January 19. 1025. ncouver in Blue niuuun n c K HE JU1I J HE PEOPLES' PAPER newspaper In Canada lo iliseripllnn prices -will i ...1.. it li in iiiil I, in II VCIIIIJ - --! eilureil, I1"' f :i.nu per your. rrK7 .r iri i ill U aoa nnths - 50c tiIhi hlg wecK-eu.l .a,uir- :v.':iinsi feature paper Willi .1 fillll!f. ;:w huugh your local Drug Store or semi illl! 0.. 4IC 3 an ilnn CI MorniiiB. ilaily only. ,nn pii" year. Stale Mm mil. iir .".veiling ipinvd when order- DAYS Only MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY at- tunpany I ah Only Baking . fur 5o other FARMERS' MARKET and f RnlrlwQ Grocers Ltd OVE YOUR FAT nil RR HAPPY - mm mm mm m By the daily use of ms Reducing Soap ' ran quickly reduce tn n fijfiirp without Drus, isp Diet or Dalits. HeddfC 1 you wish- Arms Dust ""! Hips. Thighs Legs " Any place. A Simple, liful Mplhod. AHSOLUTKLY llpilueing Weight, let your 11 improve, heponm younger I'P'iiiinpp. niorp chpprful, ioi:siy nclivp and efficient. 'IIISIXO tlKSUI.TS QUICK-in .nr.F. Money lln-'I f Xnl PallsfiPd. . ii m. liauuiaiUllCi Dept. 5G8. River St., Chicago,1 III. 50c roR 3 CAKES Stnd Cisk r Money OcaVr. Fatal Shipwreck Is Described; Mr. Harrison Quits Ministry; Sails South with John Irving i. My C. Harrison j During Ihe wiiili'r months no steamer enuhl lie iriit In run across In tlio islands frnm Mellakalhi mid we li.nl In dcncm! mi II... ... I ...... 1 .. WI -V i.. i. ..i .1 slip filled wilh water. In oi'iIpi In hurry across In llm islands llipy hoislpd all sail. At this lime il. nuninencpil In blow a pale and, Hip wind filling Hip sails, slip iin- niedialPly Itirned lurllP. Seven Hal.das wpi'p saved in Hip sehoon. er's boat including tliu captain. I Captain Irving. On seplemlier 25. IH'.Mi. he allowed Hip sleaniPr Islander In bring Mill excursion 1iirl'Vih.l,jl'.vviis.vdiy this, bout' 1 1 1 a l l reiuriieu m u-nma n route In Knglnnd. Quits Ministry A newspaper correspondent wbn was on hoard has written the can CUP AND SAUCER SPECIALS China Cup , mil Saucer, wilh Blue Pnl- lern 15c ea. China Cup and Saucer, .Clnyerlenf Pat- lern , 20c ea. China Cup ,nnd Saucer, wilh Hlue Hand 25c ea. China Ci'ps, mul Saucers, assorted yml- lerns . , ... 50c ea. SEMI PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS Semi Porcelain Cup nnd Snncer, finld Kdgn ,. 35o ea. l lie I mi- M-iiiiiiiu-i riM-rii.i in nring over wnaiever winner we re- iptired and sometimes nur food supplies as well. The Skidegnle llaiilas having soph the whijo men's, houses Ihal the 'Massclt Indians were erecting determined to 'follow their example sn, shortly before Christmas 8S(I,. n number nf litem went across In Iniy lumber at the Port KsiiiHoii sawmill. They chartered Hie schooner Skcena In lake nver wlial llii'y had bought but, as i vessel went In Hip mill In get I he lumber, slip si ruck a rock. 'flip people on hoard, however, paid no attention to this aeci-li'iil and proceeded In load Iipi. When loailcd foiirlppil of Hip' llnidas went on hoard and Hip Skeena slnrled for Skidegate. 1 ml in ti A. Iipii outside of Stephens Island,) lion was takpn at the pnd of the, service atnl mummied lo iflO. 'fhe hisliop held a confirmation in Ihe eeiiinjr. In this far away lillle church llny-Jiaye a musical service and a siindiced choir of (Ireal praise is duo In Hip IIpv. Mr. Harrison for Hip pood work Jip has donp nu Hiis island, lip Jpf! in Ihe Islandpr afli'r a ipsidpncp in Massplt fnr eighl years. Mr. Harrison is Hip only wllile man who al this dale is lliiiiuiiKlily conversant wilh Hip Ilaida'hingtiagp, ami lias compiled a dictionary of 10. mill .Mile or I hem clung In I lie KppI words, also the grammar of the or Ihe upturned Vessel wilh Hip llaidas, which has recently heen resull that only one remainpd priulPd hy Ihe llnyal Soeiely nf alixp when she struck Hip bench llanada. Al tluprpsenl lime hp at Capp Hall. .Thpy had partly i engaged upon an inlerPsliiiK fasleni'd themselves nil wilh the hislnry nf Ihe islands and their ropes Ihey had found danglinK nriginal inhabilanls." around IIipiii. The man who was There was a very pleasant alive nn Hip pssp ilri riinir )i,ly (m hoard, and hpfore we a shore was James Stirling nnd Iip reached Victoria an aildress was is alive nl Ihe present day. The nresenled In Caplain Irving ln-olher oighl were drowned, in- ndhpr with Hip following acroo-.du.liiig I ho nwiiPr's son, John lie. a cony of which ho had Ivne- Cuuningliam. wrillea for every passeimer nn Work Among Haldas hoard: Willi n'ferenci) to my work Honor' Capt. Irving vsurk iiiimng Ihe Unidns, I had ow shall I lell of the jolly Ihe pleasure nf hapli.iug Doctor crowl, Kit-lf, Ihe last meilioine man or j-jneli and all rroiu 1 lie man tu I Hip llaida ualion. Hp was a very ie dude, L'l.cl mail, and nn acknowledged Ami matron grciui In maiden power among Ihe Irihes. He and grander, I his wire ere afterwards con- Thai emhark'd on hoard llm ship I firmed hy Hisliop IHilley and he- Islamler, jcame ennimtmicauls. llefuru 1 Hence hound on si J.rip lo Mas-lleft Ihe mission work, during the ,.(.t (j.c, year 1HH7 I cnllecled $2,L'0 ami ',,r pleaMire and lest from (nil Illllll .1. .Iilllll UK' naiifiensi s nf riP. Cliurch at Massplt in which, di-h can hut admit liul . Iho lime vine scrvicp is I'tunluclpd lo the J was spent, present day. I'.ach day in a happy mood as we I lerniinaled my connection went, wilh the Church Missionary So- j.,.aving hPhiml Victoria Ihe gay, i-iely nn Decemher 15, Hjn, and, During the lime of our holiday, a fpv days a Hit, 1 received the following teller as n mark of up- And each day sweetened hy har-prccinliou: mony's sound, "Dear Mr. Harrison I h.ive .,, a j,u ,,r discord as man and much pleasure in iuformin you maid) Ihal the committee have sane- Kisconrscd in solo, chorus, and lioiiPd yuu i-pceiving the sum of round, t.'ino ns gin appreciation nf your serviees on your terminating must, however, express regret, your connection wilh Ihe so- Hoarding the faults of this jolly ciely. Yours faithful.)', C. Col- .cf liiijfwood, Lay Secretary. Verily their rnncerls continued During the years was cn- iae, gaired in missionary'wnrk the Inviting comments 'tis needle Canadian I'aciric Nuvignliun n stale, Coniiany liad spveral vessels in .,, complimentary in point jnprralion around Victoria aim nf Tacl I Westminster. AH these vessels d,,,,,! luck, however, In Captain i brought excursion parties lo Jack. iMassell willi Hip exception of) (Kdilor's mile This is the (he II. I. Illthel under Hip guiil-1 sixlppnlh nf Mr, Harrison's nr nTirp of Hip commodore of lln j I iclos nt Hip Queen Charlntle eomiianv. the genial and social! Islands, 'fhe spvpiilppnlh will appear in an early issue., SAINTS FOR ST. PAUL'S LONDON, Jan. Ill The statues nf tile apostles adorning the sides of SI. 1'aul's cathedral have been unable lo stand the rigors oT 200 years or London vvealher. following concerning this visit tri! Today Ihey are without features, Masselt: "Al three o'clock divinejand are fast .crumbling away. service was held in Hip church Coiiies are being made, nf wilh n large attendance from lhemalerhil v heller calculated to ship, and the Itishnp nf Caledonia .withstand decay aiid will shortly preached Ihe sermon. A cnllcc- be sel up. CHINA and Crockery SPECIALS Semi Porcelain Cup nnd Saucer, (II overleaf Pattern 25c ea. Semi Porcelain Cup and Saucer, wilh Hose Pnllern 45c ea'. All oilier Cups and Saucers, fancy China nnd Plain, reduced 25 per cent. 07 and 52 PIECE DINNER SETS 07 Piece Dinner Sel. with lvo (iiibl Lines around r-ilffi' nn Piece Dinner Sel, same ns 07 Piece Dinner Sels in three pallerns, Special Piece Dinner Sels. Special All nlher Crockery, Chirm nnd Glassware reduced per cem. GEO. D. T1TE Jra Avenue. The Quality Home mrnisner $26.00 . . nlmve . . 815.00 different . . $39.00 . . $25.00 Phone 20 THE DAILY NEWS PAV1E FJYE MISS WINTER MATRON OFNMHOSPITAL Succeeds Mlst'Cdna Swanson Who Recently Went South AXVOX. Jan. 10. Owinjr tn ill health, Mjss l'.dna Swanson, wlio has Iippii matron nf Anyox Tlpnpral llnspilal fur some limp past, had In resign her post and left reeonHy for Arizona, where it is hoped the clim'ale will dpal nvirp kindly .v;illipr 'fhe hospital authorities have appoinlrd Miss (i. V. Wihlpr-. to succped her. Miss Winter ., brings lo Hip post a wealth nf experience r,nv-pring a ppriod of almost twenty ypars in all branches nf the nursing profession, Miss Winter was horn in Scotland and chose nursing as 'hpr life work al an Parly agp, having trained in filasgnw Wpslpru and lliicliill Hospitals. As a member of the Victoria Institute of .Nurses, which sends its members into Ihe houses of the poor, she did district nursing for a ppriod of ypars. In !M5, Miss Winter went on duly overseas, liPing first sla- Jioiipd al Malta and later in I raiicp and llPlgtum. In I'JtK she was granted Ihe llnyal lied Cross, second class. For the past two and a linll years, Miss Winter has been a valued member nf the slafr r Anyox Oeneral ANYOX CONCERT PROVED SUCCESS Seven Piece Orchestra Providing Good Music for Smelter Town AXYOX, Jan. Ill, -In its second Sunday ariernoou concert under the auspices ol Hie Anyox Community l.engup. Hie Klks' Orrhps-tra played In a big gathering in liferent inn Hall, January It. their nirerings being much en joyed, ami future concert which are liPing planned will bp lookPil forward In muT well pat ronized when Ihe' ilay of per-rormance arrives. Assisting Hip ni-cheslra, Miss Violet McKay sang a group of song and further eslnhlishpil hersPif as a favorite wilh Anyox audiences. I'nd'er Ihe leadership of Slevvarl Sleelp, Ihe orchestra is conlinu-ally showing imroveineut and is a welcome addition In.Auynx ph- Iprlainmenl organizations, The; niPiiihers nnw are J. Austin,' piano; den. I.psHp and S. Arm-i strong, violins; p. SleVenard and i ('. Mi lliiuc.ill em-nels! .1 (iiillii. I way, saxaphnne; amt K. Walrr-man, drums. SMITHERS Mrs, J. 1'. Kirkpalrick returned to town nil Thursday after a months visit wilh her mother al Battle Creek, Mich., she was accompanied by her daughter Miss Arlene, who was attending college in thai Slate. Mrs. M. Lynch lell nn-Thurs day's train for anenuver, where she intends In make her home for Ihe next two or three months. Mr imd Mrs. D.; f jllnlt hrt fnr Terrace' nn Thursday In spend a few days wilh friends and relatives at thai luwn. While skating on Hip rink Friday arirrnonn .Winnie eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. llann haj '.Ihe misforluup lo fall and break her wrisl. Two C.N. It. engineers in tin persons of W. K. Davis ami Win. Slaiger let! here Sunday mornin for points in Alberta, the shortage of work here being the cause of the move. Mr. Davis was going lo Kdson and' Mr. Slaiger In i Mirror. H . .-... J Ten Years Ago J J in Plinr.e Kupert ) K January 19, 1915. 'fhe city council decided last niglil lo bring In Hip altenlior. nf the rederat authorities Ihe necessity of establishing coast fortifications here. Premier Mc-Hrhle has already paved Ihe way by recommending In the. authori ties that there should he defences at Prince Itupert. Mayor Newton announced nl lasl nii: Ill's council meeting that he had been in conference wilh William Manson, M.I'.P. wilh respect lo. Hip advisability of establishing a fishing wharf to Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thrn you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She ts certain of full satisfaction, for she knows adoertised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These benefit too. which indeppudpnt fisliermen can come and do business. A coinmillee is going from Seattle In Washinglon, Il.fi.. tn ask Hint the one cent per nouiul duly on Canadian halibut be restored and that tmmiing privileges given American fisliermen al Vancouver ami I'riuce lluper' be rancelled. Seullle feaH Prince lluperfs advantage of position in the mailer of fresh halibut shipping h llm Hasten market. A GOOD WAY TO INCREASE BUSINESS Many advertising messagps fail tn aMrnct nltenlion 4ipcnu.se ihev nrp either una tractive or are loo stereotyped. This is the opinion of one of , i.. i our misipsi nnu niosi siu'eisuu business firms Albert & Mc-Cnffery, Ltd. They liavo suc ceeded hi interesting many new customers in Hie story or the famous Nanainm - Wellington coal nnd since Iho coal itself lives up tn lis reputation these customers are coming hack daily for more, Nanaimo-Wellinglnn coal is the premier fuel for Hip fireplace, range and furnace. Mora heat loss ash no rock or clinkers. You should try Nanaimo-Wrl liuglon as soon as your' present supply .gpls low. llellPr slill, if you order some now you enn test il out with Ihe coal you nre now using. Nnn.'iimo - Wellington stands supreme when a compar alive lest is made. To secure n supply phono Albert & McCnffery Ltd., who are sole agents here. Their nhoue numbers nre 110 and hCi. If Tt. lloYil Young of Port. Simpson passed through on Hip Car riVnu yeslvrday afternoon reluming home ufler a business trip I o .Vancouver. advertisements are Written for your Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment not a stock spsculation Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P'. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P Balance of Winter Overcoats CAPS lo clear from AT COST. Only . ... n few left. STEVE KING Phone Green 85. SAVAGE $1.25 to $2.00 Washer and Dryer Has no Wringer, nerds none. Won 'finld Medal at last Quebec Kxhilution over all American and Canadian Machines. Cash Price $185.00; also Mild on terms. Kaien Hardware Co.