"AGE SIX THE DAH.V SEW 3 Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT, WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner j Diamond Specialist i PICTURE SERVICE METHODIST CHURCH Al (lie evening service lu Hid O. Hacker was in charge in tliel evening. i Next Sunday the Canadian Cirls in ' Training will take- the service. i Hev. NV. H. Oalliway, field secretary for Young People's Work' of the Methodist Church, will he in' Hie city hn February I :l 1 :.. is ...I rived on this inorning's train from Sniilliers. Mr. Hover is lo enter Hie hospital bore. January CLEARANCE SALE SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. The limit is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer is over and above the sals Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. Ladic' Hiibhers, medium heel only, fur 50c 25 Pairs of Ladies' Shoes for $2.00 25 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps mid Oxfords,- assorted sizes, for $3.50 15 Discount on all Ladies' ami Children's Shoes ami House Slippers. .Men's Jliibliers. Hog. .$I.,N5. Sale Price $1.50 Men's Overalls. Hog. .$2.75. Sale Price $1.85 Men's Flannelette Working Shirts. Meg. $3.0(1. Sale $1.85 Hoys' Monarch Sweaters. Sies up In ;i(). Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, Hoss anil ilove, I oz. balls, Hoir for $1.00 Monarch Wool, down, 2 oz. balls, .'! balls for $1.00 Infants' All Wool Hlack Cashmere, Penman's Hosjerv, 'i pairs for .' $1.00 Children's Heavy Dili Cotton Stockings, all sizes, a pairs for ... .' ... . . $1.00 b balls of Crochet Cotton, all shades, for . . $1.00 . yards of drey Colton, 3(1 inches wide, for $1.00 1 yards of While Flannelette fur $1.00 i Kveryliiiug in our store is reduced, genuine bargains in every department in Hie store. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. I Salllng-s .frwn I'rlnce ll';perl, ' or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon B, tnd Alert Bay, Tuaadty, S P m For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Al.rt Bay, tnd 8war.ton Bay, Saturday, 10 a'.M For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. lf rLV?X' ""T SIMPSON and Naai Rl.tr Canntrlti, Friday A.M. o l2S 2nd Aotnu. t. Btrntlty, Agant. print. Ruptrt. B O Stock-taking Silks Spun Silk, Cream or Pink . . 27" Jap. Silks. Sale Price . Natural Pongee, Sale Price Shot 'J'uffalas. Sale Price . Durability Silks, I.ii5, Tor . Mescaline, :i5", all colors . (ieorgelle Crepes, to 2.75 . $1.10 Yard . . 50c Yard . . 60c Yard $2.25 Yard 51.50 Yard 51.75 Yard 51.75 Yard H. S. Wallace Co. ROOMS TO LET IN WALLACE BLOCK 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. PRINCE GEORGE The log scale in Prino'i Course forestry district for Cio year JUS t totalled 70,135,375 board Methodist Church yesterday feet as against 37,1(11,031 fool in Inngic lanlcrn pictures illustral-' l'J23. The lio scale was l00,758 ling Dr. Van Dyke's cclobralod.feet as against 717.7D3 feet in hook "Tbe Oilier Wise Maa" 11)23. were projected. Tlie service was- . a very enjoyable one ami (here Mayor Aylward and Hie oily was a splendid Aoiigrcgatiuii.lcouucil of last year were rclurii- Tliere was u congregational song od by acclamation last week. On .service with illustrated liyiims. ThUrsday, al Hie annual liiuuici-Miss Haddock, deaconess, i ukK . pal -election, there,, were contests the morning service! aiid Hev. (i. only for the school hoard. V. Soinerlon is a patient ii' the local hospital and il will b a couple of weeks or so before he will be ahlu to be around again. Oeorgo .N'ozoy of (iiscoine is ill I lie local hospital sullering from 21 and 25 and il , expected a coiiipound fracture of Hie leg that be will again address local i sustained when he was caugh: 1: i.., .n il .... il. under 1.... I, load ....I ..f of I..., iiuun'iifL-s us in: iiiij im inn iiu casion of his years ngo. previous visit two Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Iloyer ar a logs. medialely. BURNS LAKE Properly has been purchased close to the slaliou for the erection of the Hums Lake Community ball. SI. Paul's Union church has Heeled the following board for Hie year: President, Cordon Jt. Itobh; secretary treasurer, C. K. Iineson; directors, Mrs. M. F. Nourse and Mrs. 1. M. (ierow. Miss Tilleinure of Fort Feasor lias accepted u' position as leach- r al the Thilagel school ami will coniiuence her duties im- Hev. 11. Killing of Caiurose. lla.. missionary al lanro for AILierla and llrilish Columbia, is visiting tin district with a view to eslublishiii a Lutheran Church. The Ladies' Aid of .SI. Paul's Lutheran Church has elected ollicers as follows for the year: President, Mrs. . M. (ierow; vice-president. Mrs. C. V.. Ime--on: seerelary, Mrs. Flier ' BATTALION ORDERS Hy Lieiil.-(;..LJ."W. Nicholls, Officer Coiiiinuiiding 1st It.it-liilioii Nod Ii H.C. Itcgiiiienl (102ml lin. C.K.F.) '.lanuary 17. ',)17 Provisional .School for Ollicers, N.C.O.'s and men for iiislructiou under Sgl. -Major Instructor Wnigmau every evening durinsi 'lie week at 8 i.iu. Provisional School for Signal ling lection for instruction wilder Sergeant Itussell every even ing during the week. Monday, .laiiuiiary IK al 8 p in All company ollicers, and N.C.O.'s particularly reiuesled lo a! lend meeting of urgent Wednesday, .lanuary 21, al 8 j-p.in. Haltallon Muster Parade. !or training under S.M. Ins!. ;Youngmnii. All ranks to atlcud illiis special parade preparatory 'o annual iuspeclion. Thursday, January 22, al 8 p. in. .Musketry practice, Miniature range. S. 1). JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant. Altd. 1st. Itn. .North K.C. Ilegt. The commanding otlirc r desires lo I hunk members of all com-millccs, and especially the Ladies' Auxiliary, for their hearty co-operalion in assisting lo make the seeoml annual rcgi-ini'iilal hall so highly successful. PLANS BIQ OARAGES LONDON, .Jan. Ii). Another eoiileniplaled American iiiuova-lion for slow moving ami slow 'changing old London, is a plan lo build a number of supcr-gar-ages of several storeys, and each aceoiumodaling from 200 to alio jinotorears. Al present there are I few garages in London and' few I ear owners drive in lo Hie city. r . 4 PntNCE RUPERT TIDES l 4 4. 41 Monday, January 19 High 8:28 a.m. I8.'J fl 2 1:27 p.m. 15.8 " Low 1 :50 iuii. 7,8 " I5:lt p.m. 0.3 " Tuesday, January 20 High 0:28 a.m. 10.7 ft. 2:36 p.m. 10.5 "" Low 3:03 a.m. 8.1 " 10:20 p.m. 5.0 " Wednesday, January 21 High 10:25 a:m. 20.0 ft 23:37 p.m. 17.0 " Low -1:10 a.m.' 8.0 " 17:27 p.m. 3,5 " SCALLOPED MADRAS i 1". Meg. 5l)e yard. In beautiful designs. Yard Service 39c Sport Chat CURTAINS I'lio (ireenoek Herald recently published a series of articles en titled "Football Tilis'1 by Andy Ducal, caplaln of the Aslou Villa team -which won the Knglisli Cup in IDIU-20 and now manager of the Fulhaiu Fool ball Club. The articles deal with all phases of the game and were written by Ducal, who is one. of the best known players of long experience in lhe Old Country mid one ot the greatest living expouenls of the game, wilh a Vb-w lo giving all the opportunity of becoming better players. In view or me excellence of I hose articles and I heir simple character, lhe Daily News has decided also lo publish lliein. Starting at an early dale, they will appear, once a week so r .... .1 l'lie local l.w.,.1 look out for tlieiii, season!- not many now and. inoulhs olT before the game slur's ENGLISH FLANNELETTE 2S?' wide. White ami tripod. '1 yards for WHITE SCRIM :J". Peg. :i(lo yard. Colored border ami lace edge. 5 Yards for 95c STRONG COTTON PILLOW SLIPS Hog. 'i.V ouch, Fxlra special. 2 Pairs for 65c ;igaiu. will be the time player to read up. for illl! As far as number 11'' vlelorlc are concerned, the Sou- of Can-! inla are now hut one ;aiuc behind the F,lk in the Senior League basketball standing sheid. In view id Ibis, the nialeh tonight between the Iwo teams should be parJicularly iulerosling. If the Canucks should win Ibis galue, they will-bid fair once again lo capture championship honors in spile id lhe fact that lhe Klk have been holding them down preiiy wen so nir tins season. In Intermediate League, the (irollo will meet lhe llegiuieiil. The soldiers scored a victory for lhe first lime over the Colls last week and iuii hopeful now of doing the same thing to the tobacconists who, provided lliey win this game, will lie well away to leajiUe leailershlu., Tin third jganif or lhe evening will he a I adies' League alfaijr. Monday, January (9, 1923 January ClearanceSale LADIES I HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO REPLENISH YOUR EVERY REQUIREMENT IN PIECE GOODS, STAPLES, WHITEWEAR, ETC., AT A GREAT SAVING. We are determined to clear several lines before Stocktaking regardless of cost. Take advantage early whilst the assortment is large. PYJAIY1A CLOTH MY' wide. In pleas iug patterns. Pc yard TURKISH TOWELLING ROLLER HAND g. :l.-e per yard. Hog. 'mc cob. 3 Yards for 2 for 85c 65c COTTONS MADAPLAM NAINSOOK to". Hog. 'i5r per Lxlrn line yard. Meg. :,,-. 3 Yards for 2 Yards for 95c 85c "ANDEFISON'S" GINGHAMS 'MY' wide. Ucn. 'i.'ir ard. You all know the reputation of this brand or gingham. A I'n-prico you will do well to get hi a -upply. 3 Yards for 95c CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FROM 9 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY, FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY IIUETT COMPANY l'"Tj?. GILLETT'S LYE 2 Tins for 25c Limit (I lo each customer. 3C0 Lbs. READY CUT- MACARONI, In Bulk, 3 lbs. for . 35c i . 1 1 lit-. t . LUX WASHING POWDER 10c Package Lund lo to eiti h customer. RINSO ' Special, 3 for 25c 3j Limd 12 to each customer. LIBBY'S OR DEL MONTE SPINACH, 2 Mi lb. lins. Spoial 2 tins for Limit ( liiis lo each ciisloinoi:. 500 LBS. DEL MONTE EVAPORATED PRUNES, medium size, 5il-(il)'s. 3 lbs. for Limit 12 lbs. to each customer. , Universal Trading Co. HUHaWfiiBBWBBBV 'U"JHH MALKIN'S BEST TEA Special, 65c lb. Limit ." lbs. lo curb customer 45C 35c Satisfaction WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. The Shooting of Ban McGrew A pieliirizalion of Hubert W. Service's immortal work vyh.cli ,as been read by mill s. A hinricaiii! or cutolioii that swoops from the South Seas Ii. Alaska. Tl.o Inn' -lorv or lhe shoo hug r dangorous li.ui Mrtirew by tl.o orlo-l'-' loader, liiisban.l of (bo lady known as Lmi, wilh many m-cidonls bolb prior lo mid idler lhe alTair supplied by l' Si.gdcn, physician ami explorer, who was acl.ially pn'"'"l when the tragedy look place. pirlnn e should ni. I hen I .l.ioko.l my bond and. (lie lights wonl out ami guns blazed in the dark, And omai, screutned 1C lmi w , U1, lvV' men lay stdf and stark." , ia Uw ly' Porcy Marmont, George Slegmann, Fred WaarZon arbfra U r?,arP' Ma Bu8ch Ml lie Savinport, Ina Anson and many others, "FIGHT AD WIN" SERIES, No. 5-JACK DEMPSEY IN "ALL'S SWELL ON THE OCEAN." im 1 bHIMATlQNAL NEWS. " 35c and lOcJ