A COMPLETE NEW STOCK NOVELTY EARRINGS, BEADS, BRACELETS And tho Latest Pins J'or Spring and Summer Wear at attractive prices. SAVE YOUR EYES Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience lusting eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Tom Thumb Umbrellas In all the new shades from $5.50 $1L50 liemers "House of Quality." P.O. Box 327. Phono 27 For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE Experienced in Ladies' and lientlenicn's tailoring. I'rices reasonable amf a big slock of English, Scottish and Irish Tweeds and Woollen ;(ioods available o select from. Quality and fit guaranteed. Mail orders given prompt attention. ALSO DRY CLEAN NQ AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert. - - B.C. A Modern ental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 THE RINK Will Be Open For SKATING Saturday, April 18, Afternoons - - 2 to i Evenings L - - K In in (nod music lniih sessions. Competent instructors lo leach beginners. Phone Black 449. DrlP.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 MANY PERMITS ISSUED APRIL .Mrs. Ross, alteration? to Xew Empress Hotel, $150. Hank of Montreal, repair.s. SIOO. V. D. Casley, alterations to Old Empress Hotel, $1500. 1 H. H. Rice, verandah lit Eighth Avenue Kast, $100. L. Leroux, addilion tt resi dence on 7llt Avenue East, $550 Mrs. V. .labour, residence on Sixlh Avenue near Taylor Street $2,800. ' J. (i. Johns, Iwo residences on Sixlh Avenue East between Tiit- low and Lolbiniere Street, $2,000 ach. 1. Leland, residence . on Sixlh Avenue, Sec-lion Six, $1,000. Swift Canadian Co., cold slor- TENDERS FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR Al PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Notice to Contractors StALKU TEMtLIIS, fur Hie eilislnielnli nf a reliifom-d concrete main elevator stiier.trijrttirc. Willi liiuliei- diH-k-Kiillerle and warelHiiiM', will l: received at Ottawa, onlai'lo, until Noon of Monday, May 1Blh, 192S. leiidi-iit sliuiild ! sent Hi an opaue sealed envelope marked "Temler for (iraln t:icvalir" anil addressed tu Mr. K. t. oiiara. Deputy Mlnisler, Department or Trade and Umiiiieree. Ottawa, A lump sum Tor tlie work Is desired. An aerepted liauk elM-iue for Kirty TlHiiisand Dollars ( 1 50.niin.tni , iii,iiIk pa a hi'- to the Miiii-ler of Trade and i:mu leeree, lnul aeeiniip,iii,s eviti tend1-'', whli li sum will be roiTrlled if Urn part.v tenderiiiK derlines to enter Into a t'uutriiet for the 'work mi the terms slated In lit -lemt-r. The rlieiiue of un-ureessmi l-n il-ii'i-s will lie returned. The elieque ol the tsuiTe.rnl tenderer will lie retained as siH-urltv rnr the due fulfilment of Ihi may be, obtained from C. D. IIowr & Company. t:onullla' Ewrlnepr. Wlialei llullilinir. Port Arthur, Onlarin. Deposit in inie 1 1 ii no red uouars aii'ju.uui is re uu I red fur plans and siieeirirations. deiHisI to be returned on return of plans ami speriiiraiion in pxhi rumiuion. The lonesl or any lender will nol neeessarlly ! aerepted. By order, F. C. T. O IIAIIA, Deputy Mlnlste! Deiarluient of Trad and Commerce, Ottawa. April 9 111, 1 05. IN PROBATE IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERR- ITOHT OF ALASKA; DIVISION NUMBER ONE. HYDER PRECINCT III the Mailer or the Kslale of Leatli.1 Davis. Deceased. .Number 16 Probate. otlce to Heirs. II V Virtue or ail on er 11 v tditned am I mane or record in the above enlilled eourl on tlie I Mil day or April, I6il. 110 tire Is hereby Kivcii to (Ted) Davis, the aliened husband or Ihe ulme named deceased and to all other iersons clalmniit an uueresi nr me aimvR named estaie that Ihey and each of them are hen-by le lulled tu be anil aonear In tlie above entllled court at llyder. Alaska, and suh- slsly days iiubliralkiii hereur And IT you rail so to appear and rile mieh satisfactory proof, a decree of this court will lie entered forfeiting- your Interest therein. Date or First Publication, April ST. I0JS. Date or I .n -1 Publication. June IT. I IIIIK..V F. HIM., Administrator. SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINERAL CLAIM8. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. William E. Maloncy versus Anthony MeOulre. Hy virtue or a warrant or Eieciitluu ImhII.'.I it, Itin .lu.v. N..,.n .llu.i. ... claims, situate near to tie- kitsault Iliver and the North Fork or the kitsault Iliver: "Waverly Oroiip." i-nitHtsiinic or "Waverly" and "h'lttv"; "War Danee (Jroup," ronsMlnir or "War Daiu-e." "Iletsev.' T,niue No, i," "Whistler." "Hadirer" and "Itule." All or which I will offer for gale. In- Public Anclloii, for rasli, 011 Tuesday, lhe 111 in in; 01 stay, 1 117.., at v.:ill ill me afterniNiii, at my orrice, Govertiuicul iiiiiKjiiiir. erince liupert. The -War Dain-e" will Im- orrered rr sain subject lo iwo mortiraircs, approi Imalinu; t7,SU(l.OO. JOHN SIIIIH.EY. Sherirr or the (Uniiity or Prince lluperl. Prince lliiiert. II.C, April ?. It5. , BlueFoxPups For dslltsry July 20th to 30th, 1826, ONLY; Later delivery, 25 per cent higher. Take them yoiinir, COST I.ESS, Fnsier handled, docile and breed first year. Send for new booklet-tell all! 100; INCREASE 2, 3 or 4 yr. old Breeders, with or without 100 per cent Increaie, our guarantee backed by ample aetata and 28 yrs. or business Integrity In thle etate. Ilerereiicec furnished vou-nradslreets: and Presidents, Sit Pank. Member or Seattle. Chamber or Commerce. CLEARY BROS, FOX FARMS 084 Empire llldir.. SEATTLE. II.S.A (one of I lie World's Caracal Fox Farms) DON'T LET YOUR BOWELS GET CONSTIPATED A free mutton of tho IiouiIj every Total Value of Seventeen day Mionid be the rule r every n who Amounts to $28,800 i home building in the city, provision having been made for ' seven new residences. The total ! which Is .-.'H.HOO, also includes ! repairs and alterations to existing residences and business monlh were as follows ikiiIpix i. .,..ir...i h.ni I lli fur nine IhelWllll Ml'. Il.iusini ml lllO Olll'liose1 bowels heroine constipated and cIokitciI lof his appointment- He had been lift all tint sttliait stt'imiiil nt flltt luulv life, Iluilding permits issued at the.,.,,,' .uranwd eily engineers oliico during the mouth' indicate a good deal of Keep Vour Bowels Regular by Utlng MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS They will clear away all tho effete and iKilsunoii matter uulrli lias eollecled In the system, (rive you a free. eay anil Imllirnl tti.ill..,. nf 1 1 ... In.tt..l4 .ti,it, !. I be permits issued during llioiMar, ,i. hnmh liter wm-kiuir. and trti'e lune and vitality lo tho wliol.i Intestinal tract. Mllljiinr." I.axa-I.lver Pills are tur Kale at all. dniKtrl-'l and dealers; put up only liy Tuu T. Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto. Ont age room, $3,000. S. E. l'arker, Lid., workshop zen- on Third Avenue, $1200. James Killas, uileralions lo si ore, $1,000. puilHise of revlsinir the li-t or voter for uie mki electoral Dlstrlrts, and or hearlmr lints, or lo the reirinlrallou as voli-r nr any applicant rnr rcirlslralion; ami for 1 lie- oilier purposes ret rorlh In the "Provincial Flections Ac." limed at Prince HuiM-rt. II.C, this r.t'i lay or April, luj.'i. NollMAN A. WATT. Ilciritrar or Voters for the Prince lluirrt and Mackenzie Electoral NOTICE. Disirirls IN THE MATTKII or an aiplicalloii ror or mtiie or a tirsn certincaie or line tor i.ois niueicen Hi and twenty (-.'Il block Ihlrty-lwo Oil. Secllon rive (J). 1.11.V or i-iiiii-e imiM-ri. map y3. Kallafariory piiMif of the ile-triM tlnn in uie certiorate or lllln coverlnif lie-Hlene lands liavimr bwii furnished lo Ihii ofrire It Is my Intention to lsue, after Uie expiration of thirty (an) d.ivs rrom the ri ret publication hereur. a duplirali; Certtricale or Tllle eoverluir Ihe said lands 01 111 iiHines ir PETKII M. CASSIDY anil niAAk i:SSIIiV, which Ctrliricale of line is dated the nth Auiriist, 1013, and iiinooerru mjz 1. II. F. MVni.EOD, , . Ileirh-trar or llllei. Land Ili-Rlslry OrIce, Prime lluperl. 11. li. Ms-ll lli 1 s LAND ACT III I'l'lnec (uiert Land Dislrlcl; District oi rriiic- unpen, TA kK NOTinE lhal I, Mel III lies m isty, or Vancouver, H.C., oecupatioii snlmoii broker, luu-nds to apply rnr-pei inU.lon to purrhai.e the rullowlnit described lands! Comineiielna; at a post planted U mile ontli or the aontheast rnrner or Lot "7U, lllllle Creek, llanire I, Coast District; Iheiiee no, in ji, rimin,. ,.n,f WBit yn chahis; thence hoiiUi to ibore linn In an easterly direct Ion to ooini or i-nm. ineiireiiieiiij ronuiiilnr 40. acrea. more .or M Fill LI, f)ES nitlSAV, Dakd April "id, IU, AimUi-Hnt Kdwln F.lroy faaniuni. Agent THE DAILY NEWS PUBLIC MEETING ASKS HAVE EMBARGO PLACED ON AMERICAN FISHERMEN (continued from page five the south. T. Jloss .Maekay look issue appointed lo rejirescnl Prince Rupcrl. He thought Ibe selcc-l lion of Sir Henry Thornton as bead of the O.X.R. railway was unfortunate. His policy seemed lo be o., divi'j l business from the C.l'. II. into. Vancouver to I he C.X.H. inlit Vancouver. 11. lllance referred lo unfair competition, of Hie dry dock with local machine shops in the mai ler of repair, lo small boats. CI. V. .N'ickerson -made some remarks in defence of Hie1 Hoard of Trade and urged strongly Hie advisability of C.N. II, co;isl steamers being operated with headtpiarlers for purchasing. etc. at Prince Hupcrl. Local citi- weru giving business to oilier liuus liecanse the C.N. It. was Hiking everything it could awiiv from Prince Itunerl. Any L. J. Marreii, improvements alladde.l cost thai miulit b Hailed Auditorium, $1700. n making this place Ibe hca.l- P. Itruiio, residence on Eiflh 'quarters of Hie fleet be felt Avenue West, 3,200,., would be made tin for in inereas. E. Wesch, addition to rcsi-L, business thai Hie line would deuce, lllh Avenue. Section 8,;ieeeive locally. IT il was not fur SI.OHO. " ll'ritiee llnm-il lln I'.A" II vuinlil North H.C. llegiinent, tenuis :m,( , (u ., hsUy r,. court. $1,000. ilhe Islands si-rvire wliieli il nmV 1). .McCorkindale. residence on 'maintained lo Ibe advantage of .igiiui .vvenue. m-chiui o. i.uoo. .Vancouver rather than Prince lllunert. Hefiuile stens slionld TO ASK TENDERS FOn CHILD-!.,!.,, i. ..,i,. i ....i AI,.,L, REN'S WARD IN HOSPITAL , ,.s j.ifo Ihis port. .Mr. Nieker- TRUSTING THE PEOPLE OF CITY PUT UP MONEY. (continued from vinj,-o one) ei of which would go to the fund foi Hie cltidren's ward. ' Those present at Ibe meeting vcre President ,S. K. Canmbclt. Vice-President J. II. Thump-on, -'eerelary Harry W. Itirch, Direc-!ors C. II. Klkins, II. II. Little. Mrs. Parsons, Leo Watigh, Aid.; was moved by J. I). Thtirber and McKechnie and W. II. Sbortridge .TIMBER SALE X7040. -' liiru t lo Im entered Into, nr rneiiue ma) i xali-d ri uders will In. reeeiw-d liy He, lie irtilaeed Willi equivalent par value ol liislilet Koiesler not later than noon on bonds uf tho Dominion if Canada. I tf3rd day nf May, is;. Tor tlie nir Plans. MH.-rifiealious. and all necessari I 'hase of l.n-i-iii-c :inn ki iinim it.it- liirorinalion retrardinr the proNisi-i work lardni-r anal, lo eut :tltt M.ll.M. of spruce. Ili-in lock, lijl-aili and Cedar iuw otrs. one (I i year will lie allowed fur removal of IIiiiIm-i. FurUier parliulars of I lie elder Fores ter, Vlrioila, or the Dlslrirl Forelrr. rlnr ltii(M-rt. MAVIGABLE WATER8 PROTECTION ACT, R.S.B.C. 1906, CHAPTER 115. THOMAS TltOTIKII, or the City of I'rlnec laiprrt. in the Provlnee or III lll-li lUdumhla, IIKIIKUY CIVFS AOTICK that h,' lias under sertion 7 of the said Art de-iNislled with the Minister or pulilir Works at Ottawa, and In the nrrire nr the Dis-trlrt llrftlliar or the l.aud lietristry DIs Irlrt or I'rlnee Ituin-rt. at Priure liupert, II. C, a desrrlilioii or the sile and plans or a wharr and pier peixi-eil to lie built In the Prinee lluperl Harbor, I'rince liupert, li.C, on all IIhim- Hirlloiis or waierrront Murk O, plan 3, section , erlme luipert. province or Hrltlsli Coliim-tila. nr tlie appurtenant foreshore and the water lot in from thercor, riintaiiilutr In nll.ii area of t go-tooth arrea. more or leas ; AM) TAKF. NOTICK thai after Hie et titration of one month rrom the dale nf 'he rirst pnlillratli.il or this Xotlee Thoma Trotler will under section 7 or tlie said tet apuly to the Mlnisler or l-nliiu- mil satlsrartory pnnir or heirship within! yvnrks. at h orrire In Hie city or Ottawa. rrom the date or the rirsl '"r 'l'1 . a ' u,e MUI "' ,nu I'111 rnr leave tu construct the said uluii-r nn.l pier. Dated at Prince liupert, H.C, this oili 'lay or April, IVJ5. THOMAS TIIOTIF.lt. Ily Williams. Vlaiisun k Ooutales, lit Solirltors. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Princt Rupart Electoral District. Machtnil Elattoral District. NOTICE Is hereby irlyen that I shall. 011 Monday, tlie sth day or May. Iv"', at the hour or 10 o'clock In the rorenom, it- the r.ourl Hoiie. Prince liupert, bold a slttinir or the Court of iievlnlou roe tin' me. 1 nave seuen me rniliwluir mineral 1 Vi " ojct-iiou 11 Alice Alice Arm, Arm, adjacent adjarcnll ini' w ' iiamo vu me aiu son fell Dial the government ami Sir lleitry Thornton were per haps carried. away by Hie present greatness of Vancouver and lost dghl of Ibe possibilities oT development of litis purl. There was no doubt also bal the T.l'.K. was wielding the "big stick." Fisheries Resolution The resolution regarding Hie embargo on American halibut seconded by Stun lloiiaii. There was ait amendment by J. (av- i tr.in ami W. II. Montgomery lhal Ihe iiorl lie elo.-ed lo l".S. risber-iiien unless Ihey resiili'd and IioiikIiI Iheir sniiplies Itere. After some discussion this was withdrawn in flavor of the original motion which was carried, only V. i. Iiawson and J. Me-Kiniey voliur' aj-'ainsl il. There were various speakers in ftivor of Ihe embatvo-liieludiiiK W - II- .Monloniery, I'vlv llorvik, S. I. Maciluiiahl, ' Aid. Casey, li. W. Nickersiiii, (3. (). Ilowe, (leorK' Waddell and i I'addy Sullivan. (round covered in the discussion wiis similar lo lhal already iiuh- lished in contipl ion with ue- vious debales tin Ibe subject. Proof was submitted lo show those i LETTERBOX COLLECTIONS. Owing to the change in Hie limetalile for (rains Hie lime for letterbox collection is to lie changed. Once more Htey are o. T. I'. la I Ion . . . , ( in.nj and ( I l.fa nd Ave. a jfiiil . , pi. in :ird Ave. k lullon si. Hi.l.'i a ill Ave. a r.tli m. . . in.jii Siinda.va P.M. P.M. 7.:ni 7.u 7.S5 7.US 7.01 7. Ill 7.1a 7. IS 7. no 7.ru 7.5.-. 7. til M.OU M.IMI H US H.llll M.IO S.I II k i s ir. .S Ssa K.3II H.UII ll.lll S.lll s.ir, s.n n.r.o ..: EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS AT RIVERSIDE, CAL. IIIVKIISIM:, Gal., May I. Two sharp earlhiial.e shocks were fell here lliis morning. Ile-yond rrihlening the patieuls i:i Ihe county hospital, no damage was reported. Oilier places ex-peri e 1 1 t-edfdljdtlfdiojd AND STILL LESS WOULD DO I II BM II IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill I lie MatlT or the "t:oiiianiea' Art. IK-.M": and III Uie Matter of an .iillralon li tin IUHlier de Motile i:..it i:hiimiii lo lio ri'lored lo - llrpti'ler einler Selloii f,x nr the nalil Art. TAKF. MitliK that an aiiliralloii will lie made in tin- rrci-lclinr Judre In I'liainliera at the C'Mirl tloie. I'rlni-c-llii.erl. II.C. mi Tlietday tlie ;lli da of1 Aj.ru. vu. al the Hour or lo.:m t'rlork In Um- roreiMKiu nr mi 'ii llirre alli-r an Ihe motion may In- le-ard on lie half or lli alriive m-nlioneil i:oin,aii rnr an order I lint Die raid toiiiimnv le re utored lo tlie reRlalrr or Jolnl Stork i:nm ianle. AMI TMiP MiTH K that In Mi,iH,rt or -aid aiilleatinn will Im ead the I'elltlon or tlie i;mi'Mii lo'in-i' li'reln mid Ihe arridavh or Lew I V. I'altnore awnrn (in Ihe until day or Mar ill, A.H. IVi. and riled hi-rrln, liVtHi at I'rince llliie.-, II.C . h Juih day ui Marrh, A.ti. IS?:.. W O. FI'I.TO. -tolii-llnr lor the I'etlll'Mur SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS limine PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unrenervetl, aurveyej Crown hinda may lie pre-emultd iy I'.rltluli Milijet-l over 1 yearn of ax, and liv ii lien on ileclnrlnir Intention 1 to become llrltlxh aulijecta. rondl i lloniil III nti i-itl.lnrA ru-rjtulllnn. lhal lite Canadian Aliunde fish-, jxj imirornini for agricultural erics were much heller off sjnee 'ur,.es. . ! ,u" I niorin.it ton conoernlnit rejiu- l,,ti rtoeil lo polls oii.-U mill IMIII CIOSIU IO ., reeanllnir nra-emntiona la American hnat. lo he collected in the mornings,! nJ 5-" fet ir cr eaat of .that rat her early, n nil Hhe second colleelioii is early in tlie evening. Sundays' there is Iml one colleelion. I'ollowiiig are Hie limes set hy Jhe postmaster lo lako effect May : 'Irahain K Alllu Avra. .. IM Ave. ; Hilt St. .. C t li Ave. & Fulton SI. , SIM Ave. . 1 Imhiiiimiii A.M. V.0(i II, or, ll.lll V.I3 Mill A. Slierlirooke. Ave. t.il I llll Ave. i:nnrai rt. U.Jf. rdli llaya low Ave. nth lliiyn r.ove rtlrrle Kill Ave. A loll. mi SI. Jill Ave. k. Mi-llilde SI. I'm. Oov. nidify ,. . . , fro. (ii)vt. Whurfi il.T.I. Wharf .. ' ' 5 v.:in ti.:i5 u.iu it. n . no V.Si l ii.no Klven In Hullelin Ko. I. Uand hSerlee "How to I're-rmpt Land," copies of i tiMcli can be obtained free of rlmrite ly addrmalnic Ihe Deimrtment of , Utnda, Victoria, ll.Cn or to any Oov- I eminent Aicent. i Iteconln will Ik Krnnteil covering j only l.intt nult.-ible for acrtcultural imrpoxe. ami which la not timber- i land. I.e.. carrying; oer 8.0M0 board I feet tier acre weal of the Conat Itung : Application for pre-rmptlona are ' to lie itddrensetl to the Lwiml Com- ! inlMxInner nf the Iaml IteconlinK Dl i vision. In which the laml upplled for la alluated, nnd are made reprinted ' forttiK. copies of which can be ob- 1 talned from the Ioul CoinmiHalnner. l're-emtitlons muni be occupied for five years ami Improvement! niada to value of $11) per acre. Including clearing; and cultlvatlnir at leant five acre, before a Crown Grant cm be received. For morn detailed information are the Bulletin "How tu Preempt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for pur-chime of vacant and unreaerved i Crown lniida, not beliia; tlmberland, I for aKrlvultural purpoaea; minimum price, for flrat-claai (arable) land la I ti per acre, nnd eecond -clans ts;rai- I..... I I I. Ni .... . t.'.. 1. . innt iiiiiu .iv iv-i bliti. ruiuirr in formation renardlnic purchase or leaao t nf Crowi, landu la Klven In IJulletln No. 10, Umd Serlea. "Purchase and Lense of (Trown Landa," Mill, factory, or Industrial elles on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, ' may be purchased or leased, the con- I dltlona Including payment of j tumpag;. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed area, not exceeding 20 I acr. may be tensed aa hnmealtes, i 1 conditional upon a dwelling being ' erected In the first year, title belnc i obtainable after residence and Im-: vrovement condition are fulfilled I and land has been surveyed, j LEA6E8 For grazing and Industrial purposes arena not exceeding (40 acres : may be leaaed by one person or a ' ( company. GRAZING m Under the (Irazlng Act the Province Is divided Into grazing districts and the rarne administered under a , Grazing Cnrnmlaal6nr. Annual i grazing permlli are Issued baaed on - .IUIXSK lliiVK vol! nttvl hinu- Id numbers ranged, priority being given kmv uj, iii-Uiin,,,. ,i..,r,.i sentence i,,l,.i,,.o I lii to esiauitsned owners. mocK-owners pnsoiier.tlieroro may form aiu,cations for rani. passed Upon you? Prisoner No, .your Lordship, except lhal It 'dikes very liltl'e lo please um. Answers. management. I'ree. or partly fre. permlta are available for settlers, calipers and travellers, up to tea head. e Captivating NEW FAB at well known West of England MODERATE PRICES SILK STRIPED VOILES .Strikingly Jianil-some, a Tint' ipialily voile in (iroiiml of Host, Hurtling, Sand Dune, Pino (ii'ove, etc,, with colored silk stripes. :ill inches witle. Per yard $1.65 WOOL CREPES l.iglil in weiglil, ' ye warm ami iooTiiI for tlie cool days or evenings with Ihe addeil advautage of licing ijnilc ionilar. In lllaek, Navy anil (irey. 3V inclios. Per yard 52.25 DRESS FLANNELS (Jtiile hemming f,. the l'ii('iiilile suits or spurls wear in lovely plaids, stripes checks. Knll "(! iuclies wide. Sells everywhere at .ta.LTi. Our price per ytirtj .'. . . $2.75 Frdaj. Mav ' 1923. RiCS Phoi.e 753 LES RATINES-IVein-l, . ,,i1m .s , riff hi now on : .''liril,.... L , "JWIIT. 1,1, t-rai ranges. n,.,., ,, ionics in N Per yard $1.10, $1.15, $1.25 s7i.0, si -,1.35 "."a $1.C5. and STRIPED BROADCLOTH s , riKiliioiiable. Mi,k. up v-,. tiers splendidly in ,, lerns. Sells everywln rt. ,r. price per yard CREPE CRONA-Vl,lmg silk ainr collou for , h ,, , noon or evening Jn k- id ynnl - - :ii- fi- Ml $1.00 Iir , JU5 Let your motto be "See West of England Store First" West of England Store Third Avenue WRSTROT.MF. TUT? A TPP Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "THE MAILMAN" r.uiorv JnliiiMiu'x pin ,il i in- ui Mil . , . r il i i joiiii ii I f .1 1 1 - f li' rertii'ii hi uie lur-IriaN, their hopes, Ihrir love., then- In ;' , fieenl plioto-diMiun lloil itnlold in swiii siireeAsioii a verilaldi pagetil of scenii wm Si:K !- - sSBK! SKI. Tlie tMiliri' Pacific Fleet in full hum! planes allocking from die rlomls and -ul'i) :c deep llio rohliery in the po-i offioe tin I liy lightning, Ihe reset u in Hi potnidiiiK ' lite crippled girl, the aiiKuiug 'iiitfe-ii.M. into Ihe se.i the son doomed lo Hie fridlnw v fleeling tlealli. All (his mid much more mi, ... ed willi one of the .-.vveelesl love shine - COMEDY "A MANDARIN MIX-UP" PATHE REVIEW. 50c and 25c FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & fold Storage Co- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Our "Nemolastik" Reducing Girdle is innde from pure 11111 ruhher e-ecinli r " eovered 011 hold sides willi iislron Milam-f GUARANTEED I Not lo rip or tear. S--T11 help make tlie fiK'iie perinaiieiill) u liHlilt'i' in weiHlil- ONE OF ITS VIRTUES Jl run he washed willi pure soup 11,1,1 v NEMOLASTIK BRASSIERES NEMOLASTIK GIRDLES iter ,1 ai.'i S7.00 $12.50 Jabour Bros. Ltd. 1 Au Phono 64S.