Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. ! OUR MOTTO "Price and j quality." j Inspection Invited j Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Smith Block. REVISION COURT SESSION TODAY The feature of the proceeding was Hie giving1 of notice hy Aid. Slephens of a resolution calling lor a general reduction in assessment of ten per cent of all1 lols in seel ions I, 2, 5, C and 8 and of fifteen per cent in seel ion 7. .Mayor Newton and AM. Casey opposed the resolution on the grounds that reduction of assessment would make no difference to Hie ultimate taxation. Mil. Stephen." point was that the assessment should he made as WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. "Argentine Love A fascinating love 99 lory of I he. Argenline liy Viroule, HIasco, lliaiuv.. A tale of warm tango niglils of Spanish beauties' ami jealous lovers, of treachery, conflict mid ilar-iug adventure. A picture of great beauty, colorful sellings ami snperli scenery. A romance thriller of a Itiiilatiziug senorita and her liot-lenipered, lenipesluous lover. Strung cast: Bebe Daniels, Ricardo Cortez, James Rennie, Julia Hurley and many olliers. COMEDY "GET BUSY." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c Dentistry Having actively taken over the Dental practice of Dr. Jos. Maguire it will be my earnest endeavor to give' the people of Prince Rupert and district a high class dental service at a reasonable fee. . L. Alexander Phone 575. " ;. 1 1 IIIIIIHllllllll III 1 1 Mil llllllHUil ii H T7;ETr-iwii;-wi Our Guessing Sale CONTINUES UNTIL FEBRUARY 10. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You have read about many sales, but this is a little different We have just finished our slork-lukiiig and rim! dial we ure nimh overstocked m our I NDKIlWKAll DKPAIIT- mi:nt. We eau siiiply the City or Prince ltuperfs children ami udulls with a garment each and n little lo spare. WELL, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? HERE IS THE ANSWER! We are going lo offer il nl a ridiculously low price and lurn il into cash. A dollar in Hie cash register is belter llian leu on lie shelT. We are going In keep you guessing REGARDING THE PRICE hill we assure you il will he a good one. Do not overlook our low priced Remnant Sale. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. SAVAGE Corner Third and 7th Washer and Dryer Has no Wringer, needs none. Won fluid.. Medal at last Quebec; KxliiMliuii over all American ami Canadian Machines. Cash Price SI 85.00; also sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. ONLY THE MOTHER KNOWS ABOUT THE COUGHS AND COLDS OF THE "CHILDREN Aid. Stephens Moves For General tard , 'p ., from tMus Reduction of Assessment In jrnM; tix-y win run out uf doors nut pro-all Sections I "'t ly rlatl. r linvc mi too much rlotliiug; - Dlav loo l,ircl anil eel uvf r-hratrd, nut .... i , I -ih,I nrr loo middi-nly: frrt their feet wet ji.imiik cjocii uimicuis uciore kirk orr lhu ,.,, rMlls ,,,,, 1M, , il. I Ik ruiirt of revision cm the I a dium iiiiniii Uh iihiUmt can't prevent. rily assessment roll opi'iinl its! The iioini tio or iiiiimal session in the city coun cil ('dumber litis morning- with Mayor Xcwlon, Aid: Stephens, Aid. Casey- and AM. Sniilh pre sent. I rifth member, ll,; Ald.!w(, ,.,.,.,. lu. ,.,, or ellll b.rrc ,ny MrMonlie, is out of lite city. Sev-1 ?PrinS im, n-uubic n possibly deekii. eral of the appeals "were disposed! mm. Everett K. kveit-n, it.it. xo. 2. I ifdeililon. X.n.. writes: -".My Utile lmy. of an. I .lilinnrnmiMit. whs l:ik,.n ! tuilil Thursday afternoon. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP tre nine years, liad a (I read Till, cold which left him with a liad cntii-li. I Irled Dr. WwKfi .Norway Pine Syrup, ami after using- llirce boltles he va completely relieved. I would advise all mothers to use IhU remedy Tor I heir children as It Is an excellent medicine." For sale at all druiurlMs and dealers. near t lie real property values as possible so that the city might h:e safeguarded against success- ul appeals. Decision on the proposal may he made at Thursday's session. List of Appeals The appeals before the court ami the reasons therfore were as follows: Canadian National Railways, vnlerfronl properly, assessment xeessive, etc., adjourned until "Itiirsday on reipiest of W. K. Williams, 'appearing for the company. (i.'I'.I'. Development Co. I, Id. in all company lands, withdrawn .vhen satisfactory explanation of cehnieal point was given. D. Turner and W, J. Turner, lols I5 ami Id, block 25, section I. in excess of market value, us-essnicul allowed to .stand. YV.'S. Mitchell, lot 111, block X, section 5, assessment loo -lauds. bigl'i. Mrs. K. A. Fairlie ami S. I.e C.' rant, lots 1-1, lllock II, section '. over valuation, stands. II. and W. Wicks, lots ill and 10, block 111, section 5, impruc-mcufs loo high, slumls. W. T. Iloolli, lots 7 and K, block 12, section l, in excess of uarkel value, stands. Jessie (. Scott, several lot's in sections 1 ami T, too high and inequitable assessment, a'djourn-d until Thursday, , M. W. MeLeod, lots y and 10. block 22. section I, loo high and inequitable, adjourned until Thursday. A. II. Mcl.eod, lots It and 12, block 13, section (i, loo high, stands. J. L. Deirlein, lots in sections 1, 5 and it, too high, stands. GRAVES OF SOLDIERS LOOKED AFTER WELL, , i Director of Commission Tells of Work Done In Salonica and Other Places OTTAWA. Feb. 7, - Shaded from the scorching sun by the cool, green, swayiltg branches of iaUc trees, ami enclosed within high stone walls that afford access lo mourners ami syni- lalbi.ers alone, the remains of Mrilisbers who gave up thir lives in the CSreal War while serving in far-off Macedonia, (i recce and Hie Balkan Slates, lie tranquilly at rest, while inscribed on each shining headstone above the grass grown mound arc the. words "Their Name l.tvelh for Kverndurc." This was Hit- reassuring pic-l lure furnished by Captain A. IV Menzies. deputy director of works. Imperial War Ciravos Commission, in an interview nn bis return from Salonica, where since l!2l be has been actively engaged willi the commission, ("iiplain Men.ies, who is an Ottawa man, readied Salonica in the Christina of UI20 as assistant deputy director of works with the Imperial War (leaves Commission. Since that lime uulil his recent return bo has been steadily engaged in the work of establishing cemeteries and gathering lugelher the graves of llrillsh soldiers who gave up their lives for. the cause, of world peace and world freedom. Tin: Memorial to the Missing, LAND ACT. III Skecnii l.miil liMH.-t of I'rliici' luipi-rt i Iti'i'uiiliiiK ililrl. I TAkK MiTIC.E thill OmiW l.ltlli'. uf 1 i-rriirc. Il.i:.. iKciieiilliiii lumlii'i'iiiuu. ami I.. I.. M. lilficy, uf .Tfrroce, II.C. orru; pn Hon liiiiilifi'iiiiin, 1 11 1 01 id td i . I y for iH-rinUMiui td iiitIiiii tin- rollowhiir d-I siTilieil liimu, rr Imlintrlal file: , Ciiliiliii'iiilinr al il (uit iiluiitcd it t h Il end or IkIiiiuI ultiiiili'il. near inoiilli of Kit-I idllnklllllllii lllvcr mill Ivlnr nenr ml li.mW uf .nlil iht; lliiMii-p rnllowliiir lirp line niiiiui kiiiiui in iiiuiii or I'liiiniiiMirt'iiieiit rniitHliilnir ti aori-K. inure up Ip. I oi:oitiii; i.itti.i: ami CI..M Hi: I,. M. OlilOKY. Al'plluaiila. SPECIAL! .Vis! Service on Colonial Hill overlooking Lake Doiran ami facing (be Grand C.i i run ne in froul of winch 11m Allied I'orees were bebl up for u considerablu time owing to the inaccessible position held by Hie (icrnuiii and lliilgariuu troops, is to be unveiled about April 12, 1U25, when all Itrilisli cemeteries will be officially opened. Union steamer Cardcua, Capl. A, V.. liickson, arrived from the south at 2 o'clock yesterday af- leriiuuu and sailed al, 8 for Any- ux, Stewart and Alice Arm. The vessel Mind the following passen gers.: Tor J'rinco ltiipert II. Spane'r, II. .Mcliisoii, S! (i. Har-lun, It. M. Wiiislow, (ieorge A. Young, Mr. ami Mrs. .N. I.ando, Miss X. .Idhnstiuj, Hj M. Mcl.eod, .1. Armstrong and A. W. Collins; for Anyox II, ,M. Williams and M r. Ituckuber ; f or ' Stewart M is. T. W. Mrliouald ami II. lluiii-mell. , f." , ' for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ' for men Sun-Maid Cluster Raisins Special to clear 15c straight SPEC1A11 30 Pairs Black Kid Dress Boots, Regular $10.50 Jumble Sa r. m w m wm le Days Watch This Space Thursday for another smashing Sale for Friday and Saturday The same guarantee of value will accompany all future Jumble Sales CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY FROM 0 A.M. UNTIL 12 NOOV 200 TINS CORN Hi I ure market I'lice will he 2.1c . Kxlru Special per tin . l.imil 10 Tins lo each customer. 50 Packages .,..IV 1 HEINZ WORCESTER SAUCE, Hie higg value mi today's market. Pint Hollies, Special 40c 15c TEAS are advancing. Ordinary leas may go (o ' ,l; MALKIN'S BEST TEA Special, per Ih Limit Id lbs. in each customer. Here tv it real Snap in llrooins ELK 5 STRING BROOMS. Speciaf, each 65c 45c 1C0 DOZEN TOILET PAPER Special 7 for 25c (Limit si. OH) 1,000 LBS. SMALL WHITE BEANS. Kxlra Special '. 5 lbs. for 25c 100 TINS MAPLE LEAF BRAND PLUMS, li s. Special 2 Tins for 25c The Home of "20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co. Satisfaclion 1 CHINTZS CRETONNES SHADOW CLOTHS Curtain Materials ?e25 for SPRING RENEWALS CASEMENT CLOTHS MADRAS And POPLINS MARQUESETTES SCRIMS NETS and COLORED MADRAS SINGLE AND DOUBLE FACED VELOURS. These. Specials will he uu uulil Thursday only. See our Window fur Hi' Val'"'S 3rd Avenue, GEO. D. THE The Quality Home Furnisher phon 20