j A3E SIX THE DAIL? ITEWS Thursday june 1923. . , Fancy CHINA I Special Discount for This Week Only on all Fancy China. The Very Latest LUNCHEON SANDWICH CUPS (combined cup, Saucer ami plalc) In beautiful Lustre China and delightful colorings We cordially invile you to view our China stock which contains the largest variety in iioi tljeni li.C. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over l'5 years experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant the North of Do You Know What This Means? ' 50c You and another passenger can travel anywhere in Rupert or to Seal Coe for the .small sum or Sue. lie sure and ask our driver for a ticket. When you have saved up ten of these tickets, present them to the driver and you are entitled to one free passage. Don't forgel (he l'hone numbers, IH'J-li:. Kindling We are the only Agents for this excellent fire starter. None better. One load means more will fallow. Delivered, (i.00. Transfer Call us to do your Transfer work or let us deliver your Coal, Ice or Wood. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Opposite Old P.O. Open Day and Night. Phones 112-189 Oranges! Size 150, per dm 65c Size 170, per doz 60o Size 210, per doz 55c Size 252, per doz 45c Large Grapefruit, each 10c lluy while prices are low Strawberries, 3 boxes 50c Cherries, per lb 40c Grapes, per lb. . t .... 40c Tomatoes. Lettuce. Cucumbers. New Carrots, Heels, at lowest prices. New Potatoes, 3 lbs. . . 25c Mussailem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 18 and 84. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phono 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10c 3 for 25c Wed. Eve., song by II. Astoria, Impersonation of a (Ihlnaman singing a song. Thursday Kve., songs . by Sabuurin and Couture. FISHERMEN ARE ! NEEDING HELP j IN SCOTLAND1 Nowspaper Urges Government Aid In Reorganizing Their Business j That the fishing industry ofj Scolfand is not in a very happy; 1 ! condition is made plain from un i ishenea. and iu oi dei- to save a .editorial article appearing in Scottish newspaper just to hand which follows Some years ago a Fisherman's Organization Society was set on foot for the revival of the fish ing industry on the -Cornwall coast. As the result of many handicaps, not I lie least bcimg the Competition from the great trawling combines, once flouring herring ports, like SI. Ives, were brought to ruin. The coast fisheries and the small boat fishermen were reduced to bankruptcy, their boals lay weedy and mouldering on the shore and the fishermen went about ilniugVy and morose. Their condition was investigated by .Mr. Cecil Harms-worth who was at the time secretary to Mr. Walter Runciman it the Hoard of Agriculture and It n NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RESERV. NOTICE Is IILIIhUY UIVF..N tint tlx resene covei-in rciuin UiuU near t ! Jiinct lull of Oi-Mall mid Sk-ena itlw.t trlcl, 14 camelled. tiEO. II. .TiAOt.l, Deputy .Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C May 4lli. ly&. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lsata Landa. In I lie Land llei-ordlnr District of Prince ItuiKTt. and situate on the north west roast or l'ear.-e llanL 1I.C approximately three miles norlli rruin the inuuth of Winter llailxjr. Take .Nuliee Hat J. I M u tranr ol Sutinyslde, B.C.. occupation tanner) man. iineim lu apply ror a lease or tne rut low In IT described lawls: Coiiiiiienriiiir at a hsI planted approx linately three miles north Irwii the looui.. of Winter Harbor. I'rarse Island; tfeii c imrlhwctt two ( i i chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence northeast along low water mark one hundred and silly tICU) chain; llien-e soiitheisi two (2j chains; Ihenie southwest oil. hundred ami slxly (l6Ui chains, mure or It, to ol n I of commencement and con ralnln; thirty-two (3 acres, more o less. JAMES FIH.IH.XG STIIANU. .Name of Applicant. Haled May lath. IKJ5. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Laaae Landa. In the I font liecirdlnir District of I'rinre Rupert, and tltuale on the north west coast of I'carre Island, UA... appro mately six miles north rnun the nmulli or Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that Oosse Mlllerd Llmlteo of Vancouver, ll.i... ncriipatlon paikeiv intend to apply Tor a lease or the following- described lands: Cotninemlnir at a Dost n anted attnrnx Imalely sli mile north frrnnf the mount r winter iiarunr. I'earse island: tneuee northwest two (ii chains, more or lets. to low water mark: thence northeasi aloinr low water mark one hundred and HIV (lent chains: thence southeast two i, chains; theure southwest on hundred and sixty 161) chains, more nt les. to point nr r imiiienrenient and con talninc thlrti' twn is! acres, more o. less. GOSSK Mlf.l.KHO UMITF.D, Name of Applicant. Mated Mav Uth. teiS 1 IK - aimwi t- rl Bryce Canyon Cedar Breaks RS ...thi.N.w ffiXr Wonderland WFVcv hi. JtiM Utah Nothing like It on earth. Few have been there the trip was too hard. But now you can see it in perfect comfort via Union Pacific sleeping cart, motor tours over goc J roadi, good.living accommodation. Low Summer fares. Personally escorted all -expense tours. Side trip to Kaibab Forest and North Rim Grand Canyon. Send lor Free Book illustrated in natural colors. It will help you plan the most satisfying vacation of your life. Union Paclflo System 1405 4th Ave. and Union Station Seattle, Washington Dr.F.PIenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 ..tie race 1 men from extinction ne soeiely to which we have .eferrcd was formed with government assistance. The men were lielpcd to procure and ciuip steam and motor boats. They were organised into groups for the disposal of their catches to the best advantage, thereby securing fair prices according to those ruling at Hillingsgate, with Iho result that all the former fishermen are now regularly at work, with many more additional men afloat and ashore. The Cornwall coast fishermen are now a thriving body, the villages lave taken on new life, and the motor boats are: able to hold their wn with the steam trawling ompanies. Are Left Alone These fads are given jn ah interesting article in a recent issue of "Truth," and the writer goes on to say that the inshore fishermen are an asset of ster- iug value and that their distip iiearanre would have 'been a cal amily. So say we -and we have been saying so in these columns time after time wIkmi dealing villi similar conditions amona ur own inshore fishermen LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Appt to Lease Land. In the Land Keeordinir DlstrlU of rlnre lluert. and situate on the north est coast of I'earrt Island. B.:., apprux-inately three miles north from the nioulli r Winter llartxir. Take Notice that Kriizell's l.lmlUd ol Prince liupert !.:., orrupatlon packer iutrtid to aiiply ror a lease of the f winning; described lands: CotiiiiieiM InR at a poi.1 planted appro imalely, three miles north from the nioittli T Winter Harbor, Pearse Island: then lorlliwest two it) rlMlns, more or Un-, i low water mark; thriice southwesi tmg low water mark one hundred and sixty . (ICO) chains; thence southeast two (i chains; thence northeast ihi hundred and sixty (160. chains, niort oi less, to point of cotiimeueemeiit and con talnm; thtrty-two (31) acres, more or less. FltlZZELI.'S LIMITED. naieu .nay ixm, iiija. 'ame of ppliraul. SYNOPSIS OF LAND AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreserved. surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted by Ornish subjects over 18 years of aee. and by aliens on declaring Intention to become Urltlsh subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, jid improvement lor. agricultural purposes. v Iull Information concerning: reitu-atlons repardlnK pre-emptions Is Klven In llulletln No. 1, Land Series, "How to Pre-empt Imd," copies of which can be obtained free of chars y addressing the Department of Lands, Victoria, U.C or to any Government Agent. T?nrr.r,la wilt VtA mntHl COYtrtn? For more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) lanr! Is tS per acre, and second-class (graz-lnc land $2.00 per acre. Further Information resardlnc purchase or lease of Crowr. lands is Klven In Bulletin No. 10. Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of stumpaKe. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may bo leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For grazing and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding (40 acres may be leased by one person or a I company. .-... uriAtirtu Under tho Grating Act the Province Is dlvldea Into grazing districts and the rang administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners around the norlli Scottish coast and iu the Islands. WJial has been dono for tiornwall could ami should bi done for our IfishermiMt in the Highlands and 'l-.l.....l 'I'l... ' ,f I'iiil,, :.!! we are told,""ie us our breakfast herring: , and our supper lobster; iu war time they form the finest reservoir of naval' war power which the country posses-: ses. This may be true so far as Kiwlauil is concerned, iul in lie Scottish liorlli and west we have finer still, and besides her-; riiifr ami lobster, we have olherj fish than which no betier arc to be found anywhere alse around the Hrilish Isles. Yet we am. left to pe away- and to pep out. until there 'tire 'many fishing vil lages on our coast in the sad dest state of decay, from which the able-bodied are daily taking their Nisid for other lands where their worth seems to be more appreciated by the powers that be. Is it really beyond, hope to expect that the present go eminent will do for I lie fishermen of the Highlands and Island' what has been done to such pood purpose both locally and nationally for the lti.?er men of Cornwall? D0UKH0B0RS DO NOT follows: YET LIKE SCHOOLS jomc of the Leaders Write a Letter to Nelson Newspaper About It The Nelson News published a elter front four of the houkho- jors in refrard to the schools a lo the Kdjlor of The Daily News Sir-1 Will you be gwd enough to pive little space in your val- lable paper to insert the follow ing appeal iu which we desire to explain our progressive idea? An appeal from the Doukhobor community women ami children, to the all Canadian public, a- follows: We are knowing from the newspaper that the government if Hrilish Columbia are describ ing in the Caieite about the Doukhobors that loukliolors are subjected the school laws The Doukhobors have agreed to onen the schools at their colonies, but there was not ex plained that ainong the Doukho liors there are some of them do not wish lu accept the school not upon any terms. 11 seems that the government knows that )me of Doukhobors hate stated that they do not waul the schools, and the government hae not explained in the Cazeite to the public that the Community Doukhobors are different in their opinion about tile school question, as one part of them agree to open the schools at their colonies, the other part is acaiust the school law and not accepting Ibeni not tlpou any terms, on account of religion, even though, il Vwouhl threaten I hem da'ugerous condition from government as. the taking away their chattels. " Such act as to rob away our chattels we do not only land suitable for agricultural think it will be very danger for purpose... and which is not timber- because Our Saviour Jesus land. i.e.. carryine oer 8,000 board !..'... . fe't tier acre west of the Coast llange and &.U0U feet per acre east or mat Ilane. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Com-mifirlbner of the Land Hecordinn Division. In which the land applied for is situated, and are made en printed forms, copies of which can be frcm the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mkdt to value of 110 per acre. Includlns clearlnc and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. Christ have .suffered progressive idea, and for such took the Icalh upon Himself. And also not very loitfr lime aiso happened the same case with Our Saviour Tcter Lordly, (VcriKini on account that he was against the school laws, and it may happen Ihe same lot'wilh his followers btil (iod's will be done. The (Uory to Out Ond. The bearers of this appeal are l'l.OIA STlir.LAKFF, D.VCIIIA KK.NAKKN, YASL SULl'.KF.N. l.OOCilA STUKLAKIT. (ilade. H.I. . June STECHER SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDS HIS TITLE AS ; CHAMPION WRESTLER LOS A.ii:ij:s. June 11. De- feiulinjr successfully the world's heavyweight wrestling championship, which he claims by virtue of his jclory over Stanislaus Xbysxko of SI. Louis on May SO, Joe Steelier defeated Dan Kolnff. Ihe New York trappier, here last night in Iwo slraipl.it falls. VICTORIA PROPOSAL" TO LEASE WATERWORKS VICTOIIIA. June 11. l'lans are being formulated for a lease may form aiociaiions ror range oi ilic i-sipiiijinii HiunwuiMi uj management. or rt, Ilhe city of Victoria, the whole permits are ans.Ils.ble tcr setuers, i ' . .. . . . u i csupers and travellers, up to tea jsysteiit including thai at r-ooke Lake is lo be combined into one lo servo stealer Victoria, rL -J Bulger & (Cameron announce Dissolution of Partnership SALE The Greatest and Most Genuine Jewellery Sale ever held in Prince Rupert WE MUST RAISE MONEY BEFORE JULY 1 Our fine stock of Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass, etc.,. will b; on sale We do not expect a profit on the sale. We will be glad to get even the wholesale price just now. Many things will be cut far below cost You can save 25 to 50 per cent, and thrifty people would do well to buy their Christmas Gifts now The business we do proves that our regular prices are right and we guarantee anything you buy just the same as if bought in the usual way See Saturday Paper for Bargain Prices SALE OPENS MONDAY MORNING AT TEN fjulger & Cameron Third Avenue Ltd. Jewellers Prince Rupert SAWMILL DESTROYED. k" " 1 VltrniltlA. .lune II. The Highways Sawmill, norlh of lob hie Hill, was destroyed by fire lasl uu-hl. the lois hem? about 28.0011. !'. I., l-'oss is president of the company. QOOD ROTARY TAQ WOODSTOCK, Oul., June 11. Member oT Ihe 'Srls' Council al Woodstock, Oul., raised foul for crippled . children by sellina. lags. The campaign was under! Ihe auspices of Ihe llolary Club. Jiuimie ami w'isiier Itryaiil', played piano and violin duels all the llotary Club luncheon today which were much appreciated. Iloyal Ilurrill, Oraml Kxultui Huler oT Ihe Klk is expected to be here nexl Wednesday lo Visii the local organization. LAND ACT. Notice of Intsntlon to Apply to.lesse Land In skcftia .slid uiKtrlrt: hernnllnr III lilit r I'rinre lliiiN-rl snil situate si fint Kitward. It. i:. TAKE MITICK Hint Hie Skcens Hlwr Parking Coiiiimny. I.liiiltcd, r I'orl id ward, H.C.. iK-riipatliiti I'l It I'sckers, In tends to upply for x-riiilitlin to lesio tlm riillowlnir ili'rrllH-il land : CdinnifiK'Ing st s Ix,l plsnicd it Hie iunjhweit rurner of Ut 4 478 U.V rusit dJutilot; thrnre soiillieriy slmiir lnw water mark, 0 ft.; tlirnre Sdiithwciilerly, parallel in the snntlierly ttiiinil.iry of lt 4 4 76, t SO ft.; tlienre nurtlirrly parallel to Miltr rnsrk, SOU frt't; tlii-me nnrlti rlrily along the iK.nlhcrly iNiiuidary of Uit 4 471 pnxlnml, ISO ri'Cl In tlie ImpIiiI of ruiiiiiiHiceiiieiit, runtaliilng hair an acre, more r SKtKMA IIIVKIl I'ACklMO COMPANY, LTD. Applicant haled Mav tM. I85. LAND ACT. CAtSlAR TNDDIITRICT lUatrlrt nr I :! r. stlkliio lilvltiini. . TAkK MITICK that I. Walter Julian r lift ii riM-a Snldlcr). of THeRrapli Crn-k, H.C., (MTiipallnn Miner. Intend In apply Tnr t.i'iinifilun lu purchase tlin folio lint (IpciIIhJ luutls: Cnnuiienrlnir at a pout planted oliout mie tnlie eat "f Mrl.ciHl sluiish near tlm Stlklne. Illver and almilt 3 mllp Houilii'i nf Telrnraph Creek i' tlienre norlli (ill eliHln"; tlienre eait 40" rlialuit; UiciHC anutli KO rlialna; Ihenre weal 4 n rhalna lu txilnt of coininnmmient and rontalnlnir 3S0 arte, more nr le. WAI.TKU JIU.IA. Applicant April tuth, iVH, WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 . 'THE SILENT ACCUSER' A mystery -thriller with 11ci Ihe tu service dug wlio truilcd a man llirough lw 1 dramatic story of crime, n man, a girl and canine. Lovely Klcanor Moartltnan as Ihe km: w as a Ioy in the ilangcroiis dives or llu' Argeah clear her sweetheart. Mysterious iminler will Ihe only witness. How he manages lo sae ' truek tli real munlcrer, ami bring happinc-ami Hie girl or hi hcarl. arc some of Ihe rem ma-..I ll.,i il... I .... I II... f,.iif-Timled star ol I'1 jU I'"' AciMiscr." Hlrong cast. jre w ' Earl Raymond McKoo, Eleanor Boardman, Paul Weigel, Edna Tlchenor ami Polor the Great S 'r IN MACK SENNETT COMEDY BEN TURPIN "THREE FOOLISH WEEKS." 0fo TOPICS OF THE DAY Admission 35c an ; i Silk Specials! for Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 11lh, 12th, I3in Silk Poplin, (iiccii and Nile. licg. L7-. hi' Striped. Taffetas, rcg. :.:ri. Special s n Black & White Striped Tarfetas, rcg. I Striped Satin, rcg. 3.o0. Hpfcial 95c $1.95 $25 These snecials me e.ccitioiially g(Ml vai iv c" (..t lie i.l.i .... nil Knlimlnv niKhl. Thuy nro rcduni ami we cminul give litem al Hie special lrn,-' 111 ml W'11 Jabour Bros. . , --h 7th St. Phone 645. Cor. 3r