25 ii ni;i Mi. ... I'lVV Ih- TAXI and Ambulance Service nwwhr at Anytime. suntf Royal Hotel, 3rd Av. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop.- V(,. XV NO, 3. T1T i r I 1. If It I II M11 y M Christopher, Wick, was the first lie sciison lo get away. ' ai'i'ii lasl Friday for .sonic curl iiiul was tpilekly fol-o Mie Ailcllne, . Cjii'ImIii no iiiornliiB two schooners, 'iiiioiiia, Cupl. peace, and the s''Joitiihi I sipl . Hni reen, also "iiH'n Tnr Alaskan purls and in ;i ilas every Hal ill the '""' will he bound for I lie CRUSHED IN LIFT C.P.R. CONSTABLE DIED AT VANCOUVER 1 vC(ll VF.il. l eh. !). William ' ander. years of ae. "siiunf, turn yesieruay as 11 'sun of tiiliirjes received when '"' was cmiiflil between llnj lifl " "Ok Hll Ii it 1 way lu an devalor sliafl. niinules to extricate RECORD SATURDAY FOR THE LIBRARY iiiihlay was Prince- "It" l.ihr 'Uner a record day al ilnpert Public Library I'lirnin. Miss Violet Mor epilllH Mint she hniiileil "," li books on that day, u ""Ver nuinher than has ever be-been lian.lied here in Ihe ''tiif. lis. LCTrtlUU V M:ul Villi. Im-Ii. t. Twelve men nf the Japanese Iruin-ii :iiiui in port here iiii-l ilcnlli by ilmwiiiiiff' al midnight no-, vheii u pinnace returning lu the sinp lUziimn was ,h ii lu by a transfer liargc anil sank in u few iiinlneiits. Tin -f W'Tc -ixleen men on (lie liny craft which was lowing ;l in : wiHi lifly or s i x I men if Hie fleel reluming from m ! i 'i' l Hie men in Hie limit escaped 1ml nf (lie sixteen ii 1 :;' it ii ire. ii II rii- ii iiiiin iiiuwii'u .iiiu inti uiru ,-,.,'jii flc i a tken from Hie water. an K lis! 1 Y IS WARRANTED urgeon urim commission oui- mits its Report to Houso of Commons I- 11. '.. l'.Xl(J.rj.! It was lli greatest ti'jieily in I In: hislnry of tin purl. According lii statements made by those who saw tin; accident jibe iimiai'i had left Hie llallau- lne pier about 11.31) p.m. and vyhcu. Hearing .'Hie ' lil.limo the lux Nanoosc lii'loiiin to Hie CP.lt. and lowing Hie hoawly laik-u Iruusfi-r harK' hove in -lylil lnndiiiK for the firs I uar-iiiw-. hoiiml for l.adysmith. The pinnace, il is slated, 1 , u it w Ileal enlcrini kvs-uii lu purl apd U!jed lo I lie 5 f j a . s is diseusVihltft rear iifi thiliii, hut the mrgnl he royal eoinmis. i cauahl tin' liny crnfl. seiiilinp; , year iiivesliHali'il! it to the bolloin. IMscrs Intmi'-K t,h Tin. rcioi;l says dialely .-el In work in an el furl 1 vi as a Renernt thing,; lo locale the sunken craft and - arc to he ilepriVial-'eomiiieiiced 11 search for Hie i t. i-litioiial silualion bodies hul despite eonlinueil during the niplil and Sun- j ... s in Ibis instance foils 1 t ii ri . .. . . such mi moos I.' nay no iraee 01 ine urn 11 or in wltn ii is signed bl'l "'! bo.lit iiiunissioner.s, inelinl lii'inau, Hon. V. 1. rs lie 'ii tabled in Hie I itiiinnns. 1 n 1 nuin Tinr I'flKllV!' Iif IK ALASKAN PORTS ,i ru M ri..i.iMni... uin. trtMi I .... viii !9bVJIIVl." HOI I, to Leave En Ftouto to Halibut Banks 1 of lite drowned men could lie found. (f the men who tost their lives five were non-eomniissioiiil officers iind five'scainetr. All be-loiiyrd lo the crew of the Idzumo. The Irnfjeily jiiaried the visit of llc stualron to Hie purl. II is anlicipaled Hint nit inquiry will lie held as soon as possible. The fleet, which arrived lasli Friday was to have remained: here a week. Radio Report A report of Hie accidenl wits leeched here last iiitflit and picked up by a number id radio fans including Henrye Tile ,lr, who heard il on his radio set. According lo thai report Ihe culler ran in fronl of 11 lui! towinj,' Ihe harf,"'. 1 " eleared Ihe lit.' hul ran iiilo Ihe bar'e behind, splinleriii: itself and sinking in a few liioineiils. The Ciiplaiu nf the wf. upon arrival al l.adysmilli repoiie.i al. a Japanese culler had run foul of bis low line but he was mil Iheti aware Ihat il had sunk. COLLINS BELIEVED TO BE STILL ALIVE Should be Roached by Thursday or Frldav by New Shaft c.AVK CITY. Uctilucky, Feb. 1 Klcclrical lesls witli voic nlitlers lodav convinced rescuers Mini I'IiimI Co ns is still alive arier len days iniirisoniiienl in a sand cave here. A Jiew shall is being du if ami il i" hoped lo reach Collins before Thursday or Friday. Mr. and .Mrs. (ieorge llusld'y or Prince Ituperl, who are guests at Ihe Hotel Vancouver, enlcr-lalneil al a luncheon parly on Tuesday when Iheir guesls were Mrs.' Ilrenl.eh,. llotiald Sinclair of Ihe Percy Hutchison Company, a cousin of Mr. Ilushby, aim mr, Ireland. Vancouver Province. Is on Mary Island, Forty Miles North of Vancouver: Crew Escape v.m;oi;vi;h. ivi,. o. with plains iiiiiicliiri'il and .sleru - feel uiiiIit water Hie strainer Salvage I'diii'f lirlniij-'in' to Hi)' Pacific Salvage Co. lies a wreck tin Hie shore 'of Ma:y Island al lite rniranrc lo Welcome l'as-snsfc III miles north of Jlcre. The mvsscI nicl' 'a fni'shap al four o'clock on Saturday aricr-1111011 il is anuomiccd hul Hie crew were laoilcd safely and are in 110 dan.ler. WAVESTRUCK, THEAORANGI Big Motorshfp Hove to For Nino Hours Yesterday Bocause of Storm SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 9. Motorshlp Aorangl on her first run from Vancouver to Sydney, N.S.W., was struck by a huge wave 400 miles off Northern California coast. The bridge was smashed and two passengers Injured, one of them having his leff broken. The vessel hove to yesterday for nine hours because of the storm. CONSERVATIVE IS VANCOI VKIt. Fell. II. d. A. Ciitherwooil. Conservalive. was unsealed in Dewtluey liy I lie de eision of Mr. Justice I), A. Mac- Doiiald loiltiy. Application for I lie unseating was made by his Lib eral opponent. Maxwell Smith. FRENZIED FINANCE AUTHOR IS DEAD IIOSTON. Fell. '.). Thomas W. Lawsoti, financier, aullior and siiorl small is dead here, lie is best known for a series id arlicles lie wrote a Tew years 111:0 on' I'li'ii.icil l''inauce and for his novel Itlaek Friday. JACK DEMPSEY main UNSEATED DEWDNEY J. A. Catherwood Vacates Seat Under Ordor of Mr. Justice McDonald' WAS MARRIED Estelto Tavloc Became His Bride on Saturday night at San Dleao SAN IHF.OO, Feb. '.. -- Jack Dempsey and Kslelle Taylor were married here on Saturday night in 'the Presbyterian Church. Ilusiness will hold Dempsey in California for some lime, -after which Ihey may lake u world lioiieymoon trip. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMUNClMlLPKItT, H.C., MONDAY, FHUHL'AUY U, ll25. tufrt Circulation, 1,841, Mrs. Louise illurrcll, well-known Knglish woman nrlisl, puts the finishing touches lo her puriruil of Mis. Htauley Haltlwju, wife of Ihe premier. Probability of Mills Risuming When Piihce Rupert Sawmill is Started Announces Geo. Little I 1 1 I.: I 1... r....... I ..!...... Il,,,.,.rl iv- i 1 1 i lieorge Litlle, owner of the Terrace mid Anrsbiiiy mills, who js in Ihe cily loday. Willi Ihe reopening of Ihe sawmill here, it is possible tluil arrangements may he made lo have Hie. interior mills contribute f-hipmcnls in carload lots lu be loaded oi vessels here, lu Ihat case there would very likely be a general re-' sumption of lumber culling activity wilh this city us lite sliip- " jiing port. CHURCH WINDOW WAS PRESENTED Sixteen Members of St. Andrew's Society, Who Died In Great War, aro Honored the handsome memorial win dow creeled by Hie SI. Amirew.s Society iu honor of ils sixteen members who srave up Iheir lives in Ihe ireat War was presented ami dedicated al II111 evening service in the new First Presbyter ian Church last night. In an ipienl and feeling address, Thomas. McClymoiit, president 01 Ihe Society, presented the window which was received in the' name of the congregation by (he pastor, llev. Dr. II. It. (iranl. Dr. (Scant, also pronounced Ihe dedi-j calory prayer and his sermon, based on "The- Culler's Saturday Night." was also 1 appropriate lo Ihe occasion. I ho Lasl I'osl was sounded by Hugler W. Itance. The choir sang "Itadianl Morn" and S. K. Campbell, a vocal solo, "lie Lined Me." Members of Ihe society, rnrly lu number, paraded lo Ihe church from Ihe rooms on Second Ave. led bv Pipers James Sturgeon and Alex. Mat Donald ami Drummer James N. Kelly. The names of the members of the Society who died in the I i real War are: J- Florence, Frank Mc-Villie, William F.lliolt, (ieorge lleggie, Neil Keilh,' Hoy (I. Mc-Kinuon, Neil Mackay, J. W. Mackenzie, John S. Watt, Charles Dennis, James Husscll, James Stewart, Harry llunler, IL A. Stalker. Andrew Jlrighlon and Frank Wall. Adverti&j ,n Ihe Dally News the interior nulls have "ecu competing iu the eastern luutber market under Ihe double handicap of greater freight rales and overhead than eastern mills have had. II is necessary that some other uullcl be found for their product ami this will likely lie in Hie way (if walerbolliei export from Prince llupert. Mr. Little stales that Hit- Terrace sawmill has eonlinueil op erations ami is still running de spite the slack period. It Ihe oresenl favorable prospects for Ihe lumber business in Ibis district materialize, it is probable thai Ihe Atusbury mill, which has been closed for the pasl two years, wilf resume this summer. NEW HOTEL? Big Lot on Second Avonuo Sold by Railway Company to Chicago Man The 120-foot square lot on Seoond Avenuo In Waterfront Block "E" opposite the government agent's house, better known as the "post-office site," has beon sold .by the Grand Trunk Paciflo Development Co. to Archibald T. Nauglo of Chicago according to advice that has been received al the City Hall. While no official Information Is to be obtained locally, It Is stated on some authority ihat the purohaser of the property Intonds the erection of a new hotol. Mr. Nauglo having no agent here, as far as Is known, It was Impossible to confirm this statement. The deed to the new owner has not yet been registered. 1 IVXIHIII I II II 1 1 II I llllllt-H.s ifj viiiiu Hum I I in' 1 ""l. . . r . ,1 ... ...Ml. :.. il... .I..I..0 I lie ine salvation 01 ine stiiutier sawuiiiis 111 nit- iiiiciuji, iiiim-i lite courl of siltiii).' in the chatnlier this discovered tliul I 6lrt 8lt 644 revision, council moruiiiu'. . M. New- ton, who qualifies on a liulnbe'f T'lolsTn seclioHH 8 ami t is not now nualir fied lo hold (be position as mayor, his new asse.ss-menl being only Ut0 whereas lu sit as mayor he must hold property valued by the assessor al 1,000. PRESTON MAKES BOLD REPORT Speaks of Shipping Combine as as Menace to Development of Trade OTTAWA. Feb. 'J. -Tin BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Halt with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed. ding parties. For rats, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ENGINEER HERE TO BEGIN WO WfcLVt JATAnTO LUoL LIVto WHtPI rlNNAlfc KUN UUWK Al VANIVUY w m i m m - m UK ,dis ' w tr v w- ti m a vm w "i ra a mw w Vancouver Drowned When They Were Returning to Ship Idzumo " ii d n l.. d T-....j!r uu x nr nuirn L.r.K. lug nanoose Leaving naroor i parti? ACTinnr llllf lllill u ' EE Engineer for Elevator Arrives Here Today and Officials on Wednesday Armtt's Dredge and Outfit Did Not Get Away From Vancouver Until Friday William Sinaill, engineer fur Hie Northern Uonslrtirlioii IJumpaiiy, arrived here this afternoon on the steamer I'rineehS . Mai to commence construction of Hie new government eleva-1 tor and dock, the contract for which .was recenljy let lo th'tS 1 N'orlhern Coiislriiclion Company of Vancouver. He was atcom- p.'iiied by C. D. Howe of Curl Arthur. (Iy. Arnetl'.s dredge and scows were delayed somewhat hf gelling away from Vancouver ami finally lefl 011 Friday. The officials uf Die N'orlhern Construction Cnnmany will leave Vancouver lonighl 011 Ihe Prince Hiipcrt arriving Wednes-. ' day, lo clublish (he Prince Hubert headiiarlers for the work. MAYOR NEWTON IS NOT QUALIFIED TO HOLD THE POSITION r PLACE RUPERT i Norlli Atlantic shipping combine is an obvious tnenactr lo the natural development of Ihe export trade of Ihe country and an evident deterrent lo prosperity and the1 welfare of Ihe population. Mov ing spirits iu Ibis gigantic, world wide maritime oryanual ion huvi consniretl. combined, agreed and arranged to unduly limit facilities for ocean transportation. They aro prevcnling. limiting and lessening eoinpelilioii in ocean Iraiisporlalioii lo and from Canadian purls. So W. T. IL Pres- lon, appointed by the tuivcru-menl lo Inquire into the operation of the North Atlantic com bine, summarized his conclusions. The report of .Mr. Preston was tabled in the House uf Common! today. II declared Ihat. the or-uanizalion wields Ihe big stick over snippers aim resiricis eiui grttl lull to EQUALITY WITH OTHER PLACES Report of Qraln Commission In-vtt!?atlon Favors Western Ports (Special to Daily News) YANCOUVF.lt, Feb. a. Hon. W. F. Turireon's report on the result of lite grain commission-' ers' investis-ation out today really recommends Ihat Hie railway rale on t lie oxporl of wheal lo Vancouver and Prince llupert should be placed on a mileage basis pro rata wilh the Crows' Nest rate to Fort William, says a wire lo Hie Sun from the Ottawa correspondent of that paper. If lite railways do not earn 20 per cent profit on these rales to; Canadian ports Ihe (ioverntnent is asked to .sunnlcmeut the dif- . ferenee and charge il to colonization. The railway tarilTs west of Fori William, except on export iof wheal and flour, are not to bo disturbed. The Canadian National and C.l'.H. freight steamers are lo carry grain from Canadian seaports al New ork rales. IS CHARGED WITH MURDER Patrick Hanely of Trail Shot and Klllod Nurse According to Jury THAI!., Feb. Patrick Hane ly of Trail sliol and killed Miss Mildred Neilson the Ynncnuyer nurse according to the verdict of Ihe, cnrunlrV jury. Itanely had been formally charged wilh murder and is held nl llossland Hospital whence lie had been moved Canada by excessive!'" "Atf Die Trail nurses (be em- ll. .jumaVO nf u-!iiliiif muili liifil s raw rales, exerts a strangle- , " he had shoM,mielf. hold on llie foreign trade of the:"""1, Dominion. ACTRESS SHOT LOVER ! AND IS ACQUITTED Man Was In Agony from Incurable Cancer PA IHS, Feb. 1). Slanislawa L'minska, the Polish actress, was uoquilled Saturday of the murder of her lover Jean Zysnowski Hie aullior, whom sho shot last July iu order to put him out of Iho agony he was sutlering from in-curablii' concer. PAULINE LEAVES TO TAKE NEW POST 1 Will Call at Ottawa to ConTer With Premier Mackenzie King and Cabinet VANCOl'VFH, Fell. 0. F. A. Pauline, Urilish Columbia's new agent general in London, left for Ihe East Saturday niglil lo confer wilh Premier Mackenzie King and Ihe cabinet before sailing' from New York lo lake up his new duties.