -three hours .'-.-tllie t)(iit thai Jhe. iiii:etjn was .'oing on. Mayor -Newton prcsiO-ed and there was- a very full and free discussion particularly wilh regard lo the halibut fisheries situation and the (iix-ialion of .'h- C.X.H. steamers. Tbo resolutions ' passeii; shorn of their preliminaries, were .as follows: Fisheries Resolution Whereas Canadian fishing ves sels enlerinff Ketchikan arc sub jected lo a heavy fee and tho rews are not allowed lo laud until passed by the U.S. Immigration ollicials and can only clear within certain hours; And whereas Canadian fi lung vessels landing fish in Alaskan iioinls are subjected lo the Inly of two cents per pound, in cluding weight of heads inipos- d by the United Stales, plus olher charges; And whereas American llshing vessels are allowed In enlec this port for a Tee of One Dollar, may land I heir crews without ex- liniiialioii by an Immigration officer and may clear at any hour of Ihe day or night; And whereas this being the leiiniuiis of a Iransconlinenlat railway makes Ibis Ihe natural and best market on the Pacific Coast for American halibut llsh- erinen; And whereas Ihr duly of two cenls per pound imposed liy the United Slates against Canadian llsli gives the U.S. ilsherinen a decided advantage over our fleet which is resulting in the killing of our industry; Me it therefore resolved llial the Dominion government be nelilionetl for Immediate action under Hie following heads I. Thai ail embargo be placed oh Ilic landing, of American fisl at .Pacific, ports by Alnericaii fishing vessels, (other than lhoc whose (iwners or captains main lain a residence in Canada), but if Ihrough distress or any olher reason the American fishing vessels desires In land bcrcalch ;i port charge of 2c per pound b ollecled. C.N.R. Steamers Whereas for some seven years prior lo U-M It was Ihe policy of the (i.T.P.S.S. Co. lo put.lheir bonis lulo the local dry "lock tor overhaul, Iherby giving employ lurnt to local people and al lliu same lime ,a plant that had cost the people of Canada several millions of dollars and c.intiiiupd on page fivo) MANY KILLED TRAIN WRECK Cars Roll Down Steep Grade When They go off Track SCIl KIDHMUKrif.i:, Prussia, May I Melwccn thirty and forty people were killed and two score were injured early this, morning when the JMylkuhiief-Merlin express was derailed in Ihe Polish ''corridor" while speeding round a 'sharp curie. Tin: I rain lore down Hie telephone wires, tutting off ciiniiniiiiical iin with Poland. I hts loconiolise and niosl nf ihe coaches w'erc liililcil ilinsn a sleep grade, only one c.oaclii retiiiiininig on Ibciirack. The train wasim charge of ita Polish 'crew. S MKItl.l.N, May 1--1 1 is reportefc here that the S"dieideuiuclib; wreck vva. caused tly nti untuowiP person removiiig the bolls frona the rails. I.alest despatches say1 2t were killed and 20iiijdred. 5 PRINCE DROVE AN OX TEAM Formally Installed as Chancelr lor of the University of Capetown CAPKTOW.X, S.A., May t. -" The Prince of Wales today drove an ox wagon tbrotiigh the streets of l.apelowu accompanied by ft. procession of thousands of, uni versity students singing. A ft cilia informal expedition, i Hi' prince was ccieinoiiiously in stalled as chancellor of the University of Cap'-lowii. The parade was led by a body of comic cavalry armed with brooms, followed by an old-tush-ioncd prairie schooner drawn by twelve oxen. OTTAWA WINS AT BASKETBALL Rideaus Champions of Canada Defeating University of B.C. by Narrow Margin VANCOl Vl-ll, May' l.-Ot(awa llideaus won the Canadian )ias-kellmll ehiiuipioushlp, defcaliug Ihc University of M.C. leain'iu 'i Iwo-game scries, the tolal pojal being 3H lo .'10. - Varsity won last plght IH o 10 bul llideaus had a ten point lead lu the 'irt vaiipi.