~ t Classified Rates : FOR SALE te per word per 2 5 a eo ANNOUNCEMENTS BOATS FOR + SALE t QUIC K SAL E - HOUSE FOR SALE “HOU sus WANTED. TO bi y HELP WANTED, MALE-FE WANTED TO boxes include and Mountain oy ight hous sekee pin 1g SOM: aliz Zed FOR RENT WORK Ww ANTED _ | WORK WANTED LOST AND FUC ND 1434 Pleoot Kee to i motors Overlook Phone Green 304 for PRIC ES PAID ‘oe scrap iron, Answers to the name of “ Honest grading. i me > return or phone . 250 Prior St. Van- SALE — Three-months-old | , batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 630 6th Avenue We City SALE — Buick engine Ideal for con-| ACCOUNTANTS Pood condition ladeccumpiemete : verting to marine engine. Also | PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, _Income ‘ after 6 p.m. Slene Building, Red 603. <20m) | CLASSIFIED ADS... PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAY PREVIOUS oe a ee ee eee eae ee C - p ? 1240 Kiloeycles wrice Rupei Hints ste Sep Lawyers Seek Ch —— Canadian Divorce | VANCOUVER (CP)- RADIO DIAL Canada’s divorcee laws Wil (Subjeet to Change) THURSDAY FRIDAY annual meeting here of t] VA | C10, Section committees from Brit- lish Columbia and Saskatche- |wan are sponsoring resolutions jurging that the association press for amendments to divorce: legislation Amendments would allow dis- solution of marriages on the grounas ol! Desertion without cause for east three years; cruelty incurable insanity requir- and treatment for fiy We lenlore the flicre whieh our courts are being ed by the, hypocrisy of the ed against Lennard Cochlin, to me directed I. have- seize of the goods and chattéls’‘of the defendant Lennard Co¢ch- lin the chattels of the res- taurant lately conducted by him in the Prince Rupert Ho- tel inventory of which may be een at the office of the Sher- Court House, Prince Ru- pert, and on Tuesday the 9th day of September, 1952 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the fternoon, at the Prince Ru- I Hotel, I will offer for ale for cash, all the right, title and interest of the said Lennard Cochlin, in sufficient of the said goods and chattels to satisfy the Warrant and the costs incidental thereto This sale shall be subject to the S.S. & M.A. Tax Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., September 3rd, 1952. M. M. STEPHENS, Bailiff (210) BAILIFF’S SALE UNDER and by virtue of a Dis- tress Warrant in the action of R. E. Mortimer against Lennard Cochlin and Chef Lennard’s Restaurant and Delicatessen to me _ directed, I have seized a quantity of canned and packaged foods at the late premises of the said Lennard Cochlin, locally known as The Three Sisters Cafe, inventory of which may be seen at the office of the Sheriff, Court House, Prince Rupert, and on Monday the 8th day of September, 353 Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert, B.C., I will offer for sale for cash all the right, Cronin Babine 36 ER ee CED he Br sent law,” said the report of 7 B.C. section committee. , The moral law—thou shalt i : not commit adultery—has be- ‘ for those seeking to elves’ of their mates De mi ; he four-day annual meeting issociation opened Wed- with Prime Minister St 1urent on the platform as : Brig. J. A. Clark of Vancouver M delivered his. presidential ad dress Clark proposed changes in the sai ‘—eaeonaseoencaneannnenmnssw economy car 1285 1950 MONARCH SEDAN Ride like $ a King 1995 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, adio, heater, 54295 Seat Covers _ Only SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Only— : 1950 MONARCH Convertible Every extra, $ a dream car 2975 When shopping for a GOOD USED CAR—try “The Home of Friendly Service” Bob Parker Ltd. $575 Phone Green 217 supplies, Films Developed ang 216—4th Street Train S¢ For the East— Daily except Sunday From the Fast— Populor Steamer :) Prince Rupert | bAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN | WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE BC. Dail (All Times Daylight & ALICE ARM, STEWA Friday, Camosun, 28 CHARLOTTE PRINCE RUPERT, | SS Coquitlam, Third Avenue } CG | inese Chop Suey - HOLLYWOOD! For Quiside Orders Phone 93 PORTRAITS PROMPT SERVI CHANDLER'S st Phone Green Prince Rupert STANDARD Tf 3 y except Monday UW) Aa | VANCOUVER y and VICTORE SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 FRIDAY SS Coquitlam ipa PORT SIMPSOE FOR NORTH C Aug. 27, Sept. 10m FOR SoutH ¢ CHARLOTTE 8h $s Coquitlalt Aug. 20, Sept. 3m FRANK J, S& Prince Rupert Open 6 pal ’ JOHN BULGE Optomsh | John Bulget™ phird AVE By CHICN