RANCHER TELLS OF AVALANCHE NO DOMINION ELECTION NOW While Nova Scotia Result Was Provincial it Has Effect on Federal Outlook Special to Daily News! OTTAWA.-.Juno 20.-The gen eral impression here in olllcial circles Is that there will be no Dominion election this year, following the disastrous defeat oT the Armstrong Oovcrniuenl In Nova Scotia. Ministers were not at all surprised at the way. the vote went but refuse to say anything for publication. They say il was a provincial issue , and nothing to do willi Dominion polities, PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF CITY CLOSED TODAY Llttl Formally In Final Dis missal of pupils for Long Holiday The public schools closed this lnorninir and he children now have set uut oil their long holiday of something likii ten weeks There we rn very few formalities in connection wil h llio closing Borne of the rooms li ail litlh concerts, reception, ami In smut cases presentations. Most of the teachers are leav ing the oily for (he. vacation, a good many going to their homes Hi the soul i Ler 1 cleiUed In brought word here lodaygl uiii .Ji'Jj VERY LITTLE HALIBUT Antigoiiisli U,U.IVIIIJ Ull IIIV IIVIIII 7iuv w . 7 , , , i x ..i,i..1. ..r,.;M..,i- 't looks as if (here, would and fell across .he Urosvcnl.o M 'TC JW .,J",",.V,-V: Vulley neat here Tuesday. Huff, who was riding a horse ul the time, had a narrow cs cape The aalanche with a roar bore toward him in the form Ihree Liberals and possibly one Laborile, Archibald 'Ferris, who ran in Cumberland county with the endorsation of the CouseryU lives. of a moving wall of boulders, trees and earth 100 feet high. IU 1 wT I Ml vsirm I If lIM T Many ranch homes uud catllef Hi J Ull V I llll were lost but uu reports or deaths liuve been heanl. It Is feared further damage may be eaUsed when llio huso reservoir formed by the avalanche fills with water' by a river flowing lulu it, as it will form a lake six or seven miles long and a mile wide and a possible depth of 300 feel. THREATENED City Council Hears from wil' Hams, Manson A Gonzales Regarding Women Book Agents Notification being given through Aid. Casey that Wil liams. Manson & Oonzales, act ing on behalf of the Heliiil Mer chants'' Association, intended to secure an injunction and sue enMi member .of the council who voted for the refund and Hie city treasurer if refund was made of license fees of $5(1 each collccled llie magistrate's order recent ly from a group of women book agents, llie city council decide lal night to withhold the mnk In-i of the refund until the mai ler may again be laken up al the next meeting of Ihcouncil. City Solicitor Jones advised the coun nl lo lake this step. At (he council meeting nisi Monday nighl, Hie council on ...,.i,..... vii c ilechleo O maie the refund. IS SOLD HERE luDAi i.'i.i, sales al llie F.xehange ' n i.'.. i ii. .....i n in? were sniaii. rui lowing was the details: American Uranus 13,000 and Tyec 0,500 I., it I. Fisheries at II.HOo ami Ingred II leer 1 1,000 in ii ml 0. Canadian 1 1. OOO and Volun to. Cold Storage D.S.T. lo Alliu Fisheries ul 10.50 and 0.5, Yule 1,000 lo lloyal Fish at 10.20 and 0. Co Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Caslcy re turned to-the city from the south on the Prince Oeorgo this morn CENTRAL HOTEL Water Wore Serious" Factor Than Flames Which Broke Out In Roof This Morning j Due more to water than fire, roushlerable damage was done lu 4. Hie southeast corner of llie Ccih (ral Hotel this morning when fire broke out in the roof and, fanned by strong wind, had; 4, made, tome headway before it was liscovercd. I lie cause 01 Hie flame's had not been definilely , ascertained tli'is jnorning. Iliei alarm being turned in at 0.15 by I. Slhile SI evens, who from his.j. orriee across the street, notlceii; moke Issuing from the roof. By the lime the Jiie department ar-llved llie flames bad laken some hold .and tt was necessary to siring' two hose lilies through the three storeys or Hie building lo the roof. Part of Hie cornice and roof was burned but water going down into the rooms caused more damage lo the in lerior of llie buildings ami its furnishing. Pete. Black ,lr.'s radio Outfit also came in for nine damage. So pleased were Mr.' and Mrs. Black with the work of tin lire leparlnienL that, soon after the blaze , had been extinguished, they sent a check for $50 to the llul '.(0 be split up among llie firemen. The department was also .given able assistance by rltlzens who-happened to be on luuiil.i 'AaverlWe In the Dally News SENATE QUASHES B.C. LIQUOR BILL OITAWA, June 20-A six iiioiilns hoist was given in I he Senate to the bill amending- llie Canada Temperance Act lo prohibit Hie importation or liquor by private persons in territory where there is Ooverninenl sale. The Bill has intended to benefit Briltsh noon, is rcnorled 011 lime. I i The mail passenger (rain, due from the easl at 3.30 this after Sbtaff TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and V Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid danci.ig floor for hire." Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. For rates, apply to Boston and 6th 8U PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. WATT VIDECK, Prop. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XV., NO, 11!), PltlXCK Hl'PKKT, BU. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1U25. YtiUrdty'a Circulation 1611 trttt Sl 429. PRICE FIVE GENTS. VANCOUVER LIQ. VENDOR WINS LIBEL SUIT NOVA SCOTIA STRONGLY CONSERVATIVE WIPING OUT LIBERAL AND LABOR Liberals and Laborites go down to defeat when Conservatives win N.S. Only One Minister is Elected and Combined Opposition of Four out of Forty-Three HALIFAX, Juno 20. Premier Armstrong's Liberal government wenl down to overwhelming defeat in the general elections throughout Nova Seulia yesterday. Farly last iiiglil indications were that (lie Conservatives under Hon., K. X. Rhodes are returned with a majority of anywhere from UU to 'i0 in u house of Ml members. Premier ArmstroiiK was, bealeu in his own riding of Shel- burnt. i HALIFAX, June 20 (nooiu. Nova Scotia found itself this , morning in the hands of a Con-I .vrvalivc administration fur the first time, in 13 years. The latest returns show the Liberals with only three sure seals in an Immense Lake Formed by Filling! assembly of (3. of Valley With Earth and j Ki?hl Labor rahdldales, it is 1 'estimated, are believed to have Rock , host their deposit, lion. Wm. lu'knv iiw,n.9 .in.... IChishplm. minisler of w,.rks and ,; ' uT.rr ' ,,!,..,.! mines. Is the oi.lf cabii.el minis .So tins is Canada and that's Quebec,1" lisp these I i 111 c immigrant tols as they catch their first glimpse of a new world by lauding at an old-world city. Ladies Home Journal Publishers are Sued for Libel and have to , Say $60OHo Vancouver Man Said Small Children Purchased Liquor at fiR FNTA I C ffT . Government btore and 225 Bootleggers in City VAX0OUVK11, June 20. A. C. Dixon, government liquor vendor, was awarded 0,l00 damages by a jury in the Supreme louil in an action against llie Curtis Publishing Co. and A. B. Macdpmild of Kansas City. Dixon libel acliuu was based on a story written by .Mac- donalil mid published in the Ladies' Home Journal for June, 1U2. lo llie effect thai Macdonald had seen children, who were so small that they were forced lo stand on tiptoe to reach the lop of the counter, being served Willi liquor in (be Hustings FIRE DAMAGES - Nrect siore. I In addition Macjlouald credited Vancouver with having. 225 boot-jlegginig establishment -in. which thousands of people were drunk during Hie night -of Jiis investi- alloh in December, 1023. RIGHT TO VOTE Thoso Who Served in War Canadian Army Are in OTTAWA, June 20. s An .attempt in Hie House of Commons last nifibl by the British Columbia members lo exclude Orientals who served, in the Canadian Army from, exercising the right lo vote failed w-Iic.ii an amendment to Hie FederabF.lections Act, whicli would have had that effect, was defeated by a vole of Ul (0. 18. A. W. Neill or Comox-Alberni, who moved Hie amendment, ile clared he would appeal lo the Senate, which was supposed to safeguard the rights of minor! lies. FIREWIPES OUT VILLAGE Catholic Church and Twenty Throe Houses Taken When Clayoquot Destroyed VICTOIIIA, June 20 Tweniy- tlircc houses and Hie Catholic Church oT the Indian village u Clayouuol on the wcl coast of Vancouver Island have been do stroyed by rice, according lo word received here. So far as is known 110 lives were lost. Heat Wave Struck Southern B.C. Victoria showing 95 Degrees, New VAXCOl.VKH, June 20,The heat wave that for llie pas day or two has been hovering over Die Pacific coast stale's ex tended to British Columbia yesterday when record June temper alures were registered in many tdaces. In Vancouver the lliermoiryier mounted to U2.t, within a fraction of llio highest temperature ever recorded here. In 4ew Westminster Hie record showed M, the wuinies in 2o years. 3 . ..Victoria went higher -Ihan any, the Iherniometer sh6y!ng po, Ibe htghe-il yjlho ot years thalhe records" huvc be,en kjipl Wong Foon Sing Abduction Case Commences and Papers Produced After Chinaman Had Told Story !'COLrVKIt, June 20. Wong Foon Sing's sworn testimony on the kidnapping on .March 20 and the' incidents which followed for It days before he was released were reluleU in the Point Orey police court yesterday at the hearing or toil of llie people, accused of being implicated in' his "illegal deteiitioi." The Chinaman's, story differed little from the previous stories published and he insisted that be had been hanged until he lost consciousness. His examination aiid cross-examination were finished unit the afternoon session was taken up with Hie pioducloii' of the contents of Ihq " vault or the Canadian Detective SpiIF A TDU EIDC Agency seized by the Provincial J,jf 1 1 f O, II. V. Itohiusoii and his sou VAfre released on .bail. Josenli Oliver, counsel for Hobiuson, protested .thai the! - business card of M. li. Jackson,; Several Lose Lives Probably In K.C.. snceial invesligalor of lliei Blaie But Number Not Yet Janet Smith murder, which was supposed lo have been , found ill llobinson's papers seized was not1 produced. ' Inspector Forbes Cruikshank, provincial police ofHcer who seized llie papers, i denied that such a card was found. A long list of papers and doc uiuenls were produced mud hearing was adjourned unlit llif aflqiuouiu ,-. !.30 KIWANIS CONVENTION GOES TO MONTREAL Famous Canadian National Railway's Pipe Band Took Part In Demonstration ST. PAUL. Minn., June 2(5. - Immediately following a tableau typical of Hie arrival of Champ- lain in Montreal followed by an official .invitation, extended by Henry J.Fllcot of Montreal, Hie 5,000 Kiwanians assembled in this city today voted unanimously lo hold 1020 convenlion in M011 treat next June. The vote tor the convention followed a demonstration by the Montreal delegation in which llio famous pipe band of tue Caua dian National ltuilway "shops al Transcona, Manitoba;.' partici pated. Tie pipe band also loipY part in the invitation at the convention hall following the tab leau Willi , music nnd fancy marching and supporting the actors and the speaker as well as displaying the huge Hag presented to he winning conven tion city. The band was loaned by the O.N.H. FRED MIGGINS WAS IN AN AUTO SMASH t Fred Miggins, Aldergrove. was arrested on a charge of driving lo the common danger, and his wife, Josfc Miggins, 011 a charge of being Intoxicated, after an au tomobile driven by Miggins, crashed into and demolished a lire hydrant al Powell Street-anil Campbell avenue. The breaking of the hydrant caused a iiiluia- Westminster 94 and Vancouver 92 FIRE GUTTED SHOP CITY OF VICTORIA A is 1 01 Known KANSAS CITY, June 16. Probably 35 people were killed and scores injured wien an explosion followed by fire destroyed the Burlesque Theatre here last night whilejan audience of about 100 Was viewing mo- llieijlion pictures. olunteer corps ot firemen M)ay-iliggliig i'ti-'mutiithf-debris debris flir for bodies b'odie? biit but 'Hie llie iiug number of known dead is still uncertain. The explosion in the theatre, which was on the second storey of an ancient five-storey build ing, came al eleven o'clock arid was followed immediately by an outburst of flames and the col lapse of the floor and balcony of Hie auditorium. 1 Most of Hie members of llio; Burlesiiue company were in a nearby restaurant at Hie Later News Better time. B Superintendent of Provincial Police Arrives from Interior and Will co South Tomorrow x iv...s uj 11, June (noon a Only one death, that of a Tire-" man killed en route to the fire a at the Ciilis Theatre last nighty is definitely known this morning a and it is believed that not more J than six or eight bodies will bo found in the debris. COL. McMULLIN VISITING CITY' In llie course of a lour of the district on antolliciul Inspection I rip, J. II. McMullin, superiu lemleiit of provincial' police and former government ageiu nero, arrived In the eily froui llie In lerior lust night and vjll proceed south on the Priuces's' Beatrice tomorrow. Mr. McMulliu'has been visiting Kamloops, ' yu'esnel, Prineo Ceorge and Snillliers. He lino no utile jal announcements lo make Ibis morning other thaii Hint il was expected to get the and lim lure flood and workmen Don. Ilia ' uisirict provincial waterworks department had tt lm Hce force Into their new uncalled out lo repair the ilmimtrioto"" ' Vcfy "w f"tur"' Vancouver Province. I . .. Z VICTOIIIA, June 20. A Hie liefV gutted Hie premises of llie Slaptes & Carter Kleclrio Company doing damage to the exlent of about 20,000. Mrs, I.. P. Kenny and family are sailing., tomorrow night on Hie Prince. George for Victoria. KILLED BY AUTOS CITY OF VANCOUVER VANCOUVKIl. June 20 -Phyllis Martindale, 15 years' ofN age, was killed on Kiugsway last evening when struck by an aulo. This morning, on the same highway, Lawrence Couseneau was killed ami his father and brother injured when the cur tjiey were driving u'wo(k was sttuck.hy a fire truck.