Ik 1 Steel Racket, 13, (j . jot ji i 5 UTil, 11 UZ. IHlCfll at $14.50 Postage paid on all out of town orders. Kaien Hardware Co. J! J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Dand-sawinR and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Did You Buy Premier, Dunwell, B.C. Silver, when these Mines were only prospects? History Often Repeats! Gold - Ore at 8' cents is a mighty good buy, when you conshleV the .location of their properties. Write us for information on this. Portland Canal Sles Co 318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. See The Latest Models Kcnnomy, Simplicity, and Convenience. Lowest in cot. Easy Payments if desired Ask for Demonstration S. E. PARKER LTD. Phone 93 PAUL POLLARD IS CHARGED WITH KILLING OF NORMAN CLELLILAM AS RESULT OP AUTO COLLISION. (continued from page jne) contained five persons and proceeded in the same direction Along the road the l'ord truck came to a stop. Just as it was slopping, the McLaughlin crash - (I into it. Deceased was knock ed off the running hoard ami struck a post. Tlie serious in juries he sustained caused his death shortly afterwards. First Witness The first witness was Alex King, Indian, driver of the truck i He gave further particulars of the incidents leading up to the. fatality. In the truck were himself, his wife and baby, Andrew Schooner, a while hoy named Olof Olergaard, and .deceased The last mention was slaudinv on the running board facing witness. He was bracing himself by holding with both hands to uprights. A stop was to be made so that tin parly might get a musical instrument . from Gordon's residence. As witness was bring ing the truck to a stop at Gor don's side road, the bump oc curred. Clelillam was thrown olT and the imparl senl the truck some 20 feel further along. Witness saw Clelillam I In-own olT hul he did not see at that time what had happened to him. ". Details of Crash When I he car finally stopped after the collision, witness got out and ran back lo the boy. lie was partly sitting on the side of the road by the McLaughlin car The car was facing towards llie post in a diagonal position across the road. Witness knew that Clelillam was badly hurt. He was being held up by AjJhur King. Wood was running frwii his head. Jle was 'put in Ihe truck again and taken to the hospital, where he died shortly afterwards. Accused was driv ing the McLaughlin far. Witness declared that Pol lard's car had been badly damaged. The hood was smash ed, head lamp broken, mudguard rumpled and the radiator dam aged. 'Did you hear Pollard coming behind you?" asked Mr. Maifson. "No." replied wilness. . Mr. Mausoii: "What. cgndium was the road in?" Witness:. "It was dryland, tlir ground was frozen liard .and smooth." Mr. Manson: "How far could a car coming behind see you at the point you were struck?" Witness: "About 200. yards." "Clear view?" "Yes." Describing the damage to his own car, wilness suid I hat the right mud guard was crumpled and a cross bar holding the mud triiaid was broken off together with an iron roil that held it. 1 Getting Extracts Umter cross examination bv Mr. Fisher, witness said that Clelillam and Albert King, who had been riding in accused's. car. had wailed behind at I In! store lo get extracts. Witness had been driving (en or twelve miles an hour and his truck wac toward the left hand side of Ihe road when struck. Pollard, h" thought, could have passed him on the road without going into! the- dilch. He did not know lhe car was behind him until it; ! si ruck, lie had seen it stand- j ing at Shipstad'i slore. When Clelillam was picked up Ihero' was a bottle 0r extract lying lie-j side him. The road was not ! slippery but was hard wilh! frost. Fulher examined by Mr. Manson, witness said thai- the extract had been found on IJie ground by him. It was lying about three feet from Clelillam. He had not actually seen deceased obtain it in the store. There was no sign that Cellillain had any liquor in him l the tihic. Questioned by His Lordship, witness said that he had heard no warning from the car behind such as Ihe blowing of a horn. In answer lo a question from the jury, wilness said that he .vas not familiar al the time us o the rules of the road in pass-;ng of cars, lie had been driv ing the truck. alout a year. Constables' Evidence Constable Williams gave evidence jn detail as to Ihe nal-i 11-7 " 1 .. . 1 1 "- - - 1 1 1 ' ' 1 ' "" 1 4 m BRINGING UP FATHER ure oi me roan. unrs couiu die afternoon. He had met with easily pass he fell, without he-)a SPV,.re !U.Pjdeu! and was suf-ing harmed even if they had to.ferm;. frnm i,1ek ))(. ,. leave the road. There was light, n hi !.-. I hi-h u-n ,.r.,-i,u.i brush on the Constable side. Islip, provincial his recollection,- not slippery. The accident was reported lo him on the evening in question. He saw Ihe dead man ami made an investigation which resulted in the arrest of Pollard that night oh a charge of man slaughter. Karly the morning following he examined the scene of the accident. He foimil hlooil and tufts of human hair similar to that of deceased al the haj of the mail box on the post. In Pollards Car he found Ihe label from a vanilla bottle. Invest i gallon thai followed resulted in Ihe convict io)i of the 'storekeeper on a charge of siipplyint-. 'Like Blue Funnel Line Albert King, who had been ir. the McLaughlin car with accus ed, was examined at length. He did not know how fasl arciued was driving but likened .' I lie speed lo that of the Hlue Funnel Jitney line lelween Vancouver anir-.'ew Westminster, When Ihe McLaughlin car was still some lit . feet on, wilness said that he saw the truck in front slowing. up. Pollard, how ever, had not slowed down. When they got closer he saw that they could not help but () right through the truck. The lillle boy who was beside him he grasped in his anus lo protect him. He told of the impact hut said that he could nol actually (leseifihe -what had happened for he had shul his eyes, lie jieipen to lake 'deceased lo the hospital after the collision Asked by Mr. l isher, under cross-oxaminalion, if be had not "been afraid thai Alex King, the driver of the truck" and his nephew, would nol get into trouble as a result of the accident, wilness said "Who fold you that." He did not seem to understand the question which was then put to him through Ihe 'interpreter. After this he replied that ho was not afraid Alex King would get in trouble. Asked why he had not demanded that Pollard slow up, wilness i-aid that the accused was familar with cars and he thought he could at lend to his own business. Further questioned by Ihe judge, witness confirmed his previous statement thai he had seen the truck slowing down from a distance of feet and that Pollard had not slowed down. Dr. Bayfield Dr. 0. K. Hayfield leslified that Clelillam had been brought to the hospital al I o'clock ir-. on the left side. There was a minor cut over the right eye and ponce omccr ai nena i.oom a-ilw hms ... n... ,,.,,. nn lh the time of the aeeidenl, smvHri-'hl side of the head. Four rihl further particulars of the nature on ,, si,i .ver,. fr.l(.lui.e,i of the road. It was dry and cold i,IPse interfering with heart on the day in question, and, to acUoI, amI irPat,in , (,oked is if the lungs had been punct ured for hemorrhaging was go ing on and deceased was expec torating blood. Clelillam was suffering great pain and died Iwo hours . later about six l?- clock. The doctor was of Ihe opinion that there had been Iwo distinct sets of injuries probably from ditrere.nl blows. The head injuries might have been caused by hitting .a sharp part of the car, those, uii the body perhaps from beiriK hurled against Hi posl. Shock was Ihe cause of lealh, Dr, Hayfield said in a ns wer lo the judge. blown. Norwegian Youth The last witness of the after noon was a -Norwegian youth, Olof Otergaard, who had been silling on the rear of the truck The impact of the collision knocked him olT Ihe board o'i which he was silling info Ihe bottom of the truck. There had been no warning sisnal of the approach of the car behind. Pol lar was coming fast and h could nol say whether It slowed After a brief examination of this wilness by Mr. .Fisher, court adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock. Andrew Schooner, the fii"l witness this morning, gave de tails of lln collision largely forohorrnting Hip stories of pre vious crown witnesses.' lie was sealed iiv the rear of. Ilir truck -iiid.. lookluui ImekwardsJU $'look. 'd In hihr as Though 'the, Vlriver of the McLaughlin car was try ing lo stop. Witness said thai he gave a signal that the truck was going lo slop. None of lln witness' testimony was shaken in cross-examination. This concluded the case for the crown. The Defence Mr, Fisher, in outlining Ihe defence, said Ihal he' would en leavor lo show that the acei dent bad been purely unavoidabl ami thai accused had .don everything possible lo - prevent the accident , The firsi wilness for. Ihe de fence was John Hall, who was jding in the vnr alongside ac used. The truck in front, he said, was visible all Ihe time When the truck came to a slop the car was not far behind When accused noticed that Ihe truck was slowing down, he I drew out the clulch and put on Ihe brakes. Tlie car skidded straight on for about thirty feet and hit the InicK. Witness said thai accused touched Ihe miiscl of his leg In pulling on Ihe brake. The car could nol hav passed the truck without going in the dilch, wilness asserled. The road was frosty and had : lillle ice on It. ' Accused on Stand Paul Pollard, the accused, gave evidence on his own behalf. Wanted 1 For Sale For Rent WANTM FOR SALE KItXKST Stuhb. A.II.H.S CM. Ag.Cauihs; Landscape Gardening. Plans and estimates for gardens. Ferns and oilier plants from $3.00 per dor.. F.O.H. Usk, H.C. FOIl SALH. Willi every pur chase of $20.00 or over al Ihe Prince lluperl F.xchangn we will give one rug FHHF tf OH SALK. itlack Water Spaniel (bitch). Won silvee cup 11)23 Inhibition. W. Itolh-ward. Finder .phone C.3H. FOIl SALH. Oak bulTel, dining table and six chairs, mal tress and slove. Hacker. Phono Green 013. 130 FOIl SALH. Commercial Hotel, Prince Huperl, furnished. A bargain. M. M. Stephens A- Co.. Ltd. tl AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALK. An auction Sale will .e held al ill, Htb Avenue East, on Saturday, Ihe I3lh al 2.30 p.m. consisting of Oak hulTet, oak rocker, oak Morris chair, Cougoleum nig, healer, table, bureau, bed Spring and mal tress, shec! and blankets, range, phono graph, etc. Pbilpolt, F.vitt & Co., Ltd., Auctioneers. 137 TO RENT FOIl HHNT. Iluilding on First Avenue known as IhejNorlheri Exchange- from July 1st. Lodge room and apartment in Mclnlyie block. Heady now M. Jf. .Stephens id Co. Ltd. TO UlINiV Furnished rooms Hoi and cold water. Centrally located. Ileasonable renlfs Norfold (looms, Fulton Slree! Phone lllack 321). .If FOIl HENT. Clapp apartment Weslenhaver llros. tf LOST LOST. Ilelween Wesl of Eng. land sliq;e and Fultm'i Street iniirsuay. morning, parcel containing yard goods. He- ward. Finder phone038. When ahoul sixty feel behind he said (hat he noticed the Iruck coining lo a slop. He shut olf Ihe gas and pul on the brake There was no signal from the car ahead Ihal it was going to slop. Accused s car skidded and hit flie Iruck. Under cross examination, ac cused said he did not see Schooner hold out his baud from the truck. He had had the McLaughlin car about a week and had never driven before. The judge called for further evidence regarding distances and Constable Williams was again pul on the stand. The addresses of 'ounsel and Ihe Judgo't charge In-, (he Jury followed. Then Ihe Jury retired to consider lis verdict which had not been reached at 3 o'clock llils afternoon. BOARD 4 13 Fifth Avenue East. lied 707. By George McM; W have a complete ifllJ ? if ' vVW V ? MtST r" if TRT''' Z-C lino of Tennis Good.. fflB 4 Ml N Jffil iSL "I ft Sykcs or Hussey Rackets, $3.50 to $30.03 Presses $1.25 Covers $2.00 Gut Reviver .. .. 65c Sun Visors . . . . $1.00 Slazengers ...... 65o Pim IPS w 1 m fwt '-tx; Rubber Rubber Grips Grips 25c 25c ' U.-L M . ... . . L'AJU-C JBi , UfTcW . ill r-- 1 1 - Ni 1 1 1 j rn t t t 1 11 i . -1 r 1 r 111 1 1 e- - r i km : -v x. wuww . f Reach Reach HaH3 llaH3 . . . . . .. . 50o 50o II! 4 Ciws il Fc.tum Srnv.ce. U JL I " ,-'"11 1 ' i'n77 i Improved Improved Hirmal Hirmal All All III r- ; .- l.. ... . ..... . - . ... fir- s DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for leu than 50c OFFKRS wanted for Lot 10. block 27. section 7. P.O. Mox C'J7. HF.I.P Wauled; rooms nod din- in. loom. Hotel Central. 13-S FOIl SAI.K. Ten acre ranch, all fenced, half mile from Telkwa; ideal for small fruits and chickens; seven room house, 28 by 30, open fireplace in living room, water in kitchen, furnace in basement. Price $750.00. $100.00 down. For particulars apply lo Thorpe A. Hoops, Telkwa. H.C. Phone HOAIU). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. FOUND FOUND. Moosehearl pin. Ap ply Daily News otlicc. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PHICHS OF KASTHOPF. 4 -CYCLE Marine Engines -t-H.P. wtthoul clutch $185.00 i-II.P. i cylinder Ml) 260.00 C-H.P. i nylinder HI) 150.00 8-H.P. I cylinder III) 750.00 H-H.P. 2 cylinder MD 150.00 IG-JLP. cylinder LD 175.00 All the above except the first Include the Famous Joes He-verse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Kaslhope llro.. 177 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. SNEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas senger Dodxe Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hates: 50c for I or 2 passengers. 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 TAXI 892 rilK DEPENDAIILE TAXI. Daj and Night service. Comfort and Courtesy Is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Stude- bakers" al your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel. FURNITURE HOSPITAL And General Repair Shop. Repairs of all kjnds promptly at tended to. We renair Ivno writers, gramophones and do picture framing. Carpet laying Furniture craling. TOM BALLANGER Phone Illue C25. 3I8 ITflh St FURNITURE EXCHANGE Furniture HoukIiI, Sold and Exchanged. Ranges, Healers etc. moderately priced. - Every thing for (he homo. Call in and look around. ALEX. MACKENZIE, Third Avenue Phone 775. (John Christie's old stand.) COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest re productions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE Third Avenue . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, June 11 High l:2t a.m. 1U.5) " 17:10 p.m. 1H.2 " Eow ...... 11.00 a.m, 2.2 " 23:32 p.m. 7.0 " Friday, June 12 High C:20 a.m. 1 8.2 " 18:17 p.m. 18.0 " Low 12:01 p.m. 3.7 " Article! Lost in.! Found, 4e BEDDING OUT PLIKT1 ItOAHD and Iloom, or board only. Plants thai iur your !u . ( bedding om j, if. . v, ally aeeliinati,-, j j relied upon v goods. Store I'lmno . r( (. GreenhiHisr P' i . MCCARTHY'S. TOM. CALCHEFF Experienced Tailor .Suits mud.! ;f I'ri's-uig , j Wlll'h tl 4 Fullon Sirei t i FURNITURE. New and Secor.dlnti funu ure Store. We 11. 7, St in Ex. change ."Sew and sc:;dUiij Goods. a to. papadopuus, 3 Third Ave. PboiM FIREWOOD. He Comfoi uii .t, Dry block w Frh split Pho'ic. r-A. ISAACSON PHOTO FINISHING 4- 1 - . P. J. HJah P.O. Ii ' Prim s U . 1) Service (11 1'; KEITH'S CAFE. When in sr. ,v ta Cafe in Km - I : ' ' ' now re " ! Up-to-date Hi s R; a t- Lunch l BOB KEITH - MM5 CAMERON TRANSFER Ptu .::e i:' Baggage, Furniture MoN- If you want ati j or delivered- v P.O. Uox C99 MAIL SCHEDULE For the East ... 0 urdays. close, ai t From me mi , ,. 1 Mondays. , Friday, due ai i f1"' To Vancouver Tuesdays- pu Mail closes ai ' tf Saturdays Thursdayi Sundays From Vancour Sunday Wednesdays Fridays r .. . . .1 .. a 9 arul C.P.R. Ma - O i'- FJL 9.15 V in lO A.H in (I To Anyox, Alice Arm- pi Wednes.inys j p.. UomlAVS . From Anyox, Alice Arm- p Tuesdays 8 pj. Thursdays To Stewart and Pre'"1;, p j. Saturdays 7 f t Sundays Dmler-From P" Stewart and a Tuesdays g pi Sundays Na pivf and To Port Simpson Polnts P" Thursdays nd jH From Port 8lmp" River Polnta Riilurdays To Alaska Po'nts""n May 8. I ln" PoM" From Alaska May 12 and 2- , p0!nti To Oueen Chariouo May t). ...... From Queen cn.n Points May 7 and 21.