ona oow. f Rlain , j,. LUUII1 Contractor get for j. w Smlth Ud' Hardwoods II..: P.O Phone - lixtiirrs. nnd Planing. U.'.nn'iTi. ,i;Mig. : ,1 Mouldings Box 179. . . Blue DRY WE 3UY BOTTLES. 2CS . 1 TIT 1 i- ini a m Ill.li II IIUU FOR SMALL HEATERS, EOc Per Saor 13) Second Avenue. rOA MUk mm n.u LINDSAY'S I I i arhapann .Mnraae Prions it. .. . i j 'in' ft ".ing Tem or Mi'inr Service, uai Sand and Gravel Furniture Kovlnfl. PUBLIC MEETINQ ASKS , HAVE EMBARGO PLACED j ON AMERICAN FISHERMEN I (continued from page one) also keeping Hi operation a dry ik mihi lias pern proven lo be holh conveoienl antl valuable in case of acHdenl anil lias been the means of bringing ennsidcr-rthlc-iforrlgu work In Mm- cily. ami Whereas the uiiinagenieiil (,f I lie C.fi.M.M. Ira .4 for I he fin At I liree yearn been engaged in building lip an organization in Vancouver for IJic purpose of taking rare of all reonir on their hunt as Well a those of Hip (l.l'.P. other linn under the water repairs, mid Whereas. I his policy means that the aforemen I imimj boats will nn longer he placed in Hip local dork as is instanced liy the Prince John mw being lied up at Vancouver fur repairs nnd the I'rincp Charles i to in- also tied tip at Vaneiinver fur i einodelliim and j Whereas this is not in keeping (Wilh Hie policy as outlined by , Sir Charles M. Hay at Hie in-: leept,ion if the i.T.P. Uy. and in-' dorsed by Hie late Sir YVillrm, l.anriei anil 4 he Hun. lirin-e firaliain. who linn was and si ill is 'Minister of Hailwav, and' ; Whereas this i mil keeping I failli wild the people who ram- j liPiv in I he earlier days and arcj jolill liej-e, or Hie people from all; 'over Hie world who in rood faith ' invested I heir money oh I he statement of Hie hon. gentlemen i before metil ioneil ami 'slaked his political lhe ripen nip up of j therefore , lie it resolved that I his ineel-jillg ii on record as requesting 'Sir Henry Thornton lo lake steps ,lo give lo Prince Hupert Hie re-'idacitig f all roast lioals, the Ishiiiping of crpv. Imylng of -applies and fonnulale a policv thai will have as it- aim the ecnieriiig at I'rincp IiuMrl the 1 hnsine. emanating Vnon Ms ad- 15.00 per ton $15.00 Nanaimo-Wellington Coal p it is miw tiioiicstioiialily Hip cheapest I'iniieal coal on I lie market. Phone 116 or 5G4 JrRlNG will soon be HERE! START THAT "CLEAN-UP PAINT UP" CAMPAIGN NOW. 'Ji ' ipv stock of Iloiicliol(l Piuiils. Vnrnislics. F.n-1 utiaslinc linn jnl nrrived. It will ny yon to !1 or "011111111101" hi'l'L Vurnislics. Slams anil " - ii- iee-. Ottt stocks of Unililprs" Hardware, Cur-.': " Mechanics,' Tools, thicken Ni'tling. "ianlcn "'t tirncral llotisrlioid Ne'ftsiiiflN nfo giMleronsly 1 sec our lino itf AVKMt-KVKll .Miiininiiim. Agents for the famous Gurney-Oxford Ranges STORK'S HARDWARE. LTD. 7,0 Second Ave. Near Post Office. it The Hoover" For the nionth or April you can hny this famoiiR cleaner nnd attachmenis for Hie amall first payment or only i.50 nnd have I lie halanee spread ovpr Hip next fifleen inonllis. I.cl u clean a nip for you. 3 Kaien Hardware Co. Dr. E. S. TAIT , DENTIST Helgerson Blook, Prince Rupert, B.C. Ofricc Honrs ) ovlt. X-RAY SERVICE Pn Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Evenings Salyation j J your your la Salv for the worst Under the flowing til of life; carried on tlie current of circumaUncea. cart be found, by thosn who look for them, the derelict, the moral degenerate, the outcast. Can these teople lie trannformed and inspired with hopet The Salvation Army answer with an i.iimiituk-able "Yea!" und pointa to the multitude It laa influenced who today are reform ed, regenerated and good citizens, many fighting for the reclamation oi their The Self Denial effort ia opportunity to help the Salvation Armj offirerg who, deep in the gloom of the underworld, are working day and night for God and the People. Diamond Jubilee ! Self -Denial Effort, 1925 Gift! matktd "Self Denial" can be hndd to the local reprnent-! ntiv of the Army In Can- adaWest May 4 to 16 i Whereas it is nnf keeping l'"1" lermorirs anil bp II rur-failh wfih Hie tnruiory nf Ihpj"'"1' '''"ived thai copies of this Hale Sir Wilfrid Uurior wli'M r,'"lnl'"" he sent lo Hip Hon. reputation on ! " ''Hzl hmg, Hon. (ico. this counlry.i ral"""' sil' Henry Thornlon, I :(! Stork and that this lion lie transcriherl in and puhllshcd in one or more French papers in Hie Province of UllPliec. Japanese Licenses Resolved thai fhe cllizens of l'rnice Hupert assetnhleil in pnh-Hc nieeling are opposed lo the manner in winch the cannery located in l'rnice llunerl hnrhor lis heing discriminated against, 'compared with olher canneries !m tins district. j Al present every other can inery in (his district has an allot- inenl of .lat;Uii'se flsfierinen. ami ime caniierins wnrcni have uoi operaleil for several years, in eluding one cannery which was horned down-lire slill ;iiorlion-ed a numlier of Japanese fishermen lo he farmed mil or deall with a Ihey think liesl: Therefore he il resolved thai Japanese lieeuses he alloted each year hased on the minilier of canneries operating In the district, copies of this resolution to he seal lo I he Minister of Marine and Fisheries and Fred Slrirk, M.l. Floating Cannery Resolved thai the Hon. Mac"-Ken.ie King, Premier of finiiada and Hie Hon. Mr. (lanlen, minister of fisheries, and Fred Slork, M.P.. he advised Jhal in view of Hie fncl that the policy of I lie lieparlnienl is opeli fishing, thai the rilizens of Prince Rupert as sembled in iiiib.lic Hireling,, I'.rc opposed to Ihp, restrictions oeing placed (Tn Floating. or i.aml, Canneries, prohlhil ing , lliepr .heinK finovPd from .onefrrffiftmr fo' anolher, il does not seem reasonable that salmon or any olher fish run he carried any distance and then processed and thai the processing of said fish hy canning, in the locality ' where Ihey are caught should he prohibited. Navigation Exams Whereas local candidates for tugboat masters, elc., pupiir. were lnrormeil that examination would lie held here nhout March 15. and whereas Inconvenience is caused such candidates through the dale of holding of such cx-nminnUons 'being npllon.il wilh the examiner who has not yet ar rived, lie it resolvpd I lint. Ihe minister of marine uml fisheries he peti tinned insisting that examinations be held in Prince Rupert on regularly specified iitarlerly dales. Sealing Treaty He il resohed Ihaf. ihe meel-inig. go on record as tfelng in favor of having the I'elagic Scaling Treaty, signed at Washington. July 17, toil, he abrogated at Hip earliest possible dale; that the Hoards of Trade of Vancouver, New Wesl minster, ViclOrht nnd Nailulmo be nsketl to cooperate in Ihe nvitlcr, nnd thai the local federal member, Fred Slork, bo requested tn place our views before the minister of manne uml fisheries with the re- THE DAILY. rTEWB dtipst (hat he bring th matter before I lie cabinet. Canning Resolutions in opening Ihe meeting. Mayor Newton explained Ihe objects for which il had been called. )avhl Ihomsoii was elecled ecrelary. for the meeting. The; first resolution were Ihose pertaining lo Oriental fishing license and float in canneries. The local MiHerd cannery, it was saPd, would lie assisted hy the resolution, t'ndrr present regulation il was bring dicrimiriutc! against. Hofh resolutions were carried unanimously. Jl'hc mover in each case was fi. W. Xickerson, the second er of the Japanese license reo-lulion being Aid. Casey and the seconder' of Ihii olher, W. if. Montgomery. There was no discussion oiilsidc of Hie explanation of the resolutions hy the mover. Dry Dock Matter The resolution regarding the operation of CN.H, steamers and Ihe use of Ihe local dry dock was moved 'by Old. Casey, seconded hy Aid. I.arscn and, after -one discussion, carried unanimously. Aid. Casey asserted thai the limp had come when Ihe people: of Prince Unpen, should assert themselves in no uncertain manner bill should let their feelings be' known. The people here hud necn living too long on hope founded on promises of Ihe Dominion government. There had been changes of ftovcTiimPiil but Prince Rupert had never been given any relief by either parly, during the past .year, all work it importance on C.N. It. steamers had been done elsewhere than in Prince Rupert. The people of the cily, Aid. .Casey said, were becoming indignant and disappointed. It Was time Ihey asserted Ihem- elves and demanded that an at tempt at least he made fo implement promises that bad been made. Tlie greatest injury to! the city had been the docility and' silence of its inhabitants. It was time that the treason against Prince Rupert should be brought lo the attention of the officials al OHawn. If I hey. oo, were indifferent then il would he known I hat their promises were blanks. 'Ihe leader of the opposition should also he tried out. II seem ed Ihere was as much chance lor relief from him as there wa from (he present adhiiiiislrnliou. Mayor Newton Mayor .Newlon. spoke in sup port of the sentiments expressed! hy Aid. Casey, lie had seen the apathy against this place that was referred to. Last year he had attempted fo accomplish something nlong these lines hut had got '"bad medicine" for do should lie forgotten and the ex ample of Vancouver In lo Ihe hoard, of dirovtors of Ihe c.N.U. lo represent Prince Rupert exclusively hut to represent Can ln !iif.fl . NO MORE FOOLING did Abraham Lincoln show his shrewdness NOWHERE of judgment to better effect than in that famous utterance which ended, "You can't fool all the people all the time." In the past, there were a few misguided advertisers who thought they could sell their wares better by misrepresentation. But those advertisers have long since gone out of business or mended their ways. Hard experience taught that Lincoln was right. Untruthful advertising doesn't pay. Other advertisers proved that the only way to advertise successfully, make regular customers and build up public good-will was to tell the absolute truth about their goods. So, you can be sure that every consistently advertised product is good. The advertising test has proved it. The very fact that it is advertised is your best warranty of satisfaction and true quality. The concern that tells you frankly what it is doing is a good concern with which to do '' business. That is why it pays to read the advertisements, to patronize advertisers, and to buy advertized merchandise. ing so. lie ilid not wonder at ada. N'atur.ally. however, I ani' might Hip silence of the community if out to no an i can lor i-nnoc whenever a person attempted to Rupert. do anything he was "Junipcct.on. Cleaning Mouse C. O. Rowe tinged that politics "1 agree as' a gang ruler iiiau h is lime there was a cleaning 0111." Referring to the Hoard of Trade, Mr. Dawson said it was was easy for anybody to join, irt people did not belong il was 1 .. . m . . counselled thai it he sure that it tucir own lauu, was ri(ght before it arose. There had been a lot said about "gang" rule. He did not know who was miiiiil and lie did lint care. Mr. Dawson said hn was not the mouthpiece for the hoard of directors of the C.N. It. Vhalecr he had to say on Ibis occasion would be as a c.ili.en of Prince Rupert. The charge had been) made hy Aid. Casey, that there was grafJ. His rxperience had been Ihal I hose who shouted grafl the loudesl were those who were looking for it mol. He would like lo sec some proof ad vanced regarding there iieing graft in connection with the repairing of CN.lt. boat at Van-corner. ' "I do not knnw," corilinued Mr. Dawson, "helhei' I Can be rlaMed in nit eficiny? of Prlnre Rupert. I have done my part as I have sppii it. I ht not think Ihere have hrpn many men in the cily who have devoted morn time or money In Ihe interests of Ihe community. I wu hoi appointed It's mighty good business 4 hey should fume nut into me open insieao of standing back and harking al somebody pIsp's Reel. The (rouble here was Ihal loo many! jieople were going off at "half: cock." They were gelling nowhere because they were wroiig when Ihey slnrtcd. Mr. Dawson could not account for Mayor Newton's statement thai he had suffered indignity al Ihe hands of Sir Henry Thornton. F.lther Ihe mayor had himself to 'blame or hi indignity was an imaginary one. Startlno Industries Mr. Dawson referred In Iwo proposition for the stnrting of industries hen'. In one case the raising of lfr,non locally w'n required; in the olher, $20,000. Il had hern Impossible ' to raise the money "If you have not the courage lo invet a few dollar. in your lown, then you have yourselves In blame if Ihere is no progress." Major Nc(bn felt Ihal there Were very few people in the town who had n few dollar to invest. If the authorities hud lived up to their promises, the situation have been dilTereni. i Mr. Dawson said that money, for two ships would be included i in Hie estimates this year, if that there should be . the, estlinaln was not passed byj a cleaning of the house at home i parliament, however, . the ships followed if necessary Jml one should not: could not be built and ho did not in putting on a .solid front in call anolher mans house uiny.seo where il wouiil be any use support of the cily' demand. until he is sure that his own is i having a hotel if they could not W. It., Montgomery referred to'clean. It any cleaning is neces-lfr,'! tlie ships. Mr:, Dawson re-the taxation agreement belwecu sary, I shall be among the first jferred lo Ihe. light on the purl of the cily and C.N. R. lie felt that to start suclr cleaning. Some of'red Stork lo gel the devalue the "gang" a home should he! Ihe remarks that have heenjhereantl the aitancc thai had cleaned out he fore going to 01- made I must, lake seriously. If albeen'given hy Sir Henry Thorn- lawit. The Hoard r trade, he assented, was not a renrCMUita- ittve enough rrgiiinziuion . ir speak for the clli.ens as a whole. F. G. Dawson F. (I. Dawson said, nl (be nut-scl, that he approved Of the resolution. The city whs justified in rising in its might and registering a protest hut, first, ' be ntan 'who. takes '.till active inler-on in recommending that it h.? est iq puhlie affairs lb v he'-buill. Yiv . d.-n.. ruisoury .1. II. Pillshury said It was true that since 11)24 the work on C.C.M.M. ships in the local dry dock had fallen oh". This was imuio up of all classes and it due lo the psIahlUhmfnl in Van couver of the C.C.M.M.'s own repair shops where practically all machinery overhaul and deck work was now done. He hud considered until recclilly that the establishment of the Vancouver shops had been a mistaken policy, causing duplication hut had later been Torced lo concede thai work could be done more cheapiy in the company's own yard jil Vancouver than it could by calling for lenders, especially when tho ocean ships were not coming here anyway. Mr. Ptlls-bur pointed out thai no work had been done on coasting vessel In any compel ing yards in (continued on page six IN PROBATE IN THE BUPAEMS COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ' Jit llin Matter or tlie .vtinlnlatrutlon Art uml In Uim Mutter nf tiif Kiwii r Mwy Hl'k' Tavmer hvilt'. Iiwfineri. Inlrslal. TAkti .NOTICE Ihal tojr tinier or lilt Honor K. Melt. Yoiiiik until.. IIh' leva lUy t April, A.l. ISISi 1 whs appnttiltMl Wl InlnlKlrator ir tlie mate r tidwy 1 1 Irk Tnvoiwr llyile. (UwumI, and all varlu1 liavniK rl.iliiH nirnlnst tlw Mia eMae arc lirrrhv remtlrnl t.i riiinlxli hhiii. ln- (lerty Trrirird In n m or hi-firrr llw trail day or May. VP. 11)45, uml til imrlios litileltied in thil rstalf nrr riilrrtl lo IX V tin- amount or IhWf Inili-hlfilneaa to n H' rortliwltli. .NORM A3 A WATT, orrirlal Administrator, I'rlncfi Hupert. 11. Dated tbe 1 6 Hi day or AjirU, liii. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Operating the only power cleaning and pressing equipment in the city. Service and workmanship unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our car. S15 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 TIRES Prices Arc again reduced. It no longer pays ' you to repair old tires. BUY A NEW ONE, Wo 'have them in 30x3 VS sizes from $8.00 to $15.00. S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Dealers St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Keitaurant. A Bakery Unaurpad Thrd Avenue.