May H, 1925. iDnn m m. a m p VACUUM PACKED B" . A I I V " - M a" UAQflTftM 11L ,ff 5 " HMMMBH. i II I I ' MM III ill III I IBM flew Material Latest Colors Variety 'Bemers' HOUSE OF QUALITY -- Mk a" or TTl COME EIGHT IM' Water won't hurt my new Congoleum." "Where did you1 get it?'1 "At Barrio's, of course." BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avcnuo and 1st Street. Phono 123 DON'T DO IT! Di't Experiment when you a.-e ordering Building Lumber, Mntcrla's or Coal LUMRPtt AT MILL PRICES Wc afe Agents for the Prlnco Rupert Spruce Mills and can sell their products at mill prices Phone 116 or 5G4 AENTS FOR THE FAMOUS NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Onco Used Always Used ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. LOGGERS' CLUB , HAS REMOVED 1QI MHhUus nuxi door in KrizzHI ilitt. lu r Simp, across ri'din llio Kriipri's. Hotel p,, vi- carry 11 lull urn' 01 L'GARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES Jamosr,,.,,?001'001 IN CONNECTION . I Local and Personal J Undertakers. Phone 41. La I'arittiennu Heauly Shop, rourlli 81., lMione 301. tfl You'll like our joall Consumers Coal Co. IMione 7. tf Otissiird Cor.-K'ts. Discontinued models at cost. Wallace's. 115 l.uCtosse iiieetlmr Thursday "Mill, City Hall al 8 o'clock Harp. in "''VTT I lit train ffbin the KasL ilm nt 3.30 llii.s aflcrnoou, is r- pnrlcd on tinio. Iinpurlaut lnt'clin-' of Conser vative Assot-ia'tlon '.in Kniad liali on Thursday at 8 "p.m. Il l (ifiillrtiifir.-! slraw Iial.s and Panamas in latest snappy styles; fancy hands; just in. Universal. Capt. II. M. Ilaliington arrived Hi llic cily from .Massed by ga-hoal early I his morning and experts, lo spend a few days in town. .lack McNeil, who arrived in the city from Telkwa on lasl night's train, is sailing tonight on Hie I'riure (eor?u for To start arrangement for the hominion Day eelehration, a meeliiii; of the Sons of Canada was hold last ui if 1 1 1 . President Harry Itreen was in the chair. -i ! ne oiii I liners reunion in Vancouver last week a presen tation vvn made to John l'lewi" of Pot t .Simpson. He traveller! Hie farthest of any one present lo atlend the reunion. It. Kilcliie, chared with false prelences. was' remanded until S;iliml;n- in llir cilv toilico mnrl j - - -, i this iiiornink. 11 is allepl Ilia' he caslied a worthless check at the store of Tom Ley & Co. Hev. 1'. W. (issillis Kuiiiily, superintendent of Aitjrh'can lapauese missions in Kritish Cdluiiiliia, is returning south ou the I'rince (Teorge lonishl Jifter Jijiv i iu'sj yii. several jkiy. ii4 1 he V.. II, Taylor yesterday su cessfnlly iiiisseii ills examination for ipialifivatioii as .Hkipjer of a coastwise lugirttat. 1 lie exannn- at ion was held by ('apt. Lionel II. Lindsay, government exam iner of masters ami males. COAL, S14.50. "The Best." Double-screened Ladysmlth-VJelllngton lump. Peerless Egg, $11.00. Peerless stove, 12.50. No soot, clinker, little ash and no slack. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. tf Lacrosse I'liursday nTi meeting Cily Hall, ;hl al p.m. sharp. Ill A CAUTIOUS MAN Mrs. Smarl No, my dear Vicar, niy husband has never spoken a harsh word to me. Vicar Ah, charming tnu.ii ! So onsiderate! v "Oh, iiu: only cautious." VN.MOUNCEWENTS Moose Pie-nip Tune '-'8 FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Fomovo Them With Othlno Doubto Strength This preparation for the removal of freckles is so success, ful in removing freckles and giv-ii; a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by all drug and department stores with a guar antee laws. Don'l hide your freckles under a veil or waste lime on lenma THE DAILY NEW8 PAGE THBEB KEEP COOL! Ice Cream A Purely Horns Mado Product We liave recently installed the latest type of Ice Cream making equipment and arc now in a position t,n make and supply lCi: t'.UKAM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and he coiiMnccd KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Heiail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 TO USE SNOWMOBILE IN NORTHERN WILDS Indian Anent to Use Power Vehicle In Place of Dogs i:i.MONTOX,'May 1 i. - Ford snow-inohile is- lo In Ity Dr. lIouiRet, Indian a us(. a molor driven velnc e. N.C. Silver Howe Sound ....J Indian ................ nti Dunwell T3.&0 Premier 2.28 Terminus L.T...-?' '.55 L. i I . Surf Inlet Selkirk ...... Ilayview Daly-Alaska fJranhy (i lacier Itidependcnce 25 ".10 .18 13.110 Sl .15 WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. The Used .'cnt for the Dominion (iovernmeut, in the far north iiexi winler. He has litherto used ilogs for winter ! ravel but now he lo The car has been tiseii in Ihis neighhorhood during the past winter. II. has a edict-pillar drive in the rear and is filled with sled runners in front. II was successfully driven from Calgary lo Kdujonloii and from Edmonton into the SI. Paul de jMelis dislricl. "Sow il is lo lt! tftken north. II will t'uake twicf the speed of a do team. STOCK MARKET "iiltid. Asked .UQ 1,18 1B.75 I7.U0 .(IU Vi 1. 00 XT' .75 .'11 .00 .01 .12 .25 .27 .20 DK1IJV ISLAND. Clear, calm; barometer, 30.0C; tcmperalure, 50; sea smooth, 8 n.m. spoke lug Cape .coll abeam (ienn Is land bound for Ocean Falls: 12:10 a.m. spoke steamer Prince (Jeorgo abeam Lucy Island northbound. - WiAD Til UK POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 2U.U2; temper ature, 10; sea smooth. HULL llAUHOIl. Foggy, calm, barometer, 2U.U2; temperature. 58; soa obscured; 8. 'p. in. spoke learner Norwood, Helliiigham for Ketchikan, 221 Uniles from Helliugham; 5 a.m. spoke steam er I'rince John left Hose llarbu northbound. Noon DKillV ISLAND. Pari cloudy. ealni; harohielcr, ;iO.(i8J lemper- alure. 02j sea smoolli. DhAD THIIK POII.Vl Cloudy; calm; barometer, 30. 02; temper-alure. 5 i ; sea smooth. HULL HAHllOll. Foggy, light nortliwesl wind; barometer 20,'JU; teiniteralure, 58; (hick seawards; U. 15 a.m. spoke steamer Venture in Milbank Sound northbound. WHAT RUINED THE SAVORY Mrs. Itenlon tasted die savory morsel she had carefully compounded in the chafiiig'Yl'lsh anil looked ill her husband somewhat apprehensively. Then she said: "Somehow, it doesn't tasle Just as Mrs. Mink's did Ihe hIIht to refund the money ir itf,,ihl. Yd I thought I retiiein- juice or cucumbers; gel an ouiice of Otliine and remove them. F.vcn the first few applications should ed. t be red Ihe recipe all right. I suppose I must have left something out." i Mr. Ilenlon tasled "I don't Ihink so," reflectively.' he remark- show a wonderful improvement, Mrs. Uenlon's rare 'brightened some of the lighter freckles van- visibly. Then her lnish.-iml emi. ishing entirely. Ite sure lo nsk for the double strength Olhine; it is this that is sold, on nioiieybai'k guarantee. At all ' drug or dcpaiiinhil stores or by m'ail. Olhine, P.O. IJox 2GI0, Montreal, Cannda. tiiilieil "There leave make nothing out," he said, you "that could could it laste like Ihis. It's something you've put iul" Advertise In the Dally News. PAPER FROMSTSAW ALBERJAPROYINCE Plans to Establish Plant Noar-Ing Success Declares Trade Commissioner KD.MONTO.V, May 11. KtTorls which have extended over the past three years lo demonstrate the practicability of Alberta straw for the manufacture of papers of different kinds are ncarins complete success, according lo Trade Commission Howard Slulchbury. Mr. Stutch- bury has brought back with him from the laboratories of the ulp and paper division of for estry products at Montreal, a variety of samples of newsprint, wrapping paper, felt paper, insulating board, etc., all of which have been manufactured by the Hache-Wiiff process from a ship ment of Alberta slraw which was sent to Montreal lasl fall. Arrangements aro liow beinK made and will probably ba completed during the present visit of Premier (Ireenficld to the casl, lo have an expert and paper engineer visit the province in the near future and make an examination of the local Conditions. I'hat the manufacture of Ihis jrodncl on a large and profit-1 .hie scale in Alberta is now as-j uired, both Mr.iSltitchhury and he eastern laboratory experts1 ire confident, bjil it is thought' ulvisahtc to secure final reports' made by an expert after he hasi Vfone over the local situation. i H is estimated that a plant turning out the coarser prn-j lucls to llje amount of twenty-! five tons a day, will cost in the icinily of 200,miij, and it is inleresl capital in this'; irojrcf during the coming sum-i iu-r. II is pointed out (bat there1 would Jie a good market from the; iirl for, building papers 'and kindred products and as this business developed, the niauu-l "act iin "f newsprint and finer grades of paper could be later taken up. GOOD MARKET FOR CANADIAN GOODS IN AUSTRALIA STATED ' WINNIPKO. May II. A substantial market Tor Canadian 1 products exists in New Zealand. Australia and the Orient, for Hie manufacturer who goes after Ihe business, is Ihe opinion held by William Armstrong. Irc-prcsi-' dent of the Manitoba (Ivdsiiiii (kmipany, who has just relumed' lo Winnipeg from a c mbined business and holiday trip. - i The Canadian manufacture Mr. Armstrong said, had a de cided advantage over the United Slates in seekjng entry into the New Zealand and Australian markets. Thci'e is the preferential duly iu both countries, which favors Canada, amj again he said there was a preference of the people for Canadian goods. The chief requirement is for the manufacturer lo uro there. find out wbal J In people want) ami then endeavor lo fill Iheir! needs," he declared. ARE YOU TORTURED WITH F.riiiiia, or Salt llhriini, aj It Is rum monly culled, l.s one (r thr must agumiliiK of all tkln clbea-09. Tim Intense Imrnlnir, llchlntr and Miiailiiift. rfpi-rlally at night or when the trls are mmmimI In heat are almost iiii-lirarable and reller Is riratly weletimtMl. The must rell.ilile and etrmlve remedy fur this trouble Is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mrs. J. II. Julmsun, II. n. Ao. t, Oshawa, Out., writes:- "Fur years 1 was IniHhleil wlih ei-ieina, ,nd had that lerri-Me Itihlnir and liumlntr sensation, and riitild rinil no relief rur It. Finally, I was advised to use, and after my necoml liidlle I beiran In m a ureal ilifferenre. and I run, now, advise anyone troubled as I was to use this wondeiTtil remedy." For sale at all druggist nnd dealers, put up only by The T. Mllburn Co.. Limited, Torn i to. Out. A$one of your daily dozen shine up with- ShoePolish Keeps you and youfhoe f 1 1 jor all washing ana cleaning you cant beat this soap -" says Mrs. Experience, who chooses soap for its economy and, labour-saving value. ' "Sunlight puts the sunshine of cleanliness into the home! For washing clothes, dishes, wood-work, lino leums, in fact, for anything that can be cleaned with soap and water I all on Sunlight. And Sunlight docs its work so well and leaves everything sweet and clean. "Sunlight really is economical, too! You see, every bi't of it is pure, cleansing soap, containing no filling or hardening materials, which arc only waste as far as wc women are concerned. "You get greater deanjng value out of a pure laundry soart and so I say, 'Always keep a good supply of Sunlight on hand'. It really improves with age. And because of its purity, Sunlight is kind to your hands and keeps Jhcm smooth and comfortable." Sunlight is made by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. s-an SunliM Soap r I ! A SclcntSfiq Moan3 of Destroying Rats and Mice No Traps No Poisons TTTTITllf if - -IT Not harmful f othtr animals or fcumaiw. Safe to Handle Effective is m Writ or ack for instructive Azoa booklet. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. Phones 82 and 200. Coast Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT oe PRINCE GEORGE sail from I'rlnee. Iluperl for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Intermediate' potni ruin SUNDAY and THURSDAY, 10 P.M. For ANVOX Wednesday 10 P.m. For STEWART Saturday 10 P.M. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY ticapt Sunday M.JO ajil. Tor l'rlnre lieorgv. EDMONTON, WINNIPkO, all points Kaslvn Canada. UnlNct Slates, AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offlet, t28 Third Am Prlnca Rupert. Phon 280. llCANADIANj Vacific Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway May 8th, 18th, 20th, June 8th For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle May lit, 12th, 22nd, June 2nd, 13th. S.8. PRiNCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanaon Bay, Eait Bella Bella, Ocean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Riner, and Vancouver eery Saturday 11 a.m. Agsncy for all Steamahlp Llnei. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Crime llbpvrl. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaneon Bey, and Alert Bay, Tueeday, 6 p.m. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swaneon Bay, Saturday, 10 AM For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naae River Cannerlee, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Avenue. J. Barnaley, Agent. Prinoe Rupert. 0 Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Princo RuperL" TUGBOATS Day .Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phonos 687 539 Black. 735 Gr. 601