page two The Best Tea earns the greatest sale. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor, and Reporters Telephone - - H618 Is rewarded by having the largest sale in North America. Have you tried it? , The Daily News P1UNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, tin? Prinre Rupert Daily New?, Limited, Third Avenue. If. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or earner, per month $1.00 My mail to all parls of Ihe British Empire and Ihe. United Stales, in advance, per year $0.00 To all oilier countries, in advance per year 7.00 - 98 - 86 All idverlisiug should le in The Daily News Office before- p.m. on day preceding publication.. All advertising received subjer, to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION kri Monday, February !), tods. Avoid Attempt To Boom Real Estate. . " It is In he hoped Dial, in Connection with Ihe expected revival of business here no attempt will be made lo boost Ihe price ol real, estate "inordinately. Residential lots are high enough now and business properties ;ire belter kept low in juice in order lo enable llutse who would build or who wish lo come here to establish businesses to do o without ' unnecessarily encumbering themselves. f injures a cily lo nave real estate prices loo high and a disastrous slump is liable to follow any undue forcing up of values. The ideal condition is for people, to be able to come here and boy or renl id inoflorate prices. Those Who Bought High Would Like To Unload. Naturally those who purchased real estate at Ihe high pre war prices and hnve held on and paid taxes since that time feel that thev would like an opportunity lo Unload and recover some of the money (he-y put in. No one can blame Ihept for that. At the mine, lime- it is gcnerally-'acknowledged that llio price's at IhnLlime were unreasonably, hjgh and nreinjt likely lo be reach ed again for many years to com. I lie best thing lo do will vacjiul properly is (o try lo make it revenue producing. . To con liiuie to pay luxe and o bo out the interest soon cats up ihe in- veslniciil. " Own Your Home Is A Good Dictum. in many cities they, are having campaign with Ihe objeel of inducing residents to own their jinnies instead of continuing lo pay rent. The objeel is h good one although it has not been ascertained what effect such a campaign has. A cily where people own Iheir homes menus a cily uf well kept places of pretty gardens, where people take a pride in their surroundings. Jusl now there are new building needed in Prince Rupert and it is very desirable that people who have money should build for themselves. They lake a new prute' in life when they have a place to call their own. There is individuality when a bouse is built to ?uit n customer. looking for house would do well to consider the possibility of building now while the price of lots js reasonable and before Ihe carpenters get ton busy. ' This is the time to lay plans for Ihe coming summer. Warning Given To All Gamblers. . . Wheal gambling was a craze the last week or two and the gamblers came a cropper, pinny people who could ill afford il lomg llioiisamls of dollars. I hey look n chance and lost, neeeeii ny.liie operators, Ihe game was loaded against t icni. Ho iljs with horse; racing'ahd vvitll most games of chance. The ganiet is loaded against ihe? public-. The lambs are- fleeced- Yd they cotijiinie to grow new crops of wool lo be again taken. has lillle ehauci to succeed. Glenti Hunter And VipU. Duu. in the PrAmount Picture Merton. or the. Movies ' A Jimcs Cruw, Production At Wcslholme Theatre Friday nnd Saturday, I .. . WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "Argentine Love." Comedy: "ief Jlusy," lnlcrniilionnl News. Wednesday and Thrusday Tom .Mix in "Tin Last "f tin- Dunnes." Mack Sennetl Coniedy "Picking Peaches."4 Topics of the Day. Friday and Saturday ".Merlon of I lie Movies""Why Men Work.' Fox Xews-Unzelle. ARGENTINE ROMANCE SHOWN HERE TONIGHT Stirring Story of South Ameri can Girl Educated In the United States l'lie newest romance by .Vi cente Masco Ihane. "Argentine I he story, as Ihe title indi cates, is a Eolith American love- 1 line where his work brings him. Needless to say, the girl's parents are furious and when Juan Marlin. the financial king of the little town of Alcorla. coiiies to claim his bride; there isl.lhc very dic"kens to pay. 'Con suelo simply will have none of Ji I in and tells him so. Marlin claims her as his own and vows thai no one else will ever have her. Queer Situation Consuelo's narenls. who hnve TDR DATLY HTW3 - J-.i- I , " . . -m. Diiiiiie, something" has lit been having quite a hard lime of Ion s final triumph. j financially, point out to "l0'K ' ' hap pen. I II doe, lluck is inherited his father's lightning hand nndj sure eye. When hr smoke elcii's away Duek rides into the online country until ie trouble Mows, over. There he meets ngnjn I he' t little girl who lind driven through', ,'lie Douoe ranch soihp, m'on'h earlier. Jenny, Hie' girl.' now jsl n captive on Ihe ranch of a luiii- ilil lender. Duek rescue hrr ;ind finds himself hi love. ! tlMERTON OF MOVIES A GREAT SCREEN PICTURE Story of Boy Who Went to Hollywood and His Experiences Thera Another picture, which bids fair to attain screen immortality conies at Ihe weekend in ".Merlon lot tin" Movies" starring lllonii Jlunlcr. CruzC knowledge of nii-nuin nature, his understanding of comedy values, ami hi geniu for mixing humor and pullm have never before been . poller illu-Iraled. It is u .sure thing "Mr- Love, ' a Paramount picture pro- ion" is a lured by Allan Dwan and llebe Daniels and lllcardo r.orlez featured in the principal roles, nines lo the Weslbolnie Theatre tonight. I en inn. rich in color and teeming) Uinuelly. with fast-movinjr action. Missi Daniels is cast in Ihe role of loiistielo liarcia, a young Span-sh girl who flouts all Ihe old, linie-vvorn customs and. traditions of "her race and manages Hie affairs of her heart to suit herself. Parents do Picking It is the custom in Ihe Argen tine for Ihe parents lo do all Hie picking of a life male. Hut not so for Consuelo. She has been lo the United Slates, absorbed a new world polish and acquired, anion ir other things, a fiance a voting American- engineer who. that seems accompanies her to the Argen- poinlmeiil. iing uecenr in Tlie Covered:- iiuou aim Crue's oilier big hits. Waller Woods wrote ln! .screen play from lie famous novel by Harry l-con -Wilson andj , the poiular silage success by ruHirge H. Kaufman and Marel The story if "Merlon" is lliei lory of what happen lo llums-j amis of boys and 'girls who go lo Hollywood willioiit Knowing! what is ahead of "then v. Merlon! js a uioviestiiick jouth in u tiiy village of Jlliimis. Kveiipmlly he (lines to Hollywood lo eck, faniA Mini fortune a an cinolioiial ac-! lor. The sighU he sees, the rude-ankening to iValilies and his, myriad of slrnuge experience : conjliiute a story replete with comedy situations . built upon u llviu luyer of tragedy Riej Irageily of a boyish ambition : loomed to disnp- (ilenn Hunter has been identi fied with the character of Merlon so long on Ho; stage that it was natural to expect he would create Hie title rolo ill the screen version. He plays Merto;t with such sincerity and- feeling that gill 111,11 IMr niiHiili'Mi, 1 I h i 1 1 ' was paid for by Juan Mar- Vpart AtTh tin. She owes much lo him. Hut I " f5a n6U even this fails lo change the J ,n p"r P?f girl. She leaves Ihe house in ,-'-iri - ll-'1-,"- --- K huff ami goes willi a faithful old! February 9, 195. euda that had once father's home. Martin has her every move reported to him and he kills a Alliu, in an article ju- the Fi-i nancial Times, poilds. oul the prosper Is for mnkhig I'rinee Huperl - free port ..for- halibut! man in a fit of jealous rage over! fishermen. He also Consuelo. He is a fugitive from development justice though the lovvnspeoplellrade tiere. place the entire blame foi the affair on Consuelo. They flog J. D. Iloss her in a public square. Philip ars. inr .iin-i ir,in i-iiin.-r, ,ii arrives Just in Dine lo, save .ler from the mob. Tlie scenes that follow' -wherein Marlin gels all that coming tit him aiid Sears and the girl are united bring If a person bets on horse races and leu per cent of Ihe bet the production is taken -by the operators each lime, it is plain lo see that by: climax. Jo a filling Rescues Girl and Finds Himself kil"SVH: In Love After Refusing Fight to his knuckles. Hut Hack j doesn't fight. F.ven nt n dance, Ihe permit's n rnmre bully to gel I Pons jiiay inherit Jhe sins of i ! their fathers, bill they also come I into paternal virtues. Z.ane drey cited an Instance In his book "The Last of the Duaiies," and Tom M'.x emphasizes the fact In the l-'ox picture to be here nfhe middle of the week lluck Dunne appears to be n rather timid young man when Ihe picture opens. Heems ns j though everybody else has , notches on his gun nnd callouses nway wllh everything, Including the girl. Dul Duck has promised his mother he won't fight. She lost her' husband Hint way nfler he hnd cut a dozen notches In the handle or his Coll. She doesn't want her son lo prow the same, way. Hut right there you knew that wllh Tom Mix cast ns Huek for Ihe lime being you forget Victoria lie is iiciiiiL' Mr llnnler is "' Ml tirrotiiiilcii Willi a ui urges the, notice of tlie 1 lierring' It v.l iA I A..I 1 .V the . municipal . , ii,,,-,, electric light Ihe law iff averages nil his money is gone after leu bets. It is ' In n report In the cijy council,. possible Ihal he ..will win, but if lie continues to bet, in the loiigiTftM MIY QTARPINP P". 0. Duncan, superintendent of run io will be fleeced. is inevitable. So in all games wherel lwm 'Utilities, shows the cost of elee-, the operator gets a rakeoff. In slock exchange gambling thcl IN LAST Of DUANtoMn'- power production from oi.tuiiiH'is i-vi-u ocijyicr man in a game oi rouieue. I lie novice1 Woodworm Lake n H.7r per The Man in the Moon P YS:- WHAT is wroiiK with i m :IIT IN IU Keiisjuglon. The folk is erlntlve '''nuraved Willi ihe crests of 11 supporting Vast, headed by Viola -Manners ami Montague families. Dana, renin red as "Flips Mon tague, the girl whose: ihach inri-j lions are responsible for Mer- 00VEBWMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENCE. AOTICK i liiriliy nlvrn cm llu JIM Uv r Man-U not, ll) uiult-rlmwl Inli-iiila In l'll.v In 1U- l.liemr Diiiiirxl jiiuird T'.r Iiii'Iiit In ri.--l ipf nriiilst- liHiiir cart i if Hie biillillnir kimvii a rtlcilnnu llulrl, Uuai- al Imrrrnii Slr-Pl. l-ui I hinirliii, li.i. . iimhi llu ImuN ili-i'I'IIm-iI at iJ'li Xu, :i nil (. liliM-k n. :i, Mjp Xn. r.S7, Cily nr I'rlnrp Hiiv-rl l.inil lu-Klrlratliiu IHirir, In llin Criliii'i. uf III- llli Ciitiilulilii, Tor III'- nail- "T Im-i'i b hi- kUss ir liy Hi- linllli Tor i-ihi- I iix'ii nurse to live in n deserted had-1 H. S. Clements, M.l. for Coinoxl iin.iii,u hi i'im- picmisc been her FOR BEER IiATKO lhl :ili liny nt Ki-lil-mirv. lr.. M imii ii. rnikivs. 'rnirli-iir anil .Man;ir)-r. V i-i.l i.-ant . GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. OF APPLICATION LICENCE. FOR BEER, M'lTICK l luwlijr riven that on tin-Jill ilay of Mari li ln-M. llu uiiiIithIimmmI I IiiIhiiU In apply tu tin- l.lqimr Cniiirnl H.i urn fur a iin-nri" m ri pn-iiiiw :. , ,. ,,' ,' ''Hun l.irl t.l tlu- IiiilMinir kmin , pert of Senllle. in ,-., it letter to .1 hf ti llavsimrt ' Hmi-l. vltiiatol lit- the couneili congral.ila .is'llie' VH , ' V"?; i, iH..,,'VK3r'1otr r ?r;V a i IllWII for the successful operation of V&. m Hii.Mk : n i. rr.jr.ini u. . .! IflCis'K'fMl ""! Iii1IimI In 1 1 ip l.anil ) iii'imiry vilim, ai uh- i.iij- hi rrini'r i lut ,nw tw ii iii-it ny in rif lem and ine..;ios t. C. Duncan, Wi,,';' super, Atenmt, ,.f .il) lyes, ns a ''"li'uaiT,: parly to whom groin 'credit I .f ' 1brnary, itil. "lie. I NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE. 'lltUlllpllilll (III iiiu ttti itny (MIIS.i (MIIS.i M. M. A. A. I ni l'I IS. owner owner ami anil Miinairir nt ll.iyH,rt . vrx-'"'""'- GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. FOR BEER .NOTJCE l liorchy riven that nn Ihe ,lli day (if March next Hie nmleriliriii-il ItilHKN li apply In the l.lnnr Cnntrol Jiiianl fr a lli i-ne in ri'u . i in pn-mlKe IH-Inr part r Hie linlMlnr kmiwn rii-lneiita IImKI, situated at Curl l.leHH-til, Oneeii Cliarlnlle 1laiuK I'm vliu-e of llrlllili (jilmiiliU. npnu tin- Iaml4 tli-Ki'lllH-il l.i.t oeven '7. Iiliick Furlv heten ill-. SiiImIIvMi.u ,,f .,,i M-vi-n Imnilreil anil rm-lvult Olf, , ( tin ili .Me hMrlrt, n.c a ulu.wn "i,n a t reirlervl map ur plan Orpnulleil In lilt I.nnil lt,-ft-ltr firni- at il, rii,, ... Sfinit! I I'rliiec lliiiD-i-l nnil niiinlieierl Kim. inr On. in neonle ujiii. i.- is that iii.ii. Ibev iiny are inn uiiii afflicted) it ii J f"1',"',1'"''' ntrl for t-.nsiiiiit ,,v ,h l..n on nr the '' pnni!i-. "cen viii a cross wori( )u..le con)- pb'X. I'AAVO .N'urtnl is u areal runner,' but be Is nothing roinpa!";d willi our innyor. A la Ponoka "SKATtNIi Is being enjoyed by old and young nnd, oh, whal i lime Is being udl A couple of hours skating mn then nf lo 9 neighbors house fpr refreshments. Client urn Ihe limes!" . I'onnk'i llernld. LANDS IN MUSEUM LONDON, l-Vh.1 9. Th. first I'.ngllsh silver table' fork, made in 1632, has been bought liy .the IHTKM nt l-rlni-e itiiiN-rt. It i: . ii.i. -.n. lay ir 1'i-lirnary, 1i3. KIH Mi HICKS. Owner ami Manager 1 Curt f 1,-iiii nH lliiti-l. Applleatit1 GOVERNMENT NOTICE OP LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER ViTICf-. la hei-chy Hven Dial on ihe Till jlay nr Marrh niU the u lulet-sliriicrl Ifiteml tn apply to Ihe l Upinr Cf.iuriil lloaril for a llrrnae In rrwrt In preinlea lielnt part of the hullillnit kimwn n lliili-l Shai-kleliin, nltiiali'it at 1',k, In the '"i huh in nrinsn rnnininia, npnn Ihi lanrtj a l.nt Iwemy nl 5H in siihillvlnn or l.nt ime iliiiiimrtd rmir hnn-Irt-il ami Ihlily-nevi'ii (I4a7. Ilanve 6 ciiant Malrlrt. rrnvlm-e nf HiliUli c.uliini-' Ii a. rn.rrtliiK tn a rejrMered limn r plan (le)Uc, in ih,. tun. I lietlMrv Of. flee at ihe City of Prlnro Mupi.-j anil Hiilnhereil 7ii. for the aale i.r I r lv Itie irlana nr liy I lie np.-n l.i.llle fur rnn'. riiiiiptinn nn tlie premises. HUH! a l k. B.C., tills ih ,;iy nf I lirnary, tojs T. V. SIMCkl.KTON, owner and Mannrer of llolel Shnrklnlnn. Appllrtnl. MomLy. Feb) ' MILLBAN TUP nilAIITV PinADCTTC ir ill 1 1 II ti U UMLI I I liUIUHRL I I U t- S i , Mill IIU' J'tu . sr eff-AflKV. s. -v. WU i lV. HiESSH.'fe v.. N. Si liJi m and Albert Museum, 25 M35' GET IT AT! VA- HIGH CLASS -'GROCER PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS Good or Bad Weather We Can Do Your TOWING Day Phones . 423 539 Gr. 601 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red 618, Gr. 601 539 A famous Bourbon Whisky as noted for its antique matuiity as for its purity and smoothness. Bourbon in fact and quality-bached B0TTUD IN tWO UNDER " FEDERAL COVERNMCK'T SUPERVItlON "Awakens Old Memories" OldCro B0UlNiH.SKEY This advertisement Is not published -or displayed liy Liipior Control Honrd or liy the novcrnment of Uritisli Columbia. the