CREAM FLANNEL FOB TENNIS AND SPORT WEAR l;j inch Knglish Flannel, mnlium weight. Keg. -' ,-nlur Special per Yard, .... $1.75 $1.75 West of England Store Phono 753 SPECIALS! Dresses SILK DRESSES . . . $10.50 DIETITIAN ORE3SES $4.00 PORCH DRESSES . . . $3.50 T;: pru'cs beat the houses. Demers" House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE IX:r. j iim-il ill Ladies' i ( Irmen's tailoring. 1'i .r t . asoiiahlc ami a bl a :f I'.iiglish, Scottish I I isli Tweeds and Goods available to an. Quality and fit ( ;n m crii. Mail orders (ii' tiiipl attention. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. . Ml . AklMMnKlA WW Prince Rupert. Qiinnomp uupi UIIIU Canada's Fnv- orlle Furniture """" I 11.11. 1. I hit inisil. an fcA.,- UwiUSEEH cnnil si fires in Wail or inrye 1ml lies. Ar :i "SUPREMA" Mop Oil niii 'lie famous "Eureka Bleach." I- nis fur Uk Housler Label. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. VUge, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor 8jrvi';6, Coal, Snnd and Gravel w Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlnn. St. Regis Cafe ?Hnce Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Business Brisk virtue dailies. From early ninrn-1 . .... .:,.. ii iin.iiin cijiiuccu-u wg uniii laic in Hie afternoon Willi the fishing Industry report j members were leaving (be finals .. ,.u.-. i. nan iiicii ni ish. uus ami 1 1, was (n Ibe evening week with collection slightly before the final boat was berthed p,,Hi,'r- n the homeward bound voyage. The waterfront shipyards have Any engine that had a "kick" at i milliner or boalbuihlers em- all left in il from last season lilnyed upon Hip building of new power boats while (he repairing vicinily of lunulas and Hippo Is lands 'are meeting with good success and the spring salmon are running well up to the average for the lime of year. -AH Challenge Accepted Jack Nirholls, of Cold Storage fame, lias picked up the gauntlet thrown down by George llushby, nl tow Imat fame, in last week's issue of the Whiffs wherein Ilia laMcr challenged llie W. It. Lord, lo race with Ibe tugboat M.T.3., The result of tin1' race, which Isj expected lo be pulled off any day now, will be published in Ihesc columns, so order your copy of The News early In avoid disappointment. The slakes are "high" both as In value ai)d smell. George bets a sack of fertilizer against Jack's box of Kippers but there are strings to the slakes. If Jack wins the fer- Ibe plants and ferns inside the house and upon no account be used un I lie' garden outside. Jack's condilipn is' that if George wius,,ih'.box of kipper I hey are only lo be cooked upon l lie electric range and fried in oolichan oil. If Ibe lugboa. owner cannot cal them I hat way he will have Ibe satisfaction of knowing Hint his house has been perfectly fumigated against the Little will probably make a book ..i ... Af llild mialilpl. nil llie ouiriMiiij in i ois spoiling event. A Columbia river boat is being remodelled for. Crcil nw of I'orl Simpson on the Suga ways. The boat will be converted into a salmon Iroller and when completed will b' powered with a brand new 6 li.p. Vivian engine. A pt'W keel for a 32 fool seine boat Is iM-ing laid ..I the Suga ways for Andrew Lewis of Kil-tniln. The beam will bo t) feel was given the juice and made lo perform its .function of carrying I I ii... I ii . ... anu no- iiuiioiiig oi skiiis ami j nc-sivy basket oT "goodies" In mwboals has been particularly '.ay nothing of the human busy lately. , . freight. , While the halibut arrivals! have not been heavy, the prices Hidley, Lowe Inlel, is in-olTeied on the Fish Hxchange stalling a 12 h.p, 1'airhanks-fnr bolh first and second class Morse gas engfne in his hoal fares have kepi at a reintinera-: Snooks in place of a 5 h.p. live level and it is Ibe concensus! Frisbee. of opinion Mm halibut prices -wiir. have more nf a tendency In' creep Yacht Club Gala up than lo slide down from now! On Thursday, June S, the nn. The weather on the deep 'Yacht Club will put on a regular sea tisiung grnumis.iias noi iteen:gala day including power boat nf (lie best bill no very severe ' races, mwlinal' races, canoe races .storms have been encouiilered and nllier amusing stunts. A and fishing has been well up tolpicnic "a la finals" will be held the average in volume for the, by members ami I heir friends. time nf year. No un Inward liap-i The sports will include a power penings have been reported. iboat race for the Yacht Clul From reports lo hand the sal- silver cup in which all boats wil inon (rollers operaling in the:participate. a handiean boat race . ..... . . in which ine winner will lake the "pol" subscribed In by (he en- Iranls. men's ami ladies' mixed doubles, men's and' ladies' sin gles, and a speed boat race over boats nf Hie trolling fleet are, a six mile course. The day pro- ipiii, inn' in iwii iii un- 1. !.- miiix' iii we a iiiiiiiuiiiiier III nn gelling away this week. Lots of Natives This week has seen a considerable number nf native craft sporting annals of the cily and members are busy get ling everything In apple pie order for the nccasion. anchored in Cow Hay and sur- The new Universal engine ha rounding waters from Kilkatla.'arrivcd for C. G. Minns' boat I'nrl Simpson, Mellakalla andjaud will be installed Immediate oilier northern points which put ly. inlet port for supplies nn llieiri , way In the canneries and trolling! The power boat Xeehako own ground. 'Most of the boals ed by ft. II. Arnold, will shortly have been doing mechanical re- bo (nken up nn (he Mc.ean ways pair wnrk and otherwise over-;fnr a general overhaul hauling Iheir boats before en-i gaging in Ibe final dash of t!it j A. Macilnnald's newly acquired ouruey. ;coasial cruiser aquero is lo lake a prominent pari in I In. Yacht Club festivities on June I. and lo Ibis end the work on the installation of the 35 h.p. Sterling engine is being rushed. Mr. and Mrs. Ward are leaving oyer Ibe holiday week end aboard their power launch F.y.i nn a fishing trip In Spiller lliver. New Machinery Several new and up-lo-dale machines' have been installed. al the Millerd Cannery, Seal Cove, to take care nf Ibe salmon canning operations to be undertaken this season. Among the latest machines In be installed is an automatic can filler. Three lilier it will be on condition Ihalielerlrir motors to drive the new il Is only used for "pepping up machines have been inslalled by Mm Ward F.leelrie Company, one of 15 b.p. and two of 5 h.p, rapacity,.' The Canadian Vch'ooaerVK: l.ipsell. Gibson and Wave have been up on I he Ward way s for painting this week, McLean Busy The new Wicks' halibut boat is Hearing completion on the Mc- . . i ...II.-. nn mil' fllllAPlf unn iiiiid niul II ilVliAHlflil IliA persisieni loo-suum ij 'n- ,m njn nim .. i.n, insect giflcd wilh a taste for hull will be given Its first taste human blood. II i understood ,of salt water today. The boat Hint Ibe course oT the race will(will be powered with a Vickers-be laid out wilh "empty" beer; pellers 21-L'H b.p. seml-deisel kegs lo prevent any eninrreu jengine. i.n..,.L,lnvns on ie way. unmir ir i i it " - The 20 b.p. llein Skibsmotor engine has arrived from Denmark for Hie new llavinnller .IC foot halibut boat. The keel wil. be laid as soon as the Wicks' boat is clear of the ways. Joe Howe is re-modelling a 35 fool boat on the Cow Hay creek ways in which will be installed a t cycle Hulfalu engine. The Installation of an electrical starting device on the semi- deisel engine has been completed on Hie tugboat P.H.T., of (lie (1 inch ntid lb" boat will be pow- llushby lowing fleet, and llie ercd ercd willi willi a M h.l'. Frisbee en . famous tug is now ready for any glue. With old King. Sol beaming In right royal fashion on Sunday last Ibe Yacht .Cluli wharf was nil hustle and bustle, and every boat wus put into commission on lnariiii! business thai, offers, Tim tugboat M.T.3., Capl. Ileg gie Green, flagship of tbo llushby lowing fleet, left port al o'clock yesterday mooning for tbu Georgetown mill to bring week. ' 'il' In the famous r w 1 1 1 W&fflBBB Thanks to the discovery of the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin, the? smoker now gets his OgoWs Cut Plug tobacco with all its natural richness, and delicate aroma. QGDEN'S CUT PLUG in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin is uv0ir (Siflfedlad by hsd OGDEN'S FINE CUT For those who roll their own is also packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin ; in each halt pound tin of which is included a free book of REPEATER, the finest quality CIGARETTE PAPER made. liVig grHiridfc. l j OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL down a carload of lumber for the Jlig Hay yards. The new haljbul boat Aiken, Capl. Hanson, left pu her maiden trip to the hilibul. banks Ibis The power boat Petrel, Henben l.eighlnn, was in port from Mellakalla litis week and hail a new exhausl fitted at the Akerberg Thomson shops. . Oscar Strum has purchased a 5 h.p. Imperial gas encinn from Mm.' Canadian Fish i(! Cold Stor age Cti., which he Us installing in his boat prior to .leaving for the Dundas Island .'salmon tiol- Going Logging Axel Andersoit nrrived in port nn Monday morning from ltuto-dale aboard his scliooner Hose McCoy. Axel, is quitting the halibut fishing and will in future devote his earnest attentions to logging. While in port he equip ped himself and craft for log ging operations and has now proceeded lo his camp situated on the shores of Milbank Sound. Fine New Boat The new general utility power boat recently built at Mm Vancouver shipyards Ltd. for Messrs. Gammon A Waft has arrived in port. She is a fine looking craft and has a fast turn of speed. The boat measures (12 feet long by 15 feet beam and Is powered witli a f0 h.p. t cylinder, 2 cycle, Fairbanks-Mofe oil engine. She Is built of fir wilh oak fin ishing and. hardwood stern with the usual seine boat layout. The new boat is lo be commissioned beam and has a depth of hold of six feet, I inch. The boat is powered with a SO b.p. Danish deisel engine and has an auxil iary 3 h.p. gasoline engine for charging batteries, olc. when tbo big engine is not running. Gasper Gordon, of Sunnysidn cannery, is having a seine winch installed on his power boat Dol phin. The New Cook Yes, sir, it served him durned well , right.. Jle kept looking for work' and eventually found it as cook on the Heaver cannery ten der Hope, and that's where Gen.. Murray sol tbo name of the White. Hope. Anyway George was always a good sfirirl and we hope Hie crew of (he Hope will not hope for belter food In vain. Someone nn the waterfront remarked the oilier day Jlial George looked as though he had something heavy on bis mind and now we know what it was, George was dying to cook a cake for Mm welfare of the inner man. Some wil once remarked that "a piece of George's cake was good for belly ache" and we are game In take his word for il. It has been said that one of the beauties nf this life is lo see Genrge ill bis while cap trying lo whip llie yellow color out. of Hie yoke of an egg. Yes, sir,, he's inighly particular loo, is George, about the ingredients in bis' messy results. If an egg says a word back lo him it never gets a second chance lo speak, he strangles it right there. And clean, why George U Mm acme of cleanliness. Ho even dusts the coal before he puts it on Mm fire. "And honest, why George lo in the fish packing business this so honest thai if a bee left, a season, k sling in him he'd give Mm slimy ( back lo (lie bee. And good, why Tim Violet J., a new lender tor George is so good that if you Hie I.ockeport Cannery, Queen pass any unsanitary remarks Charlotte Islands was in port. about bis cooking ImMl make Hits week, TJm boat was bulUlyou eat the whole works. If you I... VntnUcnn 1 1 lrt I Ii rtf J Xn,lli .l.n..nn I n oAA i l.n.ltr f ,u..ll fn.l jliy 1,1 II.K.-H II iuini i.i, IUI iilllllll.l.i III frp f ifiriij in m il H I) I Vancouver. Her dimensions arelooking men up-lown, who can't 154 feet long by 13 feet 8 Inch get into the stores because the 4-r M 7 . Always fresh Always - Fraranf Alwajjs the same AlwausrMn perfect eonauioit OUR GOAL 13 1 WARM FRIENDS Double Screened NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL at $14.50 Per Ton is not an expense but an investment It is positively the best domestic coal in Hrilish Columbia today. GIVES MORE HEAT NO SOOT, NO ASH Don't Take our Word for it Test il. We are agents for 1 the P.H. Spruce Mills Ltd. Hililding Materials at Mill Prices Phone 564 or 116 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD, LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next d&or to Frizzdl Butcher Shop, across, from the Empress Hotel We carry a full lino of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor doors are ton narrow, you'll know they are Ibe crew of thej good ship llopo and Hint George's -dainties are the reason. Good luck, George. I Charlie F.dwards, formerly! owner of Mm schooner Azores, isj having a new boat built in Vancouver. The boat is 02 ft by t.r ft. beam and will be powered! ...hi. - o ii... i i ..i.. ir. ! wiiii a o cyiiiiuer, i i-jcit-., h.p. Western Knlerprise deisel engine of Sli inch bore and. "1 3 in stroke. Matthew' Hill, of Kllkatla. is 'expecting a new 8 h.p. Vivian engine lo arrive from the south .any day. Upon arrival llio new I (continued on page six) DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut In nny length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES.