Silverware A large slock to choose from. Our prices arc standard areordinsr to quality as sold nil over Canada. Rogers' Community Plate all at SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Hi is week. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guar anleed. Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of the North Jam Special For This Week Strawberry Jam, i lb. glass $1.00 Strawberry Jam, i lb. tin : 90c Itaspherry Jam, i l. tin 90c Hlack Currant, 1 lb. tin 90c Loganberry Jam, i lb. tin 85c Hlaekberry Jam. i lb. tin 85c Illack Currant Jam, S lb. tin 75o Mums. (ireengage and (iooscberry 75c Marmalade. 4 lb. tin .. 75c Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. 18 and 84 Now obtainable In Prince Rupert. Suprema Canada's Favorite Furniture Polish. At all good stores in small or large bottles. Also "SUPREMA" Mop Oil and the famous "Eureka Bleach." Look for the Rooster Label. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar S6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Hclgcrson Block, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 'J to C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings AUDITORIUM Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25t Wednesday Evening, song by Gillis Couture. Thursday livening, Step Dancing by II. Goudreau Friday livening, song by li. Sabourin Free Admission STRAWBERRIES FOR CANNING Peak of Terrace Supply July 8 to 16 Local Cherries also Coming Terrace strawberries will lie arriving here freely from this dale on and the peak of the sen- I son should be about July 8 to 15 J Housewives should keen tliesi; dates open for preserving straw berries as this variety of fruit will be high this ;ear. Openin prices on slrawberry jam are from 15 to L'5 per cent higher than last year and dealers arc compelled to buy 80 per cent of other varieties to secure 20 per cent delivery of strawberries. , Preserving cherries from Terrace and other interior points will be more plentiful thi, year and it is anticipated that sulll- cient supplies will be available to take care of' all demands locally. Price will be reasonable and quality superior to cherries shipped from the soulh. The recent heat wave in the East lias atTecled the price of all citrus fruits from California. A tremendous demand sprang up without warning and prices soared tid. almost the same as LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT District of Caslar,. Stlkine Division. TAKE .NOTICE that I. Walter Julian Upturned Soldier), of Telegraph Creek. B.C.. occupation Miner. Intends to anpt.v for neimljslon to purchase ttie follow ink- described lands: Commencing it a post planted auoiit one mile east f McLeod Slouiru near the sttklne Klver and about Si mllea oulhwel of Telegraph Creek; thence north 80 mains; thence eaM 4U chain."; thence south 80 chains; thence west 4U '.hams to polul or uoinmencement and containing 32U acres, more or less. IUU.U, Applicant. A urll in. IB ii LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply' to Ltai Land In Skeena ItatiTP S Land District. Prince ItuiK-rt. B.C.. and situate I uo yards north of Winter Harbor, I'eari-e Island. B.C. take .notice that the Canadian Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, ll.C. oceupa- lion, salmon catiners, intends to appiy for permission to lease the following; described lands: Commeiictiiir at a post planted at hla-h water mark 10 feet rrotn rock on hore Hue; thence east one chain; thence north one hundred and twenty chains; theme west to shore line one chain; thence In a southerly direction following the fhoic line to point or commencement, and containing twelve acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN HSIII.NO CO. LTD. Dated 30th May, ma. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon U Apply to Liaa Land In Skertu nature 5 Land District, Ite-eordina; District I'rlnce ltiiert, and situate Minlliwi-st point of Wale Island, TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian F!h-Iiik Co. Lid., .of Vancouver, K.C., occupation. SaldKin Canners, Intends to app'y fur permissifHi to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a put planted at high water mark ini suuthwesl ilnt on Wales Island, ll.C.;' thence north one chain: thence east ten chains; thence soulh on"' chain to shore line; thence west along shore line to point or roinniencemen, and containing one acre, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. ' Dated tsu May, mi. LAND' ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Least Land In Skeena Mange S Mud ItUtr'ct, He-cording- District I'rlnce llupert, B.C.. anJ situate V, mile nnrih of Wales Island Cannery, on Wales Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian fish ing Co. Ltd, or Vancouver, B.C., occupa tion, saimon canners, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands; Commencing al post planted at high water mark, near point ", mile north from Cannery on Wales Island! thence nonn one rna'iij inence we ten chains ihenre soulh t 'shore line one chain thence east following lite lKir line to inini i corumencemeni, ana containing one acre, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. LTD. Dated JOlh May, 185. LAND ACT. v Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to, Purchas Lana m w In Skeena Ilatire S Land llecordiug' Dis trict or I'riiice Huperl, B.C and sltuatf Haystack Island, south ?r Wales Island, n.i:. TAKE .NOTICE that the Canad an Fish ing ti. Ltd.. or Vancouver.. B.C.. occupa tion, salmon canners. intends -to apply for permission to purchase the- following described lands: (juiHiK'iiciur at a Host- Planted al high water mark on west shore or Haystack isiano: inence tiociii seven cnains: llience east seven chatty; thence south seven chains; thence west seven chains. ana coniaiwnr rive acres, inure or les THE CAN MHAN FISII1.NQ CO. LTD. Dated Kind May, 18iS. LAND ACT. Notlco of InUntlon to Apply to Leas Land In Casslar line! District, llecordlng District I'rlnce ltitert. H.C and situate north or iinirnsn nay. I'ortland Canal. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish-Ing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver. B.C., orcupa-l lloit, Saliisin Canner. Intends to apply rnr.iMMinlsslon to lease the following described lands: Commencing at pot planted at high waier mark, loo yards south or Indian sinoae nouses; tnenre northeast one chain: thenre southeast one hundred and twenty chains; thence southwest to shore ltn one chain: thence northwest following the shore line to tMilnt of commencement, one hundred and twenty chains, and containing twelve acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN" FJSIUNO CO. LTD. iMteq auin may, isss, DON'T MISS BENT'S Dollar Sale It will save you money market. hiwlng described lands: 00 i rirr w Bef Jim to ioo&- they went during the influenzit Jack epidemic. New Potatoes Xew potatoes will dominate the market from this on. The old market is nearly cleaned up and the last supplies this season are due from Sniitlicrs at, the end of this week. The price will be $i.00 per sack. New vegetables ami fruits are now featuring the The buller market declined one cent a pound about leu days ago but has since advanced two cents which will tako effect on hipmeuls arriving here Monday. Considering that the retail prjee, Commrnclng al a post plained appro Imately three mllea north from the mouth or Winter Harbor, I'earse Island: thenre northwest two (ti chains, more or less, to low walet mark; thenre northeast along low water mark one nunnreu ana sixty 1 60) chains; thenre southeast two (1) chains: thenre southwest one hundred and sltly (ICOt chains, more or less, to point nf commencement and containing thirty-two 3 acres, more or ess. ;ames stiiano. Name or Aopllcanl Dated May Hill. Hit. LAND ACT. Notlco of InUntlon to Apply to Laaso Lands. In the Land llecordlng District of I'rlnce Itupert, and situate on the north- . . 1 1 u . . . 1 . I . . ... u I- ......... Iiuaielv three mllea north from the mouth sir Winter Harbor. . Take Notice that Frltzell's Limited or I'rlnce llupert H.C, occupation packers. Intend to apply for a lease or the following described lands: Commencing at i post blamed approximately three miles north from the mouth or Winter Harbor, I'earse Island; thenr northwest two 2 chains, more or less, to low water mark; thenre southwest along low water mark one hundred and sixty (ISO) chains; thence southeast two (1 chains; thence northeast one hundred and sixty (ISO) chains, more or less, to H)lnt or commencement and containing thirty-two OS) acres, more or less. FIIIZZEI.IS LIMITED. .Name of pplirant. nl-d May lth. mtli LAND ACT. Notlca of InUntlon to Apply to Ltaao .ana TEE DAILT H1W8 give Emulates J u add of No. I butler is 55c and (0c New Carrots, I lbs. ,r. . in the Slates, Canadian butter is-Yakima Huteliairas, I lbs hardly be any lower for somcjCabbaae, local ll.C, lb time to come. The et." market is advancing steadily. Present prices on H.C. e?g are low and isit kicthyllta csgs are low and it is likely' that ulure relail prices will be high er. There has been no change during I lie past fortnight in the! flour and sugar market. Retail prices prevailing here today- are as follows; Butter lirookfield, Shamrock and Woodland, lb 45c 11. C. D 1 5c Vaiiderlioof 45o Lard Pure 28c Compound ...... .: 25c Cheese v Alberta solids. 30c Ontario solids 35c t'tillon, lb 35c and lou Kraft I 45c Norwegian Goal COc Vnpoleon l.imberger 70o Iloueforl 75c Kdaui, lb 5nc Swifts' llullcrcup, lb 45c Oorgunzola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream, jars 15c & 85c KOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RESERVE NOTICE IS IIEIIEHV GIVEN that III' reserve riiering certain lands near tin. junction f Ocslall and skeeua Hive t designated Lot H, ltange i. Coast District, la- cancelled. r.EO. n. NADE.N. Deputy Minister or Lands. Department or IjihIi, . Victoria, B.C., May th. till. LAND ACT. Notlc of InUntlon to Apply to Ltasa Landa. Ir. the Land llecoidlng District or I'rlnce Itupert, and situate on the northwest coast or I'earse Island, B.C- approximately three miles north from the mouth r Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that J. Fielding Strang or Sunnyslde, B.C.. occupation canneryman,. intend to apply tor a lease oi ine 101 Head Lclluce (arlic, Jmported, per lb. Cherries, lb. ., Currants Prunes Apples , Peaches, peeled . Apricots, lb. ... Apricots, unpilled v; 2SC OUc Eggs Alberta fresh seconds ..... 35c H.C. Fresh Firsts 5c H. C. Fresh Extras 50e I. ocjII Pullets ... ... 50c Local New Laid ... .... . s Vegetablif, -Parsley, bunch .s 5c Mint, bunch Hc Walercress, bunel ... 10c Oreen Onions, 3 bunches .. 10c Local IladUlies, bunch 5c New Pol aloes, lb 5c New Potatoes, sack $3.50 Potatoes, Smllhers J no's , il.00 California Onions, 'J lbs. New Hefts, 3 Jlis .'C :: 25e 25c lower than elsewhere and williCauliflower. H. ('... Jiead, 35c-loc 'lOc 00c B.C. Hothouse Toinaloes, lb. '35r Fresh .Spinach, 3 lbs. . Fresh Ithtibarb, I lbs. . .25c , . 25c Cucumbers, each ..Oc aiid 25c Creeii Peas. lb. Leeks, bunch ... . Fruit , .O5o 10c illc Apples, W'iuesa'ps ... .... ijsi.75 Oraniges, Stinkist, doz. 35c In l Lemons, .Siinkisl, do.. ..; ... 50c Hanaitas, lb . . . . . . 15c 5rapefruit, Florida 20o California grapefruit. .. ..vlO0j Comb Honey 40c Kxtracled Honey, lb. 25o t 35c Strawberries, basket 2o, A. 25c' Cantaloupes j. ,.'v20c-and 25r, Peaches, doz. , .. . ..5llo& Otic Plums, b. ... . ... . .... 25c Water Melon lb. . . 10c Wl,I2& Dried Fruits . Dates, bulk, 3 lbs. ... 40c Dales, Furd .J. ... 40c Dales, Dromedary ... . ... ,.25e Glaeed Cherries, lb 75o Itaisins, bulk, 2 lbs. ... ... 25c llaisins, package, lb ; . 20o Spanish filuijler llaisins, 45c Sunmaid Clusler Italsjins,,' lb. 25c Lemon and Orange Peel. .... 35c Citron Peel ... . i . ... . . 50c v Hlack Conking Figs" 25o and 30o While Figs, 2 lb. for ... ... 35c . . . . . 12 Mr. 20C-25C . . 25c 25c- 30' 20c Nuts Pecans ,. 45c Almonds 25c Almonds, shelled Valciiclas.. QOcf Almonds, shelled Jordan. . 81.00 niSizils and filberts 25c Walnuts. California No. i.. 50c Walnuts, Manchuriau . .. '.. 25c Walnuts, broken shelled ...j50r Walnuts, shelled halves ...,Tf5c Chestnuts, lb. Peanuts, roasted , . . firound Almonds Almond l'astc . . . Sugar While, per 100 ... .40c 20r 75c . .. $7.05 Yellow, per 100 ... ... ... 7.15 Flour Flour, io's, No. 1 hard, wheal. : ... ..t 3!0 l'aslry Flour, lo's (55c l'aslry Flour, iJ ... ... 3.10 Fish While Spring Salmon . . . .. Ufa lied Spring Salmon .. .... 20c Halibut, b. ... .. .. 10clo 25c Smoked K tppcrs, lb. ... . . . . . 15c Kippcreo Salmon. Hi 25c Smoked Black Cod, lb 20t Finnah Huddles, lb. ... .... 25c Salt Mackerel, lb ... 25'. Kaslern Salt llcfrinfe, 2 for .. 25c Salt Codfish Fillets, lb. . . . . 3Cc lloneless Salt Cod bricks, 10. 256 Holland llp.rrinrjs. per kosr 51.05 MeaU Fowl, No 1, lb.. 35c Itoasliiig Cliickon, lb. iOo and 45c nam, first use sliced, grade . . . Ham, whole, first, grade ' ' i- 15c In Skt-cfu l aiirl DUlrlct. Itmirdlnr.Ola. It,,,.,,,, I,11(i.- K ti.,l i' - rine ol Slltui., trtrt of ITInee llnwrt and altuatn al I'ort Kdward, ii.c, Haeon, side . . ; ,, . . 15c lo 55c TAKE NOTICE that the SkeHia lllvpr rarkiiir arktn Company. IJnilted. 'of Port td- tslill'C Haeon,- 10. .., 10 C ward ard, B.C., fM'i'iipatlon Klsh Packera, In Venl Hl """"li tiler r " '0p 'al' -f nda ilia to annlv Mr fwrrntulnn tn l r AJ If ...ii......." .."j " Bit ili. Uir followlnir df-M-rlbrd land: eal, loin Cniiiiiipiicinir at a pout planted at th"vi i,; aoiithwett corner or (jit 4474 fl.V. nail '. leg'- pinrici; tnenri. mniuicriy airinR- low water mark, oo ft.-, tlifnre loiithuralerly. parallrl to tlie loutlirrly lioiiml.iry or lit 4176, 15D rt.; jiirnri northerly parallel to water mark, hob feet; ttienee norlli-eaclerly along- th aonllierlv boundiiry of l.ot 4 476 produred, I (0 Teet to the point of commencement, containing half an acre, more or ie. SktF.NA PACKINO COM HAM V, I.TP. . Appllcaal Dated May lit. 1JJ. .. .... u.... onj 2.HC Pork, shoulder . 28o Pork, loin 40o Pork. Ie 3ftc Heef, pot roaslV, ... 15c lo 20c Heef, boilini ... ... 12Vi lo 15c Heef, sleak. 30c (o 45c Heef, roast prime rib 30c Lamb, chops . . 500 MISS DONALDSON'S CLOSING EXERCISES Delightful Recital In this Division at Booth Memorial School Yesterday CltJsfng exercises, which were attended by some 35 or so parents of the children, marked the dismissal of Miss Agues Donaldson's th'vision. t the lloolh Memorial School ycslerday after-i noon.' Little MiV Lorna Clarkei presided in an able' manner merj a very creuuauii' reeuai. ice cream nifd refreshments were also served to lite guests by the children. Tho prountm included the singing of "The Maplt Leaf Forever" by all the children; rrcila-lion by Catherine Mc.Mrckin; song by four girls and one boy; story by Margaret MrLeud; reci tation by Healrice Denier; Mother (ioose" song by all the children; playlel. "Country Mouse and City Mouse;" recita tion, Maric Hansen; song, "Loch Lomond" by all the children. Hulls of honor 'or the division were pr'enieii ny rrineipai llar'tnes.- as follows: proficiency, Dorothy (irimble; deporlneut, Henry LimUelh; (niueltiulily ami regularity. Vera Cook. - PENSION BOARD HERE A. It. Thomson, J. Itrown ami V. Illoiini, menibers of the Pension Hoard, arrived from Van couver 'on the Prince ticorge lliis uioriiing. Here on olllcial ijuliee. they are resisleretl at the Prince llupert Hotel. Advertise in Ilia Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 High Low Friday, June 26 High 1:11 () a.m. IH.I 17:11 ji.iii. 17.1 Low 10:5;' a.m. TIMBER SALE X6464 ft 23:U P.m. 8.C " Saturday, June 27 High M.iii. 17.0 ft. 1H:0(? tun. 10. " Low II:3'J a.m. 5.t " Tuesday, June 30. High ...... HMO a.m. 15.1 ft .0:5i p.m. 7.H " Low 2:1 1 a.m. 7.8 " 1 i : 1 4 uU "' " High Low Wednesday, July 'J:iH 15.5 ft. 21: 13 p.m. IH.H " 3:23 a. in. C.7 " , 15.10 p.m. 7.2 " Thursday, July 2 10:32 a.m. IC.l 22:32 p.m. lt.H 1:211 a.m. 5.2 Iti lU pin. 7.1 m ft. Sealeil Tenders will be reeeiv-vel by the Minister or Latnls, nt Victoria, pot later llian noon on the nint-lli mihi day or July 1025, fdr the purrliaso of Licence XfilOl, to col 50,000 feel of Spruqe, itml 32,000 jHck-plne ties tni an, area nitualed on south slioro- "of Fruncols Lake, vopposila',. Collymount, llangn I, tToasl District. Thro (3V yea",will bo allow-cil for removal pf timber. . Furlher partleuliirs of the Chief Forester, Victoria, H.C, or District Fureelcr,' ut I'rlnce Hu oerl. H.C. Watch notice. (DIVIMION AND USD . 4 '. -. TAkK MiTlCK that William Moriau. Iium addreM U IK-ajxirl. U.i; will applj for a licence lo take and uat- 1.0UO iral lima dally of water mil or Spring on weal aide or Uxkeoort, U-UJ., I'.t.. wlilcli flowi Mjiiilii-rly and drain Inio went arm. "LoiiiTrllowr" Mineral r.lalni. duly crown drained .Vo, 3i3 O.CJ. The water win lie inverted from me aiream at m ..1... ltt.. -. . I , ...1,1 ful linn. mull., .iiiiii, ,f-, C i nun w-eiri narixir, anu win im-i lined for doiueatlc cannery pjriH.xe uMin' ine itonieniic tannery at ixneMiri, v.i.j. Ihla notice uii Miimi mi tin- 1 x tit day of May. iVii. A ropy Of llila notice and an. application pursuant I here to and to the "Water Act, 101 1," will I filed In Ihc orrice or the Waler lleeorde.r a Prince MniKirt, D.i;. iilijei-iluin in the appllca- iinu may lie rued wiiii ine mio water llecordcr or with the iJomptrolter of Water lllkhta, Parllamcni liwil(lliir. Vic- l.iela l i: u'ltliln llilrltriliva aflMf. ! 'rt apea,rince or ihla notice In a local new iIut, i lie naie ot ine tirai iitinu cation or Ihla notice l May sr. Hi. loS. WILLI M VOIK1AM. Applicant. LAND ACT. Notlca f Intantlen to Apply to Laaa Landa. In l ho I .and IteconHiia; lililiiit of I'rlnce liiiiwrt. and alliiale on the north weat coaat or pearae Uland. ll.C. anoroi- mately al mllea. north rroin the mouth of winter Harbor. Take .Notice that Uokim-Mlllerd Limited of., Vancouver, 'H.ij.. .prciipatlon packera, inn-lint io .apply ror a icaaa or Hit roi lowing deacrlhed landit Coiiiinenclnif al a imt nlanled annroi Imaieiy M mllea nor Hi frrom Ihe mmiih ui winier narnor, rears laiandi thence nii.lllU.,1 Inn I al . k 1. 1 n . ... . . r J.a In low water mark) thence tiortheaai alonr low water mark one hundred and Uty M6(i) chalnar thenre inutheam two (j chain: thenre oulhweat one hundred and amy (140) chnlns more or iea, 10 iHiini or commencement and con-laMiing thirty-iw'o gctei, more or icaa. , , - OOSSE-MlLLEflD LIMITED. . ,Nm.Pf Applicant. . P4iru Mt 1IU, 19, , A Lesson. in Success Teach your children to save. Open a Union Bank Savings Account for each of them. Let them be friends with the Bank Teller and take their own de posits to him. sit Th mii'hI toad lo suoccst is Iht atn'njs hmbil ifiUOQODO '7 UNION BANK. OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - H. H. Little, Manage WESTHOLME THEATRE IUMIGHT, 8.15 P.M. The University of California Glee Club Will Present an Almost Entirely New Program New Songs, Choruses and Specialties 20 TALENTED ARTISTS 20 TALENTED ARTISTS (iuiicml Admission .no. Ileerveti Se.,i- ., id Slore 25r extra FOR SALE Halibut Gear MMMTmimgfinmBaffTii' i riirri'naTTiTiii'nrni' $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian psh & Gold Storage (X IM PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THIS is a SHOE SALE WE'LL SAY NO MORE, THE VALUES WILL SPEAK j FOR THEMSELVES Children's Hrown ami Hlack lloliber N.l. (v l.8fi. Sale , 505 IlliililrenS Hrowii ami Mark Itiliiuiiig Sli'ic-. q' sises froin r (o 10 Mi. reg. $I.:I5. S.i. 8M Youths' mid .Misses' llruwfi atiil Hlaek " sizes 1 1 -1 ,'!, reg. SI.W. Sale . . Hoys Hlat k uud llrown Oxfords, sizes I ". re? n-' saic Hoys Illiick iiikI Hrown lliuiniiig Shoes, -u - i $U i.r.. Sale Hoys' ami Youths' While Hunnhig n.! l.c jf sixes 11-5, reg. $1.85. Sale !. Men's Oxfortls, Uruwn, Hlark ml While. -cf - 5 Sole ',. Men's Itomiiiig Shoes, Hrown, Murk nud Wh-l" ' 1oVer Cent Dltcount'on all Crepe Sole Running Shoes ' and Oxfords ....lit Children's Hrown anil P.ileiim.eatner hihi.'. - $l 50 5-1', reg. ?S.a3. Sale ; m Ladies' Leiilhcr'Saiulals, Hrown, tin?), nun - J265 reg. !?:i.l'5. halo , Ladies' While Hiick. One Strap Slippers and Jj7 1(1.75 anil $5.25. Sale iU Ladies' While Canvas Slippers, Iritntneii w Hrown l.eallier, reg. nun- FREE m Urtt8 Hose, For Ladle-One Pair of Monarch Silk of a pa with purchase valuo $1.25, any of Shoes to the value of $5.00. on For Men-Two Pairs of Working Socks or Pair of Fine Cashmere Socks w It JJJ purchase of Shoes to the value of $4.7 For Children-One Pair of Socks w th any pu chase of Shoes of the value of $z.- - rf? Illl V BALLOONS FOR Tilt "7,--- .vi,, an ilislr.lMile.l I'r.'e lo a I ' L" will he ,, purchase or shoes over WU. Hr.og wie v- e30, Th. fii will ronilnue till 10 p.m. Tuesday nigm. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd and 71"