Hy page rous 1 i i SATURDAY'S TAG BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus -r i rr n rr rr. : tt GREAT SUCCESS REM3 T -A,CCIE WHERE. WHAT KAvTTf B, AlKfifWXrjiH ARC YOO ANO IM "3 I kva JQri3? 1 WITH HE COINC. TO OT K-K) UOf TY . H I ' m Children's Ward Fund Swelled DOC y v- by $500 as Result of T Ladies' Auxiliary Hie children s want campaign was gien a great boost as a re suit of the. las clay held on Sal-unlay liy llif Ladies' Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The splendid efforts of the Initios and their assistant were rewarded with a fine response andtlljp sum of $503.70 was realized. This is clear of expenses which amounted to ' 611.10. A little, girl named Ruth Lane, who had saved a $1.0Qin nickels and dimes, came into (he hut; and cnmlled her purse as her donation to the fund. In the boxes were found checks as follows: Dr. G. A. Fg-gerl, $25; A. G. Clothier, $20: Sid Thomson $5; Frank J)ihl $10.00. A hahy doll, which wis donated hy Mrs. Hildilch, will he raffled hy the Auxiliary for the fund. The pins and tape for I he tajf- ging were donated hy Jahour Hros. Afternoon tea was served to 'the laggers. This was in charge nf Mrs. Fred 1'yle. Further assistants at lagging were .Miss Annie Fcoeh, .Miss .lean Smith, .Miss Irene Mitchell, ..Miss Hilda .Murray, Miss llisae 'llirann, Miss Jessie Ierry, Miss 'Kanaka Yainanacka, Miss Nclda Hildilch, Miss .Lois Mellae, Miss Carleen Candow, Miss Daniella Christiansen, Miss IMna Unger, .Miss Yerna Hrochu, Miss Fdilh Thompson, Miss Alberta Rjch-nionjl, Miss Louise Zarelli, Miss Friny Zarelli, Miss Joean West, Miss Hrenda Allen, Miss Joyce Cnllisnn, Miss Stella N'ickerson Mrs. A. 1). Plant, Miss Fileen Oreen, Miss Lorraine Grant, and k Miss H. Anderson. TORONTO MINISTERS HEARD LAST EVENING Rev. Dr. S. W. Fallls and Rev , S. W. Dean Preached at Methodist Church Mothers' Day M rubers'1 Day was observed in I lie flllinsly Methodist. Ghurch yeslerday. In Hip morning (be Canadian f!irls in Train ins look charge of the special Mothers' Service Miss Isabel Haddock conducted the service, .(unl special addresses were givert by Miss" li. M. Karl and Mrs. A. I). Planl. The musical part of I he program was" rendered by the the supervision of A ler, choir leader. BATTALION ORDERS Lieut. -Colonel J. W. Nicholls, Offjcer Commanding, 1st Hn. North H.G. Itegl. (102nd Hn. C.K.F.) Sigalling -Section parade, for instruction under Lieut. Harns-ley Wednesday evening a I. H p.m. Hand practice under Hand-master Wilson, Monday and ,'i'hurstlay evenings at 8 p.m. proimptr Ilecruils for the band may be" signed on Thursday evenliiig. There, Js a vacancy for one N.C.6. to attend School of Instruction in Winnipeg for course iiiMuskelry ami Machine flunj practice, some time in May or, June, all expenses paid and pay unit -allowances during Ihei course1.' Applicanls submit naniesj immediately to Orderly Honrn. The Tennis Court will be ready for use on Tuesday evening. Members are requested lo Mriclly observe Hie regulations posted regarding play. S. I). JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant Attd. 1st Bn. N.Ii.G Ilegt. JAPANESE CLERGYMAN Saturday and is Hie guest of Mrs. IV II. Du Yernel, Fourth Avenue Fast. He was accompanied here by Hev. Paul Hirose who will be remaining in Prince Ruperl for a few weeks. Mr, Hirose is priest in charge of SI. Andrew's Ghurch, Nagnya, Japan. He completed one year of post-nraduale work at Ihe Anglican Theological College in Vancouver and is from? to Toronto in Sepleinbcr for further study after which he will return to .Japan lo continue his work under Ilishop Hamilton. Mr. Hiroso's early home was in Ihn province of Shinshu, Japan. where Mr. f'assellis-Keuuedy lived for twenty years. CANADIAN PACIFIC Princeton lias been reached, ac cording In II. Langlry, assistant superjnlendenl nf the fireal .Northern for this division. The .deal was reported as pending some weeks "a'gb . when H. McLeod, of Winnipeg, assistant chief engineer nf the Can- girls underiadian Pacific, made an inspec- I. Lancas-ilion of Hie line. A considerable portion of the line runs across In Ihe-afleninon session of.lln; international boundary line, J ho Sunday School, Iloberl Mc-iiinkiug Curlev Ilejniblie, Mol- Kibbin acted as superintendenl.json and Oroville, Washington, ;in the absence of Karl Uarrie. jbul Ihc! rail distance between Jlruce Slevens sang' a solo and Graild Forks and Princeton is Miss Harlin lold a Mothers' Day!fifly-seven miles shorter Iban ?tory. At Ibe evening service Ilev. S. W. Fallis, D.D., of Toronto, Hook Steward of tiin Melhodisl Ghurch, preached, llp.v. S.. W I)ean, general secretary of Hie board n.f finance, assisted. T. J. Shcnlon cnnduclejl the service. Ilev Fallis and Mr. Dean 'sailed last evening for Vicloria to allendf Jbc Methodist Gnnfcrence, hav ing .arrived by train in. the af lernoon from the Fast. OU?5 IT UtL FfATUKC E'RVICt. Inc IS VISITOR IN CITY Rev. Paul Hlroso of Nagoya Is Accompanying Rev. F. Cas- 6inis-Kenntdy on Trio Here Ilev. I'. Gassillis-Kennedy, su perintendent of Anglican Japan ese missions in llrilisii Cninm-hia, arrived from Vancouver on PURCHASES BRANCH Obtains Trackage Between Grand Forks' and Princeton for Concentrate Haul fJHA.NI) FOIIKS, May 1 1 Con summation of negotiations whereby Ibe Canadian Pacific Railway will lake over thai portion of the firenl Northern line between Orand Forks and is said to he particularly attractive to the Canadian Pacific with a view lo il handling concentrate shipments between Copper Mountain Mine at Princeton and Trail siheller, also 'for shipments from llirt Consolidated Company's plant at Trail to the coast for transshipment lo Belgium and Hie Orient. NEW ANAESTHETIC IS EASY ON HEART Propylene Is Demonstrated Before Canadian Society of Anaesthetics by Discoverers TOIIONTO, May II- -A new an aesthetic, In lie called propylene, was demonstrated hel'ore (lie On tario Medical Association ami the Canadian Society of tisls by its discoverer Kasson llrown and Prof. V. Henderson, of the research parlment of Hie University Toronto. A striking feature of the new gas is, that its use does not cause a failure of the heart action together with Ihal of the respiratory action. , TENNIS TOURNAMENT STAGED YESTERDAY C. F, Joslln , and Peter Black Jr. Emerged Winners From Thirteen Teams The Acropolis Hill tennis courts were (he scene of an ini- promidu American I'ournainenl yesterday afternoon in thirteen (earns in two fougbl for mnstery. and Peler Ulack Jr. cessful in the first Fred llenning and S were victors in group; . In tlie , and Hlack won making series. At the end of washday how old do you feelZ And a Uw yrs of thl tiring toll will mtk you actuully s old in ippearanct as one day'a work now makes you fL Ktt'p your' youth by using our Thrlf-T-ervlce. Its cost is vary slight, ytt your entlrs bundle will be washed carefully, the flat work will be ironed, and just the wearing apparel left for you to finish. And this comes back to you damp, ready to starch and iron or bang on the Una, May we send for your bundle next washday i Go Per Pound, Plus 1c Por Piece. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phone 8. SmJ Jmk rte 7v fv' SALT LAKE IS IN BAD SHAPE Something Must be Done Im-Medlately If Swimming Is to Enjoyed this Year - ; The dilapidated comliliim of the ncilillfM at Ibe Salt ! Lake was nolcij eslerilay by early season swiinlners who, at Oracled by J he siiiiuuery weallier, crossed Ibe harbor for ,a dip. Jack lioildli', president of I Ik Prince Hupert Swiinining (Mnh, reports Hint, If Ibe place is. lo be ready for Ibis summer vacation, something must be done immediately. Unless Ibe annual meeting of the club Is held very Vuaesthe-i soon ami I here is ir good al- , Mr. V. 1 tendance, il will not In l oolbaH fans pnssihlc. K. to use the popular bathing place de-jlo advantage this year. There if of inn final, ibe sidewalks are whldi .'roups G. F. Joslln were sun-groiip and K. Campbell (be second playiiff, .loslin the sets thus them Ibe winners in the Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Hall nf Winnipeg, accompanied by Mr. Halls, Jr., are registered at Ibe Hotel Prince Iluperl. Mr. Halls is assncialed with the Winnipeg contracting firm nT Garler-llalls, which has in mind tendering on the Canadian Pncific and Keille the uperstrnclure of Hie local Valley route and the grades are elevator. He is here gathering said to lm much easier. The line data for his firm. broken down, Ibe ladies' dressing room is in very bad shape, and Ibere Is other work that will have lo be done. If Iho club Is siiecisstuIiv'reorganized, it may lie possible" In induce the government to do something. Sport Chat I are looking for- ward In a -fpiriled contest to morrow night when the Sous of England and Gallics meel for Hie first lime Ibis season in Hie Stuart 'Shield football series. Holh teams isbowcd up well last week in games willi Ihc (I mat ir Veterans jiiuI Ibe siipporl- rs or either side are confident. Ihc line-ups will be as fol lows: Sons nf Hngland I). Fri.zcll; iinbe and II. Howe; Tinker, Hales, Ilodgkinson; Cameron, Hanson, Johnson, Dickens ami ''anjuhar. Gallics W. Hamilton: II. Hamilton and J. Harris; J. Sims, Currie and It. Woods ; ' Alex. Mitchell. II. Mch'iugall. I. Scrrll. Mitchell and J. Andrews. Spares: J. Hamilton and II. (I. S. Hussell will referee. V meeting nf the members of Iho. Prince fleorgc Teuiijs CIiil was held -las) week fnr lln: nur- lose of ejecting; officer ifor Iho hsujug yiK'tllibWiln Is agalif ' honorary prcsidenl; J. o.' Wilson, president; F. I'enlon, vice-president; Claud Fool, sec clary-treasurer ; and N. I1 Woodward and Miss Hen wick uieinners or tlie executive I liere ire imllrnlinus there will b more people niayiiiK the irame this siimmei' in Prince Oenrgi than ever before, ami wilh I he omplelion of I lie Ouesnel high way, loiirnanienls will doubtless be arranged Ibere wilh Ouesnel is well as wilh Vanderboof. Xo wonder the baseball mag nales are gelling a bit worried ahoul Ihe large number of hnini runs that are being hailed out this season. Willi "Habe" Ruth sllll sick, after about Iwo weeks of play, Ihe home run total for both the Major Leagues was 92 as compared wilh R5 in 1021 am i in I'.i23. Of Ibis year's total the .National League can claim 17 and Ibe American League ir Leo llarliiel). of the. Chicago Cubs, is one of Ibe leaders and knocked mil six borne runs in Ihe first seven ilays of play, (liber home run slars Ibis fea-son are: Myall, of Ibe Indians: Founder, uf Ibe Robins; Flrsh, of Ibe Oianls; O'Neill, of Ibe llraves; Grimm, nf Ibe Cubs, and Harper, or Ihn Phillies. Ruth's record Is 5, established In 1112 1 . The Washington Senators, last ycar'a world champions, Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WANTKB WAN TFI.-' Local representative for well known Life Insurance 'o. Whole or part of lime, liberal contract. Apply Hox 218, Haily News. II WANTF.H. Old for Ice Cream Parlor. Kxp.erienctn.nefessaryr Oood wages. Applyj U.K. Hon feclionery. tf WANTFU. Waltrelis wanHM. Apply Prince Itupert Holed. lit WAXTFD. House or garden work. Phone lied 1(58. til SAGIlll'ICK SALF. Secure our pamphlet on our Sacrifice Sale for Iwo weeks. Furniture of every description must be sold lo make robin for our new slock. Prince Itupert I'xchange. FOIl SALK. 'Nico pleasuro boat. 2l feel, 12-15 II. P. fllgine. cheap for cash. Owner and boat can he seen evenings at Prince Iluperl Ynchl T!lub. Gow Hay. FOR SALE 111) FOIl S A 1 1 1-X-i- O f i 1 ifii til' vhH- Wyandotles and one pen of while Leghorns, .J'hono ' ,HIaok, 30(5. I in FOIl .on to X SALF and Itemovnl. House Fnglish Hill. mv price P. Camilla. Phone 20H. tf FOIl SALF. I'leasure boaflUiho" G. L. Ileiiulel. Cold Slorige. Phone 221. tf TO RENT FOIl HFXT ir Sale. Slimmer collage, Norlh Ann, Hurrard Inlet, Vancouver. Woter connect ion. Hxcellenl bathing and boating'. I Hi feel waler-fronlage. Two boats daily. Fighl miles from G. N. It. wharf. Apijly iinmedialely, Mrs. Palmer. Telephone Hlue 21 L HOUSF FOIl HUNT on Seventh Avenue; with or without piano and furniture: .any or... all for sale.. This olfcr good six dayA V. W. Harl, Hart AparlnienlH. near corner Sixth and Fulton. FOR .HUNT: Glapp Weslcnhaver Hros. Red 707. BOARD HOARD. The Second Avenue. LOST apartment Inlander, Phone 137 KNITTED GOODS tf HOAill) and Room, or board only iin Fifth Avenue Fast. Phono 830 LOST.- -Swealer coal ami cap between Ilays Cove Circle and Third Avenue. Mnder please nhone Hlack W18. 1 1 i COLUMBIA RECORDS NFW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest re productions of latest. Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental inns io by world famed artists. Call In am hear llicni. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue SWKATFRS ontl all kinds of knlleeil goiK1-; made to order. I'bnne Hlacs 3!.r). tf again around Hie head of Ihe American Lcugue, ami New York al I bal of Ihe National. F. Dubord, formerly of was att arrival from the am south on the Gardena yuslurdav. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIIICKS OF FASTHOPK i-CYCLK Marine I'ngines i-H.P. without clutch $185.00 4-11. P. t cylinder Ml) 2r.0.00 C-II.P. cylinder III) inn.Oil 8-11. P. . cylinder HI) 7&0.00U39 H-II.P. 2 cylinder Ml U0.l)il 1(5-11. P. I cylinder Li) 175.0(1 AH the above except the first include the Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. Tim best that money can buy. Fast hope Hros., 1717 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always 111 your service. Prince Rupert lloal house, Agents. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anlime. Five pas- enger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Gouriosy. Halm: 50c for I or 2 passengers, 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134' MARINE TAXI SERVICE .AIJNCII "Oh Haby" at your cr fvice day .or nighL Comfort Safety Gonrle.syv If a it's a water trip call Laurie l.aiubly. Phones 570 or 131. TAXI 592 TIIK DFPFNDAHLK TAXI. Da) and Night service. Comfort and Courtesy is my motto, PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or (lust1 Prompt Service und Oomlon Day or iNUM Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Dock, Acrces from Knvir ss Hole DEDDINO OUT PLANTS. Planl s thai grow and repay you for your labor. McCarthy's bedding out plants are spec! ally acclimatised and can be relied tinou lo produce the goods. Slon- Phono -. Rcl 183 Grec.niousc Phone Hlack 1 08 MCCARTHY'S. FURNITURE HOSPITAL And General Repair Shop. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended in. -Window draperies made Jo order. Carpel laying Furniture crating. TOM BALLINQER Phone 81 Roar Sherman's Mnrkcl, Fulton Street CAMERON TRANSFER Phone. 177 Bnnnanc, Furnlturo Moving. If von wanl anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox olio. KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewart, visit Keith's Cafe in King Fdwanl Hotel now re-tnodelled. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH 7 Manager. r O PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4. 4. j 4.4.4. 4- Monday. May 11 Illgb Low High Low 2:51 15:5(1 11:13 21 :1t a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Tuesday, May 12 3: IP a.m. 10:18 p.m. ' 1 10:31 a.m. 22:38 p.m. 21.7 18.7 1.3 n.7 20.8 17.!) 2.1 7.0 ft ft. Cat! for Northern Red 23. To W. H, urda. ' 'III- Artidei LoitMj rounl(4c FURNITURE. and Secundhanrt ure Store. We Hoy. s. tJ cn:.nge new and wooas. QtO. PAPADUPUUJ He Ciiinf., Dry lllnrk Fresh ,.' I'i.. A. ISAAC FIREW000. i- RUi iU.N NORTHERN TRAKSFEU T.r ' 1 Si.-"! , From the East MONTGOMERY, JR. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Monday- V' diifiitar :St Monday-. W Friday. t!v ro Vancouver Tuesdays- . Mad clrjo-M t Salnrdays M.iv 1 ;. ? From Vancour Sundays Wetlneday- Friilay - -Saturday C.P.R. M iy '1 : To Anyox, AllcLAiTr WediM'-'l jys Sundays a-- . Amuav A I IC.F. Ml 'i' .... 1linitil:iV-. To Stewart and PrnSir Miiut 'ia)- . From Stewart and Primal Tuesday Sundays 5undays andNaa"1" ,.f Port Simpson Points Thursdays From Port Simpson River Points j, Saturdays M . !. . , To AlaKa r'"-. May 8, l a" From Alaska Poj?'r , May n"J ;'v,.,andP1"11 lfno CharJotU To Queen May From Queen Points Mow 1 rind -I i 1 j . - - - Chr)Olla nrtin. ft AHln Ave- , Ut Ao. l"U . ", em av. t r"""n ath Avr. K TII.WP" Mil. A siHTlm '"' II'" Aw. Ml, k Hay ' Mil ft iuy w "r'7 Ml. Af. l l,r"1" n . . 11 1.1. . .... H.HJ It" in ru. iov . ; 0, T. P. Kliil 3nl 3 111 In Ave. A vo. Ave. :l'i win" -)1,'o(i pro. oovt. n.T.r. 'liir , diuit SI.H , 11 'i ft ii"i 4. fi-ft k Fiillun 'ttli sl- iii.I" in i LfllMDCT, Motlc or "" 'T.,d. w;pp" , l.an.l ' .....J.ftHI'' TAkK ,li''" 1 ..11 ICM. P Kin v-;:;-:lip,ii MiV i PP'r,. '! , UN riH '"'""i ,. ,,.! 1 I'- i":"uV.k? '-.V ..uti'MiK a " 1 1 it," . i.tM iii' r ,m : n 1 . ttutrld: Jlr"' iiiiHiw , , . n ?'rK.,".',n I of ' n.nrt. ninrf or "i", I'"". nu -m i1 ' ncre, . pttt'd VW -li-vH U".' ,.:.l'll 1 ' ill mi and lis HOT i' ,1 Ml " T I''1 l,"Pl' ...dl l'"rl -r 1I1H-. ., 11 1 Mr