.1 5 pags rons WELL KNOWN SKIPPERS COMMAND NEW YESSELS Capt. Thomas Rippon Will Take Bridge of Princess Maguer-He and Capt W. J. Boyce, Princess Kathleen Two captains of Ion? service-! on ihe coast ami hoth well known hero have been- appoint ctl to command the new C.1MI. steamers Princess, Marpuerite. and I'rincess Kathleen. Capt. Thomas llippon will take the bridge of the Alarjruerile and Capt. W. J. Doyce, the Princess Kathleen. Jtnth were formerly skippers of the Princess Beatrice and other vessels plyinpr into this port. J. A. Heritage will be chief en clu'ef steward. WILLIAM SILYERSIDES . IS MARIUEDJN SOUTH Present Auditor of Pacific Mills Is Brother of Local Men and Formerly Lived Here A quiet wedding look place on .May 6 at St. George's Church in Vancouver, yvhen Miss Louise Cunningham of Vancouver, became the bride of William Sil-versides of Ocean Falls. Mr. Silversides, who is auditor for the Pacific Mills at Ocean Tails, is a brother of Thomas and Arthur Silversides of this citv Welch & Stewart construction. with Foley, on railway IT'S EASY TO SOBER UP SAYS YALE PROFESSOR WASHINGTON. May 14. An intoxicated person may, if he so desires, become sober in about half an hour by the proper ex ercise for his lungs, J)r. Yaudell Henderson of the " Sliem'ehf Scientific School at Yale told the Nafionad Academy of Seienee here. The only thing necessary to eliminate the alcohol from the system, he said, is to induce rapid breathing, which would clear it through the lungs. CITY OF KETCHIKAN HAS INTERESTING FEATURES AND IS A LIVE PLACE (continued from page one) chiKau was 3,00(1 and since that time it has been growing fast until today it is estimated by some to be 0,000. The building permits last year amounted to a million dollars hut that included the new mill and the'school. Very Little Debt The city has no debt except $150,000 recently borrowed for the new school. The money for the building was loaned locally and the itleret rale; is only six per ceiit. Street work, whether on the local improvement plan or from general revenue, is paid cash down anil no money is borrowed for that class of work. In order to meet the payments the mill rate is 15 on the .dollar or 1 per cent, levied on an as sessed value based on actual sell ing or rental values of the pro perties arrecled, improvements paying the same as land, In making this assessment the as sessor considers the landlord i8 entitled lo'n net return of K per cent on his money after allowing for luxes anil depreciation. There' no city engineer but the city, foreman is a civil en. gineer nnd the city manager, be ing a builder, the need Is not great. When an engineer i,s needed for special work, A. J. Kla, engineer for (he power and 'light company is engaged tern porarily. f Outside the city roads are be ing constructed hy Hie federal government. Already there is a ;roai! leading seven miles north ward along the short' of Toncas iNarrows lo Wnrd'rf Cove and Ihe .surfacing of a road soulh to Saxnlun three miles dislnnt is proceeding. These roads an well.m'aile and give tlie people an :opportiiiity to gel out of town. lOlherjtiiiails in the neighborhood laicw planned. . ";',Cty utilities . The city docs not own its BRINGING UP FATHER EfMRsSKi I f in cosna, cot ) f FT aMrVfM T '- HiLVi. L i mm .Atzyss m C192S Br Imt-u FtATu Scmic. Ic. jf!$i Gral Britain rif nt merwd. - gineer of the Marguerite, A. II. 'utilities hut these are in the Uird, purser and Thomas Mc- hands of the Citizens' Lipht, Gall, chief steward. V. E. W. Ll'ower and Water Company which Oliver will be chief engineer on! also owns the telephone. The the Princess Kathleen, A. G. Reneral rate oir light and power Darker, purse and Archie Knott, is 10c for the first Ul kilowals Oc for the next 24 kilos; 3c forr the next 80 kilos, and 1c a kilo lor all alwve that. The result of the establishment of this rate iu that many people cook with electric ranges and some heat their homes with the power. Heating is not encouraged as the peak load comes, in the dead of winter when much light is heiiijy used and it jumps up too much during a cold snap. Five r cent discount is allowed if paid before the tenth of the month. W-aler costs ?2 a month for a residence and a phone $-' for a party line. Museum Collection The city has a nice mineral collection and some other nat ural history museum specimens which are placed in the city hall and in the early- days was a iu in1 room in which the clerk timekeeper here has his office. The collections were purchaed by the eity several years ago. One of the weak spots in the city seems to be the fire department. The fire chief is paid $40 a month ami the captain $175. All the lither firemen arc volunteers. Ibis volunteer Vys- Item does no seem lo h a safe one for a city as lug as Ketchi kan The work of, wiring inspector is done Jij the, captain of .the fire brigade and that of building inspector by the city manager. Makes Most of Advantages While Ketchikan is, as I mentioned before, subject to many disabilities. i makes the most of the things il has. The streets are narrow iu order to economize space, yet som,e of them are paved with concrete. The shop windows are always bright and the stores are open six days a week until six .o'clock, while those catering to tourist trade open any lime when tourists are there. They make the most of Ihe tourist business. Their fur ; shops are show places and everything about the town is made as attractive as possible; niey give service and charge for it. In summarizing. I would say that while I would not chatiige Prince Rupert for ur neighboring town, I would like lo suggest Ik Ship k Yours f I1-2S thai every person in Prince Rupert should visit Ketchikan . in order lo complete his education. The people there are almost the last word in making liie most of what -they have and they prosper on it. Age and dull times did not sour them and prosperity has not carried them away soulh. WHIST DRIVE BY REBEKAH LODGE Enjoyable Little Affair Took Place Last Evening In the -Boston Hall There were eleven tables at Ihe whist drive held last night in Ihe lias I on Hall by Ihe Rhefcah Lodge. Prize winners were as follows: ladies' first, Mrs. II. J. Smith; ladies' second, Mrs. V. A. McLean; men's first, D. MrCurk-indale; men's second, Mr. Tay lor. Hefreshments were served and a brief dance was enjoyed, Mrs. P. J. MeCoruiack presiding at the piano. The commitlee in charge con sisted of Mrs. S. V. Cn.x, convener, Mrs. ,1. Ilnddip and Mrs. V. A. McLean. Miss R. M. KarJe was in charge of the tables and Mrs. h. Hammond was at the ioor. .dverlie in the Dailv News you cross to Europe via the Anchor-Donaldson WHEN or Canard Canadian Route, you make the trip under really ideal conditions. The steamers are all one-cabin class boats. From the moment you step on board, the entire ship is yours. All the luxurious equipment is at your disposal. You have the freedom of the palatial lounges, magnificent drawing rooms, delightful salons, library, writing rooms, wide promenade decks - and the attention of courteous, well- . trained stewards. The children's room increases the pleasure for travellers with children. The luxuries, conveniences, and the pleasant home-like atmosphere that have made the Anchor-Donaldson Service and Cunard Canadian Service so justly famous, are yours to enjoy for the voyage and in addition you experience the interest and educational value of the scenically beautiful trip down the historic St. Lawrence to the sea. For literature ond defaiUd information apply to your lucut etvamahip agent, or write to THE CUNAP.D STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED 623 HASTINGS STREET, W VANCOUVER ANCHOR-DONALDSON CUNARD TV CANADIAN SERVICES , t t- - i't-L coiow tiOME monev recM (MAGGIE. As.- CO TO OitHTVt MD riLL UP I'M TIR.ED OF" Mf DOCTOR'S wzzm GYRO ATHLETES GETTING BUSY May Enter Team In Senior Base ball League Tennis Challenge From Rotary to be Accepted The Gyro Club at its regular iiHMilhly business meet ing yesterday afternoon left in the bunds f a canmiUlee cousistuig ol Gergi H. Tite, Sidney Iluzett-Jon and Fred Hemiing with pwwer to act the proposition that Ihe eJiih enter a team in the Mnkn" Iias4ball League. The jrluh has a good deal of baseball material in its own ranks hut, Ibis will have lo be augmented with a few outside- players if a learn is entered. It was deckled lo accept a challenge from the Rotary CJub for a tenuis tournament, ar rangements being left with S. K. Campbell, W. Cruikshank and 1'. . aiaon. The meeting further discussed he 1925 playgroud program and a committee will niet Hie city rouiwil at its next meeting with regard lo the improvements lltat it is proposed to effect in Wetview lark. Reports from the concert nd hoedowu dance committees -bowed IUhI I30- had leHii realized by the lub as a result f the coneerl and-i $375 a a rpsull of the hoedown. A vote of thanks was passed to the artists who 'ssisted at the concert. Past President Milton Gonzales 'iresided oxer the meeting in the absence of President Hoy Mc-NaughtoH ami there was a large liirnoul of members. a - , g i Sport Chat I t---- Arrangements are being made for a series of whirlwind events on May S3, at (lie Stewart cele bration, an invitation to which is being extended to the public n! Prince Hup'ert. Any itileudinK to go from liere may sail on the Prince Huperl Saturday nigh and return hero on the Cardena Tuesday morning. The commit tee in charge- at Stewart consists of .1. W. Wilson, Jack-Scott, II. Wilkinson, V. II. Toolh and D. W McLeman. There will he a baseball gamebelvvrrH Stewart and 'Jlydef ' arjrHiigin'eiitji i for whirl) ''are in liie hands 'of Sam Wickwire and a football game between Stewart aud Premier which will be directed by J. W. Wilson. Jack Dempsey," champion heavyweight pugilist of the world, ahu.'U'fl the Cunard liner Herengaria lii iiiid-ocean on his way lo JluVoiie last week, re ceived his first nITer for a fight in F.urope with either Krniinio Spalla, Kuropeau heavyweight champion, or Pallino PJzcadun, Ihe Spanish pugilist, at Ieau- ville. Franco, next August, with a guarantee of 1, 000,000 fracs for his end. The offer was wirelessed to him by lliehard Klegin, fight promoler of Paris. The Sons of F.ngland and Great War Veterans will mee' tomorrow nighl in Ihe fourth game of (ho Sluaii Shield football series. Should the F.nglish-meji win they would, go lo first place one 'poinl ahead of the Cullies while a victory for the Vets would put them on even fooling al the fop with the Scots. 'Die Son will line-up the fo. lowing learn tomorrow nighl: I) l'rizzell; S. i Alexander and H. Howe; G. iVTinker, A. Wales and I.indsny; .1. Farciuhar, A. Dick. ens, J. Johnson, Hanson and V Ilndgkinmin. Tom Joiicb will be referee. The Cold Storage has PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, . Third Avenue KNITTED GOODS SWEATERS and all kinds of knileed goods made lo order. Phone IUack 3US. tf lake out registration forms with a view lo entering a fourth leant ill the league. If the learn is en tered, which Is not yel defiuiloly decided upon, a rearrangement of the Stuart Shield sciiedul' will he necessary. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert P. Graham. Tortmhi: Mr. nml Mrs. C. II. Lewis, Chicago; G. T, Seouler, L. . Lindsay, A. V. Whllehoiise ami Mr. ami Mrs. A. .1. Curznn, Vancouver; George McAfee, Georgetown: 'J. McNeil. Telkwa; E. 11. Felgler. Slewart; Miss Itiviriglon, .London, Eng land; Alex Fllsk, Ottawa; Sandison. Haysporl; H. II, T, A llab- tnglon, Victoria. Central C. Lindslroui and E. Lind-stium, Vancouver; Charles L. Voungiiian, Prince Rupert j F. Gourd ahd A. lleckelt, Edmonton; jG. Chase, S. Shefskey and R. F. Ilalilday, U.N.R.; It. Hooper, Digby Island. Advcrliso in the Dally News. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICES OF EAHTIIOPE 4-CVCLU Marine Engines 4-II.P. without clutch $185.00 4-IJ.P. I cylindr MI) 800.00 G-II.p. 1 cylinder 111 460.00 8-M.P. I cylinder HI) 750.00 8-II.P. 2 cylimler Mil 450.00 IG-li.p. 4 cylinder LI) 475.00 All the above except the first, inclnd Uml Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full elect ncal and propeller equipment. The .best that money can buy. Eaatbope llros., 1747 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, lt.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone sxt. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five passenger Dodge SeJaii Comfort and Courlexy. Rates: 60c for I or 2 passengers. 26c for each additional fuuutuiujer. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oli llaby" al your ser vie day or nighl. Comfurl- bafelr 4Jourlrsy. If lis a water trip call Laurie La ml) I) TAXI 692 THE DEPENDABLE TAXI. Daj and Night servwe. Cum fort and Courtesy is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Koomis. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gusi Prompt Service and Comfor! Day or Nlsr' I Stand: .10SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from ?Ji)-r M BEDDING OUT PLA NTS Plants that grow und repay you for your labor. McCarthy's bedding out plants are speci ally acclimatised and Can be relied upon to produce Ihe goods. " Stor lhne - HM 183 (Greenhouse Phone Itluek 108 MCCARTHY'S. FURNITURE HOSPITAL And General Repair Shop. Re pairs or all kinds, promptly ill tended to. Window draperies made lo order. Carpet laying Furniture crating. TOM BALLINQER Phone 81 Rear Sherman's Market, Fulton Street CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 rtnnnnno Furniture Movlnfl. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. liox GOO. KEITH'S CAFE. When in SIcwar! visit Keilh's Cafe in King Edward lintel now re-modelled. Up-lo-dalo Dining Room ond Lunch Counter BOB KEITH C Manager. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 ' Thursday, May 14. 1 1 iuli .' 5 a.m. I S.I T' ID: t( p.m. Low ls?;Vrt p.m. Friday, May 15 High 7:00 a. in. BOrM p.m. Low 0:5 1 n. in. 13:38 p.m. 1(1.8 ' Ji ' 10.9 "ft. 17.2 i.0 " t.l " lie - V . . By George McM aniu NO! MHOUND I 1 ' : J I l( I TlMEb tso rSQT , , - ' f I'h tTn . I OH CE1HT- CI tb? rr-J7? N I If J Wanted For Sale For Kent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE FOR SALF. and Removal. House ... on English Hill. Give price to P. Gamula. Phone S08. If FOH SALE. Pleasure boat'-Echo' Ci L. Heindel. Cold Storage Phone 221. tf TO RENT FIVE IIOOMEI) Hbusb fr lUwl, CHMUplrtidy furnished.' Fifth Avenue East, phone lied 183. I in FOR It EAT. Clapp apartuiunl WeXenhaver llros. tf BOARD HOAItl) and Itoom, or board only 4 43 Fifth Avenue East. Phone Hed 707. UOAIU. The Inlander, 8 SO Second Avenue. Phone 137. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE will he held at Mr. Youngtnan's house, Graham Avenue on Thursday. May I t, at 2.30 p.m. consist-in of oak dining room suite (six chairs, table, buffet, and china cabitiel ; soft, oak chairs, small tables, healer, lirussels and Axtuinster carpels, beds, bureaft. chilfonifr, Mclary range, bedding, elc. Philjmtl, Evitt ti Co., Auctioneers. H3 AUCTION SALE will be held al (he Muse home, Seenth Ave., West, on Siil unlay, May 1(5, al 2.. 'JO p.m.; consisting of house and lot, piano, good lone and action; terms on both if desired; oak dining room suite, couch, carpet, linoleum. Monarch range, healer, chiffonier, four bed, kitchen utensils, dishes, elc. Philpotl, Evitt A QiM Auctioneers. 113 COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and ttistminwilal music hy world famed artists. Call in and hear them. FURNITURE. N! our .. .. J r. ArtirL Utani Change New a::d h J QfeO. PAPADOSULIS, nREWOOO. Dry ,.. . A Fl'i'-li !'' . (!) A. IM ' - ' NORTHERN TRASSFM Call i:; . Korfli'T" l . - , W. H. MONTGOMERY, il MAIL SCHEDULE For the East . Miilnt.'i - : Urd;t From thfe East lilnl;i- ' Krul.'o . .i ,. i la Vancouver Tuesday M.-ii! Sattir.l iv -Tlllll'-ilav "Hnwrtar; c.p. it M . From Vancou! Sunday; Fridays ' mi Kallll'il:iv- 1 r. p it M.n v ' To Anyox, Alice Afiv- We.hi''- ' . . y From Anyox, Alice Tuesdays rliiircrlli'C -nil Prtml'P batuni;i - . p From Stewart and Prt1f" Teda - To Port Simpson md ' Il i il al poinis ij and 1 From Port Slmp.cn River Point Colnnl;i To Alaka PoMt- May K. ih a'.,i Alaska Points , TonCbar-H My .L..1ntu i1 From Queen w- Points lnv , Mini -I x'cOLUCTIO Ortisini ,lm A'" -' IM av. em Ave. I"'"" nth ' . ,. tun Ave. ; ' Atll A HV , " 6tl. A llv ' Ith Av Abu A "M"f 1U. Oiivl. Ihlk" ' ,, ;, im. (Iiivl M""r ,, i .o.T.r. wiwi-f , a. t. r. m . ni 4i Ave. A "L - LAND ACT. In rw ''!!:! 'I'm- . ., r n ': .1 I ' I" I ' ' III?" PP" Nolle, of inl."; 1 1 "' T.t-' ill 1 . i' ill W mv'' 1 IU TAkK Bill'"' , H:"'-:,.:r., .... . '".'"I'll .1(11(111 I" i . .. , ,., I .11 the roti..Nv...i. . -, f, nniilliv.'-l :"'" .. .ii'i" " ,.,wr.. .knlitl . Ill " ... ill ' ' io water iwatrfc. vmf' , ? i I.P " 'rMlrtl"11" .1 of ... H-n ; D.id May I