jay May 11. 1925. THE DAILY HEWS PAOR THREB Meet the Congoleum "Play Girl" From now until May 1 6th she will be found in the store windows or aumonzea Congoleum merchant. Look for her when buying Congoleum. ennis Look for the Gold Seal when you buy Good - - made in Canada by s Wright & Ditson 'I i - n a 1 1 r ii i of world-wide reputation. They imni- , m Canada and shio I" all Hrilish territory. Th(y wivj hi the niniiiifailtire of Hporliiifr (iootK. We ,, g at catalogue price?. Ask lor a catalogue. GEO. WRIGHT SPECIAL i guaranteed against everything t in' uioii I its irotii tiaie in onri'iiasc; ... sio.uu RELIANCE 510.00 ALL CANADIAN $3.00 CHAMPION ...... ..r.... 57.0U COUNTRY CLUB u.uu THE PARK ...... $4.00 TENNIS BALLS . 50c w. iit lite bcsl value for your inoiic liny well ,, lvirljsed goods like (he Wright jlit-oii FOR SALE Halibut Gear MmsajBamaaaeaaa; $10.00 to $25.09 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. flg BCC WinC and Iron reliable blood builder and trcngUi restorer. Most everybody needs a Spring tonic We "pefciiJly recommend this one in U5 of anemia, colds or run-dowacoudjtion. A reliable tonic, which gives the yfm renewed vitality, is one of the surest means of warding off cughs, colds and throat troubles SBeeCWlSJ I and lnv-i V I SlTf. KIKt S- j WiUV fir I M - ORtoES LTD T"e Rexall-store. Phones 82 and 200. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD En lp"'l,na Q- T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Jln,,ef9i, Machinists. n0iiiirmkers. Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P Local and Personal U.O. Undertakers. I'hone 41. l a J'ai I OU t th S! Mrs. J. ti home, 3 to 0. sicnni' , 1'llOUC Heauly Jul. You'll like our joall era Coal Co. Phone 7. McMillan (lalhcrine heert on a o Yaneouver .add Seattle, l!apt. (John McKernan, Shop. M.M. coast pilot, arrived Vaneoi'-ver on the Cardena I ! ii lay aftpi'iiooii. He will tf Ililditi-li, 1'e.It'ial block, Thursday, May I i from 13 onii'ii or Moosehearl Legion wlusl ilriw and ilailfe, iTuesilay, May I.', MclroiKde lfall. W. llayncr returned from Vancouver on tin- Gntilt'iia yesterday allernooii. lie went south to lak" charge of funeral arrangements fur the. late Jelfer-son Mi l. cod, Mr. ami Mrs. S. F. Lawrence of tlie Cape Sr Japies lighthouse arrived in I lie city from (Sella HHla on the ('anlena yes- lerday and are registered at the Central Hold. Mrs. J. Ml 'laughter, Miss .M i 11 ;in. who have I turiii'd Inline on the I'sh-rday afternoon. and Me tric re Cardena The (ialt freighter Salvor, Oapl NV. V. Hush, arrived in norl on Saturday al noon and, after dis- liarriiiK 200 Ions of coal at lun i l l, wharf for I'liilnoll & I'.viti. sailed on her return south asl evening.. Ilnn-e MrKclvie. formerly edi tor of the rriine Hunerl Daily News and now on the slalT of Hie Yaneouver Province, was last week elected grand factor for I'.i.T) of Hie Native Sons of Uril- sh Columbia. COAL, $14.50. "The Best." Doublc-scrccnod Ladysmlth-VVelllngton lump. Peerless Egg, 511. CO. Peerless stove, 12.50. No coot, clinker, little ash and no slack. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. tf CO. from yes- takc .-until thtf steamer Canadian Winner which has been undergoing overhaul in the loeal dry lock. Y. Selijeldemn," civil engineer of Hums Lake, after accom- inying his family to Victoria where Mrs. Schjlderuu expects lo regain her health which has not been .of the liesi lately, re turned lo I Ii e city on the Car- deiia yesterday afternoon, lie is registered at the Prince lluperl Hotel and will proceed .to the interior by train. Union steamer Cardena, (iapt. A. K. Dickson, arrived Jroui the Mtuth al 1.30 yesterday afternoon and sailed at 8 in the evening for rflewnrt, Anyox and Alice Ann. Among the CanloiiaN passengers were the followfng. for Prince Hupcrl V. Schjel-derup. W. IUlcy, W. Hayiutr, J CliambiTs, bold. Mrs. Catherine .Mrs. S. V. cell for Mr. Kennedy, V. Du ,1. I'. McMillan, Miss McMillan, Mr. and Lawrence, I.. O. by and Capl. John McKernan; Stewart J. Kuslus, "H. .M .lacksoii. C. M. Desney. II. M. Sandy. E. II. Monro. (!. A. (jam eron. A. Olson and J. II. Clegg for An vox- Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hocking. II. Young, Mr. Win .low !nd O. (iiove.sJ 1 "' " " ANNOUNCEMtNTS Moose "ie ni' .lime ?S KRTblt ttop tick hdieh(, rtlUv blllou attack, ton and rotultt th limlnatlv or(an, mak you ltd fin. "BiturThin Pills For Uvcr U 2S. B. JJCStyrrMiW I r iTtinnr f 1 ORMES LIMITED KEEP COOLI Ice Cream A Purely Horns Made Product We have recenlly installed the latest lyjic of Ice Cream making equipment and are now in a position (n make ami supply H F. CHKAM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and he convinced KILL A S & CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Met ail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phone3 193 and 17 The train from Hie Kast, due it .i.'M) this afleruoon, is report ed on lime. Hcbekahs Uour$ Will- t: I hi the. Boston Hall on U j'ihiesday,. May 1 3 at 8.3(1. Aduiissiou 50c. He- fieshiiients. 'jinijiiiou dolus, me new wash fabric fo'r ladies and mlssesi summer .dresses, 55c per yard al the Universal. Judge F. Melt. Young and II . Mul.eod, court registrar, sail ed for Ocean Falls last evenin and while there will hear several applications for naturalization. Bonfire picnic. Launch Oh 3aby leaves Fisheries , float 7 p.m. for Dijbv Island, returning at 10 o'clock. Return fare S1.00. Intlre proceeds In aid of Child .en's Ward fund. Coastwise steamship iO. s Ireiguler Amur i i & Han arrived in port tiiis morning ami is dis charging coal al .''. I, whar No. I for the l'rince Kupert Coal Co. 1 Thomas 11. Illack, sou of Mi and Mrs. James Illack, is ex peeled home from Yaneouver b; rail this afternoon. He is graduate from the University o H.C. last w eek in I he science eliiss, "having specialized in electrical engineering. W. H. Tobey, recenlly ap pointed ' C..N.H. .superintendent, has moved to the residence on Pacific Place which was oc cupied by I. 'A. Mcpherson. F V. Leeper, the new divisional engineer, will occupy deuce vaealed by Mr. Hie A youth appeared in police court this morning charged with theft lo which he pleaded guilty. Afler listening lo the fads of I lie case, Magistrate McClymont gave the boy some wholesome advice which was evidently appreciated and lie was allowed to go. ..C. C. Perry, formerly Indian agent here and now; agent a! Yaneouver, has olTcrcd the Yaneouver Exhibition luthorilies the services of an Indian band from this district for I he? next fair in the south. The Mcjlakalla band is mentioned as theforganizalion that might go soulhlj'' Word received in the city by friends of Hamilton Douglas is very encouraging as In the pro gress he is making towards re covery since his recent accident in Seattle. He has so far progressed as lo be able? In enjoy the ter luxury a long fincmeul of a wheel chair a'- and wearisome eon- Ling, a1 Chinese tailor on Second Avenue, appeared in poli'e court this luprning lo' sultslantiale a charge made that someone hail endeavored lo feed his dog gr.ound glass ja meat. The accused, Napoleon Pruno. denied all knowledge of the mat ter ami, in the absence oT substantiating evidence. Hie case was dismissed. The 'launch Oh Itaby, skippcr- Sil by Laurie Lambly, make the round trip yesterday with a parly oT picnickers lit Lewis Island on a visil "to (he Lamldy ranch. The weather, was ideal and advantage whs taken of the opportunity by members of the parly lo indulge in aIrst of Hie season swim. The dajwas happily spc;il in exploring the island and picking wild flowers of which (here is a great SMITHERS Another of surprise parlies Ihose pleasant Ilia) have been so much enjoyed by a number of Smilliers citizens this winter was held al (he farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Oulloii on Friday evening. The vent was in celebration of Mr. Oullou'rt birthday and a very jolly lime was spent al dancing and music. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason Adams iml Doris returned to their home .Sinilhers on Thursday afler a holiday of several months spent louring through ' the Pacific I ales. Mr. Auams purchaseil a ir after crossing the line and drove over 5,000 miles on a trio thai took llicui as far as the Mexican border. A slierilrs notice appeared on t lie door of the Mutch hardware store on Thursday afleruoon. latinir that an auction .safe would be held on Friday. May 1 5 and portions of tire sloek old to pay olf a claim of $300. It. II. Humphrey of the Ed monton Journal spent a few Jays in town the latter pari' of the week in Hie interests of Iih paper. O'Neill & Wall received their first car-load1 of Chevrolet cars asl week. The new Chevs seem to appeal to the public as Ihey lie all sold ami another car load litis been ordered. Mrs. V.. V.. Orchard arrive'd home Saturday evening after soendint' the winter months in Southern cities. She was abh to enjoy a longer stay than Mr Orchard, as Ins business neces sitated his return several weeks ago. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m Digby Island barometer 20.8 4; ii; sea smooth. Hull Harbor. barometer 20.81 ; Foggy, calm temperature Hainy, calm tcinperalur SO; sea smooth. Dead 'I'ree. Cloudy, barometer 20.82; temperature t7: sea smooth. Noon y Difiby Island. Cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer 2.- 110; temperature 5s; sea .smooth. HULL IIAItnillL Hain. bar ometer 20.81; temperature jo; sea smooth. Spoke steamer Cauiosun sil Nainu at t.oO a.nii oulhbound; spoke Cli.M.M. Canadian Farmer i5 miles from Ocean Falls southbound for Astoria. Dead Tree. Cloudy, calm: barometer 20.8t; temperature l; sea smooth. HvnHiao in Hie Dnjlv N'ew TOO LATP. TO CLASSIFY AUCTION" SALE will be held at Mr. Younguian's house, (ira-liam Avenue on Thursday. May I i, al 2.30 p.m. consisl-iu of oiik dining room suite (six chairs, table, bulTet, and china cabinet) soft, - oak chairs, small tables, heater. Brussels and Axniinsler carpels, beds, bureau, chiffonier. McClary range, bedding, etc. Pliilpo'll, Evil I &, Co',, 'Auction- 111! 113 AUCTION SALE nl.718 Thompson Street. (Mrs. Muse'- house within the next Tew, days. J Bakers Custard JVAPOHATt", We have an emiuiry for the custard or '"rilling'' for pies called bakers custard. We as- slime it is the sort used by; bakers, for she says it makes lovely cream: puffs. I This recipe is not on our files. Several egg and milk and cornstarch custards were sent but are not the soil desired. This lady will be grateful IT some cook can assist with this. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories at Ladner and Abbots-; ford FREE RECIPE BOOK-". Cheese 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Co, Ltd, Montreal. 1425 COME RIGHT IN' Water won't hurt my new Congoleum." "Where did you get it?" "At Barri3'sf of course." 12., MM WWPa IlaV yi'-NTg H BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123 SALMON TROLLERS Hefore oiitfilling it will pay yon to inspect our line of Trolling Gear. W e have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our slock you will find everything yon require Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Uteuil. If il's for (lie boa I we have it. Hoats are losl every year by fire have you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell them. Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzell Butcher Shop, at'ross from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarclll Proprietor (cANADIANj PACIFIC Coast Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE -ll fioin I'rlncv l(u-rl fr VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami Inlel'lllf lll.lle ImiIiiU mil SUNDAY and THURSDAY, 10 P.M. For ANYOX Wadimday 10 P.M. For STEWART Saturday 10 P.M. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY cept Sunday 11.30 am. for I'llme UlxirKf, EDMONTON, WINNIPtQ, an iHiiiil MM 'rn t.aiuila, DlilKd siatfH. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, 628 Third A, Ptlnc Rupert. Phon 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailinss from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway May 8th, ISlh, 20th, 4un Sin For Vancour. Victoria and Seattl May lit, 12th, 22nd, June 2nd, 13th. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedele, Swanton Bay, Eatt Bella Bella, Ocean Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rlr, and Vancouter ery Saturday 11 a.m. Aatncy for all Stamhlp Line. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saitniv from Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaneon Bay, and Alert Bay,. Tueeday, 8 P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanion Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naa RUer Cannerlee, Friday A.M US 2nd Aenue. J. Barnilty. Agent. Prince Rupert, B.O.