TAOr. P(IUH rrrr nurv vrvs Monday. F. v SEES DOOM OF BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui TMI OURRtX WM 1 ic-a CUAO to vv , ro come cwerII fS3"jlo- GAME BIRDS ON BETWEEN AH'. THAT t- M Wt V-MLC T WA"jALL MACCIE. DAOCiHTER. i"b iV MrV.cVE'' VOiCE I vOO FORC.IVE me ! r-rx TAUUT- CITTtN ,ON M MERvCb I Jljil I XitSCW tjHE-O ' "it OEMg q I it COr-tnO !!,' iTt ALL TOO J0tQArO I Want Va I THE CONTINENT WltH THCVO "cPCKK AM I 1K feMART AIS J I II I I D H I T A.POLOAiZ-E. r BflJ'j I 1 T 'Q QQ' i n yi Ducks and Geese Cannot Last Long Says Famous Author- ' Ity on Birds HORNADAY'S APPEAL NEW YOflK, JYh, 9. The nii- eralory game birds of North America ai lhrea,1encd with practical extinction, in t ho opinion of Mr. V. T. Ilnrnaday, noted ii al n I'.ul ir t am defender of wild birds and animals. Ducks ami geee may come In the vanishing poinl in I en years if the jri'riil rafe of slaughter, eon-i tiniics. "Thi! doom of our non-j migruiory liinls as well is sound ed tin less bag limil s arc imlmedU atcly rcilucd," Dr. Ilornailay ilcrla, "An army of MOO.000 hunters ou ijij ni wild Ihe must modern devices of slaughter has reduced lo a cerlainly the praclical exler ininalioii of the game girds if Ihf pii'sciil jinparallcleil . rate of destruction continues" Ihe speaker said. "There has never before Iieen anything eijuallin? the present pursuit, of hinl life in American hislory. Not even the destruction if Ihe buffalo was 'more persistent or wide spread. Danger of Auto "If is generally admitted thai the automobile has iloubled the perils of Hie game, because it ha placed every stretch of water where duck may he reported, ami every hunting ground wilhin Ih in 'I , ,i the ,: . ,, n 'liiler ruling of the De part incnl of Agriculture Ihe has limit that may be shot by a sincle hunter in one day is 2 docks of all kinds, except the wood duck and eider duck, and eliilil geese, and eight hrandt. Tin- season lasts for Ihree months i more. These limits! are most wasteful. No man or! nislinnrv SI7O1I f:itnilv pun nn! Ti nine iniisi in us are nreaKiasi-ing. Thing of Past "Wilhoul further legal restrictions, in len years our mi-gralory game birds will have become so shot lo pieces and weakened as In be reduced lo Ihe vanishing point. Unless steps are laken furlher tp protect the birds asainst Ihe millions of hunlers arrayed against them for Ihree mnnlhs of the year the laiigller will automatically make duck shooting a thing of the pasl, and many species may pass permanently from our list of game birds. I appeal not only In Hie sportsmen mi' ,n a" n'r'l lovers, lo Ihe women of the country, lo all others who are inieresieii in preserving our wild life for future generations lo act now. before it is loo lale." PLANNING OPERATE ' DRUM LUMMON MINE New Syndicate has been Organized from Shareholders of Former Defunct A syndicate organized from Ihe shareholders of Ihe former company has secured an oplion on Ihe Drum T.ummnn mine. which is now in Ihe hands of an nssipnee, wilh a view lo protect ing Ihose who are inleresled in II. Arrangements have been practically niaile lo meet the first PAymenl and funds are being secured lo drive a low level tun nel as nearly as possible at sea level to avoid Ihe necessity of the more expensive plan of sink ing a .shaft. Advertise in the Daily News. 1 ii - PRINCE RUPERT BIG PRODUCER!" --' This District Led Province In Tie Cutting Last Year; Came Second In Saw Log Scale Accoi'diiif: to figures thai have been issued by Ihe Fores! ltraneli il Yieloria, Prince Rupert dis- Iricl led Ihe province in lie pro- duelion lasl year wild 1,11(5,832 pieces. I'rince (ienrge was next wilh tt"fi,7H2 pieces and was fol lowed by Cranbrook 9.")2,983 pieces, anil and vernou. Vancouver roresi dlsinet led in .saw .Jos' pfO'luclion, Ihe cut be-ins I,7o!l,18.il00 fet. I'rince lluperl. willi l7t,.VJ3.0ftO feel In pole production, Vancouver led with 9,787,003 lineal feel; r (.Nelson, 5,45.1,000 lineal feel; Kamloops, 2,(5 18,0(10 lineal feel; Prince lluperl. 2,225,000 lineal feel. The' lolal Ins production in llrilisli Columbia fur Ihe year was 2,rJ'J,700,l8l feet which was lucks in one day, nor more than y0ilp 'r,'vi""s one-firih of lhat number, and since their sale is forbidden in nwisl stales, indications are that a lare peixeiilagiuof a. full . bag miisl be given away or become a Joss by decay. f'The awful limit of 25 ducks a day now prevails in 29 stales, falally includins all Ihe slates where the ducks find wilder feed and where Ihey congregate in grealest numbers in winler. Although no hunter gets his limit every day, and in many states where ducks were once plentiful he will now be forlunale if he kills one duck, yet in those diminishing areas where ducks 28,000,000 feel greater Hian Ihe PRINCE GEORGE J. ll.-.li)hnsonihns heerl elecled president of Ihe I'rince Oeurgn Asrieiillural and Industrial A social ion. I red D. Taylor N seerelary and M. K. Harper treasurer. Ole Kllingsen, Norwegian, corn-milled suicide lasl week by strangling himself in a local holel. lie has been here about a year, having come from Norway. Mrs. Arthur l.eilli and daush- Inn 'it-It r It 'i tL-n seek winter protection and food, ,vi'miii.ir for .. ..... ......t . "'eimoiilliK. have I rminui cily. been visiting in the past three relumed lo Ihe The I'rince fieorge Properly Owners' Association has recom mended thai the salary of .Mayor Aylward lie increased from $100 to $000 per year. Chief Shellon has cleaned up Ihe town of vagrants and pimps and is now giving his attention to Ihe enforcement of Ihe C.ov- This Lassie Has Her Colds "Rubbed Away" Tlie mother of this attractive little gill, ivirs. ii. ii, r.mmans, oi zit sevenin A vc N. K., 1'ortaRe La Prairie, Man., is one of the many Canadian mothers who are enthusiastic about the vaporizing salve, Vicks VaiwRub, for treating children colds. Mrs. limmana writes: "My little pirl had croup at night pretty badly and Vicks did ht-T a Jot of pood. I lave also used it with very satisfactory results for head and chest colds." Vicks is just "rubbed on" for sore throat, tonsilitis, bronchitis, croup or deep chest colds. When so applied, Vicks lias a double direct nction: inter-mitfy medicated vapors are inhaled while, at the same time, tsttrmillij, it is absorbed lliroujh and ttimulatcs the skin. lennnenl l.uuor Acl. He has j secured n number of convict inns for boollepfrinx and is ftoinR nf- the local Jiolelmeu whom he iders remiss in t licit obser vance of the liiiuor acl. A GOOD WAY TO . INCREASE BUSINESS Many ndverl isiii messages fail lo allracl alien I ion because Ihey are eifher unallraclivc or are loo. stereotyped. This is Ihe opinion of one oV our busies! ami most successful business firms Albert v, .Mo Caffery, J,ld. They have sue Nelson, Yancouvcr ro,',,'1 rnlereslini many new , , . , (came second, followed by -,i ' reach of hunlers living Willi- . , ,, . , - , .. , , Mirook, ' I'r nee Oeorse, .Nelson, a radius of 200 miles fir more. 4, , ,. . ' ' ernon and Kaluloops. mlooj i iisioiners in ine siory or Hie famous Nmiaimo - Wellinglnu coal and since Ihe coal itself lives up In 'its repulalhin these uslomers are coming back daily for more. Nanaimo- Wellinglun coal is Ihe premier fuel for the fireplace, ranse and furnace. More heal less ash no rock ii: clinkers. You should Iry Nanaimo-Wel- linglon as soon as your presen liply gels low. Ileller still, l! you onler some now yo(i can lesl il oul wilh Ihe coal you are now isiiiR. Nanaimo - Wellinglm-ilands siiireme when a eompar ilive lesl, is made. To secure a supply phono Al-lierl k McCaffery Ltd.. who an sole' asenls here. Their plioiu anmliers are 110 and 501. If " BATTALION ORDERS fly Lieut.-Col. Ji W. Nicholls Dffieer (Jnminanding 1st Hal-' lalion Norlh H.C. Ilegimenl (I02nd lin. C.R.F.) Court of Inquiry. A Courl ol Inquiry conlnosi'd as under, will assemble al Ihe Armory al 8 p.m. i nursiiay. , l ebruary 12, lo in- vesllgale and report upon loss bv fire of eipilpineul belonging In Pie. l'eler llyilu. President: .Major K. I). John-1 Ion, MC. .Members: Oattl. (i. P. Tinker ntlil l.ieul. 11. V. Cameron. tleiilion of t'.ourl is drawn tn Pnrns. r.2l0:iO Kit. O.CM. 7 Proceedings In triplicate are In be delivered In Orderly room nnl litler Mian .Monday, rebruary 10. I'Hiades All ollieers, X.C.D.'s and men are reuuesie.l lo attend (.ecluie on Map Heading by S..M. I. Voungmali, '(:.Monilay, I'ebrnarv All ollieers, N.C.O.s and men ill'e urged In ullcilil serb-s of leelures hy.H.M. I. Ynungman while he is conducting Provincial School of Instruction. Hand .Members of Ihe band will alleml meeting in the Ar-inory, Friday, I'ebniary 13, al. 8 p.m. .Musketry Mliiialure llance. I'riclay, I'ebrnary 13, 8 p.m. Doiiiiniou Ilifle'Ass'neialion Com pelition. Stores All bayonets In be re- lurned to Quarlermasler's Slore. Meeling -Sergeants In alleml meelinK. Wednesday, February 1 1, at 8 p.m. S. D, JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant, Alld. 1st, lln. North ll.C. Ilegl. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Arthur .1. Curon, W. S. K. II. I'nrd, II. M. Mcl.eod, II. Alchison, Mr. and Mrs, N. I.amlo, A. . Smilh, A. A. Cox and tO PUBLIC HEALTH! Social Hygiene Council Support ed In Combating National Menace Illy Canadian rri-i TOIIONTO. Feb. Impressed by Ihe characler ami cffeelie-ness or the publii- health work being done in Canada by the laiiadian Social Hygiene Council anil Ihe very definile effeel III is Work is likely lo have in leiifith-eniiiK Hie span of human life, one. of lln big insurance companies of New York, which makes i specialty of eneoiiiaj-'iii scien-irie erforl of this kin. I on Ibis Hiiiliueul, has offered- lo the 'niincil a grant of S25,noo for Ihe year 192.1. II is understood dial Ibis offer has conn. Hi inn "Ii Ihe verv fav- irahle rejiorl made by Ihe officials al the Canadian headiuar-ers of (his eompany in Ollawn. cfrai'iling the activities and pro--rain of Ihe .Social Hygiene 'oiincil in Us combat wilh the lalioiial mi'iiaee of venereal dis-ast's. Two Weaknesses In speaking . oT lli uses lo which Ibis money is likely lo be tut Dr. (iordon Hales, Oeneral 'eereLnry of IhC: Council, said: "Though' we have 50 branches if our council .throughout Can ada; and a nalional program of neial hygiene, Iherc have been !wo definitely weak spots in our movement, and, Ihese -- we now iope to remedy. One has been Ihe need of orgiiuizers in both eastern nml western Canada. These we hope lo appoint at nice and so lo pet a much firmer hold- on points distant from lieaibpiarlers, which need not wily iospiratioh-as lo programs if activity but assistance in car-ying lliern out. "'Ihe second -.'weakness has teen in our failure lo work .oul a national scheme for the ade quate scientific education of idolescents and children in Ihe meaning of social hygiene, so that from Ihe earliest years onward, there may come lo Ihem through proper channels a gradual bul accurate knowledge re-iriii'ding certain biological fads, Ihe maintenance of clean sland- ards .o,f frindUCtt, fnii.l (lie j-es'iton. iniiii)- 1. 1 .'.ny; i mi i j 1 1 1 1 ;t inr Hie mill. nng up of Ihose fine and healthful social conditions which are the aim of , every scientific hygienist. Adults and Parents "In our work so far we haw alined al Ihese objectives by iluciille work Tor adults ami parents. Hut we feel lhat Iherc should be a more aggressive and definite plan lo ensure child education along all Ihese lines TO REDUCE ARMY TOKIO, Feb. o Four division comprising 10.000 men of Ihe Japanese arpiy will be dismissed by May I, in accordance with the. general retrenchinenl plan nf Ihe governmenl. The divisitins abol ished have been selected largely wnn a view lo Hie economic re- siiIIh in Ihe legions where Ihey are stationed. Advertise in the Dailv New O. I.ycell, Vancouver; .1. An-I PRINCE RUPERT TIDES l bony, Kaien; Patrick Hughes, t . ( Prince lluperl; J. Arinslrnng.l Tuesday, Februry 10 Victoria; Mrs. 0. I,. M. Oiggey High 2:17 a.m. 10.1 and fieorge Little, Terrace; Mrs. 11:32 p.m. 20, 3 W. F. Iloyer, Smii hers; Mrs. W Ilusscll, Skeena City; John Will-man, 1 1 k . Central J. Merville, Cieorge A. Young and II. Spaner, Vancouver; A. Wasden, and 0. llurdal, C.N.Il. Low 8:10 a.m. fl.5 21 :rtf p.m. 2.0 Wednesday, February 11 High Low 3:18 a.m. 15:07 p.m. !):I3 a.m. 21:30 p.m. 1 0.3 20.0 ft .2 3.3 .vMwSf:,... . - i I' , M lii'lLiijiili mw - Wanted For Sale For Rent I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WAN I I :i. Oii i In help Willi housework and baby. Mrs. C. 0. Mills, Waldron Aparls. If WANTF.D. Ocnllfiiiau desires furnished bedroom. Address Pox 2.11 Daily News. 3!l FOIt PLAIN SKWlNti. phon lllaek 2.'I7. Prices reasonable. MALE HELP WANTED :100.U0 a month to distribute everyday household necessity in rural and small town districts. No money needed. Million dollar firm behind it. Wrile for particulars ami 'slate lerritory desired. H. I,. JOHNSON. 5711 McDernioul Avenue. Winnipeg. , TO RENT FOIl IIFNT Furnished room in comfortable home. Hot ami cold waler. :t:iO Fourth Ave., Fust. :I2 IT) nK.N'T.- Parlor bedroom, well healed, wilh board Klue 101. FOIl SAI.K. Three acres fertile land, situated ,nlf mile from Copper lliver flag slat ion. llalT cleared and planted wilh vegetables and fruit also house 111 feel by 25 feel willi addition and good basement. (inp.l waler supply. 70 chickens and good chicken house. Had health 'only reason for selling. Clear lille. Snap for cash. Wrile Daniihauer, Copper lliver. ll.C. 33 LOST Phone 33 FOR FIF.NT. Singer Sewing Machines. (:;one Hlue 38'J. If 'OH SALK. Full dress .mil, she 31. Phone (ireen 103. 35 FOR SALE IMMOIITAI.ITY Certain. Tim life after death and a real world beyond is shown in Sweden-liorgV gleaL Work on "Heaven uhil; Ifcll.' ', f)ve-r 4 Of) Jiajies. Only 2.) cents postpaid. II. O. Low, 180 Kueli.l Avenue, FOIt SALK. Ileauliful winter overcoats, very latest, on consignment. Must be returned March I. Come in ami view Ihem. Mrs. Ooldlilonm, Third Avenue. ,31 FOIt -SALK. New house, 0 rooms lmlh and pantry. 1.18 8lh Ave. W. on corner lol. Terms arranged. Wrfle llox 230, Daily News fnr particulars. If FFIlNirilllF, for sale, and room ing house 21 rooms lo let. T50 a month. Mcijafl'ery & Oibb.iiis. 33 FOIl SALK Phonograph, hall seal and stand; Singer sewing machine. I'lione no. :ri LOST $30 in 3 len dollar bills, between lluperl Table Supply and hospital, yesterday afler-nnun. Finder Phone .)8. Hewn rd. FOUND FOI'ND.-Hunch of keys on sleel ring on Fourth Ave. NVe.sl. Owner can have same by. Men. Ilfylng and paying for litis ad-veilisemenl al Daily News office, Advertise, in the Daily News. I WANTF.D - Man lo handle the IIOAItD. sale and dislriliul inn of Hie; Second .1. II. Wulkins Co. in. the eilyj of Prince Ituperl. The J. H. Walkins Company, 1 1 5(1 Hamilton Street, Vancouver, 11. C. BOARD The Avenue. Inlander. 8.10 Phone I.T7. AUCTION SALE AI'CIION SALK.- A 28 foot Irol-1 in tr lioal, fitted wilh 0 h.p. Vivian engine will be actioned al Prince lluperl boalhoiise, where boat may be viewed, al 3 p.m. on Monday. February I). 32 ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS written up Halanre sheets, financial statements ami income tax returns prepared by expert accountants. Hales reasonable. Wrile P.O. Hox 835. if TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust' Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni t Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Aer-m from Kmncss Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni- ture. Store. We Hoy. Sell and Kx. change New nd Secondhand floods. Q LO. PAPAOOPULI3, 830 Third Avo. Phone 14(5 AUCTIONEERS IT will nay you to consult u when you desire lo sell oi purchase furniture, or an) article. PRINCE RUPERT KX-CHANfiR. Auctioneers. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS IIKnEIIY OIVF.N that tin reprvp rovirlnr Lot 4JJ, Cunur Pin-irlct, m .iiiii'piih.i. n. n. mapen. Dopiity .Mini'ler of I.tni. Lamia ricpnrlinMil, Victoria, B.C.. ..n iwemher. . LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchtu Land In skwn.-i i.anii nutrlri. nr Prinn nupprt Ilomrrtinir- Innrlrt, and rltuat. (iri)i-exlnialcly m ami imp h.ilr .niln v...i nr SalviK Station, on Salvua I Ma ml, Skerna nivrp. Take Nolle that hnrtolf l.amann. ol Carli'lon St., Iiurnnby, orrupalloi. LRpr. Inlrmls to apply for prrn.ltiinn lo lin rr hasp Hie fnllowintr di-arrllird land; Ceiiinii-nrlnir al n pit planti-il at ll-Miilliwprt rornrr nf Lot 41103, Salvnr Island; ilwiidi soiith'A'pulprl". appr.nl-iimt.'ly sun yards; tlienci- hortlii'ily an-prnxlm:ilry mill yarl; ihoiicn norlliu.'l-erly nppriitliiiali-ly sou yanU; llipiirp sii.itlirrl.v Slid yards, lo hiIiiI of IickIiiiiIiir, .'oinprHliiir all that M.rtl( r Salvus Island l of Lot ami rnnlalnlnir 31111 arra, mure or loss. THOMAS MILLS Aircnt Tor Hl'lx'l." HI1SSQN. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Slluat" In the Skfi-na Mininir nivlolnn nr the Hanife 5, Coa.t IHsirlrt. Whore loratcd. South of I'alla Crfek, Kltmim-aaluiii Lake, and adjolnlnir Ihe VVhIMler nn the Lau ind nf It. Lawriil holder, W. Trenton and I). Wilson: No. nr Holder' Free Miners' Certificate, Trestnn S70I0C Wllm n7nnic. Take Notice that we, V. Trestnn, F.M C. Nn. n7nin(;. and linvl.l Wilson, kmc No. 7fi(M!. Intend at Ihe end nr afvtv il1V frmn the dale herenr to applv tn the Mining- lit rnrder Tor a flerliricale ' of improvements ror the purpose nr nlitalnlna a Cioun ilrant or the. above rlaltn and. furthermore take notire that Arttnn under See. 85, f,r the Mineral Art n...., i, menee.l liernre Ihe Issimnre or nwh rem. rtrale or linprnveinenls. Iialed this snih .lav of Nov., toi W. F. triKSTOt, and mvin WII.S0, owners. " T Vennr. treni IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Mailer or the Administration Art-nnd In Ihe Mailer or the KMate or Peter Colli. n, In-rented, Intestate. ' ". v. '.'".1- '' l.v on er nr Ills ,t Honor F. Mi ll. Vonnir. made the JIM , J or January. A.I. 109.'.. xvaV no In d Admlnlslrntor r ihe eMJIe or ," V Collltnii. tlerented. nnd nil pnril.-s hnlni rlalins nirnlnst Hie said .-tale are here V reinilred to rurnlxh nam.-, properly v"rl-f ed to p.e on nr.herore the ,l.iv or MT'. A.. 19911. Ud mi "aniei' in h l.ied in Ihe estiiie are remilred lo t. v i,, noim, or their Indehn-dneas to me'for!!" NnrtMAN A. WATT 'rrirl.il Administrator Dated the ,11, day orbruarrT'ir' LAND ACT Artid round, &t Notlca of InUntlon to App prrtw III Skeena Land I li.-miriiiiK h Island m -i auuili or s.in TAkK OTI.h i or liunialiy, II.. Intend.t to npii i .line llu' full'-wn,; i tiioiiiriM'lliir al a . easterly end of a I . -dlalely sou Hi of -j; lielnir planlMl at I-said Island; and Island. This st.ik-dlreetly south ,i -, la hi llu' nam.- i i slaked lur -ni iii lalnltur Ion arr- - ii Tlli Paled January t LAND ACT I Notlca of Inltntlon to Ar"r Its In in i.a.Hi iiejf.ronur i M nrlllsh . . i i linn. T AkK NOTICE C it Iteil or Vanro.Oi l I! rtipall.m I'tilp an i i liilends to applv ! K.WHllr lleiMMlH'd I e Cftfiimetirliiir at ontlieast n.rii. i i apllrailn r.ir I -ihenre iHirth i'i i -Mm- MHltllearl in-norlh 17 de. :i. west rorimr or I t i r.-Hnwinr the him. more nr lea, to ! mem, ai. I itrtiiaiiiii'. mol e nr leas. PA.:Hli vr iXame -,r , tialetl January 'ii LAND ACT X Notlca of Intantlen to Appln Ii ttftiusl iq IMassell. in - -Island unit m-hii-i r of Prlnre. llur-ert. B.- one mile south .f II let, and In Testation II: o Take Notire that F r -if Massed, It. r Minster, Intend- i. i tn lease: the follow ir '.immi-nriiif m a p. t side of Vestallon H halnsj Ihenre e:it I i rh.ilns: thenee west I lalnlnr IS arret, w-re i FI'CFME II ".-' DIM riecpmhep 10th 't LAND ACT r Notlca of Inltntlon to Apply to UimU ill rrinri" niiperr i . nr: "ordlng- Plslrlrt or r-i: 'late at Harnard tlnnd. B.C. Take otlre that Company l.ltnllnt. ..r V lends 'lo apply rr tr - fnllnwlna desrrili.il it the head or IMi- noval tslankl: then Ihenre norlh fnrt ( nes ten (10) .-hiln- I waler mark: them-e -mark t ptnt of enntalnlna; fifteen '1 'ess. SOMFtlVII"1 tv W I raed Peemher "ih LAND ACT Notlca of InUntlon to Apolf O In Skepna Land In -1: irlrt or Prime Hni r proximately two mil. -nr Ihe Skeena and w Skeena lliver. Take Notli-n lhat Cr I'rlnre luiperr, It.' . Intends to apply for the. rollowlnir d. -i'rlhe i Cniiimenrlna; at a P smith aide or Skeena II west I rlialna: ihenre Ihenre northeast r. i-h-west in rhaln almir t Skeena lliver to the I incnt, and rnnlalnlnir less, OEonnF. C Paled January Stli. I' DEPARTMENT CF LAND!- Application NOTICE for Orating Parr.:ti Saaion Annlleatlnns fur up.'- slork on the Crown krazimr iiistrirt nr the r Cohiinhla, must he fil. I " l-'oresler at r.ianln Knmloopa, .Nelson, r rnuvcr, Vernon ami W before; March 31st. r .' Blank forms upon u1 hllrallons may In- ntiU.in irlrt Fnreslers at lln- i or from the iirpnrliii.nl lorla, B.C. Depul.v Ml: Derarlment or l.amh Victoria. B.C. January mil. I'1 NOTICE. IN TUB MUTFn OF for the issue or 1 fr. line ror- l.on ihiru " (Sll, Il lock seven n Cllv nr Prince llup.-n Snllsfarli.r.v pi--if 1 striirllon of Ihe Crrllfl I luar Ihe nlmve Intnl.' ' ll' ti me It la my Intrnilon ' f t-li rt II. hi nf one iii.'iHl. tiiihllciitlon herenr. a ' ' tllln In Ihe name nf I' lv ror the snld hind, win ' title Is iln led the .1011) Ji numbered -IBSil I. H, F M in-1 '-Land HcFltry nrrtce I'rlnre lluperl, It.'' January 30tb, itsiS- lit I" il'iF- rtt'