xvy thing in Finance dcd i" ,he ,rTV'ce oftnc( " 'custoinm by the Union Bank jt Can- disinterested advice on Investment!; iiral-haml information tyou " de conditions in any part of Canada or abroait; or a3ist-""''("ncinj a business, thia bank it in a position tohc'pyou. and "' - ,nd facilities are yours for the asking Barf R BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - H. H. Little, Manager EASTER NOVELTIES" HAVE ARRIVED j' : i i - nit' made or 111' lii'sl rlidi - ! ; 1 1 am are (1 ., !,.r Hie "Easier Hullfiy" In give. p t n.i'iing Bird Fggs, per II. . ' 40c , K-t-, Chocolate Eggs Chorol.tle Cream i. . i ;i.iii-n!i(.' UabbiK prnli 5c ! . .v. it I'OlK It. dibit-, ltuo-lei's, Eggs l'isll, i. , I rB- ami Egg i While Egg Cup, earli . . 10c . in Fancy Egg Cup, enoti ... 15c i ! a-. Hoosler., lbibbils. Fish tuid IltUi (ill N, ! 25c I ... .r novelties men wM out bolurv Huler In r ui people were disappointed. Make your ml li t u keep Ihem for you until Easter, V ' t.r -lire (if llii'in. ORMES LIMITED The Pionter Druggists The Rexall Store 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 1 ONLY WOOD CHIB ' Uv ivory enamel Imi-li .-mil dcciirulivo panels 1 1 .nid iiiatlre-- with animal ilr-igii ticking, $22.50 IRON AND STEEL CRIBS 11 - I'vjv wluli" .;u-iuti DauJi, . . ...... " $13.50 and $26.10 le's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123 upert Fish Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish - All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "'Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skecna Sockeyo, etc. Salt Fish -Herring, Salmon, Black Coil, Grey Cod Shell Fish- - Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Radian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. Lid. Yi vSS' Prliv Rupert. B.C. a SAVAfiF. Washer and Dryer ll.i in Wringer, need- none. Won Cold Medal at lat niiel.ee KxliiliilH.n over ill American null Cnnndi.in Machines. Cash Price $135.00: also -jold u terms. Kaien Hardware Co. He! 'Serson Block. Phone 100. h F. P. KENNY - DENTIST K ., , NAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE DENTISTRY No mailer vh:i I Hie nature of sour dental wiien you eonic to mv office you gel Hie "" M'i'Vire and receive dmilislry thai is honest. GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Phone You'll like our jOall era Coal Co. Phone 7. iaxi. o jKiMeugci Sedan. Prices o utrtt all J. Jilieddun. Arilvu iii All Milium Stoclva Wv Ituv Mini Sell ' Slmrea 41, Consum- r ijo.jh1' a poekels. 7J I LadyMiiilli - Wellinglon, "tlic lifsl," also "l'oerlrs," 'Viiioke-lesK." Prima' llujierl Coal Co. If Alhorl FarjKow, xleuniltoal i 1 1 fnwstor, Wt urn cm I to Vancouver en the Prince Course Uiih inorn-ins. J. ,'lly M. Morriituu, who in in I In-lliis week on Imaine, will ii'lurn to Alioo Arm o-n llie Car-Jeiia Sunday 'night. ,' - .1. X. Leniieux was a jwitienger mailing for Hie stoulh on the Meainer J'lince tjeurg this inornins. lie is oil his way to I he Old Men Uoui at Inion sl.-yiner Yewture, Caf. A Jolinslone, utirthbound froii Yaneouviei' to port SiiMpHon and Xaa Hier eaiuiery pointi, wa in port from to 8 o'clock (hie morning. Two lit lie M.im of Gliarlo .Morris, the S in i lhrs jiutehfr, arrived in Hie cily ou Hit morn-ing'n I rain to vift wilh llieii grandpareulM, Mr. ail Mrs. I. V. Jixley. Mrs. A. P. MarliM, who han lieen vitilins in the city for several weekx wilh her ister. Mr S. P. MeMordie, returned south mi I he Hlemner Pfiuce Ooorae lliis moi'iiing. i'.X.H. Hleanier Prtnet' John liajil. E. MHlihx from Vancouver and the Uueeii CliartoJJ IlAfid! tine in ynrt ai 1.30 Ihit aflr-noou. i'he vor1 js Miltedulei! lo return south mii the a.t route sailing from here al K i lo.-k loiiiorrow niglil Paul Aiutzofl" returned ou the l earner Prince. 5eorjM' Ittii morning after making the round lrii In Stewart and Anrux and will remain in I ho rity for v .rjil iiay hefun iiroeeedirtK lo ai.euu4T. lie js registered a Hie Prince lluiierl Hotel. I wish to apologise to my many patrons for any poor scrv'ce In the past. As I cannot ?ct my own phone Installed under one month, should you need a taxi at reasonable charges, phone Red 461 or 3G1. C. V. Symcs. If The orensole-d limiier elevator wharf which from Xorlh Vancouver CP. It. Transfer I targe yesterday afternoon is for thu arrived ofi the No. t. beinir lowed by Hie J lush by tug .M.T.M. to Ihgby Island whore it will b" liooiiied and kepi until it is uecd-mJ on Hi o work. It. F. MBXaUghlon, CX.lt. district paiM'iiger uyimt, accompanied by Mr. MB.Naughlon ami family, re I urn oil on Ibis inorn-iiig's (rain after an absence ol six weeks in Winnipeg where Mi .MeNaughiou sueccssfullv underweul mi ojn-ration on his leg. .Mr. suit) Mr, McXaughlon wore delayed in roluruing iiome llintugli their little son. Jack. Saving been stricken witli uij attack of pneumonia from which lie is now. fully recovered. thtflOUNCEMCNTS Jiall'odil liance, (Jip'ou Marj i:hapler, I.O.D.K.. Huston Hall. Faster Monday, April la. t'alholie Spring Sale, afternoon of April 2(1. Melropole 1L1I followed by social evening. Tennis Club Jlall, Friday. April Jt. Weekly Cinderella Dance, Sal-unlay mailt. Flks' Home. 50c. THE B. C. MIHINS GAZETTE riiruuiiii ur "i." iUl.:.sln : if ; m .i iik ii'tirr.al. n iinu-iC'l nuitiiwr .'i'. ;th. !li si-vlut mtn oft'er t? a THRF.E MONTHS' FREE SCBJCRirilON uulinut t . . j. t n .i vuiir part . ''". tt:!U OR A NT MAHCOD & CO LTD Mviiilmn V'm.nuvn stuck Ko;rr Duildmg VANCOUVCR. B C THE DAILY NEW3 tfesBUsaawiMP i Keeps Tliellomc Clean GILLETT'S PURE FLAKE LYE is the lirtald U hum imitation. K-thtny cqnalt it for rltftninf out rlnSLO and dralni, clroninc iiiuj cookinr utnil. kerphtx fiuon rlfan. He. Gtt a can from your grocer. It will eare 7011 much bard labor. GILLETT'S I007. PURE FLAKE LYE lon'l forgot Itnyul purple Tea and Novell y Sale m Elks' Houif on Tuesday, March 70 V. ldwards and T. Hanson. ehargeil with inloxicaiion, wore eucli found guilty and fined in the elly police, court this morning.' Y.. ItouMseau, jnanaer of Hi. Lowe Inlet cannery, arrived in Hie erty Iroin ''Vancouver on th' Venture this jnorniug and will proceed to Lovve Intel on ' thr aine vessel 'tuivoi'row. A picture overlooking Salmon Ilivor taken frpm Hio glacier of thai river and giving a wide panorama of glacial fields and mountains appear in the current issue of Hie Saturday Evening PosL The following passenger sail- ed this morning on the stonine Prince (Joorgo for the south Mrs. A. J. Snuii-e, J. X. Leinieu,.. Thomas Snell, Xoii S. MeAllisler Mrs. A. P. Martin, .1. Spires, It Oreenwell, Mr. Kilhourue, John Altemeyer and Albert Farrow; fni Vancouver: C. C Wilkinson for eatlle: O. E. Fauiis and C. Mc-I'lieriooii for Powell, lliver. J. S. Ciray of Suiilhers arrive I room me inienor on tins morn ing's train and pgoceeili'il liy tin sfcearner Prince fn-orge to Van couver. He is aceomiianyin his sm-in-law, .lack llelherington, who recently hail his leg auipu laled as a result of war injuries aiHl wlio js lo have an arlifieial member filled al Vancouver. Mr. Hefhcriiigtun was wU known as a long instance runner in tlu-disfricl in the early days. Mr iiray oxpeeis to be away about ten days. CP.lt. steamer Princess ."Mary, Capt. C. C Saintey, northbound Irom Vancouver to Alaska, is due from Hie south tonight. Tlie vessel wiil be soniewhal later in arriving this trip than usual foe slip is calling al Ocean Kalis on the way up Hie rousl. the Priii cess lleatriee Being olT the "mi. this week." 'The fedtowing are booked lo sail from here for tin-north on the Mary: Mrs. Lawh".-Miss Lawler, J. O, llunspergo.-J. It. Hunspergor, A. Ilunsierxer. L. Hunsporger. M. Ili-odio, aim A. Skelhorne for Ketchikan, an.. M. llroudal fm- .luheau. BAPTIST CHURCH MUSICAL EVENING Many Attended Successful and Pleasant Entertainment Which was Held Last Evening 'There wus a large present ln: niglil n a gutheriiiM very sue cossJul and pleasaut ciilerlain- Ineril thill was held in Hie liapl-ist Church under the nu.sph.vos of the Indies' Aid. Urv: E. i. Turner presided and all I ho number olfered wefujjr high order. The, program was as .follow: Piano solo, Miss Murjone Lancaster. Vocal solo, Mrs. P. J.'Mao.Mil-lan. Heading. Mrs. .1. I). Thurber. Vocal solo, J. E.M)avey. Violin duel, W. Murray and 1 Pennett. Heading, Miss Poinseltia drill, Piano solo, Watson. Mabel Vierick. Suflbiyim ftlass. Miss Calhcrine Heading, Miss Adelfa 'fhurber. Vocal solo, Jt. W, Howard, Heading, Mrs. ti. T. jlihbard. 'Talileau, "Ji'sus,? l.iivj; of My Soul," Lutheran girls. I Mixology. ni) Accompanisls of I lie eveniuii' were : W. Vaughan Davies, Mrs It. Walker and Mrllyward. The Man in the Moon AXYOXE wlio can invent a fooliiroof engine fur a motor-hoat ouglil to hecoinu a inillioii-aire and receive the' gratitude o( I he nation. LITTLE drops of water Little grain of sand Made a carhurcltor Choke lo heat the hand. POW'liElt means death lo a deer or a duck but lo a little. goose with a doubtful complexion. powder means life. Ol' a heart of gold And a silver tongue roots ior many An age have uug. Uut the girl of today Only wauls lu' know If I he mail ,iif her heart lias plenty. of. dough. THE man who &iu give tiling- rcsularly 'Without 'depleting hi lock is the police magistrate or the judge, ievep days or two years is all the .same (ti tliem. IF ever 1 get married I sliall lest the gjii to" sec if she can recognize a missing button from i garmouL XOW what are' the ihinjjs. Just guess If you can, That make a wuutaii HuI break a mall? What was jt-thal Adam And Eve wenl without. Which spoiled their appearance Without auy douhl? AS I pass up the street 1 gel lo like the refrain. "Ileaslly weather this," that seems to ho pas".ed along from mouth to mouth. I P Hio street I lridc Wilh a smile I tried To avoid the grouchy swain Who of weal her would talk As together we walk. And sing the same refrain. 1 would talk of lovely sunset s 1 would dream of lonely woods 1 would think indeed of anything; When in these dreamy moods; I ttil as I walk and fpeculatp On what Old OeoiBo will say, lie swinging comes along the street Willi the elieerv words "(ireal Day.' I i en i ears Jgo i in Prince Kuperl j March 27, 1915. .J. Onpenlieiiuer of JJulte. Montana, head of (lie Montana Continental Development Company. which operates the Hoeher de lloulo mini' near Hm.oIIoii, arrived from the soulli On thn I'rfncess May yesterday. D. J. Williams, manager of Hie pro perly, is also in town. It is staled that shipments of ore will bo made lo the smeller through Prince month. Capt. d earner iippointed and mates Huperl starling next A. M. Davies td the Prince John has been examiner of masters for the port wf Prince Hupert. A Prince Huperl branch of Hie Vancouver Ship Masters', and Olllcers' Association was organized last night wdh ollicers as follows: Honorary President, Capt. F. McCoskrie; President, Capt. D. O'llrien; secretary, Capt Mctiee; executive, Capl. Frick-son, Capl. .lorgensoii and Capl. Peck. It. Ilraiin, iiionecr rancher of Kilsuinkaluni, returned to ,lhe iulerior on Ibis mornuing s train after having sj'enl a few day I in ibo cily. He says that his l district is looking ror a very busy summer. Many houses are going up al Terrace among them being comfortable dwellings lor (ieorge Keith and C. H. (iilberl. E HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert IJoiisseau, J. I.. Saunders, II. Harrison, It. L. Smyth, C. Hutrg. X. A. Flliol, F. H. Tabrum and P. AivazoiT, Naueouvcr: Frank Caldwell. Calgary; T. (i McManainon, Telegraph Point; W. T. Waldie, Nelson: Charles A. Pyne, Prince (ieorge; A. J. E. Ilishop, Victoria. Central .1. M. Hitchie, cily; M. (i. Mc-I.eod, Victoria; E. P. Ollerson. F. Duggan, L. iarfi and J. W, "Thorn, CX.lt,; Mrs. ,. Horsuk, W.oodeock. . Advertise in the Daily News it PAOR THBEP lhe easy way wash clothes with less rubbing Mrs. Experience gives her method of getting clothes spotlessly white v merely by soaking. "It's so easy, really! There's no hard nibbing, so wearing on clothes no boiling, no toiling over wash' tubs. Here's the way I do my weekly wash. "I merely soap the clothes lightly with Sunlight Soap, roll them up tightly and put them to soak for 30' minutes or an hour. That's all. Sunlight dissolves all dirt and grease-spots, so that in rinsing, the dirt' just runs away. A pure soap like Sunlight rinses away quickly and completely; an impure soap stays and injures the clothes. "For dishes and all housework, Sunlight is excellent and really economical, too, because every bit of it is pure, cleansing soap. And more good news Sunlight keeps thcMiands soft and comfortable.' Lever Brothas Limited, Toronto, make it. SiinlM v3 s-rs it Soap WINTER Steamship Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ail frnlli ITInre Hi.Ihii I FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, liilerint-diate jmiiiIs eucb Friday D.UU u.!n. For STEWART and ANYOX Wi'iliivsilay, 11.00 li ne THE t. "PRINCE JOHN" laet PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly for VANCOUVER, la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 1.00 p.m. Tur I'rniie Uvurxe. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all iK.ii.ls tasl-ni Canada, Lnilt-d Slates. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cily Tlcktt Of flea, 621 Third At, Prlnc Ruport. (CANAOMN PACiriL7 waaitwirX r BEST PROCURABLE cf J. . n PAon 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway March 6, 16, 27 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle March 10, 20, 31. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines " Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from 1'riine n.ipert. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alart Bay, Tuaaday, 8 P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Atari Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. Fur ANYCX, PORT SIMPSON and Nam RIor Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Anonua. J. Barnalay, Aganl. Prlnca Ruport. B O "TRY A MP TONIGHT." PK0DUCI or SCOTUHO aiiT.uti Tu Oll1(.C W0 OA.vtMiI-OttHUVtT OUMrOan. KO'l'.O The Original Label look for It at tho Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This udvcrliscinent is pot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the (ioveniinent of llrilUh Columbia 3 1 f!