Full of Goodness "SALADA TRY A NIP TONIGHT." BEST PROCURABLE 7 fa)'?. ' nw HUM BOTTU0 4 6UARANTIIBBV PRODUCt Of SCOTUWD Dtttiu.ia.t4 H624 is pure delicious wholesome. AsK your g'rocer for a package. Black. Green or Mixed Blends. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Priiice Rupert Daily News, Limited,. Third' Avenue, H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - '08 . 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Iriday, June 20, 1925. Union Of Railway Complete Or Nothing. . If there is to lie amy union of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways it should lie absolute and complete. One should absolutely absorb tfie other or they should remain independent. To do otherwise i to see one neglected while the oilier is Iniilf up-, and' ours would be Hie one. Prince Rupert people know only too well what happened wiien there was a union of the O.T.P. and the (LX.R. under fhe practical management of the latter before they wer4e united. To have that repealled would pobably wipe Prince Rupert oTf the map or delay her development interminably. Danger Of Immense Political Machine. To have all the railways of the country under one management would tend to plaare an immense power in the hands of one corporation. We are not necessarily objecting to the change but simply pointing Out sarnie of the difficulties. As it is today, the CP.lt. is the must powerful political machine in the country and to double its power would give it such control as to be a danger. That Is. the. view or many thTnk'ng people and is probably a correct view. -r It raiher looks as if the sharhulderi qf the CP.R. were looking for a soft.spot to.land. Tljey.risWiig for a guarantee of dividends which would plaice them in jut unassailable position. What looks' more feasible would' be to sellout the (I.V.R. to a big railway that at present ha no western connections. It would mean an immense lot to this pari of the country. Alberta Looking In Wrong Direction. Alberta has been trying to sell her coal in Ontario and the scheme has fallen through. II is like trying to force water to flow uphill. Where they should look is lo the Pacific, coast. Bunkers should be built at Prince Rupert as recommended by their trade commissioner some- years ago. This is the natural oullet Tor the supply of that commodity. , We are not far away and there is a good grade throughout, ' .- ' ' - Stork Has Idea - To Be Followed. ' y The suggestion made by Fred .Stork that Prince Ruiiert was the best bet he knew or something to that effect is one to be considered seriously. Mrv Stork's politics may not appeal to everyone nui ins advice on a matler or that kind i sound. Another suggestion given by a recent visitor that Canadians would rather wash dishes in the U.S. than live in this wonderful country is worth thinking about. There are six thousand people who think this the besf place in .the'wnrld or they would not be hcref The fare lo VoiieaHiver i only a little, oyer twenty ahdlnrs. . ' .-;!,.'''.' t Summer Wrona Time ,. " '.' ' v- . To Leave'Prince Ruperii ,1 he summer is the wrong time to - leave Prince Rupert.' home day this will be one of the playgrounds of the world where people will come to spend holidays instead of to leave. With our salt water swimming, our natural scenerv. and the wonder fill inland waters, including rivers and lakes and inlets, we have someuiing ncre mat a would be difficpll to dupUcate. All together once more, everybody. 'Let us say n good word for Prime Rupert and let no one get away with Anything but the best jwissilile impression. The Origlnal.Labellook for It at the Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BE8T PROCURABLE." This advertisement is not published1 or displayed by tho Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of . British Columbia - , SUIT AGAINST DAVE HANCOCK IS ADJOURNED Miss Alice Davis Is too Busy to Proceed Now With Action Against Mining Man The $25,000 breach of promise-suit brought iy Miss Alice .M. Iavi, a Vancouver' nurse, against David James Hancock, formerly of Alice Arm, has been adjourned in the Vancouver icouiJs until September 15 be cause the plaintiff is at present engaged In nursing and is loo busy to proceed with the cae. H. O. Oushtnti. formerly a practising lawyer in 'Prince Rupert, has the case for Miss Davis while K. R. Sujrarnian is defend ing. ' I'lainlilT alleges that defendant verbally on October I i, l9tQ-r promised to marry her by June 10, J 02 1, or within a reasonable time thereafter; and she avers he repudiated the agreement on March 2. 1925. In addition to the 25.000 damages. Miss Davis claims 3,iG3 which, it is alleg ed, she advanced from time to time to Hancock. A defense has been filed which denies plaintiff allegations and admits the receipt from her of $350 for investment in mining claims. The money will be paid, it is stated, when the mineral claims have been .sold. PIERS BEFORE ROTARY CLUB Sir Charles Gives Interestlna Address on Transportation , the Mainspring of Civilization That transportation is mainspring of modern civilization was emphasized at the notary luncheon yesterday aifli'r- noon by Sir Charles Piers, Hart.. journalist and soldier of Van coiiver the .world reached its present staige civilization. of block stone. of jsir Charles traced tfie growth of civilization through transpor tation. He told of lh elfeet of Hie old Roman roads and of what happened .-when the barbarians swept in from the north and destroyed communication. The roades were still lo he seen in England and some of them were the foundation of the pre sent fine highways in that country. They were splendidly built The invasion of the Danes practically wiped out the civili zation of that day .and people reverted to the use of pack trains. He showed why the road winded and twisted and kept to the high ground and open country. Tfie influence of transportation on the war was told and Sir Charfes stated that in the Crimean war more flussian soldiers were lost in gettiqjr the men to the scene of operations than In Ih re elfeet of transportation was to enlarge the view and to broaden the iliind. II was a (danger .however to people of a romantic .mind who could not slick to the truth. Telling of the horse age, the! HOTEL ARRIVALS. PflnrA It iin 4 Advertise .n the Dally News t F, V. Iieleourl and F. T.JIogh-i bin, Vancouver; II. fl. Heft, Kd-j son; 0. M. Lourli, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. fieorge T. Huddock,' San .Francisco; A. W. .Davis and flimjly, Smilhers; J. 11. McMullln.! .Victoria; Dr. K. W. Kwart and. ,W. Chapman, Terrace; T. (S. Mc Manamon, Telegraph Point. Central !M. Masline, Decker Lake; Patj Hughes, city. ; The Marvin the Moon j 1 SYSs- I Tli'JR shoOftl have lived here. He could have joined- the anvil (diorus. " . THK ottier day I heard a man say what he'd do if lie were n woman arid yet if lie were he'd paint and powder and pose anil flirt and probably smoke and enjoy the usu of the mirror just as much as any of ihem. LKT us sing a, lullaby As along the heard we He. There; beneath The silvery, mo Why not sit. dml sil and smoii?i WJIAT I tike about Ihis.-eoun-Iry. is that yti'u can eat chicken from your fiijg'ers and old Mrs. firundy was lju'ried years ago. SO M MONK suunests that the new linitcd Uhurrh is a doveroto with n Pigeon as moderator. IP this new trade treaty wilh Australia goes Ihroup'i, we shall probably set "to know the southern continent' as something more thai a place where they produce cricket teams that can beat Hie All-Enpland eleven". KAHI.Y to bed and early to rise And your wife will step out with the live young guys. THE only good thine abont some jazz danres bs the upright piano. IT isn't the 'girl who smiles that counts When everything troes ttToni. Nor is jt the girl who aieets d-feat Sinking a gay little song. The sonjr and lh smile ar wll worth while Provided they're not a bhiff. Hut here's to the jrirl'who can sin; and suiile And never gel in a huff. li the 1 i June 26, 1915. Without transportation, The Uranby smeller at Any. ' St copper has reached, the com I Ten Years Ago j in Pilnce Rupert j a would fievf liavrqis sfeadily operating now. Three furnaces are going and a fourib will be blown in iSy Angu!. There are about 1,000 men m-plo'yed at the smelter and mines. In view of the high price thai pany has taken a step to albnv the men lo share in the nrofi's and a 50c per day advance n wages has been voluntarily given. Major J. H. McMutlin w II start recruiting tomorrow for the third contingent from this dis-Irlct for service overseas. The objective Is 17ft men. between here and Prince fienrge. "ap. Van der4 Hyl will leave for Hie interior to recruit men. 'The real estate men of Prince Hupert have formed a baseball learn to meet the winners in the game between the jirofession il and retail men. The really team which 'Is under Ihfvi inahageme:i! of Mi VP ;Mri:ai!Tejpy, .will he as follows IfciviiJ .fdlay. -pitcher: J. ft) ilifrfj catcher; Peter Mo- Lachlan, first hase; (jenrjre Ar nold, second base; Fred Hut Ion short stop; T. I. Paltullo. third base; (i. It. aden, right field; M. M. Stephens, left field; Samuel Harrison, centre field. rr 'srLisL h step dancing was horseback. This was followed by coaches and post chaises when advertisements said they would arrive at a certain dale "(iod being witling." The .Industrial arse brought forth the .steam engine and the railway and this was followed by the present motor age. Sir Charles Interlarded his address wi li interesting YERY ATTRACTIVE The feature of the entertainment at the Auditorium last night was the step dancing of H. Onudreau, the expert who does some very clever work. He show- Yon are in re to nerd tome handy remedy for Sunburn, Insect Stings, Thorn Scratches, Sore Places. ZaimBuk has been IproTfd to be the best. Take a I box with you. SOc m. mtt Umittt tni Slum. By Special Request! DAY SPUN PONGEE .Specially suilable for chililroii's wear. Iteg. S.V. Dollar D&y, 1 Yards for $1.00 d fifteen different variations of the dance last night and at i said he can do even more I linn that. Owing lo the very warm weather and the auildoor attractions the crowd was nad very large, but it is expcrleil that there will he more out .Saturday evening when he will repeal the performance. ADDITIONTOUST OF HIGH SCHOOL PASSES An addition to the list published yesterday of passes in the Hig'u Schotd follows: Second Commercial Winnie Ilerry and W'ilma Wilson. Grades 9 to 10 Douglas Storker, Harold Mac-donald, Oke .lackson, Ronald Harlb'll, and Aleda Iverson, Ade. lino iMimonl and Sidney Klkins. Mrs. Alex Salnl and child are sailing Intnorrnw night on the' Prince Oeorge for Vancouver where they will en'bark for New Zealand where Mrs, Saint will pay an exlended visit to her oldJ home. By Special Reqn,! SATURDAY DOLLA This populnr even! will be more popularly received oii Hatunlny s v .,, T it lo satisfy the request of many of our mi planners. The values we ofef v , as usual. 300 Yards Printed Silks at $1.00 per yard Over twenty-five shades, patterns and designs in beautiful wash silks for drcu, blouses and kfmonas; values to $1.50 Dollar Day Extra Special, $1.00 FANCY RATINES All mr best Kren h Haline. Crepe Celor, Crepe Cornna. Values up to $l.tr; Dollar Day' Special, SI .00 CREPE MORACAINE Something new in a silk and cotton mixture fur summer fmeks. Hhndes include sky. rimnve, jade. Iiiiriit orange, while, etc'. Ileg. J I .:tr. Dollar Day Special, 1 Yard $1.00 NATURAL PONGEE First (Jualilv Pongee, .frpe'fryjiv, drrfing. fur ondervvear. dresses air children's wear. Meg. 1.5. Dollar Day, 1 Yards, $1.00 PRINTED VOILES A great variety of Potter's and (ration's bet qualities, :tS and 7i inches wide. Iteg. I.0ci per yanl. Dollar Day, 1 "i Yard $1.00 s 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 Hig (aide of filllfll. n: wear Crepes. Itejr. .Mir. Dollar Day, 3 Yards for $1.00 FUJI SPUN SILK 4H yunUjif our iiniii i i-ity .Spun Sflk'trtW bilr-white, cream, fleh anl ?l.nr. Dollar Day, 1 Yard for J1.00 UNDERWEAR FABRICS . ..For iHd difiti Jiiikt- w I Silk TisMie. l.Wpe .U.tla. V K.V. Dollar Day, 2't Yards for $1.00 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH In over twenlj had. v falirlr for tlresse, hp- wewr. Heg. il.MI value. Dollar Day, 1 V Yards for $1.00 GINGHAMS Always popular, a pt ': 'v t '. sland up under serxicc. It- - Dollar Day, 2'i Yards for $1.00 Please alo vmir shopping in the morning ami avoid the Afternoon an : k WEST OF ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. phone 6S7 539 nr. 601 Black 735 DON'T Throw Money Away! When contemplating hoiise or boat rnt"" - til i 1 1 ttniiuL! tiiiii IlltilliiP IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY We ore ngenls for the Pritire Hppert l'r'-' ran apiade you attractive prices am their mw Cedar Timbers and Shiplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. 8pruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shiplap. , .bi Spruce Dimension. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD . M ft -A til Phones no