The Prince Rupert sarled at 3 o'clock (hi afternoon for Anyox and is due back from there at six I" Hock tomorrow mirning. The iwssel will spend the day on dry iilock for cleaning and (tainting ami is to si for Vancouver at lour o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Prince (ieorge, which mailed at 8 o'clock last night for .ne south after returning from s'lewari with the Syrian Shrine j ariv. will lie hack from the south' 1 11 Sunday morning at 0 o'clock and will sail for Stewart that day at 12 uoon. Returning from 'Stewart at K o'clock Monday, the Prince (ieorge will fro on dock, sailing at I in (lie afternoon for the south. Regular business will he handled nn all Ihese rearranged Accompanying Zuhrah Shrine party this morning was R. F McXaughton. C.N.H. district passenger agent, who went F.ast wiih 1 hem as far as Jasper on their special Irain. The Znhrah Shrine parly did tint spend Jong in the city this morning. The steamer arrived with them al 8.15 and at 10 o'clock Hie special train of thirteen cars which earried them east pulled out. This party also had a band a thirty piece In the. Letter Box LOYALTY TO CITY Editor Daily News. Lei us make the best of Hit tourist season so that it can live aain. Tuesday night about too people gathered at Hie wharl to welcome the Shriuers lo our TIMBER SALE X7050. There will He offered for sale, al Public Auction, at noon on the 18th day of June, 1025, in the office of Forest Supervisor al Smithers, H.C., the Licence X70j0. to cut 180,000 lineal feel of Cedar Poles and Piling on Lot i-. at Ik I. !238ti. situaled on 1 lie souin nanu of Skeena River, west of Skeena Crossing Cassiar Land District. Two 2 years will be; allowed for removal of Umber. provided any one unable lo attend the auction in person may submit a sealed lender to no oiienisl al the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of tlio iJII1a 'v- t ler. Victoria. IkC or District Foresler. Prince Hu-nert. WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) ..... l,ViT,i- nmi Wlllum Moriran l. ,xl . .rtd'r. -a" l'l..rk..rt. B. .. HI f .r a lir-wire l tak and u;e r.uuu K - ..... uf water mil 01 riMiim. n..v voiiihirly and uValna V.::. i.onarellow" Mineral tluiv crown Orantnl V. ll.C, mm Claim. J353 O.C.I. Ttir . n..lnl r rlil l Hirte, alut l.aOO fwl w m i" ''lrl Harbor, ami will wfl r..r .lMm.-il.' a.mrrv l'un 1 Pm Ma v i 5 A ropy or m noilS, ' of IlieValer lleror.W at I'rlm-e III! ofrire oiuir ,,,-, ,,,. ,,. ihp nm lliiHirt, lloll .'...,.' Yu. riled' with Hie mWI Walnr 1... ..i. unit llw commroiiflr m .... ,. lll.l (I ::. di.i.i. I'ni'iiainpiu mil nv. i i I ' within tt.lrty day artrr Hip mm iaVin.T r lhl notlre In a li;al first a KiiiW Tli lte or lli rirst piil.ll-atmii 1 May lh. 1a. or lhl laiion "w'nmM mouon. AppllViint. In rrlnre n LAND ACT Uipert l.ami msiriri; oisiriri of Prlnr Hupprt. TK'K NOTICK that I. Merlll PM llrlMT. nf VauroiinT. B.C. orrupallcm Million hroker. Inirnd to aprlyjror prrmlasloii to nnrrhasft the rnllowlnr rtearril.n.1 ld:--P Commrnolni at a post pUntjd V, in le nnlh or tnl' aoilllirjiPi i-unirr m 1. - rr.'ilr llnnirp 1. Cnnt t)lstrl thrnrr iiorlh n rhaliw: Ihenre weit i .iiainn: theme south to rhora lln In an vi.terlv itirrrllon to p"'nt or coin. ii"emwnint; containing 40 arret, more or MF.nil.U PES imiSAY. Frtwin Elroy Oattd April 3rd. test. Appllrant liarnum, Agent. one is so cold to forget a warm EXCELLENT CONCERT GIVEN BY SHRINERS look In Ihe police. It was ar- u..Mr.A.I I t , I nn nnniSnlmnnl I USEFUL AND FINE ARTSjrVT LIBRARY New Books Recently Added to Shelves at Local Institution Hooks oil useful and fine arts) recently added lo the library include; "Types nnd Hreeds of Farm Animals." by.O. S. Plumb. "Patient Making," by A. Hrintia. "The Happy Haby," .by L Hull. "Household Texliles," by C. M. Oibbs. "Common sense of Miisic," by Siginund spnelh. "Tracks ami Tracking.-' by Joseph Drunner. rpt, sday. June 11, 1925. Y1TK DATLT WKWrl pack inva I DADV5 I WEIFARE I Thii Baby Welfare Book and Ihii Baby Record will be. tent toa tree on requeit. write I he E ltnAn da. Limited. VAHrnnutD Eagle Brand it the natural food (or babies when mother's millc (ails. Economy Plus Tin f'y anl resourceful h sfwivos uf Hritish '.!-a sen in Carnal inn M -vt "!ily economy, but a :n. nourishing, ever-v Aitpply of wholesome r ;.. ur grocer has Cnrna-so you need never run : ir' Made In Canada Carnation Milk John L. Christie Pales Agent Prince Rupert SPUN PONGEE A splendid uah(y 33 h pongee for Ladle.' Li oiners or Children's W nr. Ileg. 85c. West of England Special 65c West of England Store Phone 753. Third Ave. "Demers" Have the, Newest niul Daintiest uf . Summer Lingerie Come and Seo Thorn Houso of Quality Phono 27 P.O .Box 327 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing , and OlstrlhutliiK. Team or Motor Service, fioal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Movlnrj. LAST SHRINE ! PARTY HERE Members of Zuhrah Templo Arrived by Steamer From South This Morning Took Special Train East The arrival of Hie C.N.H. steamer Prince Rupert, Cn.l. J). Domilil, frinu Vancouver this luurning with ;ihj miMnliers or .iihrah Shrine, Minneapolis, marked t lu second special sailing of the coast steamers to handle these patties of Shriuers leturning to their homes in the Knst iy way of the "Inland Passage" and Prince Hupert. The steamers will be hark on , their regular bi-weekly schedule igain next week It 1 1 1 only for a short lime because the Alaska service NABOB W VACUUM PACKED rnireireifiii FRESH from the roaster no matter tuhere tjou binj it. city. How nice il would hav-a been jf arrangements had been made for some 0 our ci'y fathers with a few members ofj the Hoard or Trade and Retail! Merchants Association . to have,! mel the hoal ami given the visit ors a good - civic - welcome. A and lri-veekly service here is tojdepulation carries weight and no commence 011 June 22. n FIRST ROUND TENNIS GAMES Those Who Did Not Have to Play In Preliminaries Have 1 Games Set " hearted people and city. II will live again. ' 'n arranging the tennis sched- A few permanent slreamers offup the committee,, headed liy welcome to tourists across Third Avenue and a large "Welcome" sign near each wharf would make the visitors feel they are tlm juesls of Prince Rupert. Let us be full of Rupert, be lieve in our city, forget the hard limes. The tourist are here lo forget business troubles, not lo hear hard luck stories. At a luncheon in one of our neighboring cilies not long ago. a businessman was lemiig 01 his trio lo Hupert and of the: hard times pleaded by'all. What a poot advertisement for our city! Things have been a little quiet, but Prince Rupert is slill on lop. with a future for a small city second to none. Let us welcome the tourists, believe in our city and boost il. R. I). A. II. Carntichael, "planned for a number of thet. players to escape the preliminaries and play in the lirsi round only. These are as follows: Mixed Doubles Winners of Klrst Prelim, vs. winners of second. Winners of Third Prelim, vs. Miss Moreriey ind Mr. burgess. Miss Long and "Mr. Palmer vs. Mrs. llennlitg and Mr. llen-niny. Miss Marsh and Mr. Cruickshank vs. Miss Curtain and Mr. MareuteMe. Men's Doubles Winners of FlttM, 1'relim. vs. winners of second. Winner of Thltil Prelim, vs. MarklKim and Walton. Wyles and Carmlrhael vs. Campbell and Marintclte. Zcllerman and Hlack vs. Lambie and ltairosr. Ladies' Doubles ! Winners of Pwfiirt. vs. Mrs. Tail , and Mrs. Henning. I Miss Marsh aWll Miss Irwin vs. Crowds Gathered at Dock Last! Miss Long and Miss Hitch- Night to Listen to Music - ings. '- I Men's Singles All road led to Ihp Canadian) Winner of Zellerman-McMoidie National sleamshi dock yester-) vs. Wyles. day evening and a large crowd ofjMeMaster vs. Fulfoti. people was on hand lo meet Ibej Markhtim v. Wallon. steamer Prince (ieonge, which ; Joslin vs. Palmer, arrived shortly afler 7 o'clock ; Winner of Cniickshank-Hlack from Stewart with the 225 shrin-j vs. MacKcttzie. ers of Syrian Temple, Cincinnati, j Hurgess vs. Palnfore. aboard. (Carnxichael vs. Hrady. " Immediately upon arrival of Marenlette vs. Campbell. the hoal the 50 piece band, under. Ladles' Singles IlanilMfistcr Henry Filmore, look Miss ReiP v. Mis Ii-win. up itx stnnd opposite Hie freight Mrs. Henning vs. MiJfs DiiVernet. office and much lo the delight of Mrs. McMordie vs. Miss F.llell. hundreds of spectators who wero Winners of preliminaries. enlerlained in royal manner witlr milllniw nvArfllr nnil l - ".i iiiimi i i. iR piccolo solos interspersed with- vnnit Cilfit" vocal selections. The people of Prince Rupert will long remem ber the visit of Ciwinnalti Shriners who were so -indulgent wilh their excellenl entertain ment. . WALKED INTO TRAP EDMONTON POLICE "Black Hand" Letter Leads Arrest of Man Who Was After Money Ihe evidence was found on Ktilo Knni received a to F.DMONTON. June 'M.-Angus Laing walked inln a trap set for him iby local police and was arrested after a thrilling chase and ? .i, ii"' - n Tennis is becoming one of Ihe most popular siiorts in lli city. Tliere are too many players al the Prince Ruperl club courts but Ihe pressure will he. relieved when the Railway employees onen, their (wo courts- near the station. ""' . .,1 ...III I.,."' letter, ,,ow ca go) X11- .1 1 ainn .i,ii. i.n ni nnM Jirawu oui uiimu.,. I J I lllll I M 1 I I ! H 'PI"" null II lit. 'H The tennis Uiuriiamenl, which commenced - Ihii week al Ihe Acropolis icmirts, isjj. engaging Ihe attention of the ,rne'mbers and otJiersHvho are interested iir.the. game. There ate a great many entries and members are bein? urged lo get Iheir sanies played so that should there be a we! Prince Rupert people are re- lilll-I'M IIIUI .III llMMMIIIH II a, a should be made with the wriler minuea na. uu- u.e ....... . and Ihe police should lie in wait. !" ball league game being played, every evening see-and This was done, the man appeared was caught after a chase - - -- In which he very nearly got away. The letter making the appointment was found on him and he was charged with extortion and pleaded guilly. WRIST -s i t RADIOLITE mW i mssm A lerviceabJe wri.t watch, that Hindi the bumpi of outdoor use) better than higher priced, delicate: ' watchet. Telli time in the.darl, $5,50 Can You Afford to Speculate? EVERY time you buy something you are either speculating or making a definite investment. Few people can afford to speculate. Yet many do it continually, in making their everyday purchases. And it is so unnecessary. The advertisements make it easy for any one to avoid taking a chance. The merchant or manufacturer who advertises, realizes that the good-will of his customers means money in the bank to him. He knows that the public confidence in his product and public respect for his own character are as , valuable as his credit at the bank. So ho. maizes the individual satisfaction of his patrons, their loyalty and their friendship paramount issues in his business. When you buy an advertised product, you can know in advance what to expect in return for your money. You can count on its being right. You are making an investment. But when you buy nameless, unbranded merchandise, you are taking a chance. You are speculating. Know what you buy. The advertisements will tell you. m? some kind of a game at Acropolis Hill grounds. Those who like sport can get some interesting times watching Ihe players and cheering the winners. It's ditllcull lo keep up a supply of trout in streams or lakes visited by a great many sport-men. Just now there should 1p good fishing at Rainbow stream and lake, twenty-one miles from here up the Skeena River. Khtada Lake and the Install river should give good sporl1 and Hill's Lake on Warke Cannt ought to be all right for a few' gtMid.;.ijuesmX't.ijpe. Dolly Yar-dens can always be caught on Ihe skeena River from either ol Ihe canneries at certain stages of the tide. Those who know Vardeus al McNichbll Creek, il is said. Shawallans and Woodwortii Lake are not by any means fish ed out. This is Ihe time of year to gel tin I Ihe rods. The following team has been selected by Ihe Cullies lo meet Ihe Sons of F.npland in tomorrow night's Heninr League foot ball I game: w. tinmuinn; li. namu ton and M. Andrews; J. Harris, S. Otirrle and R. Woods; A. Mil chell J. Hamilton, R. MeDniiigall, W. Mitchell and J. Andrews. The sons of Kngland team consists of Hatlle. Howe. Kelsey lr14nl( Dnlnti. 1 T rvlr iiiunn tn I it 1 1 1 HI! I mrf iiuuaanilinuii, m H bar, Dickens, Jiihnslon, Hanson, (i. Howe and Cameron. . . WIRELESS REPORT', S a.m. HULL HARHOR. Raining calm; bar. 20.87; lemp. 51 sen smooth; 8.20 p.m. spoke lug Lome olT Ivory Island south bound; 6 p.m. spoke Northwest em olT Point Allhorp hound for Cordova 32 miles frqm Point Allhorp: 8 p.m. spoke OrilTco towing Riversdale bound Anyox for Tacoina 182 miles from Tacoina; 6.40 a.m. spoke Venture left Namu northbound. DKAD THRU POINT. Raining; southeast gale; bar. 20.82; temp. 17; sea rough. DIiiHY ISLAND. Raining ; light southeast wind; bar. 20.82; lemp. 18; sea smooth. Noon HULL HARHOR. Raining: fresh southeast wind; bar. 20.77, temp. 57; sea moderate; OJ0 a.m. snoke Paciifc Monarch off Ivory Island southbound. DKAD THKF. POINT. Raining; strong soulbeasf wind; bar, 20.82; lemp. 53; sea rougli. DH.HY ISLAND. Raining; freslt Aoul beast wind; bar. 20.H2; lemp. 55; sea moderate. , HOTEL ARRIVALS prince Rupert J. K. Cordon, Terrace; Mrs. riionias Young and Janet Young. I'errace; F. V. Foster, Victoria; F.. C. Hurl on and R. C Oreen, Toronto; Sam Milne, amlcr- hoof: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith 1 II IValtm.. Va inun ton: M. A Hurhank and A. Fisk, Prnu (Ieorge; D. McLeod, Vancouver: R. Connelly, Ilole-in-l he-Wall; (I. A. Raymond. Simmers. Central T. Chase, C.N.H. ; Mrs. F.dna South, Vancouver. MR. TUTTLE CAN SLEEP AFTER GAS IS GONE "After Inking Aillerlkn. Ihe heavy feeling (gasi in my abdo men is enl rely gone and I get a pood night's rest now." (sign ed J. C. Tntlle. Adleriku re moves gas in TUN minutes and brings out if surprising amount of old waste niatter you never HioumIiI was in your system This excellent intestinal evacu. nnt Is wonderful for constipation or stomncji trouble, slops thai full, bloated feeling. Orines Limited, Druggists. One cannot born the candle at both ends You wouldn't light a candle al both ends and expect it to last very long. And you can't attend your many duties as wife and mother, then pile on washday labor, and expect to keep y6urself fresh' and vigorous. Why nol let us take care of waslulay toil .and trouble.? One of our many strviceHwill fit exactly both your needs and your purse. And .you can. "keep the home fires burning" without burning the candle at both ends. Canadian steam Laundry Phone 8. al ummm small or Now obtainable In Prince Rupert. Suprema Canada's Favorite Furnilure Polish. At all good stores in large bottles. Also "SUPREMA" nnd the famous Bleach." Mop Oil "Eureka Look for Ihe Rooster Label. CHARLES T. CABRERA, Mine Engineering and Con trading 617 Second Avenue Toronto 407 Commonwealth Dulldlng