.j.i. Tnno 1 1. 1025 rsuj " - ' THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THREH flpliilti!,, J warn? teeis soak themselves snowy white in R in so One of the hardest tasks on washday used to be the washing of big, heavy sheets. You had to rub and rub away at the sheets and afterwards you were so tired that the rest of the day was spoilt for you. Today, no more of that back-breaking labour is necessary. Just let the Rinso soap-suds do this work for you! It soaks dh t right out. Rinso dissolves instantly and completely in boiling water. Always use sufficient Rinso lo pet a lasting suds after the clothes are put to soak. Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Halibut BUI FOR SALE iiis i Ill mmt mm ' Gear urmttm-BLm i r inwwiT areas $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UIlVIilO i-illvll I LLiU inl It I it iNew for the Children MAN IN THE MOON LOLLIPOPS A pure. litKli-i luss Candy ! new forjn. liiiU 10o A IteaJ Ilarsuin in VACUUM BOTTLES We bought lids lot very MI'lip. sule ul eaeh 55c RINEX , A guaranteed relief in eases of Head Cold:, Hay I cwr, ole. Your money hack if not satisfied Willi results. lcf Dottle-.'. $1.00 FREE ENLARGEMENT llriiiK your films ami ne-patives in for, ris lit develop and print . Save the coupons in Hie envelopes ami tivl u free enlargement. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Tho Roxall Store 3rd Avo. and Gth St. Phono 82 and 200 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,b00 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer!, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle ni: kinds nf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and J8F Local and Personal j H.C. Undertakers. - Phone 41. You'll like our joall Consum ers Coal Go. Phone 7. tf r La Parisienno Iteauly Fourth SI.,-Phono 301. . NNOUNCEMENTS Moose nlc-nie June 28 ARE YOU TORTURED WITH ECZEMA? Shop, tf Save your' sojes." 50c. service. Arthur's Taxi. Plionc 078. tf Itich and poor cati lido now. 50c for a Taxi to tro anywhere. Uiowu taxi. Phone 80. If Mr. Donnatt of Hie Wales Is land cannery is in ihe city oh- lining inalcrial for the can nery. J. II. Slieddon, the local trans fer man, was a passenger foi Vancouver on Uiu Prince George last night. Il.(S, Oceii of the Toronto onservalnry of Music.flrrived in the city last .night from Toronto to conduct examinations here. The new C5 foot halihu schooner Cape Ileale, Capt. John Olson, has arrived from Vancouver and is finishing her out fitting here prior to making her maiden.- -voyage to the northern fishing hanks. Frank V. Foster of the Fight Hour hay Hoard arrived in the cily on yesterday afternoon"- train aTlcr a trip lo the Prince (tcorge district on oilicial Dull ness. He expects lo ' proceed from here to Victoria on- the Prince lluperl tomorrow night. F. V.. Halls vice-president of Hie Cirler-llalls-AIdinger Co. of Wir.nipeg, sailed last night om Hie Prince (ieorge for Vancou ver after havnig spent several days in the city in connection with the commencement of III"? work on the elevator superstruc lure. PasM-ngers sailing on the -learner Prince (ieorge last uitrhl for southern poinls included J. Hossons, W. Jones, J. PUmaii, F. F.. Halls. J. 11. Sneddon,- T. J Koulup and h. Horn, Vancouver I. Mchougall aruUlon. hr. and Mrs. W. 11. Su-thcrland, Victoria F. H. Wilson, Powell Hher; Mr; I'lnlip. Ocean Falls, K. .M.'icluod. Indian agent for 'Ini-ihoo district, has born -i visitor in (lie city during thf nasi few days watching the Naganie manslaughter case ai Hie Assies on behalf of the he- partuieut of Indian Affairs. . Mr. Maeleod's headquarlers are at F.linlon. When Indians Decorum involvcil in serious criminal caes arraugeinenls are made by Hie department for their defence u Ilia! the full ohj'cts of jiis-l ire may De obtained. The narly of 200 Shriners 'rum Syrian Temple, Cincinnati, returned ahoarl the Prince (ieorge from Stewart shortly after seven o'clock last night and left for the Fast at 10:15 on n special '. d.N.ll. ,tfTain conlaining nine passenger, coaches and two baggage rars. There 'was a large number oT people at the wharf and station to -extend a welcome to the visitor durum their slay here ami local Shrin- ers look some or itie pany ny car to visit the Cold Storage plant ami other local points ot interest. r.riruis, or Salt Itlu-um, as It Is ruin-iiiunly callt'd, Is imc of the nui.xt nirumlntr ir alt iklu ilLiriiM'ii. Tim , liiti'iw ImriiliiK, Itrlilnir and BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS' Mr I II tj.titi.ii II II IWn I ' here. and after my nernnd l (ii,,,..! n irreat difference, ' 1. KEEP COOLI Ice Cream A Purely Home Made Product YVc have recently installed the latest type of lee Cream making equipment and arc now in a position to make ami supply ICK CIlKAM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and be convinced KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Retail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S CROSS WORD PUZZLE RjO;P I INJSUSIPIRI I NG AlNlo'NBqcrAfflOjV . R I IsReInT llNGjJf?! S i L JJJC RMIAlBiRI Y r& or ei n EsjlMlIOI, fafflT U 1 n gsga srf p n tc eJaMni jo BlfHI 1 R Mr. Thomas Young anil her daughter. Miss Janet Young, ar rived from Terrace on yesterday afternoon's train. Miss Young is taking musical examinations .1. K. Gordon, jiropriel or of the lerrace Hotel, is visiting itie nUy. He arrived from the cast yesterday afternoon and is registered at the Prince Ilupert Hotel. Sanity Finlaysoti, who acted for Mime lime as carciaKcr a' the Prince Ituie,rt .V"'"'1' Wuli, is visiting in towfi .after several inonlhs of fishing on the west coast. Miss Ina Wood of Hie provin eial collector's office left on this, niorning's train en route lo Scot land where she will spend I h res months visiliiw her former home. II. Dalton or the C.N.Il. car department, arrived llaell-Jones and hr. Tail. PRETTY WEDDING A prelly but quiet C.rislomer Is IhJsJ. cure t dining in the i-ily lasl night -lf - accompany the special train -NvliicIuJcfjL Jiere this morning for the east, with the Zuhrah Shrme pari:' So successful was. the picnic held by the Gyro Club last Sun day that it was decided at the regular meeting of the club yes-terday,afternoon to hold anothe? on July 12. The following coni- millee was appointed to lake charge: Hoy Nicholls, Stan. Taylor. Charlie halagno. Sidney TOOK PLACE TODAY Miss Margaret Wood Becomes Bride of Thomas Clwydd Williams of This City Wedding look place Ibis morning when Miss Margaret Wood of Aberdeen, Scotland, became the bride or Thomas Clwydd Williams, formerly of henbiulislir e, Wales, but now a resilient of Prince lluperl. The ee'remony look place at ten it'clock at the home of W. W. Wmod. Hand I Hock, lluv. F. 0. Turner orric.ialing. The bride looked very prelly in a navy blue dress, her goiing away dress bejng of fawn. The Drido The rooms were prettily decorated with while ami red car nations. I'oiiowiug i no ceremnnv smamn. rirM 'V mini ur nc i wc NVed.ling Dreakrast was served. .il'l. are expimcd l lieat arc alnioul uti-' . , , , . , , , l.mi'.l.t. relief I rreatlv wi li ome.!. l"ie loasl lo I lie bridegroom llC- for vr nle at all drunnist!. and dealers; ! ""Wy Iroubte any good? put up wily ly Tho T. Miitnirn Co., I Clerk - Sure 1 It is one of our LlinUfd, Toronto, Out. ifk's best sellers. ' H ere an dTJiei ere The popularity of the Nova Scotia apple la rapidly growing in Europe. 1,103,980 barrels and 8,693 boxes were shipped in 1924-25 to port in England, Scotland a.id Germany. Shipments also went to Newfoundland, West Indies, Central Canada and the United States. Production of sugar beets in Can-ada during 1923 amounted to 159,200 tons, valued at $1,922,GG8, and grown on 17,941 acres, according to the Bureau of Statistics. 6,000 acres have been planted to beets this year in Southern Alberta, due to the establishment of a sugar beet factory. Milton Sills, the well-known movie actor, with a company of 32 other screen artists, passed through Montreal recently to take scenes in "The Come Back" in which he is featured. 1 The party went to Bejuchesne, in Northern Quebec Travelling by another train was a mother skunk and five kitten skunks which will also figure in the picture. The 286 passengers on the Canadian Pacific S.S. Empress of France completed their 30,000-mile tour of the world on Saturday, May 23, Vhen the vessel docked at New Y'ork. Ati their last stop at Havana, President Machado of Cuba invited the passengers to attend his official inauguration and to witness the unveiling of a statue to the preceding President. Another aristocratic rancher recently passed through Montreal on a return visit lo the ancestral estates in Transylvania, Hungary. This was Baron Josef Csavossy who, with his brother Andre, took over a 1,600-acre ranch last March near Cochrane, Alberta, on the Bow River. Incidentally the Baron was a passenger on the Trans-Canada on its first return trip of the season from The Indian Day Celebration at Banff, it is announced, will take place as usual this year on the third Thursdfvy and Friday in July. Preparations are already uni;r way for this event, which enjoys an enviable population as an Indian show. The Stoney Indians arrive in large numbers from their reservation to take part in the ceremonies, which are the 23rd annual celebration of tho function. Edward G. Taylor, one of the br.st known game fishermen on the continent is authority for the statement that New Brunswick is losing none of its lure as a fisherman's paradise. Just back from a trip to the Cains River, N.B., Mr. Taylor said salmon were steadily increasing in numbers and size in the province. He added that he had caught on this trip a salmon 42 inches long and weighing 24 lbs. In the autumn such a fish would likely weigh up .to tilty pounds. The following story is told of Sir William Van Home, first president of the Canadian Pacific Railway and a Major Rogers, who was in charge of the supplies for men working along the track. Van Home said: "Look here. Major, I hear your men won't stay with you, they say you starve them." "T'aint so. Van." "Well, I'm told you feed 'em on soup made out of water flavored with old ham canvas covers." "T'aint so, Van, I didn't never have no hams." From "Canada's Great Highway," by J. H. E. Secretan. The Western railways of tfcs United States comprising 67 roads serving Chicago and the West, have petitioned the Inter-State Commerce Commission for remission to advance rates. They state that for the years 1921 to- 1924 inclusive, the average rate of return on capital was ."- per cc;t., which they claim is so small as to render it impossible Jir them to secre working capital for extensions and improvement of' service by the sale of sock or issua, of bonds at reasonable terms. They, ask for rates that would give them a net return of 55; per cent., which. it is generally admitted is what lUil- maid was Miss A. Vod and (Dei ways should have. Dest man W. W: Wood. CATHOLICS URGED TO GO TO BAPTIST AID ing proposed by the. best man MONCTON, X.H., June II. - .. trouble . V is mnwjr ni responded lo in .the usual, When fire broke out on tho roof for tills manner. . . of the llaplisl church at Lewis- Mr. ami Mrs. Williams left onfville, N.H. on a Sunday morning. Ihe morning train for Jasper Rev. Father h. F. l.eger. who tn. w. ii. uiir-uu, it u. I !,!, will dlnn nfr mi mi I it W:i tt 1 1 Ul liimitlliin'r witfviin in hw. -oni... wrllcs:-"Ki.r years I wm ' "w ' V A f T, , ," Gentile " , Ihe , Catholic , the , tr..ui.ieii wiih ermuli, .and had that iccri- ill which place the church in town, Me iti-hiiir and imrninir trnsatiuii, and honeymoon will De spent, after Mnfonned Dis congregation of Ihe ! rim lit find mi relief for It. Finally. I vat which thev will return In I'riiiee blaze :iml reutiesleil tin. men !aiitiM-d to ne n.H.n. ilmllle I lemi In See i anil I rim, now, ndvle anyone tnmtilet) u I wai tu use llils wonderful remedy." present lo go lo the assistance of their Haplisl brelhren. The fire was extinguished wilh small damage, A dvcrtUe in the Daily Newa. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Summary of Assets and Liabilities 30th April, 1925 ASSETS Cold, Dominion. Nolct, nJ Silver coin .'. . Depoiit with Central Cold ReterTe ......... BaUncet due by Banka and Binking Core- pondenta eltewhere th.n in Canada. . Call and "hort loans on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks - Dominion and Provincial Government Seruri- tie. Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks '. Canadian Municipal Securities and Briti-h, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian Notes and cheques of other Banks ........ United States and other foreign currencies. . Loans and Discounts and other Assets .... Bank Premises Liabilities to customers under letters of credit (as per contra) F.r IETCHIWN. WRANCELL, JUNEAU. JKAGWAY - Fm VANCOUVER. VICTORIA l SEATTLE ...... 8.S. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. I 72,637,005.91 ' 14,000,000.00 ; lp,871;852.48 : 48,572.679.24 99,911,141.03 4,315,132.43 45,756,338.81 27,992,463.14 616,945.86 269,365,317.40 12,400,000.00 11.755,920.96 $718,194,797.26 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Not'i.in circulation $ 39,239,611.50 Deposits 601,851,115.69 Letters of credit outstanding 11,755,920.96 Other liabilities 752,196.91 $656,593,845.06 Excess of insets over Liabilities to Public $61,'95,952.20 SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY We are Agents for Hie Prince Ilupert Spruce Mills and can (juule you attractive prices on Hieir products: Cedar Timbers and Shiplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shiplap $19.00 and $21.00. Spruce Dimension $18.00 to $22.00. Gel our prices before placing jour order. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Honrs 9 lo G. X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSH BY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 COAST STEAMSHIP and Train SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Princo George will sail front Prince Ilupert for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points: June 1U, 8 p.tn. Juno 12, 15, p.m. For Anyox- Thursday, June II at,", p.m. For Stewart - Sunday; June 11, at 12 noon. After these dales ships will resume regular schedule) PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY eictpt Sunday 11.30 ajn. for 1'rlnr lleor?i, EDMONTON, WINNIPLQ, til points 1;itii Csnada. I'ntKd SUtov AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckst Office, 528 Third Am., Urines Rupsrl. Phons 260. IcanaqianT Vacific Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Junt IS, 19. 26, 29. July 3. ( June 13. 20. 24. July I, 4 For BuUdiU, 8wtnson Bay, Eait Bella Balla, Ocean Falle, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rler, and Vancouver eery Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamahlp Llnet. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oeneral Agent. . Ccrner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. .'