pake two A WONDERFUL SKIN SPECIALIST V A Two HCffBox The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue.. H. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United " Slates, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 per .inch' per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page .....$2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion r1: !. .2.ric per, line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2o per word L'pgal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. AH advertising should he in The Daily News Office hefore i p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION snrnething beside a hame in polilical. life, old parties as well ns of new. Tuesday, June 2, 1925. Action And Reaction. For every action there is a reaction. If you take too much exercise your limits become stifr. Il you eat too much you get indigestion, fogged brain and a hundred other ailments. If yoii drink too much you make a pig of yourself and suffer many physical ailments. If you make no friends, the time comes when you need them and you suffer accordingly. So in every walk of lite there js.a correjpuuuig result for,cerlaiu lines of action or, "as the gool book says, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall ghe-aHvreap." What Are" We Sowing v tin Preparation For Harvest. This is not exactly a preachment, but in view of. the lesstiu 'taught by and scientist' and. others it might be. well now at the beginning of summer to ask ourselves just what kind of seed we are sowing for the future harvest. We are all in tent on trying to make money or to spend it. Manv of the finer .things of life we lose. We are living on the outskirts of eiviliza It ion and we are engaged in the great work of hewing a city mil (if the wilderness. And we are meeting with a certain degtee of success. Many visitors think, we have been successful beyond ,all expectations. Many of us feel almost as if we had failed be cause we have not individually made .our pile. Life is still a struggle with us, whereas we thought to have, got rich quickly and that without much labor. Today we all have our noses on" the grindstone. Life is no bed of roses. We have little time In. devote to Hie arts and the sciences, and the result is we shall have to take our enjoyment in Hie cruder things of life such as those having to do with commercialism. Literature: and art and music are names only to many. And yet there are few -who keep the flame burning and. who will save the city from gross materialism anil many of these are to be found among the wage earners of the? city. Alsi) the-, women of the city have .higher ideals than the men. j Materialistic Phase ' . In Every City. ' There is a materialistici phaso in the life of every My. It is the time of greatest growth when people bend nil their energies lo advancing the material welfare of the place. We all came here to make a litlle more than a living nml we' are trying lo do it, although many fail. tThe person who gives himself up wholly fo making money will later when he has made money have no oilier pleasure left. He will probably die when he gels rich enough lo be able to afford it Victory pop Labor in new south Wales. ..,.4- . : X': c ViV- . -v. . , ! . Labor has wontlisc cheer many or the Labor leaders who have entered polities here' and failed. It must be remembered, however, thai labor can win only when il a policies are such as to appeal to a majority of the people. In Auslralia labor is simnlv a nnme. There nre wealthy men supporting the labor cause and there are nil sorts and conditions of people on the other side, including many working men. Auslralia i no more class conscious lhan is iflahada. ,oin'e day perhaps wn sjiall haye a labor governmenl in Canada, bill if we do it will nny be because the policv of the labor .party is such as lo anneal In the mnss of the nermte nml This is true of the free recipe book ,'";tl;r,,: . Cht Co., Ltd MontrMl. CITY ENGINEER It Ml HAS RESIGNED' son to Ask City Council For His Release Having been advised liy his physician thai a complete change was needed for al least one month owing'' to his recant' ill health. K. W. Pearson, city en gineer for 1 lie past two years, tendered his resignation to the city council lasl night. The re-sifrnalinn, which is to lake effect on June 8, was aceepled on motion of Aid. ferry, seeoniled by Aid. Stephens. The mayor and city clerk were instructed to give Mr. Pearson a good letter of recommendation in recognition of the two years of effi cient service he has (riven when important street work was un der way and he wa also voted his salary for the month of June in view of the fact that he bad no holidays last year. In his letter of resignation, Mr. Pearson stated that he was giving notice to the council so that it would cause no embarrassment ami so there would be no interference with the pro gress of lip work now going on. d. Oasey said , he had in tended asking Mr. Pearson for slajeinenls of cost in connection with recent local , improvement work so that the council might be informed as to whether or not il had exceeded the estw mates. Work now in progress would probably cOmo under the estimates. Atlin Avenue grad ing had exceeded the estimate tiy perhaps more than twenty Iter cent. Resolutions accepting Mr. Pearson's resignation and grant-ing him salary for tin- month of Jnne was then passed. The nailer of taking action following Mr. Pearson's resignation was left to the board of works. Golnn to Toronto Mr. Pearson will leave Iherity on Saturday, of this week. He will proceed leisurely to Toronto where, after a mnhlh's rest, he will lake a responsible position as superintendent for the Mc-Namara Construction Go. of that city. His first duties, in the new pqs will be I he supervision of a large'liighway contract involving reinforced concrete bridge and paving work. He has made a special study of this work, re-suits of which have lwen seen on local streets during the two years in which lie has been here?. MOOSE WALKED Bert Creech Fortunate to See , Big Animal Passing Along nue tug game hunters arc paying thousands of dollars to pay guides and hire packhorses to take them lo where they can see or mini big iganie llert Creech, representative of the wholesale firm of F. i. Dawsan Lbf., had the big game come to hipi a few days ago. . lie was in the lenders must be men who can inspire confidence in the elec- Telegraph' Creek in the interesls torale. A name is worth something but there musl be also f his firm, when as he looked up the street, what should he see bul a big moose come sauntering along. Taking no notice of nny- one or nnytbing, the big creatnrc,nights advanced until right In the centre of the town abmg Main Street, looking'' over the slnre IWludows and the signs nml then, turned In the walk leading lo the river and swam across the 'stream. 'Nobody bothered It and , II bothered no one. ) One of the residents casually i remarked to Herl: "Do not take any mdlce nf that. They do Ih'a'l always on May 21. If you wnit a few minutes you'll see a griz.z-ley bear strolling along." Miss Mary MiMlae, daughter of I Mr- and Mrs. I). C. Mcltae, who (successfully graduated' from the. THE DA.n.7 KKvVB HEART WAS WEAK NERYES ALL GONE Mrs. J. H. Willfntiwlt. M7H lln.1 I At rime. St. Catharines nut., rllr.: I "I was In a tt pxplo.'lon: II left me wltli III Health F. W. Pear- Compels WMk h(,art m, II)y wpre i mme. I Minrwl rvrrytliinir; rouMii'l sleep, or endure any exrlteiiirbl, ' lwn left ilne 1 Ml i ir I ronll rrem. I tunic riltty ?ptILi, brim railing' and Drtilsinic lujM-rr. My mother read about your Mlllnmi's Heart ami me Pills, and bouirlil me a Im, but having- taken to many iirferenl'klmt t nieilirlne. tl JtiM teemed' that I iti nt hue any ronridewe In any of them. I took one box or 1l I-N. PIIU, and felt o mueh Utter 1 c.n-tir.tied with lhem until had uted rive boxes, and trier I had taken them I did not need auy more. 1 cannot praise, or reeoimneml, Alllbiirui Heart and Nerv lllls too highly arier all they have don ror me.' Put up only by The T. Mlihurn Co.. Limited. Tortitito. out. PRESENTATION MADE REY.J.S. BRAYFIELD BY PEOPLE OF TELKWA Gathering Held in the Library to Wish God Speed to Minister Who Was Leaving Special m Daily News I'KLKWA. June 1. In Hie Mr. Pearson pointed, out Uiatrrelkwa Library on l'riday night. alinosl all the grading would beljm, ,nany friends of llcv. J. S. completed by the end of this II ray fir Id gnthrt'd for the pnr- week and the present staff would jMi-'o of wishing him happin.M I be capable of carrying on thejn his new field, at 9t the same work now in progress, lie doped that his resignation would be time expressing retfrret that lie is "leaving Telkwa where be li.t accepted fn,the same spirit in slrve,r ho faithfully for over which it was tendered five years. F. M. nnekrill. on behaU of the citizens, spoke of the wo -k done by Mr. llrayfield. not only as a minister, but as an interested ciliner. and at the rime of Ibis, Mrs. 1. M. Hoops presented a purse carrying with il all the jroor wishes f the The Man in the Moon 9 YS. --.11 J KXJOY a ifrolic wliile U is g but remember there is a niglu aflefj (ill the nigljl, Oh the night, Oh the njght after! 'Iliat's when I siilfer for An evening of laughter. "Trip Hie lighl,'' someone said, Hut my feet feel like lead And Fin standing on my head. It's the night after. THEHK was a young fellow nam ed Tom Who dropped a big dynamile bomb ' And now up in .Mars They ars saying "My Stars! Where on earth did he emigrate from?" . DAY by day Jii every 'way 1 am coming to a , realization of the fact that the' dollar bill is getting smaller and smaller. THKftK was n time when dad used the shingle on the flapper but now the flappcp's i Mii.nglr neips nreax .nail. : lO,KLV0lpaystsol.)el H.ite-Tiif w'Hai hhiWMt', Look at .lack Deinpsey. fjmes, Jn or sa.Vx' WITH the salaries of movie stars on the decline, it is lo be expected the public will soon he asked to buy autobiographies on "How I llerame a (Ireat A MAN is taking chances when he gels married,, hut after marriage ho has no chanc?k iTt all. I'lIF, good old days married men look bark to were moslly WIIKX a person speaks good Hngllsh you begin lo wonder if' he is not really Japanese.- IF everybody works in heaven, I know several people that won't be there. IF the country needs rain and you need a Sunday outing which are you going lo pray for? Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert j Provincial Normal School al J An unconfirmed rumor is in (Victoria, is expected homo ul, the circulation that an oil gusher end of Ibis week or Ihn first of, has been struck on the west next In spend the summer vaca - coast of (iraham Island, While tiun here, the uuliculiuns aru good for an' Simmons built for sleep Since the new rcgtilalinrs came Into elTeci about six week ao, sixty American halibu' schooners have entered this port u;lth halihul for shipment lo the ltastern'- States, flit ara'ineelihg in Hie "(Tlly Hall last night. Oltlcers are the following: chairman. Judge F. Melt. Young; vice-chairman, Mrs. It. L. Mclnlnsb: secretary. .1. It. Iloerig; trensurer, Mrs. 0. A. Woodland. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RISERVf NOTICE 13 UKItictIV OIVKN tlmt lit.' rwrvt riivcrlnr rrtnln I.iihU tintr 1 lit Junrllun if orlnll anil SkiM'iiH llln'iv (Icslmaldl Lot , luure f, III. Irk I, It raiir-lled, ni:o, n. naoen, rii'piitv Minuter r Lands. l)p"rtni"nt or I. .Hid, t Vlctorl.1, H.C.. M.i 4ih. tti?y SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One way via Vancouver or direct rail both tlireclions. For full information apply: R. F. McNAUQHTON, District Passonger Agont, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. BARRIE'S Furniture is off to a good start with MMMONS MsTIRtSStS Simmons Coil Springs equipped with swayless- braces 99 coils .... $9.45 120 coils - - - $15.15 Simmons Slumber King, steel fabric, a sagless spring of matchless ease - $12.00 everywhere 1 tn. Sale roduct TOP i s made in Canada SIMMONS OSTERMOOR Canada's finest, most economical mattress, $25.00 everywhere SIMMONS GREY LABEL all felt mattress in attractive art ticking; special price, away below cost, $9.90 Simmons Walnut Steel Beds. 11-2 inches square con tinuous pillars with rectangular fillers, special price $17.25 Simmons White Enamel and Beds $1500 Ivory - - Remember the store BARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS One door east of Daily News Office Phone 123 Third Ave SALMON TROLLERS Hefore outfitting it will pay yon l 'IV. II... floon li.nn n now line 01 tCANADIANj (I! !' ' .. !. Salmon Hoo. 9 oil strike, il is not generally believed (bat il has actually been struck yet. i 1 SwIvelU, Cuttyhunk and Goar or all kin i In our stock you will find everything vfi;i '' Hgj Marine Hardware m ml ."' Anchors, RoptJ, Chain, nml Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and I len- i- If it's for the boat we have it. . ,ir Hoats are losl every year by Tire- Imv. Pyreno Fire Extinguisher vet? Wc sell them Call nnd see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup' ddimckbs MARV. ... .,h. 29th. Jun.VK. r. . , .kit., i. il j..ii nd Skiaw M 'HX'-a Junt 2n rn. U.nm....; ulrtnrU and Mill MV lil, 'n " ..... Ill, for PACIFICj Ctm.btll Rl.r. and Vrttuf ff elurdy " ...,ttoil IroiP- ,cncy o, .a "-RCHABI) a.n.P. ,.nt. B.C. Crrntr of Uh tri ina aru Dr. E. S. TMT DENTIST Holgcrson Block, Prlnco nupert, Orfico Hours o i X-nAY SERVICE Phono 680. ryenlnfl' Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday