i3 f'1 ,1 PaQS two ?3E OAIL7 f?EW3 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year - $fl.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. 1.40 per inch per insertion Transient 'Advertising on Front Page ...-S2.80 per inch Local -Readers, per insertion... 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - . 98 - 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, June It, 1025. Have Canadian Flag That Is Distinctive. The Canadian Flag loday is not distinctive. The detail of the coal of arms is mi small it means nothing and it does not represent all the provinces. What is needed is a -imple device that will be eaily recognized all-over the world. Aiislralia has Mich and Canada could easily select oue. The beaver, representing Canadian industry, would be a very suitable emblem on .the red ensign. Some would perfer the :niaple leaf but it has, 'no meaning. True it is ornamental, but thai is all. - V - The beaver, the hnimai that saws wood all the. time, would fbe aif' excellent enibleni. It could be made ornamental if a good artist were given the work, of designing one li': ":i i; -T . , i. i.i i . 'mm i ll a I fArhmrial bearings or ancient heraldic designs dounUmeait iinniii mi .i tuji i-. iihi n inc nii .11111 jiiiju-r (poSry III uie Ka.. Ailogellier deyeu'ipmeuts of the inonien). are fpliij' eu- lflllVn frill ir ntiit; (hipi.lllllllil -lii iSiil,' .lVri, 1 lwii PD1filiWii:..h ; 11 Hiis s.ih.mev-v 'v&'ii kichm The lirmbcriiiff situation is iiudoubledlv bad. In fact, oo erators .cepbrl. thai prices are so low that most current contracts are carried out at a loss. In order lo find a market, Canadian lumber must be exported and the United Slates furnishes he best market. One factor which is upsetting that market i's the situation in Idaho where trees are being cut on n basis pf so much rent per acre, permitting the complete, destruction if the forest. Such destruction m.y quickly exhaust Idaho's resources, but in the meantime -lumbering can only bo carried ou at a. disadvantage in those regions where conimouseuse or law makes some conservation requirements. Foreign Trade n Is On Increase. MRS. MACINTOSH PRESIDENT OF MUSICAL CLUB Was Re-elected Yesterday For Another Term: Mrs. S. John-I stone Secretary At Hit annual meeting of (he Ladies Musical Club westerday I afternoon at the home of Mr.. II. L. Macintosh, Knurl Ave 'West, Mrs. Macintosh was again chosen president, roll owl up a very successful year in the pre-sidenc'y. The general wish of the .member. had been expressed for some time past that if she could be secured the club would be safe for another year of profiles. The officers chosen were: President Mrs. H. L. Macin tosh. Vice-president Mrs. Bryant. Sec.-lrca. Mrs. rf. Johnstone. Executive Airs. West en haver. Mrs. Ilarton. .Mrs. Ilonney. Mrs. Huslihy, Mrs. Parkin and Mrs. Ponder. II was decided lo make Hie term during which club meeting are held extend for seven months instead of nine as in the past. Adjournment is now laken to the second Wednesday in October and meetings will then continue until Ihe second Wednesday in May. ' SIGNAL TOWER IS DRAMATIC Story of Love and Heroism Amonn Common Working Men Seen In Picture In Ihe story shown here at Ihe week end "The Signal Tower... five people, David Taylor. Sail his. wile, six year old Sonny their hoy, (icrtie, Sally's cousin anil Joe Standish live in an isolated pottage high up in Uie mountain. Taylor and Standish l . . . ..... tnni-anoni Avatriio on 'a H .....a.,. ...... u........... nrr...-. .......r. mug new ..M.. ... .. n,,t ,. ... Trade Improvement Throughout Country. With Canadian currency at. par, with annual exports nearly three limes as valuable as in Mill and imports only a third larger than before the war,"vith .1 decidedly larger proportion of our imports coming through our own ports and only half as much coming to us IhroiigJiAlhe, ports of Ihe United' Slates, Canada's position in international trade and finance is now far stronger than .most people realize, says the Royal Bank moulhly trade report. While it is true Unit we have experienced a prolonged depression which has left a strong' feeling of pessimisni among our manufacturers ami business men, a readjustment has been taking place that is . steadily strengthening our financial position Reports, indicate, that this spring has been favorable to agriculture and that soil, moisture and crop conditions are generally sjjjisfaelory in Canada, with Ihe exception of points in Saskatchewan where cool weather is reported to have interfered with germination. While' there is no great volume of building, yet the large scale of construction in Toronto and Vancouver is surprising, Musi manufacturing plants are busier than in Ihe preceding month and Ihe unemployment situation is not serious, -Mining operations are In full swing all over thev country, ami wjlh the' exception that there are bad conditions in the coal mines, we m'ay regard the mining situation as quite prosperous. Prospect are bright for the salmon canning industry in the .West, for agriculture in Ihe Prairies, for manufacturing .in Ihe Although Uerlie attempts i,i ensnare the passion of Standish, in spile of her cousin's vigilance, she only succeeds- in arousing his utler disnward. In her zeal- ousness to. protect (Serlie. Sally only liiakes herself niore desirable in the eyese of -Slandisli. Oerlie is severely reiirliuaiuleil by Sally and ordered lo leave for home. Standish overhears Ihe argu- nienl and at once surmises that Taylor's wife is Jealous. He wails until Taylor Is on walrli before he makes any advance. Sally is horrified and repulses him. He cannot believe that she is really, indifferent to him. Accordingly, tiiexl day when he is relieving Taylor, he pays hi portion of the rent, knowing tin couple are in need of his monetary assistance lo pay olf the indebtedness of their little home. Sally tells her husband ol Slandish's behavior as soon as he comes olT watch. Taylor a once flies Info a rage and returns to the signal lower wllh all of Standisb's belongings in ' u bag;' 'lie. throws.llitj bagV 'ills thai be find another abode. Slandih makes a damaging re mark regarding: Sally for which layior knocks him down. Sends Revolver Work in the lower must con linue. Taylor send his wife r revolver as soon a he goe on duly in order to prolecl her in case Standish should attempt to enter the house. Ilofore giving the firearm lo sonny to Ink In Ihe house, Taylor carefully re For the fiscal year ending -March 21. Iu2.". Canada's total !ni0VM a11 1,10 cartridges. The exports amounted to niore than one billion dollars in value, while her imports were only about ilirce quarters as large; Ibis means that we have reduced the volume or per capita imports to about three quarters. pf Ihe value of those we were importing before the war. The volume of our exports, however, is HO per cent larger lhaii in IllJI; while Ihe total dollar value of ex- UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Stltlnn from Prince Rupert. r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Ivinun Bar, in4 AUrl Tuodir, 6 P.m. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. AUrt B, and Iwlmon Bar, turd, 10 !m fof ANYOX, ALIO! ARM, BTKWART, tundiy, P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naat Rlr CinntrKa, Friday A.M. at tnd Dimiii. Barmlay, AimiU Print Ruaart, B.O. -I boy playfully replaces one when hs father is not looking. ; Standish in Ihe meantime has gone into Ihe nearest town. While Tayloit is on watch, a violent thunder ami liirhlnlnir liiris was 2 limes as great a nt that lime. So much has been slorin comes up. Hi relief written concerning lie importance of Canada's dominant poi- ,m".'' passes and still standish iiim in Ihe grain trade, of Ihe present and future, that there Is 'J'11' mil appear. Taylor is dls-itlle need to emphasize Ihe importance of this contribution to traded" for fear of his wife's jlilernalioual trade. It is recognized thai wilh Ihe increase of safety. Finally, Standish lurns population iu Ihe United Slales, it will not be long before the l ilrunk, ami pretend even Pulled Slales is pmlomlnanlly an importer ralher lhaii an ex- greater Intoxication in oWTer lo jmrler of foodstuffs, and for some lime lo come Canada must jlnrment Taylor. A message be looked upon as the great granary of the world. come over Ihe wiVej the rear cars of a freight train high up In Ihe mountain have broken loose . ami are rushinp wildly toward a passenger train thai' is on the upgrade. , Taylor lakes I lie message. An accompanying order tdalcs Ilia! an attempt will he made Id derail Ihe cars at a station farther up the pass. If the derail- WALKED THE FLOOR FOR HOURS NERVES WERE SO BAD 1 wrerrwr Hnw re I''lt 'W f tnmlik-tl with (Wamt'il W' l,My wl" , fln.1 in Milliiim'i Heart ami .Nme rt I mni'ily that will rfsw-re tl equilibrium 1 of llifsp (lfijiiR.il cfnlro ami brln l"k Ihf slmtlerct nervous wMmii t a rrert ron.llllun. Mrs W. W. Aulltiim'. Woxlroii., Out., write:- "Arter having- a .cvere atlarX ot Ir.iiililtM I was left in a very weak, run- .L.ttik ..mlllL.ti. nppl'H uer all hn. ken up; rirtjlil mil lwp at night, anil' vM!l(t liave l.i wl ' lit r twit anil walk tlic rioor for hour. "AflT nln i box of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERYE PILLS lirmi to rl tnnrh better, ant fier liking- a few more botes I ronM enjoy my ret a well a I eer did. I alwaya rercimmenrl them lo all my friends." Pur sali at all dniirrlMf and deler: put up mty Ilv The T Mllbinn Co.. Limited. Toronto Ort. ment cannot be effected it mean thai Taylor will have to cut I rails. Standish Rushes Away Standish snaps out of hU drunken stupor when be hea-s the ordnrs ticked over Ihe wii'.: Now, he figure, i his change to go to Taylor's house and determine bis slalus with Sally. He rushes bill of the lower a;:d leaves Tollive.r at the post ot duly. While Taylor is straining at the snikes in the rails. Sluudis'i is attempting lo force his w.tv through Ihe barricaded bel- room door lo Sally. Sever ;'.l I lines Taylor in an agony of suspense, decides lo give up his task. The lights of lhefceabon;i of Ihe mad car gleam evilly through IhCj-ee high up on Ihe pas and ' persuade him to stick to his task. He manages to spring Ihe rail In time lo sa.a the passenger train. Sally steps, oul f the storm. She torn and dishevelle-l. Taylor slaml mute a she tr!!s her story; Standish had nlleinpl-cd lo allack her. Tlllnkitijf sli? would frighlen him wilh the re volver she dragged it friHii i:s hiding place in Ihe bedroom closet. Dislrai-led, she ooinled !. at the locked door and . clicked the Iriifger. Standish wa dead With a cry of gratitude' Ta- lor gathers bis wife in hi anus forgetting for the moment licit he is a hero. The Man in the Moon. MOST people would ijalli.M have what own. THK sap I owe than whut I THKIIK will 'be peace in Ihe household as long a Ihe hti- band makes a good audience for is wife. . , , NO need lo nuVr lodging lo a politician. lie: brings hi. nuit YOU do not gef very far ahead by sidestepping'. -PMW 1 nii'., 41. i fflllvivil' .. i iivai-ii h K'h( i ; ffflm iiijierouhi( the bend rilie .iiex'ii IIUUi iicrirj iui ijhm Hut "she Viil It fiV'if end. A .MAItltlKI) woman someliines makes a good wife and som--linies she make a gimd busbainl rises in spring FRECKLES Now Is The Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Olhine double-strength is guaranteed lo. re move thess homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength from any drug store or department sloro and apply a little Of it niHht and morning ami you should soon see that even llm worst freckles have bcfitm In disappear, while the lighter one have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than an ounce is needed lo completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful complexion. , ' Ho sure to ask for- the double strength Othine. as' Hits' 1st sold under guarantee 0 money hack If II fall. to remove your freckles, At all drug or department stores or by mail. Olljlne, P.O. ltox 2010 Montreal, Canudu. iu tnu ur ututiYlBER, 1924. Has produced Minerals a follow! l'lacer Cold, 77,:S? ur(;i- i heiiihi of absurdity when he licit in. to ley lo write poetry. II-' you wan! lo bide liclnnd nj woman' petticoat, you will tlu-l I li fin hanging in the clothe i closet upstairs.- Til K. inost vnltiable n?rsoii on any business slatr is the i-levec bill collector. THIS modern custom of girl giving" presents to men sei:mj rather odd. The oilier day I beard a girl say sro gave n young man lli" '.-'i.e. 1 -Miri' an opliiuisl loday: .Iul knock me with a fealher lie never een said a word About the awful weather. , v (1..MA iia plenty of copper but she is slrghlly deficient in iras. WHKN you see a married woman wilh Ihe back of her iek cut you know he has a oiean Juishand who refuse to shave her. KNOWl.W. a Ihllig doe not burl. much. It's telling tliu' ' doe. die injury. KVKHYItOHY ride since Ihn taxi tariffs came down. II cheaper loride I ban walk today. TIOHTI Keenan Who i your closest lelalive? Foster - Ob, I think t ncle Hill I iilmul a close a any. SF.AI.FI TFXDIIHS addressed lo the undersigned, and endorsed '"lender for Wharf Itepairs, I'ort Clements, I I.e.," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, June 23, 1925, for -repair, to Hie wharf jttV Port, nieinerifs, Skeeruf Distrtcr.n.l.V" Plans, and forms of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, al Hie ofllce of the District Kngineer, Old Post Olllce Huibling, Victoria, B.C.; and al Ihe Post Otllces, Vancouver, H.C: Prince Import, H.C. and Pori niemenls, H.C. Tenders will nnl be considered unless made ou the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance wilh the conditions contained therein. Each lender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered hank, payable In liie jordcr of the Minister of Public Works, equal lo 10 per cent of Ihe amount of the lender. Ponds of I tic Dominion ot Canada or llonds of the Canadian National Hallway Company will also be accepted as so?urily, or bond and a cheque If required lo make up an odd amount. Nolo, Hlue prints can be obtained al this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of $in, paychte to Ihe order nf the .Minister of Public Works, which will be rehimed if the intending bidder submit i; regular bid. lb' order, S. V.. O'niUF.N', I Secretary. Department of Pulilio Works, ' Ottawa, May 20, 1025. r.?k- Copper, ii..u. " ""-ii. i73,l0: Silver, (IS,.SLMr7U; Lead, 7l.MK.f,7K; in im'r in hit. vii.,..lln. ......... Mi. ....... I. is i fit tin. 11....1 . ... .I.: i i.iifi . .iiiri rum nil 7 .liiiiiim-. i. iiiliijii. 1.11.11 iiiiii iTi.kn hi jin R-RITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canad ' - f ...... III,XSIIU Stone, Itrick, Cement, etc., $12,22:.,SH ; making it Mineral pr .,., " lu , ,, I. l,,'iI 10? i show an ' Aggregate Value of $359,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704 604 The Mining haws of this Province are more liberal find the fees lower llm any olher Province in the Dominion, or any colony in llm Mrilish ICniiure " 0f Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties the scnir tv m ffiiarantred liv Crown Grants. V " h t o--- l-'ull information together wilh Mining Hepirts .md Maps. ... addressing Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th SU Vn,iy may be be oW nhl.onpij imed B tup Mniv tuc uun. r " Victoria, BritUh Coll;;"""" N.H. Practically all Hrilish Columbia Mineral Properties upon win i, work has been done are described in some fine of Ihe Aminiil eMiil- ,,i .(,, j-of Mines. Those considering mining investments hnuli refer to -m li , , , V' are available wilhoul charge ou application lo Ibe Departnienl of Mm,. n Heports of the (leological Suney or Caundn. Pacific Huibling. Viiin uve mended as valuable sources of information. SPECIAL SALE PRICES 1 on Seagrass Chairs and Rockers $6.50 $6.75 A shipment of tins popular lun .m r M in time for uur furniture sale. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 12 LESS TALKING! and more practical regard for Ihoe w forced lo work for an existence. We have all got to lie. IT J ' -m lion in f.Mrt and import good 01- ii I trail work at reasonable prices why business? ECKOFF STUDIO I - Phone Hea w Comfortable Room from $2 a Week and up REGENT HOTEL, Cor. 2nd Ave. and Sixth St. SALMON TROLLERS Hefore outfitting it will pay you to " P''.' "n Hooi!i, Trolling Hear. Wo have a new lino of saim Swfvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear or all kimR . ' Iq ,our tock yd., will r.nd everyllung all kind-and Hult ' of Hardware Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and l lenii. If it's for the boat we have it. . y00f Doats are lost every year by fire- have ('"' Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell lioin. uan ami scu . qin STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post uinccj LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED across lo building ncxl door lo FriKcll Bulchw V from the impress lintel Wc carry a full line or -.gg CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS- CAND SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTIU" propretor .himm 7aplll "-""'! RAW FURS, " If you want to be pnhl Mght V"w for your HAW KUHS, forward Ihem in R S. ROBINSON SONS' J-TJ- nk m, Standard Branch Receiving Office :-1 225-6 . Vancouye'', B.C. winW' Head Officct-M.S.Il. Ilhlg.,' ,'0l,se ' , . . ii..--. I'l. IMM.I.