The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per month $1.00 By mail .to all parts of the Britisli Empire and the United. States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per, year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION tEE Thursday, May It. I92.r,. Prince Rupert And Alaska. PrinVe Rupert as the terminus of the Canadian National Railway is vitally inlerested in the territory of Alaska. Alrendy there is a great deal of competition between Aliskan towns and this; one over, the fishing industry and there is much rivalry wilh some local irritation at times at the attempts mndcMn get business ayay from this city. It must be remembered, that Alaskans are trying- to look after their own interests and .we are looking after ours as we see; fit. Anything we do is not unmanly to help them bill t liejjp ourselves. So, any action lljey lake is not for our benefit but their own. , ' However, there are matters of common interest in which we can juin without any conflict. Most of the, Alaskan people seetti'fo be opposed to the Jones Bill but it still stands and keep- Canadian vessels from operating in a manner thai would bene fit lioti Prince Rupert and Alaska. V. I Natural Outlet For ' ' t .--. Meet the Congoleum "Play Grr" From now until May 6th hewill be found 'in the eiurc windows ot authorized Congoleum merchants. Look tor her when buy. ing Congoleum. Look for the Gold Seal when you buy iO.. ' v: Alaskan Products. "Prince Rupert is Ihe natural outlet for Alaskan products, said a Ketchikan merchant a few days ago to a representative of the Daily .News, and his statement has been echoed bv numbers ofailhers. -TJiey all want to ship goods through this port and we waul them to do il, but there are- fool regulations that prevent; I he regulations are not ours but theirs. there is a general desire at Ketchikan to work together with the people of Prince Rupert for; those things that would benefit both places without disrr'uiimaling against either line. 1 he people there are fully alive (o their own inlerests. keen busiiiessrilen, who have had Id fight their way step by sep for everylhiiig they have. . - . - Been In Business For Long Time. Ketchikan has been 2. years in building and yet it is not as big a Prince Rupert. It is. greatly, handicapped by having a poor tnwhsile, but Ihe people have energy, determination and business ability mud Ihey pull together, realizing thai in union there is. strength. - ' ' '1'lie towns of Northern British Columbia and Alaska are somewhatscatlered and none'are large. Because of that they can benefit from uniting on those ipieslions which concern both If Ketchikan ships its prodifcts direct to the markets of the world and Prince Rupert does the same, it will be easier to gel snips lo call ir Hie products of both ports are available. A ship calling here for grain could well put on a deckload of lupiber at Keklrjkan and proceed to fireat Britain or the Orient from there. Ve lose nothing byVi(cnuraging Alaskan business and we have.?eve,rylhipg HrgninV 4;Mlf hitpeikJjidMtOTii, now on .business wilh Ihe Alaskitli ports will iftf'ie?'Wnnvfc W lacihiies to handle il and there seems lo be no good reason why mere should mil he a sleady growth of trade between that lernlory and this port. Readjustment Seems v guite Probable. There hasrbeeu a period of high prices in various parts of the Norlh American coulinenl with consequent prosperity! Now this inflated period seems lo be on Ihe wane and it is affecting the producing districts incluiling Prince Rupert. The people in the big centres have not the money. o buv the high priced goods and Ihe.resull is that the prices slump. This has affected both the halibut mid salmon here. The buyers here, operating on a falling market, are buying eight days abend of delivery anil thev can only guess what Ihe prices will be when the product renehe' the enslern market. 'Sometimes they make a ood profit and . sometimes they loe.Whal they have to count on is Ihe average. DINNER GIVEN ONAGASBOAT Local Men Entertained to Fine Spread on Board Small Craft 'Ketchikan Chronicle) I Kelchikan has been surprising 'the Prince Jtupert llolary visit-iiirs in a pood many ways, hut I no surprise was more agreeable, Hiey say, llian that which awaited three of them yesterday. They were asked lo go for a trip up (eorpe Inlet on the sa boat "Van," skinnered by .lolinson Van .Marler and with Hay Hull a first ollicer and Frank l'arrish as chef. The guests were Frank U. Kips, district governor of llolary, whose home is jn Portland; (Jeorpe Bryant, trout fishing and deer Inmtini: expert, who ' ihcidenfally conducts a men's-furnls.hinsr store at Prince Uupert; and Harry Pullen, chief scribe on Ihe Prince Rupert' Daily News, gas boal expert, who pos around most of the linie'lrailing a camera from his lfoulder. They were a jolly bunch and they enjoyed every' iilinnte of the outing, Ihey say, Ifut the surprise came at lunch time. On arrival at the head of lieorpe Inlet, Frank l'arrish had hooed Iheni on" the Van and told ibem. to go and inspect the natural falls leading into the trait Lagoon. This thev did, and Ihey also indulged in some rifle shooting competitions as to lh; result of which I here seems lo he a difference of opinion, the bets bavin? been held up tem porarily until further tests de cide who is the best shot. Arriving back at the Van they found Frank in his hirt sleeves. while in the dining room of ilo launch a sumptuous repast bad been spread witli snow-white napery decorating the table. The luncheon consisted of five courses. There was "cocktail de Prince Rupert," "Kruit. salad a la Ketchikan." beef steak with bak ed potatoes and roast onioi: 'rafV noir," "McLaren's Imperial, and last but not lea "'Peaches and cream." At each plate was a menu card and Frank hovered around, lithe as a Ketchikan waitress, at lending ! every want of the visitors. On the way home the niemiis of the parly enjoyed the woihIt-ful scenery, swapped stories and Incidentally learned (o pronounce Ihe name of Ibis islard. "Ilevillaf-'igedo," in doing which one or Iwo of them became so exhausted that Ihey bad lo lake a nap. They declared I hat a trip up (ienrye tnlel wilh Frank l'arrish' as chef is the. finest en tertainment they could possildy have. NEW REGULATIONS FOR BARBERSOFPROVINCE Alum Stick must Go and Stlrlllx- Ins Must be More Perfect Than at Present : ' . VICTORIA, .May ' 1 i The alum suck must go. Jiponges are ooi Xd longer niay a barber luck a rubber cloth under the edges of a shirt collar. Towels eaii be used only price and must then be laundered again and razors, scissors, combs or oilier instruments Jn general use must be sterilized for each customer, according lo the regulations bublished bv llm 1'rovincial Hoard 'of Heallh. Jlarber; by choice have gen erally worn a washable while coal. . .Now the regulations nay Ihey mils). If Ihey want lo use powder Ihey musl I rii infer it lo the clients face wilh a blower or absorbent cotlon or towel that is only used once. Individual razors, soap and brushes I are advocated, but if this policy is not followed the shaving brush must be Immersed in a fining ; solution of lysol oi carbolic acid and afterwards rinsed in clear water and dried wilh a : towel or by beat. I Some of the mnsl important of the regulations are as follows: I Ilefnre passing from one cus tomer to another, Ihe barber or .hairdresser shall wash Hie bands, using sonp, preferably , carbolic, and a nail brush, i The use of Ihe alum slick, frequently used to stop the flow of blood, shall be discontinued, and replaced by calcined alum, a powder which can be applied on cotton wool, which ahull bu WALKED THE FLOOR FOR HOURS NERVES WERE SO BAD Wherever there are people lw " troulileit wilh deranged nerves they will rin.1 In unburns Heart nut Serve Pill remedy Hint villi restore H'e ullllirHnn nt these deranged rentres and lirlnir bark the Mi.illrrrd nervous jiyMem o 1'erfert ruiiditiol). Mr. W. W. Anlfliouse, Wondrous, Ont., rlw: "AUer having .evere iturk of bronchitis I was le(l In I very weak, rfin-dyn rwidlllon; my nerve were all broken ii; roulrl mil sleep at nlithl, ami would have lo pet nut or bl ami walk Hie rionr fur hours. "After tisitu a box of MILBURN'S . HEART AND NERVE PILLS t began lo feel iniirh belter, anil after taking a few more bole I rniild enjoy! my rei at well as I ever did. I alway rcronirnend them to all my rrlend.." For sale al all rtrnrrlts and dealers; put up only ly The T. Milhiirn Co.. Llm Ited. Toronto. Oct. thrown away immediately afterwards. The use in common of 1 1 same .vaseline pot is abolished. Vaseline shall only used frontJ a squeeze lube. Sponges shall not be used. Razor-strops shall only be used for razors which have previously been disinfected. The huir-cutlin? wrapper, so commonly used in barber shops, shall be placed only around the shoulders of customers and fastened with safely pin or other device at Ihe back, and clean towels shall be used alxnil the neck lo prevent hair fall-up down. TELLS ABOUT GOLDSEEKERS Ross Draper of Linotype Fane Gets Letter from Publisher of Wrangell Newspaper Ross Draper, special agent for the Canadian Linotype Ltd, wiu returned a few days ago fruiii Wrangell received the following letter from .(. W, Pritchell. publisher of the Wrangell Sentinel as follows: t "How I wish you might hav- been here yesterday lo have had a few thrills when the slampe I-ers left for the Cassiar. II w.n one of the most perfect days imaginable' and the little fleet of river boats loaded wilh people from everywhere starling out n a gold seekiny expedition was a sight never lo be forgotten. "A cinematograplier was on the job and soon, you may seu pictures of whal look place hem. "Nearly all the local pcopl were busy wilh ther kodaks. Ah soon n any of Ihe picltirl's are developed I shall send you soino. "The Indian prinler I was lell-ins you -about will arrive tonight. Willi his coming I expect to pul Ihe shop on n morn elllcient basis. With kindes personal regards from Mrs. PritrlieM mid myself, I am, very truly yours, J. W. PRnv.llKTT. i The Mao in the! Moon .aYS:- ' u I YOU can t have harmony if everybody wants lo do a solo. Till' only way In which some of our local men become famous is as horrible examples. .Now don'l all get sore. DAY by day; J The radio bugs 'say, ' They're gagging Ihe" Ipud speaker ' ; ' - And going mil doors to play. I T'S all righT lo roast a but be careful be doesn't gel slewed A PKItSON who; leads a hlauie-less life is one who never guts his name in I hp "newspaper. I AM proud to( lie a knocker Willi hammer in iu'y hand Playing havoc with , Ihe jdans Of every workfnu hAnd.' I lake a crack at everylhinff That happens In my way, And never for a moment rest Hut always have niy say. Then toast with me the knocker And may he knock rinh'l well, And when he's finished knocking ' here He'll knock some more In Hel! There is No "Joker" in This Stat Dissolvin A- iieetinpr is heing called for Ihe Inhibition Hall tonight at' which a foolhall eluh will he or-aui.ed in connection with the (58th. Karl (irey'.i Own lllfles. NAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION" ACT, R.8.B.C. leOS, CHAPTER 118. THOMAS, of Ihe CUV f)f Prince IIiiihtI. m ih I'rnrlnir of Ilrinl(l l.UMIIIIIII.l, IIMlhUl IIIU.3 .MliICK UMl 11' Imn undpr Srrilun 7 nl I ho mid Art clc-iltcd villi I ho MlnHlcr or 1'iihiir Wrki ,l otiaMa, and In lhi nrrirp i.r llm OH-irlrt llra-Utrar nr Hit- l.aml llrt-lstrv IIU Irlrt nr Prlnre llnnprt. at I'rlnrp liiinort li.C, a (li'tcilplloii nr the ullo ailil plan nf a wh.irr anrl pier prnpoM n lii Imlll In tli I'rlnrp llnpprl Harbor. I'rlnrc luirt, B.C.. nn all MhoM- purtlnn of vicrrr"iit blork 0, plan 0J, scrlh.n I,, PtIiicp llnpcrl. I'rorlm-e nr llrltlxti :nlnni-lila. nr ll nppnrtpnant fornhor and thr! wor lot In rrnnt thereof, rmttnlnlnir Iti1 alt an area nr I so-mnth trtt. more orl leu: ' ; ANO TAKE NOTICE thai nTter the rx I plratlon nr nix month from the dali of Hip flrt pnhllrallnn of lhl .NoIIpp Tliorn.n Troiier will miller neetion 7 nr ihe whli Al apply In the Mliilnter or PnMiri Vnr)t at hi nrrice. In Ihe Cltv nf Ottawa,' rnr a:tirnval nr tlm mihl e and plan and I rnr leave lo eomtrtirt the ,ild wharr andi pt'r. 1 rf,lit' l..i r ?. B C- tills th day or April, loss. TH'tMAS TflOTIF-n. ny Wllllaina. Mnnnn ft nonaatea, liU nllelne NOTICE. ...TVK, 'TICE after pwlillratlnn or till ntlie ror roup roiMeeutlve eek we nimn niiiy 111 m initioinr or Joint i Stork i:miipanlea, Vlrlopla, ll.C, lo rhanre the nanie or. Ihe Company to th.11 or "S n. Joliinlun ft Oimpanv. Limited. " Hated al I'tlnee Itiiiiert, .(... thl xih 1 day or Mav. lor,. I , 'MSCK JIUHUIT INI IAi:E ' AGENCIES LTD. I I Partnership ement of Sale A Genuine Sale embodying Gigantic Bargains Our doors op n for business to-morrow, Friday morning at 9 o'clock ; durVese.nt premises must be vacated immediately. The Entire Stock Must be Sold Costs do not enter into price calculations. This Forced Sale is Straight Business and Offers a once in a life. ' time opportunity. Our Sacrifice Stock Includes:-Dominion Linoleum Rugs- all sizes. Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs, all sizes. Dominion Linoleum Floor Covering. B. M. K. British Ma'd'e Rugs. Chenille and Avondale Rugs. The Farnous Fawcett Ranges. Dining Room Suites. Davenports and Davenettes. Kickway Couches. Brown Re d Upholstered Chairs and Rockers Hardwood Golden Chairs, Dressers, Chiffoniers and Dressing 'Tables. Ivory and Walnut Beds. Sway less Coil Springs and Wood Frame Springs- all sizes. Kitchen Chairs and Tables, Cabinets and Wicker Chairs of all kinds. Baby High and Low Chairs. Boat Stoves. Door Mats. Blankets, Bed Spreads and Flannel Sheeting. Cassell Window Blinds. Bed Room Tables and Card Tables, Curtain Rods and other article too numerous to mention. ALL GOODS MUST BE SOLD FOR CASH - NO EXCHANGES We cordially invite you ,to come and see the many remarkable bargains for yourself Come early and get the pick of the goods nuflix Kurriu Minurn Third Ave. Ten Years Ago j . in Prince Rupert May 14, 1915. Mr. and Miv. Frank Holland of Sixth Avenue Kasi have heen advised of. the death in aetjou of Iheir miii r'ank, ajii'd IU. . lie was fifc'litlilgr in a serious en-fratrrnienj; wilh the I'riueess I'airieia'.. The, twelfth and last oonloou for 'Ihe i.T.I dry dock al Hays' t'ovri launched this morning! helve'ii 12 and I o'eloek. ( There i were ceveral hundred people re.en( inciudinir V. T. l)on- nelly of New York designer of r the dry dock. ' FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage (, W PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ! ii n irHiBHjB Thouaanda of barilna In Itoota. Vnr' -. 0. rf SulU. ltalneoata. Hlankata. UrltltH A. i7 r a..r - Biraill Catalciu Hw Mt My lina Littr SEND FOR BARGAIN CATALOGJE CAMAOA' QfllAII.I ALt ityi fn''""7, (or . rti B I 1 " ; men-,.' I'M fon All ioodi MS aoni - ,,r ana 3 " 'o v.i nf ihiUi1"' offe'l ed matt 6Mr cuatomer.. All fir. ''A.Ain l.y ' '".P retail dtpartment. Thouaanda of tarr oet you m.ey. Why don'l you ;av T Or," f'"Bl5 W of tha terrific bargain tht hav? rl " vll'i .0tun,urnc buylne excitement. The dlaaatroua fire 1 ', , Tm ln houie la the mu of thla naatlonal aacriuv company atanda the Ion. Sf , ARMY & NAVY STORE 40 "Zscovu