A: F.-bmary 9. J-3 THE DAILY .NEWS PAGE THRE8 At the end of washday how old do you feel? 3fd Avenue and 1st Street. ' Rupert And few years of tat tiring toil will msks you actually as old In appssrance ss on dsy's work now rnslies you fstU Keep 70Ut youth by usinf oof Thrif-T-srvlcs. Its cost Is yty light, yet youf tntirs bundle wm b. wsshed csrtfally. the flt work will be Ironed, snd Just the westing eppsrel left for you to finish. And this comes back to you dsmp, ,.aJy to starch snd Iron or hang on the line. My w send for your bundle ext wsshdsy? 5c Pep Pound, Plus 1c Pep Piece. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phone 8. MSf 'oQunoVTf Day February 14 v. iii ilay fur a 1'iirly. Dan Unpid has given its so uc symbols, hearts, flowers, arrow, Vitlcu-make decoraliug eay and suggest ntimy ap- - (111-. fi.-irly favors, jtl.in card-, crcp paper, hearts.. ImK Whatever nti leipiirc fop : we linve it. Mail Orders Despatched Same Day. mm mm mm m z nnf nrms jun. oaxmg With "Oup Special" Sleep Simmons Unit $40.00 complete ' " "one Walnut Sleel Hetl, uon -aKfc'i"K I'l"'"? " 'ayer fell mallri'ss Carrie's Home Furnishings Phone 123 ish F'esh Troicn- -All varictie. Tresn Fish- All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skccna Sockeyo, etc. Salt Fish -Herring, Salmon', Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish - Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. Prlnoe Rupert. B.C. Local and Personal j H.C. Undertakers. I'liuuo 41. Ilayiieri. Undertakers, Phone. 351 Melhodist Church Kuslcr Sale, April i. 34 -Mrs. Crahlinait's fur house dresses. join the cannery stalf. if, Ilaskelball tonight lllks" lloi'iii' ill 7 p.m. You'll like our joall Cop.sum era Coal Co. Phono 7. tf G.W.V.A. 7th Annual St. Val ontlnc's Ball, Thursday, Feb ruary 12, 9.15 p.m. iiO S. (i. Harlan returned on the :anli'ia yesterday afternoon from a brief I rip south. II. Atchison arrived on I lie Canlcna veslerdav afternoon on ' Ills way to Claxlon where lie will TIip Hon. TV 1). l'atlullo will iiililri'tts the Women's Canadian Club mi Salunlay, February ii at 3.3(1 p.m. in the Hoslon Hall. Cuoslt ami ln. Valhalla liaiice in Metronoh Hall, Tuenlay niifhl at .i.:iO. Ait niiHion. L'enlleineii 7oe. lailie 5()e. West holme Oreheslra in al- lenilanre. llefieslnneills. 3't It. M. Winslow, sales uianap for (he Caiuulian Fish & Cohl Slorapfe Co., relurneij on the Car lena velirilay aflenioe.ii from liusiness Inii lu Vancouver. , Knlerlaiimieiil, inetnlin eomeily ilavlel. al lloolh .Sehool Ainli- ini'iiiiii. l-'eli. II ami 12 at' 8 n.in I'iekels lo lie hail uf till 'sehool einiiireti. A aitoii iniigii asonn-ii 3 iiiii:Si!-tin Miv. 1 Itiitf ilinvi-n It tin. meiima jm a iimice ia. noinir oi tier brut tier, Jisifcry, who tifl llio oily from Stewart Amlorui Colonist. X. l.audo, fur hiiy-r, tirrivml from Vaneouver on the Cttnleiia yejtleiilay afternoon, lie is ac I'oiniiauieil hv Mrs. I.amlo ami they are n'gislemt al the Priitrr- llupert liotel. .Miss ,. Joliii-tlone, sister of Capl. A. .loluislone of IIm sleain- i'i Venture, arrivTil frifiu Vaii-rouver on the (juriloita "yesli-rilay afternoon. iSIn; e.vHHjt.i l( tnaiti liere for sonur time. Al Hie Methixli'ttt Church lasj Miulil. nielures Wfl'e sliown ile- i.ii-l mik (he work in China of the ;iuireh Missionary Society ,ml I lie Wdmen's Missionary Society. Thev svere very pnlifihleniiii. Iiowing uuolerii iiisl ilnl ions anil .luinmenl such as hospitals, universities, ilenlal elinies. print ing presses, pharmacy ' ilepari-menls. Hp. Hev. (i. (i. llucker ailili'i'sM'il I lie coiirircKalion v ANNOUNCE! ENTS Klks' Smoker. February 10. (l.W.V.A. Annual Hall, Febru- ary 12. C.N.H. Kiiiployos' Annual February 17. I.Iks' Annual February '-'0. B.C. and Her Products Hull. Novelty dance. Iff Ii .tV.M"tTf I I'aeifie .Milk eniovs the oat-1 riniauc of most of our citizens wlio use canned milk. This is one Hi'itish Columbia industry which bus no complaint whnl-eep In make of preference te-inir shown lo hrauds prodiiced oiilsido-our province. If pein-ple used other ll.C. products in the same proportions there would he no lack of employment here. Pacific Milk Co. Llmlttd Hoad Office, Vancouver Factories at Ladncp and AN INACTIVE LIVER IS THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION When your liver K'l? slurirUli sul hi-artlve Jour whole health suffer?. Your IwweU Iwiumu riiimltpaleil: you have sick and bilious bemliiiJii': your r.iiiriiH rn.ilril anil furrv: your Inintti hail; Mi'k float before Jour eyes, ami often yen feel a lr you were rolnir l rninl, rMTislljr lr in s rowilfU place whore there l little or m ventilation. When In till eonililloii there H only one thin? lu do, and that I lu take MILBURN'S -LAX ArLIVER PILLS Thau u-lll. itlimihit J' tile lnufii4h . liver mi ihut ll will' rrirSlate the-' flow of bile to set properly on the Uwels, and thus rlear away all the poivtioin, matter Dial .. ,. .ii'i'.'ftLj l.i.ind 19 reIV"IOiir IU( ,"ui ntri ii vnijiirn. Tor kale at ill drurrlMs ami dealer: put up only by The T. Miihuin Co., I.liu Iteil, Toronto. Oot. C. T. Ual.rera, M.K. of MasseU, left on Saturday evening' train for Philadelphia on business wilh the P. H.C. Mine 1.11. Provincial Constable A. W Collins, who 'went mould willi nrisoners. relurueil lo Itie city on the Cardeiia yeslerday aflernoon Constable Alex Volume, who has been acting- As stenographer ami clerk in the local 'provincial police oihee, has resijfneil from the force. ' Customs willectiojis for Hi month of January lolalb-il st'.i.- N".mj aeesorililijr to amioumi infill imnle this liiorniiiK al (he usloms hoUse.- C.I'.H. Hteainer Pritieess Mary '.:iol. (1 C. Siihrlpv. norlhhotiuil from Yiineoinpf; to soulheaslei n Alasku, arriviil in port at 3 lock thin iiflwnoon. John W'illman of I lie Kleaiua sawmill arrh(il from Isk on this moriiimr's train He is visiliir; the city on busjjiess and expects o return lu tlnrlnlenor lonighl. Mrs. YV. F. Hover arrived from niilliers on last night's train lo join Mr. ltnyer Vho is recovering from an illti'l which has ratiseil his voufineiiieul to the local hospital for some ,ime. C.I'.H. steailMr Princess lleal-rjce. Capt. ThoTirhs lilT, from Vancouvor ami vyayp'orls, was in port froiii.t.'30 lo tro'eloek Sal-urlay niyttr. The vessel had a few paseiifrers; and considerable fipifc-hl. ' A. A. Cox. Vancouver archilee', returned on lhis..mominfr's train from F.ilmonlon , where . Iij. lias been for several weeks on proT fessionat huinest Jle will spOnd a few days in U.ie vHy lie fore pro- ciMidiug soulli.. .... F. S. WrtpTii; fOm'e'rly oT th'sj fity and now with' Hie F.ilmonlop Auto and (iood lloads Associa ; lion, delivered an address beroiej the .lav per Hoard' or Trade last j week on the work of Hie Associa-i lion with rivals I'o heller roads, iiml Hie alliacti" of tourists to Allien a. I APPOINTMENTS ON RAILWAY ANNOUNCED WI.N.MPFd. Feb. 'J. The ap-uiiiiitiiient is announced here by A. Ileskelh, siiierinU'iulenl of in j vesllaliou for the Canadian National Itailways. or Inspector (ico. Willis, or Miinilidia district, to succeed Inspector lMnahl Me-1 l.eod. as inspector of Ivlmonto i' ilislrict Willi licaiiuuarlers at Kd- .jniinloii. Inspeelup A. ".. Yoiiiik succeed3 ( i.Mr. Willis as inspector of iiies-l ligation for MHiiilohn dislricl' with hcailipiifrlers at W,in)jipCn'. Hot Ii appointments' tire 'prfee.tivej I rronr February I. tl25, and In spector Willis will leave shortly ! for I'llinonlou to assume his new duties. . . . SEVEN MILLIONS HKHI.IN. Feb. '.. The Herlin social ib'inocralic oivan, Vor-; waits, estimate's thai Hie. 'slrenlli of iirrani.ei Socialists' Ihroujtlioul Ihe world in ll2l was 7,000.000. Falkland heads' ,the list wilh 3,150.00(1 members! of Ihe T.ahof parly. Cerniany comes second Willi 800,000 and Austria third with ficr., 1(1(1. i BIRTH On February 7. a sou was born ,to .Mr. ami Mrs. llujrh Forrest, ! r. '. I Vlnll, .iiimii.i v ! Mm A ci SYNOPSIS OF UNO AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vnrant, unreserved, surveyed Crown ImiiJs may be pre-empted by niitlih fculijects over IS years of use. and liy aliens on dei-hirlns Intention lu Imio mi Iirilirh nulijecl. conditional ut-Jn rewldence. ofcjpation, jX improvtment for aKrli-ultural qiiriiosen. Full Information concerning reuu-.tloii resardlnit pre-emptions Is ulven In liullHin So. 1. Lund Series, "How to Pre-empt Uinil," copies of which can be obtained free of charge .y iiddrensliiB; the Department of Lunils. Victoria, U.C., or to any Gov-jinment Acent. I'.oords will be sranted covennj? only land suitable for acricultural purioes. und vvhicli Is not limlier-land. I.e., currying orer S.0i0 board feu per acre west of the Coast Kange and 5.000 feet per acre east of that Kange. Applications for pre-emptions are to be uddressed to the Land Com-minNiouer of the Land Kecordlng Division. In which the land applied for is situated, and are made n printed forma, conies of which can ho. obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for flv years and Improvements made to viilue of 10 tier acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant cm be rec'jlvwl. For more detailed information see the Hulletln "How to Pre-empt Lund." PURCHASE Applications ure leselycd for pur-ehace of vaiant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmbvrland. fur agricultural purposes; minimum prion for flrst-cbiss (arable) land Is Jb tier ucre, and serond-class IKrun-tngl land 12.50 per acre. Further Information regarding purchuso or lease of Crowi. lands Is given In Hulletln No. 10. taml Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Iinds." Mill, factory, or inuusmai sues limber land, not exceeding -10 acres, mn'y be tiurchased or leased, the conditions Including jmymenl of stumuage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acros, may be leused as homesltes. conditional Upon a dwelling be ng erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and 1m-Vrovement conditions are fulfilled ana lanu nns oeeu iu.vjrv.. LEASES For graslng and Industrial pur- j poses areas not exceeding 040 acres , may be leased by one person or a , comesn,. GRAZING Under the tlraslng Act the Province Is dlvldeO into grnxing districts and the range administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual graxlng permits are Issued based on numbra ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners may form ai relations for rang management, free, or partly free, permits are available for settlers, campers and travllis, up to ln head. y crac Her If you like shredded wheat biscuit you will like Triscuit, the ghredded wheat cracker. It is not made of flour it is made of perfect whole grains of wheat cooked in steam, shredded, compressed into a cracker and baked in electric ovens. Its crispness compels thorough chewing. The more you chew it the better you like it. A lot of real food in condensed torm. At all first class grocers. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company Ltd. Niagara FalU, OnUrl. Mil The Shredded Wheat Cracker rvnrDiMCMT t. I r i twr cni in .! i ML XICII. Feb. .. A baker a' the head of I lie largest eily of stale reported lo lie overwhelm-: injtlv moiUKii-elni-al. tins ilemo- cralie spectacle is presented by' the elexalion of Alderman Schar-j nacl lo the ofliro of mayor of the llavarian capital. Munich. M-liar-' naal is a baker by trade. FISHERMEN! Look over your Fust Aid Kit ami see that it is com U uu nli-le Here are sonu! lit Hie things, yoll should have hoard before you pul In sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES . EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK For vtn ir Personal Kit you will also need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH It 1 1 y your supplies from us and he sure of receiving1 satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Avenue Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book fop 1925. They are Free. Hclgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST The standard of ile-ntistry l have In offer is measured by these words IIONKST. IIKMAHL-K, I'KKSONAl. My methods are the latest, my Tees are untile rale, ami Ihe guarantee l give is 1 NCON IHTIONAI, . AHSOWTK SATISFACTION is mv only aim. GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. " FAMED f Trade rK LONDON The Gin you will aik for aealn - the standard of purity, for over 160 years. $3.25 Pen Bottle. The Gin for you is "H. & U." a This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tho Liquor Coulrol Board or. by the Government of British Columbia. n 'V iu-