Ann six Silverware A lar;;e slock to' choose from. Our prices ure standard accnnlinsr lo iilialily as sold all over Canada. Rogers' Community Plate all al SPECIAL DISCOUNTS this week. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 2b years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Jam Special For This Week Slrawl.eny Jam, 4 lb. glass SI .00 Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tin 90c Hasplierry Jam, V lb. tin 90c Iilark Durrani, 1 lb. Lin 90c Loganberry Jam, i lb. tin ' 85c lllarkberry Jam. 1 lb. tin 85c Hlaek Currant Jam, i lb. tin 75c I'lunis. Greengage ami (looseb&ry 75c Marmalade, 4 lb. I in ... 75c Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. 18 and 84 Li I B9H Now obtainable In Prince Rupert. Suprema Canada's Fav orite Furniture 'Polish. At all good stores in small or large bottles. Also "SUPREMA" Mop OH and the famous "Eureka Bleach." Look for the Rooster Label. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 .Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Hclgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. orfieo Hours U to C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday. Thursday ami Saturday Evenings AUDITORIUM Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25o Wednesday Kveuing, song by (Jiltis Couture. Thursday Fvoning, Step Pancing by II. Goudreuu Friday livening, song by 12. Sabourin Free Admission RUPERT FISH ' IN NEW YORK One of Places Where It is Sold, Is Fulton Fish Market One of the important places for sellhrg l'rince Ituperl fresh halibut is Fulton Fish Market, Xew York. This jnarket has been in existence over , one hundred years. Located iii the lee of Brooklyn bridge its annual business is estimated at $30,000,000, the supplies coining from as far west as the Pacific ocean anil as far north as Hcring Sea and the Labrador. When Fullon Market was opened in 1822 its 3 SO original stands were taken largely by bulcbers. Hut early defaults on saw and cleaver leaes, together witli growing- business among the hustling fishermen anil oys-j tennen caused the city aulbori-J ties that October lo set aside the j east, or Ueekman blrect win "for use of sellers of fish." Wholesale activity developed. and six years later the fish in dustry moved to a shed of its own across South Street, oppo site the main market, on the water. Ice, then, was unknown commercially, and Nsh were kepi in floating "cars" which were suspended in the slip below, bolf-liiug agaiusl the hulls of the smacks. Today, ice is used in thousands of tons. Save for the period from. 1813 to 1809, Hit' same sites, with different roofs, has doused the wholesalers to this day. Much of (be deep set tang u Fulton Fish Market is felt to be losl wilh (he passing o( the old time fishing boats. Craft like the LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply lo Lent Land In Skeena Itaiifrv 5 Land District, Prince ltiiert, B.C., and situate luo yards iioitn or Winter Harbor, I'carse IsUnd, B.C. TAkE .NOTICE tliat the Canadian Hh ing- Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, H.C., urcupa- tion, salmon canners, intends to app y for lH'nnlsMon to lease the lolluwliiif ui ecrlbed lands: Coiuuieucliir al a iost planted at li I Kit water mark 40 feet frwu .rock on shore line; thence east one chain; thence north one hundred and twenty chains; tlieme west to shore line one chain; thence in southerly direction following the shore line to point of commencement, and cou- latnmir twelve acres, more or less. THE CAAU1A ,FI5HI.0 CO. LTD. Dated 8UII1 May, 1S. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to L.a.a Land In Skeena llanre i Land DUtrlcl. lle- mi-duiir lltrlct I'rlure Huprrt. and all-uatr iiittiw-!t imiIiiI of Wale Mauri. TAKE .MiTICK that the Canadian Klli-Ina-' I'm. Ltd.. or Vancouver, HX occupation, Salmon r.aimei-s. Intend lo apply for ihtiiiissUmi to leaw the following de scribed lands: CiMiiiiienriiir at a mint planted al hlrlt water mark on xouthweM niinl on Wales Island, B.C.; thence north one chain; thence eat ten chain, thence noulli urn chain In uliore line; thence wet along ihore line to point of commencement, and roniaininr him acre, mure or ie. THE CA.NAniA.V FISIIINO CO. LTO. haled ififiid May. 19?5. LAND ACT. Notlct of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land - In -Skeeua Itanat i Laud District. Ile- rording District Prince Hiiim-m, B.C., and annate u mile norm or wales island Cannery, on AVales Irfland, tl.C. TAKE MiTICK thai the Canadian f ull ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., orrui-tlon, Salmon Calmer, Intends to apply ror ternilslin to lease the following described lands: , Commencing at a post planted at nigh water mark, near point , mite north from Cannery on Wales Island! theure north one rlia'ti; thence west ten chains; llienre south to shore line one chain: thenre east following the shore line to point or commencement, and containing one acre, more or less. THE CA3AIUA3 F1SIIIN0 CO. LTD. natefi antn any, nuts. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intantlon to Apply to Purchase uana 'In Skeena llange Z IjiiicI Uecording Ills trlrt of prince itupert, n.i: and sltnau Haystack island, south or Wales island, U.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, II. C, orcuiw- llini, salmon Laniiers, . lntehds to apply for pennlssion to purchase the following descriwa lands: Commencing at a Kt planted at high water mark on west shore of llavsurk Island: thenre norm, seven chain thence east seven chains; thence south seven chains; thenre west seven chains, aud ronlalntng rive acres, more or less-. THE CAXAIHA.N FISHING CO- LTD. naien iid May, l5. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to.Laas Land lu Casslur tjiml District, llecordiiig Ms-trlrt Prince lliiert. H.C., and situate north of lMisTlsti Hay, Portland Canal. TAKE MIT K that the Canartimi Fluli. Ing Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver, B.C., wciipii- llini, salusiir Canner. Intends to 'apply ror permission to lease tli. following de-crllied lauds: Commencing at jnist planted at high water mark. 100 yards south or Indian smoke houses; thenre northeast one chain; thence southeast one hundred and twenty chains; theure southwest to sliore line one mam: thence northwest rollow lug Hie shore line to jHiiut of roinmeiice meiit. one hundred aud twenty chains, and coiiiainoiir twelve seres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISII1.N0 CO. LTD Dated 30lh May. I0S5. DON'T MISS BENT'S Dollar Sale It will save you money You can save money and lengthen the life of your shoes by shining them yourself with "Nugget". You get 100 shines for 15 cents. Did vou "Nugget "your shots this morning? "NUGGET Shoe Polish Made In Black, Tan, Tonty Rti mni Dark Bmn. Jllu H'hitt Drtulng (ca() and While Cttantr (liquii). Id (tlout's(er smacks largely disappeared. have NEW WEEKLY PAPER PUBLISHED VICTORIA "harles Harrison "Tho Lanco" and Makes - 3rl?ht Journal WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND U8E) TAKE NOTICE that William Morgan, whose address Is Lfirkport, B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use ?,0uu gallons dally or water out or Spring on west side of Uirkeport. O.CJ.. B.C.. which flows southerly and drains Into west arm. "I.ongrellow Mineral Claim duly r.rnwn oranled No. SaS3 O.CJ. The water will lie diverted from the stream at a point right at source, a limit t.sno feel r so from Uirkeport Harhor. and will lie used for domestic rannerv purpose upon I lie Domestic Cannery at Lorkeport, y.C.I. This notice was posted on the 12th day of May. 9Si. A copy or this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, 101 4." will lie riled In the orrice of the Water Itecnrder at Prince C.unert. B.C. Oblerllons In lhe applica tion may be filed with ;he said Water lieeorder or with the Comptroller or Water III Kills. Parliament Buildings. Vic toria, K.C., within thiny days arier the Oral appeurance or this notice in a local' newpaMc The dale or the first publication or this nonce Is .May 26th. mi. iVll-UM .MOHOA.X. Applicant. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laas Lands. In the land Tlecordlng District of l'rince Itupert, and situate on the uorlli-wvst coast of Pearse Island, H.C appnu-umlelf su tulles north rroiu the mouth or Winter Harbor. Take Notice that Gusse-Mlllerd l.lmlled or Vancouver, B.C., vcrupatlou naikers. Intends to apply ror a lease of the following desrrllied lands: Commencing at a nost nlanted atmroi- iumtely six miles north frrom the moittli or Winter Harbor, Pearse Island; thence norlhwest two (Si Hiatus, more or less, hi niw siitr ui.irs: inence nori east less. 00SSE-MII.I.EHD LIMITED. ..... Name or Applicant. Iitd Mav Itih 10& LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Laas Lands. In Hie Land llecordlng I'rhicn luiwrt, and situate mi Intends to annlv for a li-a nr tt. r..i ! lowing described lands: ! Commencing al a post planted approximately three miles norlh from the iiioulli I or Winter llaclior.. Pearse Island, ih.n... rHR DAILY JTKWB J"ne i DOUGLAS STORK TO ATTEND CONVENTION . Selected by Gyro Club of Prince Rupert to do to Seattle and Vancouver Al the meetiiii.- of the Gyro Club this afternoon Douglas Mirk was ainioin e ueiecair io represent the local club at the district convention to be held in Seattle on July 7, and the International couvfntion in Vancouver opening July 10. Lionel Holtby was named as alternate. Among other business at today's meeting, it was decided lo accept the challenge of the notary ClUb to an inter-club baseball game on July President Hoy Mr.Naughlon was in I be chair and there was a good at tendance of members George Shaw was a guest. 'SURPRISE PARTY ON MR. AND MRS. HEMMINGS j A surprise parly was sprung Ion Mr. and Mrs. It. II. llem-Imings last night, at their lioiflc I in the Federal block, by the Haughlers of Kngluud. During the festivities of the evening Mayor Newton, in a well chosen speech on bghalf of the onler, presented Mrs. Ilemmings wilh a lieaitlirul unUtrella. Mr. and Mrs. Ilemmings are I il.. I . ...I Gibbons Edits :M,ur,,J up A new. weekly newspaper pub lished in Victoria has appeared and the first number has just arrived in liie city. It is "The Lance," edited by Charles liar-' rison Gibbons, a veloran jour--alist and novelist, author of "The Sourdough Samaritan." Mr. Gibbons is well known on this coast and especially in Van couver and Victoria. He has worked on most of the daily tapers as editor ors in some other capacity and is u very able Ariler. "The Lance" has a very bright anpearanre and is interesting LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Appl to Ltasa Lands. In I lie Land according District of Prince Unpen, and r.ltiiate on the northwest coast of Pears.' Island, B.C., apprui-uualely three miles north rrotn the .r Winter Harhor. Take Notice that Frlzzell's Limited of "rini;e Itnpert B.C.. occupation packers. Intend to apply for a lease or th following described lands: Commencing at a post planted appro imately three miles north from the mouth r Winter Harbor, I'earse Island; then northwest two (2. chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence southwest along low water mark one hundred and sixty (160) chains; theure southeast 'wo (f chains; thence northeast one hundred and sixty (I6U chains, more or less, to pn'nt or commencement and con- alning thirty-two (31) acres, more or ' ' FMZZEL1S JJMtTED. Name of VppllcanL Paled Mst 1?lh. Itil. (criuuuriii ri-siiii'iiie ill uiu south. WIRELESS HEPORT 8 a.m. DIGHV ISLAND. Part cloudy; calm; bar. 30.4 4: temp. 5G; sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke lug Lome stormbound olT Hanks Island bound for Skidegale. HULL IIAltnuH. Clear; culm; bar. 3U.T2; temp. 02; sea smooth, H p.m. spoke tUitlieriue D. 520 miles fropi lrellingham southbound; 8 p. id. spoke barque ISiiigamun oil 1'ointers Island bound for Ocean Falls; 8 p.m. spoke tug Cape Soott oil hory Island bound ,for Ocean Tails; 42.25 a.m. spoke I'riure John in Hecate Straits, southbound. Noon DIGHY-ISL!ND. Part cloudy; bar. 30.4 4; tamp. CI; seu smooth. HULL HAimoit.--Clear; lihl northwest wind; bar. 30.1 K; temp. 74; sea smooth; 8.45 a.m. spoke Cardena in Millbatik Sound southbound. GRAIN ACT PASSES. OiTAWA, June 2 4. The new-Grain Ael passed all its stages in the llotise of Common yesterday. It is now before the Senate. E. X. Valentine relumed huine on the Prince Rupert this morning after having attended tho Masonic (liaiid Lodge communi cation at Kaiuldops. W. K. Williams arrived on the Prince Rupert this nioruing from Vancouver. He is here to make arrangements for taking his family south lo reside. R. II. Iturtlett or the Hank of Mouteral stair returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday (rip south. He proceeded lo Terrace where he will relieve for a couple of weeks. Mr, and Mrs. James McCaffery of Toronto, arrived in the cily on the Prince Rupert this morning and will spend three months here visiting wilh their daughter, Mrs. L. W Kast, Kergln, Ftuirlli Ave. Mrs. L. II. Jones and daughter are going north on the Prince Rupert today bound for Skajiway where they will join Mr. Jones .Ky1? is appotnled C.N.R. .unit m mains: inence soiiinwest otic mere. .mi. Junes u juiiiieriy hundred and sixty (1601 chains, more or ,i,.i. st , ......i vii,.ih.. i.s dock ticket ugeilt at Mlllt!OUer. les, to point or commenrcmcnt and con laming thirty-two (3 acres, mote nr TIMBER SALE X7258. Sealed Tenders will be received District ofii.t, it, iii,.i,.i l-,,,..,i- i,,,i ii the norlh-1 ' ' ni. west coast ur Pearse Island, B.C., appro.t- Mian noon on the (ith dav of imatelv three inllu norlh front tlie iiioulli1 . , . .. . , or winter .....c Harbor. .July. 11)25, for the purchase of Take Notice Hint 1. Fielding Qtrang or' i i v..r.. n i Siinnyaide. B.C.. occupation canneryman.l Licence 25K on north , end of an uiiuaineil island, Kitsaway ROTARY AND GYRO TENNIS TOURNAMENT Teams Selected for Event Which Will Take Plaoe Tomorrow at Acropolis Courts The- llotary-Wyro tennis tournament will lake place at the Acropolis Hill co.urls tomorrow afternoon al 3 o'clock. There will be one set of doubles and four singles. Players of IheMwo clubs arei iclected as follows: Gyro Club Douglas Stbrk.j Milton Goiuales, Sidney Hazt'tt-! I I W 1- I .Mines niiu i. uiumsiiuiok, Itclary Cluli Thomas McCly-mont, 'Sid Johnstone. Col. .1. V Nicholls and II. II. Little. GAME BOARD MEETINGS HAYEBEEN CHANGED Inspector Spillor of I he provincial ioliri lias retwived wiwd :iial owing lo pressure of business (lie dales for meetings of 'he game board in (be north have been changed. - Tin meetings will be held as follows: Prince Huperl. July -0. Ilazellon. July 21. Sinillieis. July Hums Lake, July 23. NOTICE OF CANCELATION OF RCSCRVt. UTICE 13 IIEBKUV nWYJs tlut 111' reserve covering rerlaln lands near lis Junction or Ocalall and skeeua lllvrrt drsixiralrd Im U, lunge 5. Cuasl lh trlcl. Is cancelled. ... r.EO. It. NADES. Iteputy Minister uf Lauds. Department or lands, Victoria, (I.C.. May 4tu. OO LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply lo Laaaa Land It. Skeena Ulid District, llcrordmg Dl trirl or Prince Ituprrt aud situate at Port Edward, B.C. TAKE MOTIf.E that tin Skeena lll'er Packing tympany, l.nnlted. of I'orl Id ward, B.C., iK-rupalhm Tlsh Packer. In lends to apply for permission lu leaw-tli following d-scrlfT'-d lands Comiip-nrtug at a it planted it tlr Miulhwet ronier of L"t 447G It V rwii district; thence southerly along low water mark, SOU ft.; 1 1 wife southwesterly parallel lojhe aoiilherly boundary uf I oi 47o. ISO n.: llK-nre iHirtlierly para lie' to water mark. 0 fret, thence mirth easterly along the soulherlv boundary ol Lot 147 produced. ISO feel lo the imlnl of commencenM-nt. nuitaintur Iwlf an acre, more or less. week a mvrrr tackiso COMPAV, LTU, Applicant ftaiMf Var lt. It Channel, C.R. , to cut 132,000 ,nc, ti awided tnto uraiing; dUtricU feel of Sprueiv Cedar, norinwesi two. (V) mains, more or ess, n, H,.iiiiiiek- hmvvIiil'b I to low water mark: thence northeast u,m ,ll"""tK sawiogs. along low water maik one hundred and ()ne ( 1 year will be Italsam I allowed ' "'s; ineiii-e sniiinensi . two (2) chains; thence . southwest one . rOf removal oMilllber. . n 1 I hundred and sixty (liiti) chains, more nri Kuril, .P io cIIimi'Io uf II, losa lUl llltr palllLUIIllS 01 Hie i to point of commeiicement and con. tainuir thirty-twn (32) acres, more or'Chief I'orester, Victoria, or the James FiEi.niNfi RTiuNn. District Forester, Prince Rupert, .,' Name of Amillcant. . n - : mr-. ' ' DateU Slay 18lb. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. aunreyed. Crown landa may be pre-empted by Oritlsh euhjecu over 1 yenra of aK. and by aliens on declaring; Intention to become Ilrltlsh aubjecta. rondl-tlonat upon residence, occupation, ind Improvement for acrlculturaj ourpoee. Full Information concerning re;u .Minns reciirdlnc pre-emptions la Klven In llulletln No. 1, Land Herlea, "How to I"re-empt iJind," copies of tihlch ran be obtained free of chars Jy addressing the Department of Lunda, Victoria, B.C or to any Government nenL Itecorda will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber land. I.e.. currjlntr over. 8.000 board feet ir acre west of the Coast Uanga and 5.00U feet per acre east of that J la nee. Applications for pre-eraptlons are to be Addressed to the Land Com mlnsioner of the Land Uecordlnjc Dl vision, In which the land applied for is situated, and are mad en printed forms, copies of which can be ob talned from the Land Commissioner, i I're-emptlons must be occupied for five years and Improvements mad to value of 1 10 per acre. Including clearlnc and cultivating: at least flv acres, before a Crown Grant cm b received, s For more detailed Information se the bulletin "How to ITe-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for pur . chase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is li per acre, and second-class (trat. Ing;) land $2.60 per acre. Further Information reKardlng; purchase or leas of Crown lands Is Riven In llulletln No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding; 40 acres, may be purchased or Isused, the conditions Including; payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding, it acres, may be leased as homestt, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, till btng obtalnabls after rsidenc and lm-Vruvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been aurvy4. LEASES For grazing and industrial purposes areas not exedln ftO acres may be leased by on parson or a 1 company. GRAZING Under the Orating Act the Prot end the rang administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are issued oasea on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Block-owners may form aasiclsMons for rang management. Free, or partly fr, permits ar available for settlers. oaiprs and travellers, up to ten Week-end Specials MEWS HEAVY WOOLLEN WORK SOX WEN'S WHITE COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS, , LADIES' MERCURY SILK HOSIERY , a, k van. all sizes, rejs. Sale price PLAIN CASEMENT CLOTH,' .10 i,p. . pnee. 3 yards fov 7S0 35c 51.35 93c Ladies' Fancy Grey Nubuck Pumps . covered Cuban heel, in two or one itrap, all mtl regular $9.00; sale price per pair $5.75 Cash and Carry Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. until i noon only Shamrock Pure Lard, :f, C5c; &', 51,10; I Strawberries, parked in heavy syrup New Potatoes, Hi, for , ... ... King Oscar Sardines, per tin Puffed Wheat, 2 pai kages fur . . . . . .... Slicsd Pineapple, 'J', per tin Shelled Walnuts lirnkeu , er lit. . . . .. Quaker Brand Peas, per tin . Quality Brand Ccrn, per I in ... -, Llbby's Perk and Beans, rep. S-ttc, uprriHl. '.' " Hothouse Tomatoes ll only in Hi. Im-k. - California Asparagus Tips, ikm- tin Lea & Perrin's Worcester Sauce, liHlf pint- 35c; Nabob De Luxe Tea, re jr. t.n. p. , Alber's Buckwheat Flour, -pr-eiuf per l i . $2.20 45c 25c 15c 25c 15c 40c 15c 15c 25c $1.00 20c 60c 80c 40c UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday Only, 7 and 9 p.m. RICHARD DIX - In - "MANHATTAN" A love-nielo'lriimn f l-'iilh Am-ihh v1 wilh flowtirs ninlllrll s Kilclo n where Mm v fils. The slory of a rirh. yioiug li.o lo l. 1 riely, who searches for adventure ami Hi !,i - plus a prclly girl. HMnuVoni:, nnmi " ' ' as you'll like him best. Star of smifrhinjt. ' fomedy-drninn of New York soriely and K m- ' 1 fislie hallle. for wliuh the louer-heru wit- " lioal Smith iT prize-ring fume. Sli g Richard DIx, Jacqueline Logan, George Seigmann, Gregory Kelly, Oscar Figman, Alice Chapln and Gunow TH "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 12 ALBERTA VAUGHN IN "HELLO AND GOODBYE. 35c na 1W INTERNATIONAL NEWS ilCANADlANj Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup far inCHIUN. WRANCOl, JUNWU. JUCWAT r tfiu'Ativrn vtrrnvia J criTTir j.. IS. 19. Urn 13. iO.H Ml- PRINCESS BEATRICE. Jtrt For Bultdala, B.. Ea.t Ball. ""'n s.m 11 Cmpb.l., and ...ry S.lurda, Ag.ney for all Lin... - Ccrn.r of 4th ftr..l .nd 3rd .nu., Bup.rt, for .' ' NOVELT IES LADIES' BELTS b0c IMaiu 1'nteiil Uenllier. one im li wide, from I'ateul Leather, a" wide, in Maek, red. win 60c 85c Kanry Pnleiil Lei.lliel Hells, ! inclitvs wide, mi $125 Suede iU'Ux, a iiiHies yide, for DUli-ito 25o to 75e iliiiitl-crorhele.l Doilies, l.entilifill jmtleni. tr" 35c Girls' Jap Silk Ties for Girls' Crepe do Chine Ties, all colors, for $1,15 Jabour Bros. Ltd Phone G45. Cor. arc "-