65c iWestof England Store Phone 753. Third Ave. IDemers" Mip Newest and B I .,.: lest of Summer Lingerie Come and See Them House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 One cannot burn the candle at both ends You wouldn't light a - 'idle- al both ends and es-' i it lo last very long. ii you can't attend your "uitiy diilies ns wife and her. then J)ilc on wasli-;iy labor, and expeel lo 'ep yourself fresh and igorous. Why nol let us ' ikh euro of washday toil aid f rouble? One of our any services will ,fit ex-'ly both your needs and ' iur purso. And you can 'ep Hie home fires liurn-i.- willioul burning Hie ndle nt Jiolh ends. Canadian steam laundry Phone S. Now obtainable In Prince Rupert. Suprema Cauada's Kav- orilo J'urpilure Polish. At all good stores in small pr lurgo bottle. Also "StlPpEIVIA" Mpp 0l ni"l Iho fuinous "pureka Bleach." Look for Iho llooster Luliel. . linfeaay. June 10, 1925. THB DAILT- intWi- PAuE FIVE 't i- ..-in conomv PLUS Thnfly and resourceful feioiLSPwivos of Uritish Col- ii i ;iJmu see in nrnalion M not only economy, lmt ii tut "P. nourishing, pa oris fly supply T wholesome 1)11 K I V iir grocer has Oarna- li ,; so you need hPVPr run IMlT' Made In Canada Carnation Milk John L. Christie Palps Agent Prince Rupert SPUN PONGEE . ., leinjid (jnaliiy J3 tn i'iigee iir j.auies oi Children'8 lY Meg 85c. West of England Special TRUE BILL ON SYMESCHARGEj Local Manslaughter Case to' Start Tomorrow Judge Gives Detailed Charge In charging the tjrand Jury, yesterday afternoon in ronnec-lion Willi Hip case of Claude 'in-j renl SyiiiPH f mis city, agairtsf! whom a true hill was returned Ihis morning, and whose (rial will Jut ,roc,.,.(,., wjlh . t ttiriitr row, Mr. Justice '. a. Mardon- alil went al piiip detail into I1ip law covering manslaughter arising from aulomohilp accidents. This was not manslaughter in Hip ordinary way, His Lordship slated. Negligence was the basis of surh charges. II was Ihp duly and legal responsibility "or jipi--"ons in charge or dangerous Ihinfrs" such as automobiles lo j'xprri.p reasonable precaution iaf!d rare in the protection of, human life. The law held anv person who failed to do ilis criminally responsilde and that person might he found guilty of manslaughter. The factor of carelessness or negligence look Hip place of inlent in such casc-i ix I hose. )t was nol easy fur juries lo deal with case of this kind and Jie called upon Ihis jurv in display its best ability Facts Not Disputed Jlefeninjf 16 the parlicular case in quest ioi!.' His Lordshi,i I'Xplaineil thai Syiuea was charged wilh Ihe unlawful killing of Norma Munro on .I'eJiruary 12, I'Jio. through omitting in tak- due precaution and care. There was apparently not much disput" about Hie fact in Hie case. ''hc jcli i Id was killed while playing in or attempting lo cross Hie slreel. There was u five per cent grade Mrs. Mauson, a witness, asserted that accused had apparently tried to avoid striking llje child. H was I rue tie had gone on 123 feel but it might nut ho necessary to lav stress on thai fact. tion must be exercised with children than wilh adults. Drivers slioubl bear in mind the lack of judgment of children and operate their machines accord ingly. Tie degree pf care necessary was coinmensurale with I ho aae of Hi" child hut precautions must he tuken under all circumstances. Not Prejudice Case In dismissing the jury over nigh! to return wilh its rinding this uinrning, His Lordship i mi -pressed upon Ihem that Ihis was a local case and urged Ihem nol. to enler into discussions over it Dial might prejudice their looking al the matter from J lie strictly legal light. His LordsJiip also referred briefly to Mm charge againl Paul Pollard or HeJIa' Coola who was also cJiarged wilh manslaughter as n res'ujt or Hi having driven inlo a car in front of him, knocking Norman Clel-land oT the running board and ,-ausing hi ""calli, last December 8. dvertlse in Ihe Daily News WATER NOTICE. .MUCDtmN AND UEi .ur viiri.i that Willimu MorKiin. !. . ..l.lrrh IK iJH klKirt. ll.C. Will 0Il'l,V r.r i lli'i'iica l I"!"' '"' "J" 'wy" aV. W"." 5. :.. n.. ,i.,l Ni O.CJ. The i witi.r 1 1 be rtlvrrlcd rri.m tlie Blr.'iiiii at ,f iiiiv ijr. A ropy or uu ihm", 1 im"m II I" oliji-rtlmw to Un anp ic. Viuiy ril.'d with tli aald Water 'r litmtri.ller r oicl ..r 'Willi t"e raillniiieiit Inilldlniw. Me-water v.i r iiif lOirtil ,..., ..rier tie lrl ' am eara" .' or lU iwtH'P In l;eal iiewmia ter The (late ir the rirnl pnlill-iu or tin ""tire l May join, lK5. will KM MOHQV Appllewnt. LAND ACT In Prlnre lliipert Land IiUtrlctj PUtrlrl or rrutre iiiipvu. TAKK NOTICE that I, Merlll Pes nrlay, of AWoiiver, U.C.. oceupatlon Minion niker, "tend to apply for permission to irVlmse the Mllowlnir -fliwer lied laiidji- I planted Vb mile OiimnicncliiK at lioal niiiith or the join neam corner 01 .n uv, A... 1, liin.ir. 1. C.iimt I sir el: Ueiiee iiorlli chains; thence went !!U ini ii 1 tn pinion llriA In an I'llllllK: llll'IK'P BOUlll iu Miurr ti"? ...ut.riv riircrlliin to point of ooiii nii-iiri-iiirttti ctmlslnlin 0 seres, more or leM- MKFULL, HF.9 ItniSAY, Appllcsnt, Edwin illroy iiarnum. Agent, Dsttd April iro. tvss, CROSS WORD PUZZLE Ti jMp2 jHp ' T9 Hp 2MMpa ; JQps Hp TBTsBl 52 5M54 " 55 -1 1 1 ny-n 1 1 1 KEY TO CROSS WORD PUZZLE. Horizontal ( lied breasted birds (! A faorjle season of the yijar 11 Soon 12 Chief Certified Accountant (ahbr.) 1 Above 15 A Southern Plate (abhr.) 1(5 A material used in making leer (plural; lH.Ah affirmative IS) Exists, 20 Leasing 22 Hupces (ahbr.) 23 That man 21 A clor 25 An Egyptian sun go 27 Sleek, sniooth (slang) 30 To wed 32 A girl's name 33 Meaning 3 5 The cliipf devil ure 38 A note in the diatonic scale 31) The knave of clubs in five enrd loo , SI Half the width f an em 12 Railroad (abbr.) kind of duck Ilringing the car la a slop, 4ittj had returned In Hie scene to find Ihe diseonsolale father with I he chili! in his arms. Shortly after she passed away. His Lordship was reluctant lo go loo mucli inlo the details of Hie case. The gist of the mailer was mat precauunns ami car- must be taken. Children would stray inlo Ihe streets ami Him was dangerous both to driver and Iheinsejves. Kven more cau 17 . measure of area 18 An aural appendage 50 An ancient qupen' of Thejies whose children werP all slain iCirrek myth) 51 Atmosphere 52 A native of Arabia. QUEST FOR GOWNS AT THE ASSIZES popular Game Played by Counsel Before Court Opened "flown, gown, who's got my gown?" was a popular gamo with counsel before the Assizes opened yesterday noon. L. V. l'atni'ore camp along and accused E. V. Jones of having lis- and look possession. Air. Jones went out and resurrected a seedy look ing robe, faded and frayed at Hie edges,, which seemed to fill his needs but which, however, did not appeal lo W. K. Fisher vio came along a few minules lalej', also on Hie gown quest. le, loo, went outside and found a gown a belter loouimg one. 1 1 1 11 11 Mr. Jones' al Dint. The Attorney OeneraJ's "gown xvns nuito worthy of mention. It 05 A kind of singing voice 5( Instrument for measuring 57 (Newest Vertical 1 Proportion's z A pronoun (p 3 A case of wood or cardboard 4' Wiithin ;' 5 Meager (5 A kind of fabric, " 7 Iteclo (abbr.)' 8 A clinging vine 0 Never (poetic) 10 Covered with grass 13 A place in a church 1C 'Another form of "1" 17 Tin (symbol) 20 To claim over again 21 Allowed " : 23 Parts of sw'ortlj? 20 Malicious burning 28 A meadow ' 30 Indifferent lo pain or plea- 21) Knowledge (.scotch) 51 A suffix used in forming the 53 To exisC names of certain liydrocar- 55 In lnns ASSIZES DELAYED BY GRAND JURYMEN One Was Working In Garden and the Other Returning 9" Boat The opening of the Assize was held up for a full hour yesterday through the absence of two (Jrand Jury meiH-J. C. McLennan and II. I. Jloeheslpr. Mr McLennan was busy gardening when cmirt opened ami said that le had not been summoned to sprve. Mr. Rochester was coming back from a trip to Stewart on the Cardeni which arrived at 1,1:3.0, Wljen Ibese. two gentlemen turned, up, the proceedings started and Mr. Rochester Was sopnicaiiy as aisn ihum mi: justice Macdonuld wio had no coin-men to offer when he was called an hour lale. .1. A. Curtis, one of the firand .Jury men, did nol kiss the Jtools but was alllrmed. 30 Methodist KpJsQQpal (Church) South (alibr.) 1 31 A Portugese minipy 31 A shrill loud"riVise 35 A drawing ropiri 37 A.vegetalde 39 Works at steadily 40 A girl's name 43 Unusual 45 One " 10 A note in the diatonic scale 17 lliver islands 19 A .rodent 51 A beverage .scrypr might, have seen that underneath it was a frock cqal. They certainly learn how to dress I at Victoria. elected foreman of Iho jury. Mr.;out t of of. Mansop took theyiilijlowpirtilz. HEAVY READING FOR LIBRARY PATRONS Several New Books on Sociology and Philosophy Added to Local Collection Following; hooks on sociology and philosophy and science are aippjig those recenjly added to the local library collection: "F-eononiir for llejep" liy Jlilaire Helioc. "First Principles of political Keonoiny" by CharleA (tide. ''The; Mi if H'jlplPg People TroHbie" Ivari 5de Seh- l'Jio llijile and Conupon Sense" by Hasil King, "J'recious Stpnes" by Wilbert Cipojcliild. ALICE ARM It. is slated here, with some authority, that Oeorge Wing-field, the Nevada, mining man Emergency Pudding Lost JVspoSATfD, n The original copy of our lImei'igency J'udding recipe was mailed out iy mistake and we have no duplicate on our files. Tliere are quite a number who ask for it. Will someone who has this recipe ldease send a eppy so it can lie mailed to other women who ask for it? Pacific? MilK Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver IS one of the nattiest looking I Factories at Ladner and Abbots- garments ever seen in n local court and Mr. Manson certainly looks well in it. The close ox 0 ford Can You Afford to Speculate? EVERY time you buy something you are either speculating or making a definite investment, Few people, can afford to speculate. Yet many do it continually, in making their everyday purchases. And it is so unnecessary. The advertisernents niake it easy for any one to avoid taking a chance. The merchant pr manufacturer who advertises, realizes that the good -will of his customers means money in the. bank la him. (He knows that the public cpnfidence in his product and public respect for his own character are as, valuable as his credit at the bank, So he maizes the individual satisfaction of his patrons, their loyalty and their friendship paramount issues in his business. When you 'buy an adoertised product, you can know in advance what to expect in return for your money. You can count on its being right. You are making an investment. But when you buy nameless, unbranded merchandise, you are taking a chance, You are speculating. Knpw what you buy, The advertisements wiH tell yon. who acquired' Hie Holly Varden properly through foreclosure of mortgage, may undertake to open the properly and operate. the railway in the near future. A seillement wit the government tip luxaliop matters is said lo bp Ihe only factor that is delaying Mr. Wingfieb) taking Ihis action- Supplies are now being Jakpn into III?; Toric'niino wljere operations. 'wj).. 9unn le jn progress Ut full lilast again. T!lp Con solidated llpnieslake Mining & ))eypppipenj Co. wjH ipslal n fiftjvUwucuiu'enictllng ' mill this yi"ar for Hie. treating pf Ihe ore. .Jim Winlemute left last week for Ihe Xaas valley whpre lie in (lends Jo engage in rapching. '. S. Jlaniilliui, wo has been conducling a barber shop hep-for the, pat f"W inonths, bus left fpr DrumhelllT, Alberta, V. H. Heidpniaq has purchased I tie compressor at lie Norll Star inin and will Iqkp it Iq Hp- (Uiskeisi niipp hear Ahyox where jt is to lie qspd. Cliarles ilcl.eahon, presitjent !pf le Anyo$ Opniipunily Lpij'giie, and J', n. Kt'Hey. seercNry. vMi ed hern last week in oriler lo ii amine .the buildings at Ihe firan by Co.'s logging cainp wiere i is proposed io inwlal a siimme canqi for Anyus families during July and Augusl. J. Peacock, has arrived from Anyox qud will spend Iho next few weeks here developing hi mining claims in Mie K!saul Valley. HQTEl ARRIVALS Prince Rupert V. J. Cippphell, N. A. Klliot 1J. S. Ilase, J. It, J. ltqrnvjni nml James Q. Potts, Vancouver; 0. E neely and M. Fotland, Seattle IicanadianJ VACinc ''vSaiuaaT COAST STEAMSHIP and Train SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George will sail from Prince Rupert for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami intermediate points: June 1(1, 8 p.m. Ji'ine 12, 1.5, p.m. For Anyox Thursday, June 11 at a p.m. For Stewart Sunday, June 14, at 12 noon. (.AMer these dales sliips will resume regular schedule) PASSENGER 7 RAINS. LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT PAILY (tcapt Sunday 11.30 ' ain. for Prince Ueorgc, WINNIPEG, in points Esjtrrn Canida. Unlttrt sums. AOENOV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Offlcs, 62S ThlrS At Prlncjp RuparU Far KETCHIKAN. WRANCEU, JUNEAU, SKACW1Y -Far VANCOUVER, VICTOKIA awl SEATTLT - . , b.b. rriinke aumiwt. EDMONTON, t hoos eq. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupsrt Jam IS, t9, 26, 29. Jul; 3. 6 Jaat 13. 20, 24. jaly 1. 4 Fpr Buledsle, Swsnaon Bay, East Balls Balls, Oeaan Fslla, Namu, Alart Bay, Campbell Rlr, and yancouifr ary Saturday 11 a.m. Agoncy far sll Stasmahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qaneral Agent. Ccrnar cf 4th Street and 3rd Jkvsoue, Pflnce Rupert, BX. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sslliurs trora Prince Hupsrt. "or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swenaon Bey, end Alart Bay, Tuesday, P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, snd Swsnaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.SJ. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Nsaa Rler Cannerlea, Friday A.M. I2S Snd Avenue. 4. Barneley, Aeenl Prince Rgpert, B-O. Jolpi McMahnn uud W. V. Islip.l Stewart; T. Moope. llyder; W. II. (Jiliuour, Xorlh J'acifio Citnnery. J. 0. Uqripan, Wales Jsjand. Central V. llaler. Anyox; r.harles II. SlapeJIs, Yupcouver; 'J'. Mar". eily. Williarn Quinn, cliarged wilh iplo.xicaliou, failed to appear i the cily police court Hils morning and his bu l of (25 was I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage hpi Sf , Cartage, WsraliQustnt, and oiBtrihMttnBj, Teim or Motor Bsrvloe. Coal, Band, an) Gravel. W SpsclallzB In Piano and rurnllur ssovlnn.