v May 14. 1023. IIU' - -r THE DAILY NEWS PAuK FIVE TENNIS W i .( a roiiiplcle h lOinIS tilliilis, I . ii 11 new t'll'5 . Hi)Hey llnrk-$3.50 to $30.0D r ....... $1.25 $2.00 ; ,.,fl I . Ip . . . 25C It : T . . . . 65c s $1.00 jl, I 'ill I- . . . . 50c :. G5o I K t llirmal All V. Itail;!l, 1 3.1 I li u7. priced $14 50 hI mi nil out ,.n "Tilers. j Kaien Hardware Co. n J Laundrv and ury neaners ipr h tho only power : and pressing : r ' in the city. Ser- u workmanstiip ' -s ! A plmtje call h cur car. S15 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 T ni m m Contractor "Seni tor J. Flye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods t Otfire, Fixtures. I in til! nnil Tlniiiin n ...... . - mij Repairing:. ' 1 i dazing, v ii Do ts and Mouldings P.O, Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 2C8 I I I Slue Fox Pups -"""fy July 20th to 30th, 2S, ONLY j Latar d.llvery, 25 Pr fant higher. , ' Mitinir. i;ist LESS, s iio i. diM-iio mid brml - nil fui new Ixviklrl- 1C0- INCREASE GUARANTEED 0.2' ?,1or old Breadara, with our . I0ut. 100 r lner..i, fit. I" o?".,?5 r'1 of builnet. Inl.g-r,,l this iuu. i ,". " " ' - 1'iirnlshcd you lijr "' . a"'1 ITi'sldeum, Six minlicr of Seattle, r.hnm- CLEARY BROS. FOX FARMS " '' "r mili... . SEATTLE. II.S.A me World' Lantest fin I arm-, ' ... . tl DRY I BIRCH WOOD and Cedar I $6.50 Per Load , , l" U) - any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue h0ne B8 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. DID VERY WELL ! ON TRIAL RUNSi New Forest Cruiser Turns Speed of 9.7 Knots on Measured Mile off to Alice Arm Today The new forestry cruiser, Lit-1 lian Ii., luiili at the local dry I dork fur two in II, in district, had' her I rial run yesterday afternoon anil performed very salisfarlor- j ily turning up a speed of 0." Knots (hi the f juilc. The vessel wa nut three hour ami wit outside of the harhor. Those making flic irin were .1. Jl. Make, mechanical superintendent for Ihe forest branch; I'. I. (juinii and Howard While, representing the buil(lrs; Hubert Ward, agent for Virkers-Pcllcr engines; Tnni Clarke, lepresenHnsr the Koresf Hianch; W. II. l'ennoy. who will jho raplaiu of I he new hoal; W. Sinilh, engineer, F. (!. Daw.mn and Fred Aslin of lturn Lake. This niiiniiiiir the Lillian I. was formally turned over iy Ihe liuilder.i In the ileparlrnent and, oon afler, left for a hint: tel voyatre to Aliee Arm, 1'. !. Hon-ney. dislrict forester, ami J. II. Illakc lieiiiK alHiard. TEA AND SALE FOR PULPITFUND HELD Very Successful Affair at Home of Mrs. J. Howe Yesterday Sum of $20.45 Cleared In aid of Ihe fund winch in lieinp rai.ed y the Sons ' iind liauifhier of Ijtplanrl fur the itirpor of (lulling a pulpit in TENDERS FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Notle to Contractor iEALKI TEnEH5 Mr the rotmnirtlou uf rrinfumil riiiirivtr rraln plevitor Milwrmruiiuif. viltb IiikUt a4rk-mill-iie ml wirciMiuw. mil Im iweived n oiuvki, 'inurln, until Noon of Mondr, May 18th, Ifnrtom Ktviuld bo ril in in i(iaqiir ft altl riiteluiMi mrkrl "Ti-mli'r for .riu Llrnlor" Hid adilnwl tu Mr. K. : T. ollan, Ui'piity .vinwicr. ieiari-iin-ni uf Traili' anil t.iuiiinrrfc ottaui. A lump nun Tor the work Is dMlri-il. An aricipil liank i-tiptiue fur Fifty i'lii,uaii(1 liciltara ( aiU.uiMi.uo made wy-ablf tn the Minllfr or Trade and (Umi-nii-iTf. -iiui!l 'roiiipaii.v earli tender, which auni ntllt lie forrwird if the jiarty loiKb-rina uim-Iiiw tn mier into a ronirarl fur thr work on the term alated In hi tender. The rheqiies ir iinAlirrennrul ten-derern will lie M-turtied. The rheqne of the nuiieiwfiil tenderer will Im reulned a MYiintv fur the due ruirilniriit of Ihe . nuai t tu In- entered Into, ir cheque may tie replaced Kith eulvaleul ur value of IxNidii ni ihe IxmhIiiiiiii of Canada. IMjiu. ieririratliiiin. and all iierenary inriiriiiatluii retarding- tlw irtiHed work may be untuned Inun C. D. Howe k CnmrnnT. i:onnmiir r.nirineen, iraien liiilltlinr, Ton Artimr. onlarln. Iemlt .,r one llundn-d liullam -1 iiii.no . In required for plan and specification. IpmII tu be returned oil reiiirn or ilan and liwrlflcatloni In kimhI condition. i rne'iowPM or ouy iciHu-r m n" lierranitrll)' Im arceptrd. Ily order, I F. V.. T. OH An A. ) fiepuly Minister. I rx-partinenl uf Trade and Commerce. oiiawa. April Dili, tS. WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE MITICE that the Skeena niver l'acklim Company. Limited, whose ailrtres 1 nil sumlai'd Hank llulldlmr. Van-roiiver, ll.C will apply for a licence to take and nw 5 rnhlc fret per gerund of water out of wmr Crei which riowa northwemerly and drain Into I'orpol ll.irliour nhimt north end.ef nth Avenue, I'cirl Edward Tuwnxlle" I'll water will lie ttlverled fnmi the ftream at a Jioinl almnt one and ( half mile rnnii the inuiith at point or diversion of fori Edward Tewnalte water ytrm a"l will Ih used Tor Industrial purpose upon the land descrllied n part roreslmre l.ot .......i.... illi: ll.inne t. i:iat IllSlrlrt. Thl notice was posted n the rround -on: the sard (lav of March. 1025. A copy of this noUre and an application pursuant thereto and lo tnc -waier .11, ! riled 111 the orrice of the Water lie-mnler Prince Hupert, B.C. Ohjectloim to the application may Im filed with the said Wairr II rdor or with the t.omp- :.. ..r vviinc Itlitht. Parllamcnl liullillniis. Victoria. H.f... within tlilrty ihivs arier the rirst appe"-'"'re !r.tl"; iHiihf in a local newspaper The dale of the rirl piihllcatlon of thl nollce U Mar,8k?E!N SutVn rACkna company. I.IMITI'.n, Applicant. 1 lir I Mathewm. reot LAND ACT l.a'nT'niMrlrt; District In Prince niir-r7 ' of Prlnre llinrrt. . TAKE NOTICE that I. Merlll Dea llrlsay. nf Vancouver. ll.C. occupation salmon broker, I nil. to anply ror perm'''. to nurrhase the fo lowlnir described Ijniw:--P ninimericliif at a post planted H in le south or the southeast corner or l.ot fi7 fl, Millie Creek " Han ye 4, Coast district; hence north chains;' thence west in rhalns; thence south lo more line In an easterly direction lo point "f eom-menreiiient; conlalnlug l acre, more or "' MEIULL PES nitlSAT, Applicant. Kdvvln Etroy llarnum, Anenl, Dated Aorll 3rd. IIU a . NOTICE. n THE MATTER of an application fur tin Issue or ' rresh ccrliricale or title f! J Lot" nineteen (l "u'..,w,'li!y '?',! Klock ihlrty-iwo (3). seci ii ii.c i; ... ...... hiirwipt WWW Ui!J. Sat sfact ry proof or the destrurtloiv of the fer 'tlrieate or title coverlnir the jL'eandl'lmVhVliecn n.rnlshed to t h j i u it. 11 lnlillt .tfl 10 .44UR. HI HT I e ex,, ration ..f thirty M y 'f"J in. first onlilh-atluii heivof. a (lupllia e 'or Tl ll le rertiricate Vss of '' I Y a . I III Ihe niiines I'H rMificai. of i-iiww rSIHV. which Cerllficate or title is dated the ISIh Ailftust, ivia. aim immliered, I. r MArl E0D. ne1lrar or Titles. Land lleflstry )rn,e. Prince lliipcrt, B.C Mind U. t. Yes, twice as rich as ordi. wuy milk. Pure Milk "From tyntented Cows' St. Andrew's Anglican Church which will he as a. memorial In Fiifflish soldiers of Prince Rupert who fell in Hie Ureal War, a lea and sale of home cooking was held by the Daughters of F.ngla'nd at Hip hoine of Mrs. J Howe, 330 .Ninth Avenue Wesl, yesterday afternoon. The sum of 20. 45 was cleared. Assisl-injr Mrs. Howe were Mrs. Leek, Mrs. Turk, Mrs. Cox, Mis. (iriiu-wood nnil Mrs. Werinig. CHILDREN'S RECITAL LADIESJUSIC CLUB Vote of $25 Passed for Children's Ward Fund Senior Students to Give Next Recital The program of Ihe Ladies Music Club, which met yesterday afleriiTMin at the fiome of Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Kll Morden Street, took Ihe form of a recital hy junior musical students of the city. the program wii is follows: -Members of the orchestra were NHJie Lawrence, Louise Znrelli. Wirner. Hrvnnl. Jinimv Arivertu -n he Oallv Vew IN PROBATE IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERR-1 ITORV OF ALASKA; DIVISION NUM- I urn nsjr uvnra prfrinct I In Hie .Matter or Ihe Estate or Lealha Iiavm, pereasml. Number lfi probate. Notice to Heirs. Ily virtue of ail order dull' sinned and nmile of record In the above entitled court on the i&th day of April, itil, ihm tlce I hereby riven to (Ted) Davis, lhe alleo'd husband of the above named ile i (pilred to lie and appear in the above entitled court at ll.viler, Alaska, and submit satisfactory proof of heirship within sixty days rroiu the. date of the rirst publication hereor. And ir you rail so to appear and tile such satisfactory proof, a decree of Ihl court will lie entered forfeiting- your In- icresi inerein Tribute to General I Hospital I By Ptrson who was HI there When you are feeling kind of xirk, ; ; . And life loot pretty Mu, While you wonder, as the days gtxhy, "Wjiialever shall I do?" Just, list lo me, a mice Hick man, I know' whereof I speak, Having rested in a local cot J'ir five ilayjt plus a week. (Jo tell I In;' I kic what's ailing you, ' Vnd in him place your trust. He'll ipiickly diagnose Ihe case Without a lot of fuss. Perhaps jtV to the hospital Your steps Ihe I)nr will turn, And if il ix, jnst lake my tip You're on the road (o learn. That hosju'tals are deacons bright Along life'n road -nf pain All filled up with, wondrous things ') To make you fit attain. When once across Ihe portals Of thai home uf .spotless hue, And Ihe smiling nurse, Cod bless her, ' Has ipiirkly passed you through. You've luitliing 'else to trouble you, V In fact you'll feel jusl right When you anj snugly tucked in bed, And settledt for the night. Nest morning Ioo will be on deck Willi nurses at his side, When they gel through with I heir repairs Your chest will swell with pride. There's really nothing tn it Whalcer there is to do. For Hoc and Nursie know just how Selections by Prof. Pryce'si w,,,'k iini1 I11"' yHl llirougli. juvenile rcheslra (li "Cupid'i Heart (2 "Our Hoys and Cirls of California And a you lie recovering Y'our health by leaps and bounds The hustli 'rounil ,llie corridors To you like miisirl soumls. Hrynnl. Vie.. Thoina. Audrey j There's no Parkin. .lame Valentine, Itert chance, Cameron. Prima Vaechar. and . ' "'' rtl "" ' Cordon Clarkr. Piano solo, "Hungarian Dance," Miss Catherine Wright. Piano solo, "Valselte," Miss tilling ever left to It mailers not your post in life Or whether rich or poor. Then when you're fpelinig all Marian Ouinn. J up," ' Piano solo, "War Mnrch of And Hfo is bright and gay, Priesis," Cnrdon Parkin. j You'll feel a mighty interest Piano solo, ."Curious Story,",'" Doc s and Nurses' Day. Miss Marie Murphy. . I ' ' Piano solo. "Valse Crolesrpie," PUMFRAI OF I ATF s. 1. ,, a wouiiiiu va uutu iiscar roiion. Piano solo, "Valse," by Chopin, Miss Audrey Parkin. Piano solo, "Spring's Witchery." by Mi Agnes llnbenge. Violin solo, "Petite Valse.V by Mendelssoim, Miss Audrey Former Hudson Bay Factor Was Laid to Rest In Falrvlew Cemetery Today The next meelinc of Ihe club A R0ff munber of friends at will be at Ihe home of Mrs. I'. A. landed the funeral of Ihe lal Wakerield, Fourth Avenue West, William Fox which look place at when a recilnl will be given by 2:30 this afternoon from Hayfter senior sludenls. Hr'os. undertaking chapel lo The Ladies' Music Club de-'Fairview Cdnelery. Archdeacon cjded lo vole 25 lo the child-'O. A. Ilix olljciated and Yv i fnmi TVaucrhailDavii nresliled al the 'organ. Pallbearers were s. v.rl, Parker, J. C. Brady, J. It. Tan-nock, It. F. Classey, Ceorgi j l-'rizzell and Max Heilbroner. MAKING UP FIVE SPECIAL TRAINS FOR IMMIGRANTS ceased and to all other pormuis rlalUMUR iii d.i, StOCk BAin- n,... Rushed n (. to a terest In the above named estate Rolling Being that they and each of them are hereby re- Quebec and Halifax to Meet Week End Boats MONTH F.AL, May II. To provide for the large number of passengers disembarking during Hale or I'lrst Publication. Anil ST.!lli. wuL-itvil nl llii, llir,. ,wrl . ..... " ...... o Hate or i.at Publication, June S7, a considerable ainounl of equip 1UI3. OltEN F. HILL diiiiullrator. LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT district of cassiar, Sllkine Division. menl and rojlinr slock is now on it's way to Quebec and Halifax nnd il will be necessary lo make up al least five specia! trains, two of whirli will operate from TAkE notice that I. Waller Julian n"""1 Ilnlifnx unit " three " i from ' "m V" Ouehec. ' (Hemmed Soldim. of Teieionuh r.nk. . . . ii.c, iiiciipiiik.ii Miner, iutcui 10 appiv In addition lo the usual travel- descrui'tZs?" x'"rrh' r""ow1"Mors there are consideraUlo nurn-CoinineiiiiiiK at a Post planted lmut i... ,,r .,iii.a ....;..,. n.,..l i.ne mil., eusl ,if Mel .l- w ol, ha, h l 1 e.l" UI..11.1. 1 1 ie MiLine uiver ami annul ;iv inlies soiithwsl or Teleirraph Creek; thence nui'tli ml chains; thence enM in rhatn; thence soiilh nil ehiilns; thence west 40 chain In piilnt of commencement and coiitJliiinir 3 tf ti acres, inun or less. WAI.TEII JI I.IAN. . .. Applicant. iH1 IOyS. TENDERS WANTED laborers on Ihe si earners now beading for port. There are parlies for Hip Ontario sovernnifnt and on the Altiena, Donaldson liner, is a group of 75 individuals coming lo Canada under Ibo auspices nf the Salvation Artny. TEMiKits win be recrt veil hy the c.itv On the Doric, White Slur-Dom-l'tr,nJ& sl,-sec,ii:;"r "r iion. there are a number of Temieiy t he in tim (irriee or the city persons Ileitis brought out by f.lerk marked "lender Tor l.ols" not ' ,, ... . " , . ' Inter limn 5 p.m. niday. mv i , loss. Ihe Hrillsli Dominions Immigra iu. city clerk'110" Society. The majority o! NO MORE FOOLING did Abraham LincoliTshow his shrewdness NOWHERE of judgment to better effect than in that famous utterance which ended, "You can't fool all the people all the time." In the past, there were a few misguided advertisers who thought they could sell their wares better by misrepresentation. But those advertisers have long since gone out of business or mended their ways. Hard experience taught that Lincoln was right Untruthful advertising doesn't pay. Other advertisers proved that the only way to advertise successfully, make regular customers and build up public good-will was to tell the absolute truth about their goods. So, you can be sure that every consistently advertised product is good. The advertising test has proved it. The very fact that it is advertised is your best warranty of satisfaction and true quality. The concern that tells you frankly what it is doing is a good concern with which to do business. That is why it pays to read the advertisements, to patronize advertisers, and to buy advertized merchandise. the settlers and laborers are ol ' WILLIAM FOX HFMVnri.ish origin. TOURIST FARES ON RAILWAY BEGINNING Tomorrow Sees Special Rates tc Pacific Coast and Other Holiday Resorts WTNNU'F.O, May I i. Tomor row, May 15, will mark the com ing iii.li elTect of summer totir- fares and tlie opening ofTthe .iasVjI'.ai'kilJlhdge, according' lo an announcement by Canadian National Ilailways passenger of-! ficjals here. The rales, which extend lo September 30, provide for reduced fares to Kocky Mountain resorts, including Jas per and Mount Hohson, the I'aci-' fie Coast, Alaska and Last em, Canada, with increased passenger service on Canadian National lines, to Ihese parts. A. S. McLean, general superintendent Canadian National hotels is at Jasper now for Ihf mflleial opening of pany's Lodge there. It's mighty good business the coni- RADIO LECTURES ON FARM SUBJECTS AT WINNIPEG COLLEGE WINNIPKO. May IL Com-' niencing tonight, the agricultural department of the Canadian National Ilailways in co-operation willi Ihe Manitoba agricultural college will broadcast a scries of educational talks from station CN.lt AV. on farm sub jects lo the fanners of Western Canada. The first of the series will be delivered Ihis evening by W. K. Watson, agricultural agent of Ihe National sysleni'a part of Ihe 1.1 minute agricultural section of Ihe weekly broadcast. This feature will commence at 8.05 weekly. Canadian National Railways . Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 SwafljflfaaPK' w rr a Nir to.nichv GRANT'S "Best Procurable leoi nuuuail (TIIE ORICINAU Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINCST HICHLAND MALT Rotllnl and ilJ by William Cnol Son, Limited O'nfuMick mi4 B.lvmw.Onhv.1 OiMillmu. Dull. lem-4-Cluioo. Scwtluid. A This advertisetuent is not published or displayed hy tho Liquor Coulrol Hoard or hy the Government of British Columbia.