(u releasing llr Grand Jury at supreme tiui'l Assize iiav following a true hill been brmiL'lil in -in Hie case LONDON June 11. ---Following frporlM uf ciilicisui, In the Dominion in connection with I he security puci It is understood I"' e the Dominions have been licpl informed as to the progress d llie negotiations and umloubl-f illy I heir approval and support will be soufchl before an ugree-lai'iit is reached. At present, however. I here is no agreement which can be submitted to them. Ml that has been done so far is to indicate the responsibil,ily which (ireal llfilaiu is prepared 'o undertake. U.S. MARINES AND CANTON , Are on Island or Honan to Protect American Christian College ti ANTON, June 11. Serious clashes occuni'il Ibis morning l'cKvecu Cauloiicse ami Yunnan- i'se lroopi foV the possession of Hie cily and hiiinerous casual "es are repoilcil on 'both .sides. tniled Slules marines lunrled "ii Honan Island near Canton In protect llie American Clirisliaii College. Most foreigners are now oul- Mde Hie danger zone. Kimsiuit Irilie. The mi liilernreler was services . of involved in the case. Attorney General Manson con ducted the prosecution and the defence was in the hands of K Fisher. Six witnesses for Hit crown were heard yesterday two natives, two provincial policemen. Dr. O. II. llayflekl OKNKVA, June II. Wiltiout a dissenting vole Hie international "vonicr- cure mi con I rid of' Hie trade in arms and muni- linns lasl iiiahl adopted Hie lexl uf a protocol prohibiting the use of poison gas or bacteria in lime of war. Delia Coula. MINISTERS BACK FROM TRIP NORTH TO MINING CAMPS Returns to Vic toria and Mr; Sloan Visiting Interior .I Hut a I' V Sviii nlni l"" Mil ANA ANN .K nT.. Hon. Dr. Sutherland, minister v ii manslaughter, Mr. Justice DDIfTC AMfC MfiDC AT lHf l'ul',itVwo,'kN u"1 I1""-. ,)r ii .. . . . i. iiii .i .1 ii li.i. iiii i ii i . ii i iii.iii iti mu r in in i in w ii. i .Marutiniini uniiuuiirru inu ww , , , -uey should i,o.,i nse.f .ni p.c., cYrHAwnp TODAY 1 l,LI!:,,!r.r,.,l..r ji ai; ni"ss 10 iicbi hi ih.ou imi iii- , ---r. .... . t... i i...- .......( i visum? rievari. .nvox ami .vnee 1" Willi llie cases ot five l.iard- Hie fish exchange today Arm. InJiaiis who an- mw ul rfkalla Canadians rereied slightly! Dr. iindMrs. Sutherland con- hi awaiting trial on charge murder. To handle these n's Hie ptvcHt Assizes are i 'a y in jiig extended until it is I'l'-iidc to bring oul rrotn mm' U'iar district the necessary v 11 'iri.es rniTiriPiui nr SECURITY PACT No Aarcement Yet Reached; Thereforo Nothing Yet to LayxBefore Dominions higher prices than I eseis iinuni south to icioria on uie for halibut. Sales were as fed-j Prince, tieorge lml Mr. Sloan got lows: off licit and proceeded to the American interior to inspect some mining .Majestic. 2fl.oon. nt K.7lc ami . proper! I?. He will be back in lc lo 'ld Slorajge. Detmtcral, Sl.tMMi, at t'.-'Oo ami tc lo Hoolh Fisheries. Kennebec 7.IMKI, at l.IHc and lc to Cold Storage. Canadian Prosperity A.. 12.oimi. at iO.iOo and i'c lo Allin .Fisheries. M. V I... 2.7110, al y.tKlc and C.c In Cobt Storage. V. T.. K.tino, at 10c and Cc to Allin Fisheries. the cili' Inwards the end of the week Uli his way south. 1'. I'iiiHp, chief engineer of the public! works department; (J. C MarKu'y. district engineer, and A. I.. (larrutbers, superintendent of bridces. proceeded south to Joe Oreer returned to town on last night's train from Hilt Farm, Terrace, where he spent r.nvireiiti. 5.500. at Si.UOr and Cc he nasi week. Mrs. r.reer ami lo Cold Storage. family ate Iberi- on vacalinn. Paul Pollard is Charged With Killing of Norman Clellilam as Result of Auto Accident All eslerdav afternoon and this morning was spenl in lak iug crown evidence in the '-aso of Paul Pollard who was charged at lhe Supreme Ciourl Assizes with manslaughter in connection wilh Hie dral.li of Norman Clelillnm who was thrown from Ford Inirk when it was struck by a McLaughlin Six aiilomoliilt tliien by accused uu Hie Hella lioola road on llecciulier lasl Tin- crown case is that Pollard wa tlrivitig recklessly at grea speed Tlie impact of Hie collision, a rear-end one, cau-c Clelillain. wlio was standing on Hie running hoard of lhe truck lo be hurled luain.n a posl. lit suslained skull injuries ate! broken ribs oil the lell side ' which inlerfcred wilh hear' action and punelurcd his lungs. He died in hospital a few hour? later. Jtttl h cars were badly damaged, I hat of "accused being pul out of commission. Clelillain was the son of lhe tale chief of the Hella Coola In dian .ami I'ollanl belong lo the and a Norwegian youth. Case Outlined in 'outlining lhe crown s case Attorney (leueral Manson ex plained thai Hie charge had arisen oiit of an automobile ac elUeiil on the lielia Coola man on Deceniber H when an Indian hoy. Norman Clelillain, ha come Hi his death as a result o injuries sustained. A Fori truck, containing several per sons, had left lhe store of C. C Sliipslad on Hie afternoon tpieMlou and had proccedi" along the main llella Coola roai Deceased was slaudiny on Hi running board. Shortly after Hie car left, a Mcl.ouglilin Six driven by accused, followed. 'continued on paje four"1 9?; TAXI BOSTON GRILL ant' Largo Upstair Dining Hall, A-L'e,. with' newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at An. yV parties. - Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd l.iUJ' For ratfn, apply to Boston and flth St. PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. J MATT VI DECK, Prop. I s Phone 57. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper vol, xv., No, lac. PHINUi Hl'PKHT U.C., 'J JILHSUAY, JINK 11, 1025. YMttrdiy't Circulation 1663 Strtt ) BC PRICE FIVE GENTS. An I kTC oirnr iit r i nTrnu OTrn iiTniwn UD LA Id MM, m MMLKli Mill WUKJVD NDIAN MANSLAUGHTER CASE PROCEEDING AT SUPREME COURT ASSIZES anada Uaims All islands of Arctic between This Country and North Pole says Hon. C. Stewart O'lTAWA, June II. CunadaV claim In Hie NortliiTii Arrli p-'iuau mkuiu usni-rii-u 111 nit; iiuusc ui uuiuinu s vesien uv I iiiii .niir nii'w.iii iiiiiii.iiT ill iiii. I II ii f I I iii hit i ' i fcc liiuii. .mi. utu i . u I v I iiiui nit- i.iiiiiiiiitiii iiauii ii iii'H, unds lying- norm of I lie Canadian mainland tip tu (lie Nnrlh: The liinil uf Canada's claim, us indicated on Hit; map. ' ortiieu a great inaugie wiin uie. mainland as ine nac ami i lie i ur'ii roie us uie upex. i ne wesiern imuimarY was uie eniiiui- i tv nrT rnn niu UU A A V1V LIARD INDIAN MURDER CASES ill uo riuvcoucu im uu August 10, Mr. Justice Mac-donald Informs Grand Jury laliiMi (if a .boundary between amaua aim .viaKa. ine r,asiern look a line up Davis SI fait In I ween Canada ami (ireenlaml Mini llit'ii followed longitude 00 west In the pole. Monthly ilefineil, Hie territory , i' I a i iW by Canada was thai ly ing north of Canada and west of I (irecnluml lielween parallels CO and IS:'. Mr. Slewarl said lie had no re-! marks In make about Hie claim I of Hit t'niled stales. He pi e-) sinned Uie I'uilivl Slates would PROHIBITS USE OF POISON GAS IN WAR claim anv islands north of; Alaska. "We don't claim the; Dr. Sutherland t. ..t..' I...'' ..T I.. i prm i - riiiini npi ii. said Hie minister. When UP.S.S. Maburii made its first trip up lhe rSI. Lawreie e this season, Capl. J. P. Ilolierls; Knglih sea sail, showed the captain Mimefluitg in navigation. lie .-ailed (he historic river "0 years ago, and in IS('8 commanded a frigate during lhe Papincaii reljel-jL lion Urge United States Air Force Increased Three Times to Keep Pace with Modern Developments WASHINGTON, June 11. Hy Caiiudian I'ress,. All inuicaiioiis are iiiui me I nitcti Mates is aiioui lo cuter on an era of lug development ot uviaiiou una ul its air lurces, both jnyy and navy. Develojuiicnl of uviaiiou for oilier guveniiiienl .iitrposes and civilian development aviation look like lrac- lical ccilainlies. i'he iiiafiner in which Hie I'ost Office Depnrt- iiieul is reaching oul with air mail is. one strung indication uf he trend of Ihings. What is expected is that in llie next esioii of Congre DOMINIONS IN BRITAIN Secretary of State For Domin ion Affairs to be Created Is Announced LONDON, June 11. The British Government proposes to create tho office of secretary of state for Dominion affairs and the office of under secretary of state for Dominion affairs, Premier Baldwin announced In the House of Commons today. The Premier said that the creation of these new offices would be part of the government's proposed . reorganization of the Colonial Office. Up to the present all matters having to do with tho Dominions had been dealt with by the Colonial Offloe. CHINESE CREWS OF SHIPS OUT Twenty-Eight Vessels Tied Up from Lack of Sailors to Man Them SHANGHAI. June II. - Thi Chinese strike situation heeame acute on the river front today when the coastal sleamers sus pended sailings, .leaving I hi class of shipping'. virtually par-alyned. Twenty elghl vessels art? being lied up for lack of Chinese rrew. ;both army and navy will demand large sums for aviation. In- ' . ... creased air personnel aim in creased sums for etuipmeiil wilt be asked. The utterance General Mitchell, cmphasUing ministration saw fit to lilm !.ii 1,1.1 mil iiiiLitu vfl.Wi. Ill Nova Scotia Strikers Capture Power Plant; Man Killed in Fray Company Police Injured' Earlier in Day When Successfully Defending Building: Man Shot in Stomach j GLAGII HAY. June II. A Her a pitched bailie lasting upwards of fifteen minutes, striking miners captured New Water- ford power house this afternoon and were reported lb be in full charge of Hie plant. One man, William Davis, was killed and Gilbert Walsou was shot in the sloniach, seriously wounded in lhe fray. A number of company police were injured earlk'r in lhe day I when an attempt was made to take possession of the plant but were repulsed. Hrilish Kmpirc sleel plant officials have been keeping the plant in operation. Officials Missing i General Manager II. J. MeCann land a number of ollicials of lhe Hrilish Sleel Corporation were: known lo be in the power sla- ul New Walcrrord when Ilioti raptured by strikers. They are , missing A number off (reported "pittk-y- alnaaT3tfe'ti nt-ttaCrimlnai Libel. Charge Likely to woods nearby when the force was iiverwiieimeti ami it is jios- dble (lie missing ollicials are with these. , Later report say thai scores were injured, adoui loriy ptH- ice were al the plant along wilh ollicials and maintenance men. Most of them were pretty badly mauled by Hie striker. who overpowered lhe defending force. NEW MODERATOR FOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Ephralm Scott Heads Rem nant Which Refused to Join United Church TOllONTO, June II. -llev. Dr. uf Kpliraim Scoll of Montreal' was unanimously eiecicu mis mum iug to be moderator of the Gen- MM I II II Ullll- HI Ul UV KVf- I , , ..., I.... i... i i ....., erai .xssemmy oi uie i-iesuj backing and slronsr public sym- ...ii... .i...,.ii ii... r,i..i iiiu teriau Church, controlling section ' which refused to I. 111! IIJI III.? ' v, I o . v n v ,, .,v,.'. . session here. is not likely the Idea of a unified K'"'"? iir nervice. as endorsed bv Gen- eral Mitchell, will be adopted ' SUubLSib 1HA1 &LUAN I i It irnn - u I that join v.-,..i. .in ...v. .... ,. . .,,... itiMiiiilu I 1 u" -Oli i.imiiu v., i"iii"". ,...I,WIV.. . . , , - , ..... i tie eieeiion. took place ai uie vitiiinii. i v na ffi i mt tf ti rn Senator Dingham of Conuecli- Bt KtfKtdtNlAUVt UT cut, an aviation officer m lhe worhl war, who lias been making an inspection of uviaiiou field PROVINCE AT WEMBLEY mil stations, has relumed to YANCOL YFIt. June 11. A re- 'asliiiii:ton Sec uring liitusel'f commendation thai Hon. William amazed at tlie possibilities of lhe Sloan should allend the Wemb iir, us shown in lhe lalesl test ley F.xhibilion as the represenla .it a reran attacks on iiiiaiiiry I live or uritisii i.oiunuua, was ami on batteries. The aircraft, nwule yesterday by lhe in armed wilh machine guns -ami Chamber of .Mine at a nieelin light bomb, known n personnel of the directors yesterday. Mr. bombs, he says have done much Sloan's presence al lhe Kmpire havoc to turgets, arranged to exhibition as head of lhe ininiu oiillern after war coudilions. as depaiilnenl of 1 his province was . .1 to show that in the next war land held to hi lualily desirable. troop. and ballerie xvill be put out of business in short tinier from the air. lie declares anli- aiicrafl guns are iio derense. Senator Hingham, who is an au- shorily, ami wrtde a book on Granby aviation five years ago. say lhe progress since the wur ha lieenlDunwell almost beyond belief. lie feels premier thai what is true a lo the army Terminus is true 'of sea warfare also. He L. 4 , STOCK MARKET will uiue that lhe jinny air force. D.ily-AlaUa now aboul lO.OOii, be mulllidieil Howe Sound by three and thai oilier steps for Surf Inlet building up a great and skilled m.o. Silver air force for. laud use be laken. Silvererest lo say nothing of what is needed Hsclktrks for sea purposes. Indian Unfits AdvertlM .u the Daily Nvi Hajview Hid. Asked 15.00 ..01 .02 3.25 1.00 " "'"' w.;jo .00 .25 .27 .23 .2K lti.00 17,00 .05 .00 , 1.50 .12 .10 .OiH .01. .00 Vi .07 ',4 .12 .20 .10 .12 IN HIGH COURT be Heard at Assizes .Wong's Habeas Corpus YANCOl YFJt, Julie 11. It was slaletl loday to be unlikely that the libel case against J. S. Cow-per. cdilor of tlie Saturday Tribune, would progress. beyond the ing the case, also staled that it comes up on Monday and that the charge would be heard liy lhe higher courts, probably the Assizes, next October, . L. Fraser, counsel for F. L. Haker, who swore to the charge against Cowpcr, who. iss prepar ing the case, also .staled chat habeas corpus proceedings on behalf of Wong Foon Siiiig, Chinese house boy, opening tomorrow, wuuld be briefly spoken to and the real argument stood over until Monday. ASSIZES TO SIT TONIGHT Progress Has Been Slow Intention is to Finish Sosslon by End of Week When court ix o'clock lst adjourned After evening, the scs- siofi tif the Supreme Court As sizes being held here was only hair way through', lhe .second of 'our cases on the docket. Attorney General Manson, who is" prosecuting, has business in tho south and is anxious In get away before the end of lhe week so Mr. Justice NY. A. Macdonahl stated that evening session would be commenced today. The two In dian manslaughter cases look up u great deal more lime than had been anticipated. ESQUIMALTDRY DOCK FINISHED Water Will be Put In 'Huge Basin on Saturday For First Time YKlTOIirA, June II. NYork on the igovernnient dry iloeknt F.-ipilmall, which cost 0,000.000. ha been completed and forfy-Iwo million gallon of waler will flood lhe huge baln'0if Salur- da.v.