lillVi'I'i" May H. 1025. TENNIS mp r Have ii complcle ,P ,,) Teiutis Viomls, ,t ,s alt ii' ir Hilary Hark $3.50 to 530.0 j 51-25 . . .. .. .. $2.00 n. .1.1.... Tinns . . . 25c 11I" ' ,,: It.'vivcr (f ll'll -iW !'' ' . $1.00 .. 50o C5o lliniial All , i , it oz priced I? ,1 . $14 60 ii , ,. ( on all on! n orders. Kaien Hardware Co. Hardwoods MARINE MOTOR 1,,nrl(,r $250.00 Vm Hi starlor f 30000 '"vei-nmpm Taxes iiiid Ifi'eight. Hxim 5- E. PARKER, LTD. PrtpH r i - wuuiers Prlnco Rupert, B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon Can. Iril.uhiiK. Team or Furniture Movlnn. I ! 11! Linens from FRANCE ! n inn iful drawn i t. . i . i m iotiilnr , : i. flu Hii'iiiic. liuar- i i ' lo fade In Ihe i wh'O properly 1. !-''J. i 1, ir-' nint Child-.- Pi ' -tin. P.t W.I- $1.35 West of England Store Phone 753. Contractor acnt fnn .1 rru c.uu i Sl e and Offico Fixtures. """l -awmK and Wmiing. J'l'iii!,. ami Hrpairiiu?. " ass "ml Cla;.ing. push. Diinr anil Moulding P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blun 2C8 . Alexander (Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST THE DAHiTKRW page fiye lU-li-.J.JIi.l'-Ul Type Your Laundry Tickets on This This, ladies and gentlemen, is a picture of the only Japanese typewriter in captivity. It is known as the '"Hobun" typewriter. It inhabits the offices of Shanghai, Tokio and other Oriental cities; is quite harmless but somewhat difficult to control. It is more complicated than the Theory of Relativity, runs as smoothly as a tank crossing the Rockies and makes more noise than a duet by a boiler factory and a Salvation Army band. Its function is that of typewriting the Japanese language. It was invented by an Irish mechanic named Kiota Sugimoto and was on the market in 1915. As a piece of machinery it is infinitely superior to the 'typewritia Americana'. The tatter verv seldom has more than 40 inalion by llii1 murine ovpari- meal the other day that the gov ernment is considering the ques tion of . excluding American risli-cruien from using Canadian ports save for liuinitarian. purposes, such as shelter and rc-n:ilrs. has iiroiluced a consider able rraelion, particularly among Pacific Coast business houses thai are accustomed to supply lliese vessels. II is represented thai Ihe agitation Tor Ihe prohibition of the i. iii.iro iii no wav reflects Hie unanininus sentiment or tin; i;i..ifin Coast interests, and Ilia rmiple of day's hay? WlP'i wires Tor'" Mill ii ! has refused to do so. Suggest Tonnage Tax ppremnlnrv action is unlikely. There has been a suggestion I thai tonnajre lax of lwoenls, n i...iihiI be inioosed on all fish f arv II was decided to have their larllT board inake an investiga tion or Ihe fishing business ... Canada as alTecltng lho Aiiierl-oan market, or as carried on '9BKSwPKBKtHSSuwt iiBMWiBPaBBBBBBBBBwMiBBBBBBBBBBBBBM key, the Hobun has three thousand; tie Americana prints a total of 84 characters, and the Hobun nearly fiiur thousand. Then again, anyone can operate the American variety but how many of our stenos could run a Hobun, with its thousands of keys and hundreds of levers. It his (as we suspected) a unique key-bpMrd arrangement. In fact, it has no key-board at all. The type is arranged face upward and serves the dual purpose of key-board and pri.iting-type. To one side of the platen is a lever which, when depressed over the desired character, affectionately picks the character up, rubs it gently on an ink-roller and finally conveys it up to the platen on which the paper is rolled and thus, triumphantly prints the character. Request That Embargo be put on American Halibut May Lead to Calling of Tariff Parley The Vancouver Province carried I lie following under dale of .May S from it special correspondent at Ottawa relative to Hie lialihiil fisheries situation and the requests from Prince Hii-jierl thai an embargo be placed on the landing or American H-h here: A conference between representatives of the (Canadian and I njled Stales governments seems to lie the probable outcome of the difficulty that has developed on the Pacific Coast in re-LMrd to American fishermen using Canadian porfs. The inti- American vessels. The enquiry on Ihe Pacific Coast was concluded some months ago am.'. has just recently been finished on Ihe Atlantic. In view of the strong for Ihe exclusion of United Slates fishermen Jroui the priv ileges they enjoy on llieM'ar.ifiQ, Ihe whole, question is very much lq Ihe front. . Already American vessels are not allowed to use Atlantic ports and there has been considerable American protest as a result. If Washington reiuses io nego tiate, (, t I bore is every reason to been kepi J'J'. X-Dv' ''' s,!ii2llUlJSIi Soii.e WHtni fiAe aslie.1 llio'fo protect the InlTrFsTs fiPtTan- iteiiartotcnt to disavow the cinic- nilian fishermen Hie same as ,,.i iniinmiimt. but naturally it. United Stales is ' pViileeting theirs. Ten Years Ago in Pilnne Rupert i.i ..i (ii.iniiim Pacific port ! n - iiiiiuiu hi by American fishermen, but May. 11, 1915. .... such a policy has objectionable .1. H. Slirrat, who lias a heavy ,.,,mu li mi'.'lil be construed ns;rontrael at the dry dock, left retaliation. What is hoped will come out, !of Iho agilalinn is a conrerener' or the representatives I between two governments that will lead In a modiricalion or Ihe American larllT against Canadian fish. Camfdiaus naturally consider it most unfair Hint, while Ihe United Stales larifr excludes jlhefr 'calch from Ihe American market, their own ports, are bo, ling used freely by their eoni-Ipelllirs us the base of their !'ssrul and profilable opera- lions, Taplff Board Probe ti.a miecestlnn of the confer marie " some time ago . ence ence was was iimuf yesterday morning by Ihe Prince (leorge for the south. Cap!. John Irving or Victoria, returned on Muulay evening fmm jiu Inspection oT some. mining ln-oiierlies in Ihe inler lor. lie leH for the south on the Princess May. 1 A. Deilhrieh or the Hrilisji Columbia liqnipmeni t-o., pi Vancouver who has" a contract at the local dry dock, wejil south yesterday morning. He expects to return in a few days. Three prisoners sentenced by .Indue Cahler in Prince (lenrge ' and at "one slane the Uniled wore brought , ... here, on ,, Sunday , Stales' praclicnlly agreed lo ll.Whl under charge of Inspector b,.1. arterwards, ns a p.elhniu-Owen. I.ey wrre taken Boull. on the Prince fieorg.k. n. V.. Wflid, lining car con-duclor on the U.T.P. received a message, from headquarters We have stated that the machine is complicated but really it is simplicity itself you merely learn the Japanese language and a few thousand of ideographic Chinese characters; familiarize yourself with the Hobun's three thousand keys, acquire mastery over its multiplicity of levers and then go ahead and type. The specimen shown above was captured by Canadian Pacific officials in China and now occupies much of the floor space of their office in Shanghai. The expert Chinese stenographer seated in front of it, has been known, when a rush is on, to produce as much as one whole page of neatly typed Chinese ideographs a day on his Hobun. This record has not yet been beaten. ' yesterday afternoon informing him thai his brother had beer ; killed in action at If ho front. ', The Mao in the Moon J .VS:- THK Chinese hav set a good fashion in shooting their ban ilili. It saves lime and money. THK beauty of visiting other cities is dial we see how much heller our own home town i I ban theirs. . . ALL aboard foKdhe bonllre picnic at Hisby Island to-night to help Ihe eliillieir ward rund. You'll save fuel aiid light at home. .' WE wonder -If ii wilj be so hoi in I'rince unpen iiiis summei at we'll see sun llshl soap. VK read that, it lakes a small rraelion or a cent to .slop a car hut it lakes a1 heCk.vpf a lot .of pep to start a motor boat. IS , a pcrsoil wlidji.cnti tazaarjia; fitifaeh $t . WrHll" nloliier 'who've,' a ju'uii pack to eiilianei her; style of lieauly cannot very well chastise her little boy for treling his face dirty. THK trouble with belling on horse, rarins is tlnitJho horses lire so slow. DON'T ask Tor feed beer by Ihe glass this summer or you'll gel on beer. NOW that Congoleum week js wilh us let us lake'n day ntV and "Congol." L- m WITH Ihe sliring cleaning season back again Pa will doubtless be able to find Vonm of those wandering collar studs. SKI.F denial is alright when it conies down to a second help ing of Mr.i. Xewlywed's cake. IT keeps many pcmSe poor trying lo look pnsp?rous. IIF-CAUPK a man owns a motor boat il diesn'l necessarily follow that there, is no help for him. ... WHF.X turning the riywbeel don't jump back suddenly or you may capsize Ihe boat. OF course you've heard Ihe ; story about the cow with a NO MORE FOOLING did Abraham Lincoln show his shrewdness NOWHERE of judgment to better effect than in that famous utterance which ended, "You can't fool all the people all the time." In the past, there were a few misguided advertisers who thought they could sell their wares better by misrepresentation. But those advertisers have long since gone out of business or mended their ways. Hard experience taught that Lincoln was right. Untruthful advertising doesn't pay. Other advertisers proved that the only way to advertise successfully, make regular customers and build up public good-will was to tell the absolute truth about their goods. So, you can be sure that every consistently advertised product is good. The advertising test has proved it. The very fact that it is advertised is your best warranty of satisfaction and true quality. The concern that tells you frankly what it is doing is a good concern with which to do business. That is why it pays to read the advertisements, to patronize advertisers, and to buy advertized merchandise. wooden leg and the man who Aol splinters in his lingers milking her. TIIKIIH was a young man oT Who went mil to swank at a fair. Hul the heal ot Ihe sun laused all kinds or Tun b'nv it incited the grease in It is hair. SPRINGTIME BRINGS ITTS SPRING CLEANING Undoubtedly spring cleaning is the most popul hi this season It's mighty good business r,it nf IliA l.nllCA IB nla'ni'G niiT. ! ' Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarirje Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Oay Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Anyox; Mr, ami' Mrs. Jl. V, Sin-(iti)r, , Invcruiis; (!. K. riV J.a Mollie, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. A. 7 . , indoor "port V'"',! '- PiHIis and W. .Hi ley, ar .,. w. I'ea, C.N.H. V. Sch-or the year, lho . V. , . ... I . the ,, or V IM- Jones, .luneau; Mrs. A. W lain or the team rest us make up Ihe crew, lloutine work is yiven the .go-by. All must take a share in scrilbbing the paint, beating the carpets and bathing Ihe cat. .' To make it. easy lor the ona who does the..nosl ot the work, sen that she buys bakers' bread instead or baking tier own. Klec-Iric Hread is best. I'rom your grocer or from us, lb Kleclrio Window Hakeries. lit HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Johnson, Seattle; .1. Paulis, Cedarvale. Central J. niarklnirn, A. W. I). Flower uiut W. KininiHonlh, Vancouver; IS. Chasly, J l)uggan and Hob Miller. C.N.H.; S. Smllti, city; A. Dorman, Hums Lake: II. Drummond, Kxslew; Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Lawrence, Cape St. James, Q.C.L SWAKSON BAY LUMSER Union freighter Chilliwack, with Capl. C. 11. Sinilh again on the bridge rollowing bis trip to I In- Old Country In bring out the W. H. Shakespeare, Mr. and .company's new steamer, Laiy Mrs. It. (iarrelL J. p. Maclaren.lCynlbin, arrived in port l 4 0. R. Williams, 1. S. 'McMillan, 'o'clock yeMcrday ariernoiin and. Lome Mcl.eod, Charles llow-bolham, 11. Moncrietr, T. Kirk-wond, II. C. ltalpli, A. Scott. L, I). Cook, T. (!. (Sarrelt, J. Cham i after unloading carload of himber at the O.T.P. dock Jor i"ransslipinenl Hast, to Hock In land, III. from' the Swanson Hay !bers, I.. O. lo'eett, Capl. J. Mcsawniill over lho C..N.H. and coal Kernnn and L. 1'. Kyle, Naneoii- and cement for Albert A McCaN ver; Mr. aivl Mrs. F. K. Halls,) f,.ry sailed early Ibis niorning. J. W. Halls, A. c. Ditgcr amti fur Stewart lloberl U. Thomson, Winnipeg; Mrs. II. Owen, F.dinonlon; II. A. llorstman, Klewrl; (I. H. Mc Mrs. Perkins of Ihe Prince Kiiperl Hotel, who has been Oa.llum, Ottawa; Mrs. J. II. Upending the winter in Seattle Young, Terrace; A. i. Malhesnn, jnnd California, relumed to Hie Wales Island; Hose (Simpson, city on the Cardena yesterday Peter O'Neill and Patrick O'Neill, aHernoon, DRY Night . Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Saol HydeTransfer 138 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. Wr BUY BOTTLES. BlueroxPups For dtlvcrv July XHh to 30th, 1925, ONLY Ltr dtllMry, 24 pif cent hlohir, Tk llieiu yoNli. COST LESS. Easier hniidM, iturlle nil lirwd rirxl rar. Si-mi tor ii'W liimklel -trlU nil! 100 INCREASE GUARANTEED 2, 3 or 4 jr. old Brttdtrt, with or without 100 pr ctnt lncr, our guirnt backtd by mpl at-ttt and is yrt. of bualnui inU-rlty In thl flat. Ileffii'iirf MiriilOipil ymi--liriiilMiTcln: ami rri-nlilnt. Six lintik.. VcmlxT of Salllr. Clmiie liir of OMMiniTrf. CLEARY BROS. FOX FARMS R4 Kmplrft IIMr.. SKATTl.E, VAX (Oiit of lho Wciilil'a larrml Km Karma) a