PaGG TWO Outstanding Quality ! s ALADA JMMLBnWsffT r "TKT A NIf TO. NIGHT" II GREEN TEA is a blend of select &. fragrant teas with a flavor richer than any Japan or Gunpowder. The Daily News I'RINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince 'Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . .. $1.00 By mail to, all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United States, in .advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.."0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 'Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, May 27, 1925." Prince Rupert Made The Goat. Apparently Prince Rupert is being made the goat for'the political campaign that is being waged against the Mackenzie King fioverninenl, and il is a sample of the political criticisms that are foisted on Ihe public from either side at Various times. Just now the Conservatives are seeking campaign material ami one of their criticisms is that Ihe present government is extravagant. .To 'bolster up their cause they impose the elevator appropriation at Prince Rupert as being a useless extravagance. By doing so they expect to make political capital, particularly in southern British Columbia where there are half a dozen members to one here. Were it not that Prince Rupert's member, was on the'job and that lie stands in well with Ihe powers that be there would have been danger of the project being killed, even though a lot of money has already been spent on it. Both Way Cargoes For Steamships. Prince Rupert is in a fair way to a position where she can provide two-way cargoes for steamships plying t and from Ihe Orient.. During the coming winter it is. expected that grain and lumber will be shipped from this purl and Oriental goods orotiglit In. It will-lie- some time" before liners will' be-able In find full cargoes here, perhaps, but. tramp vessels will load and sail direct to foreign ports. In regard to lumber shipments they may be made 'from Swansou Bay, Queen Charlotte City, Ketchikan and olher'p"iiils " Ihe north coast, including Cranby. Next year it is hoped one or two of the mills on Massed Inlet will be included in the shipping list. If the price improves, interior mills will be added to the shipping list: There are all sorts of possibilities for improvement of business in this neighborhood. Everyone Watching For Arctic Explorer. The eyes or the world are on Amundsen and the North Pole. The intrepid explorer sailed away in an airplane .and has not been heard from since and tire probability is that his planes will mil be seen again. The men, however, are competent. Thev are used to life in the far north and know how lo live off the country. They may take days or weeks or even months to reach a point where they can communicate, but , if they are not injured, they are likely to return. There is also, the bare possibility that the planes may bring them back. What Is True . Education? The nddress of Inspector Fraser, as reported in this paper today, draws attention to the fpiestion which has been discussed for ages past iis to what is true education. ' In Ihe early days following the Reimaissanco it was considered that a know-ledge nr:,tlie classics including- the Creek and Latin languages wjs esseitlial and that no person was educated who had not a soiihiKdj-iJliug ; in them. Now we are changing. We do not consider: dnstfrreffiy;y writer. While, a" cerlaiii gejie'rni'kilrtIellge dble. Ihe'eUiVs. rnled man thTist be so educated that he can do something useful in this life. If he can build a good house or n good boat he is .educated far above those who can quole Homer or Shakespeare . In this country we see many -sad eases of men .who are full to overflowing with the educalion of the schools and universities and yet cannot do any one useful thing. Cultural ednration and practical educalion must go hand in hand to produce the best results. GRANT'S "Best Procurable" INu nucuutu (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HICHLAND MALT BmM d (atrantrx! kji William Grant Sm LaaiiUd. Clmldiclt ui4 Blmw.C!nlvrt OwlillrrM. Dull. Uw--CIow, UtUmi. A Mi This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. INSPECTOR IS PI TEACHER H. C. Frascp Addressed Assocla-; tlon Last Night on Current Educational Affairs In B.C. A meeting of tin Princ Flu port Parent Teachers' Association was belli last night in the auditorium of Booth .Memorial School. There was a ' fair at tendance of member and the meeting was presided over by Mrs; T, M. Spencer. It was de cided to suspend meetings of Hit Association until next September but a strawberry social will tie held in the near future. H. C. Fraser, inspector of "schools, gave an address on current educational affairs in Brit ish Columbia. He said lie bail hoped lo lie able lo give the Association a digest of Ihe recent educational survey in the pro vince but the report of Ibis sur vey had not yet been made pub lic. He, however, gave a resume of Ihe methods (bat had been employed by Dr.. Putman and Dr. Weir who were in charge of the survey. Ho emphasized the value of intelligence' tests, how they nabled teachers to deal w'lh pecial weakness and adip'a- lions in children and generally made for greater ellieieney In school work. Mr. Fraser spoke on Ihe sub ject of promotion by examination and the alternative methods of promotion by the credit system or by teachers' recommendation. He expressed the belief that there was a greater degree of thoroughness through the first mentioned system. Mr. Fraser also dealt briefly with vocational training as a substitute for education. Vocat ional training, be said, gave men and women nothing lo fall back upon while a cultural education not only provided a liackprmind but also made it possible for men and, women to adapt themselves more readily Id new conditions. ' After Mr. Fraser' s address. which was listened to with a! great deal of interest and close attention, refreshments were served and a social half hour was spent. PADDY SULLIVAN MAKES COMPLAINT Takes Exception to Treatment Accorded Him by City Foreman Referred to Board of Works Richard P. Sullivan had a let ter before the city council last nighl complaining of treatment that had been accorded him by .1. Mcltae, eily street foreman. On April 30, be claimed, he.Miad strained his hack and bad been forced to lay off a couple of days and consult, a doctor. On May 2 when he had again reported for duly he was told by Mcllae that his services wpre no longer required and he had better look for "an easier job," Mr. Sullivan claimed that be had apparently not been wanted and that the treatment accorded him by Mcltae had been unwarranted. Mr. Sullivan appeared personally lie-fore the council and spoke further on the matter claiming that Ihe foreman was "jncotnpelenl and a disgrace to the city." Tim matter was referred to the board of works with power to act. MAY USE SLABS FOR MATTRESS GRADING Proposal Brought Before City Council Last Nlqht to b s Considered The' possibility of using slabs from the local sawmill in connection with mattress grading on city street instead of planks and timber was brought to the attention of the city council lasl night by Aid. Casey. lie felt that tlio slabs might be used to just as good advantage as the lumber 'and that, in cases of new streets 'where old lumber from plank roads was not available, il would be more economical. He asked the Hoard of Works lo look inlo the matter. The suggestion was made by Aid. Casey after Aid. Perry bad siliruesleil lo the eontieil lli'il In jMew of it being new work, It ! might be advisable (o lay over 'until next year Ihe mattress j grading of .Seventh Avenue in 'Section 7 possibly putting in a KIP." OAKY NEWS Wednr. i l i r main. nvTtt; i h t 3 ' wr im wsr.m Do you lake yeast for ijour health? If so, use ROYAL YEAST CAKES the standard of quality for over 50 years. Soak a cake of Royal Yeast, with a little sugar, in tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Flavor is improved by adding the juice of an orange. ROYAL YEAST CAKES sidewalk on Claude Street to meet Ihe needs in the meantime. Aid. Ca.sey thought that tins particular street would lend itself readily to mattress grading. In the absence of old lumber from a plnnk road, the slabs might be use. Mayor Newton was of tin? opinion thai the people in the district affected should al least igel the si'dewftlk for which they Had asked the council last year. Finally if was decided lo lay the matter over until next weox, the question of using slabs lo h one into in the meantime. Aid. Stephens suggest that Ihe rity engineer make a report. J The Man in the Moon . YS?- SOME people are not 11 ) i qui'e sure whether Monday was Victoria. toy or Dominion Jay. WIJAT makes a young man slow to take upon himself fam ily responsihilities is .Seeing the kind of clothes the paterfamilias wears. ( WHAT , about appointing a committee to investigate the mental condition, pf the weatherman. Up, did noV seem ,o kiiow that -Monday was.ii bolb'lay. .ITS very difficult for a pluirp person lo pursuaile nnyonn Dial be works or worries. ONH of thes wonld-be funny men says a girl is like a house because she is shingled and painteil, and Mien comes another and says she ha also a wooden attic. The wrejcliy-.shoiibl lie starrqd anI -CcallierpilA ' M:Vi:(l iiiiitaleJid "fclnh 0.-porluijly. , )te f fjljie,. won't knocker there im., He always knocks at the wrong. Iline. ".SOMKTIIINii hi men's clnll,-ing?" jmpiired the polile store clerk of the worried man who was peering about all over the store. "No, in women's. I want my wife," was the reply. WILD flowers fade except a few of the everlastings and Ihe blooming Idiots. UK said the girl was n duck ! because she was singing "Wad dle I do." SUMMER EXCURSION" TICKETS NOW READY Thft Canadian National Hallways have now on sale Summer Kxcnrsion lickets In Jasper National Park, Kdmonloii and Calgary. Tickets good going ami returning direct or one way via Vancouver. Kxcnrsion ticket. In Winnipeg and pninla In Kaslcrn Canada and I' ti I led Slides go on sale May 22nd; choice of routes, slop-overs, very low fares. l'ull Informal Ion al Clly Tic-kct (Mice, r.28 Third Avenue, Prince Jttiperi. Phone 2(10. 127 Advertise in the. Dally News. FLAT WATER RATE ASKEDBY CANNERY Plans of New Plant at Seal Cove .. . . A I I 1 1 A m I uuuimcu iii uour irom Francis Mlllerd to Council The Somervllle Cannery Cft.j had a letter before the eily council iiisht asking thai n flat rale of ?2.r( per month hft'givvit for water supply lo the eannfpg plant al Seal Cove. Thei iiialje.-was referred lo Ihe ulil(jy ciihi-millee for report. The laller making Ihe np'pll-calion, which was signed by Francis Millerd, slated thai there were now 30 on the payroll rif the plaYtl and by summer il wns expected there' would be 100. Dilllcullies wilh Ihe fisheries del pariment bad prevented' Hie plant being already cxlcpdcd as much as had been hoped. However, n solution of llu dilllcullies would soon be reached, il was exepcled. The letter referred to Hie importance of the cannery lo Hie eily and il was staled that (be intention of the Somerville Cannery was in employ local white 'persons In preference lo Orient als. Through the operation o the floating cannery Laurel Whalen it hail been proven that while labor was more elllricnl than Orientals and the manage, uienl. honed that it would lie able to obtain white women and grown up boys to work in the idanl here. BORDEN STREET TO M GRADED NEXT Oity Council Puts Local Im-Drovement Bylaw Providing for Work Through Its ; First Readings i The city council now intends In replace the present plank roadway on Fifth Avenue west of Fulton Street and on Horden Street wilh mattress pavement similar to that which is Wing put in in other parts of the rity., An initiative local, improvement bylaw taking the necessary step preliminary lo the work was iriven its first readings by the i iionril last nighl as wns also a bylaw providing for similar work on Seventh Avenue between Fu.-lon and Taylor Street. 1 I hp r a i en i ears Ago II In Prince Kupert j n ..i. ..i....n The Gon.oervatives will hold a convention tonight lo nominate a candidate for the next federal election. Helegales to Ihe convention inolude J. A. Kirkpalrick, .1. (I. Scott, (leorge l. Tite, J. II. Thompson, J. K. Merry field, M. M. Jfleidiens, V. K. fisher. Dr. I. 1. Cade, Mitchell Albert, (Jeo. Kerr, Thomas McMauamou, A. S. II. Lucas, H. J. Doyle, T. Mailland, O. II. Nelson, C. Orme, V. .1. .McCiitcbeon, J, lliblilch and 11. .1. (iraham. II. II. II. Sir Itichard Mcltrble, premier of British Columbia, lefl Kuglatid yesterady on his return lo Vic-lofia. (In IIiq way. west "ho will stop off at Ottawa. American halibut schooners marketing calchcs here . jester. day were: Jlolpli, 11,0(10 pounds; Itttinier, 8,000 pounds, and Nar-rona, 10,000 pounds. I f nniitiMiiil I i Lt I t . ii omi a r l not to mM EUROPE? could be so enjoyable as to WHAT spend vacation in Europe? Europe wilh aff, your beautiel'ndon--Old England -Rome And, the voyage Itself-the bracing m atr to rtfrMh vigorate you. and the luxurious comfort of a Cunud V8" Don.Id.on liner. Every hour of the d.y .ted tuU fi Si with enjoyment-Rame on the deck,, rrtmS or in deck chair., dances, concert, by the .hip1, v orcheto. cner, crel S partte. wonderful me.U. From firit to last the concern of the entire .hip', perionnrl I. v. paMenger. comfort, pleasure and uftty. Remember, too thl voyage embrace, the educational value of the trip down til mighty, hUtortc St. Lawrence River. w ,4. your local tttamthlp atnt for new booklet on tht St, Lawtinct Routt, or apply to - THE CUNAKI) STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED 42J HASTINGS STREET, W., VANGUI'VIR CUNARD ANCHOR-DONALDSON CANADIAN SERVICES Infv HA Coast Steamship and Train Service 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE OEORuE -ml t VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami SUNDA V and THURSDAY, 10 P.M. for STEWART lilufir 10 M. PAtlENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUrtRT OAILV icpt Sundtr 11 1" ,jn. tar itiiv . IO.OHT0H, WINNIPKQ, III M Ml bOITIl I4M4I. I'nlUH SltU- AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllf Tlcttt orritt, S2S TMrd t, Prlnc RuprL Phut MO (CANADIAN Vacific 'jiiiiirX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruprrl PRINCESS MARY. . For KttthlUn,, .nd M,f Sth. 11th- ttlH, For V.ncoutir, Victoria and Sittl M lit, IZth, Z2ni, Jum 2n4. 1 S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. , For But.dtl., Sw.nton Bi, 811. B.IU, Oct.n Fall. Htm, Uk C.mpbtll RUtr, and v.ntouxr titrj S.turd. 11 m. Agtncy for .11 ttt.mthlp Lln. Full Informing tn W. C. ORCHARD 0nfl AatnL Corntr of 4lh Strt.t nd 3rd Attnut, Prlnc Ruprl, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD, S.ilint. irom frmc Rupert. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Sw.M.n Bi, tnd AUrt Bi, TuH. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alrl R, .nd Swtnion B, liluriif, for ANTOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON .nd N.. Rlr Cnnrlti, Frldr A ll. 123 2nd Aitnu. . Siniltr. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hoims 0 lo 0. X-RAY SERVICE Phone GSfl. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings 111. JU I HI I 11 1 1 villi VI III" si x 7.1 mii mu-ee !iik M'. r.7iif i stio.ri .'i x.r.7K : (iotuier. $IS7..1S,,-:,,X: , 171, i7; .Miscellaneous Mliternls, $l,'.:il,:ilU; (Joul and Coke, .20(,N"- Stone, llrick, Cenient, elc, iS,2Sri,Kl4; making ils Mineral Prodnehmi RRITISHCQLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. follows: Placer fio!d, $77, 'l)' ' ' I U I II F r . 1 issivs " V I llf :l; al lt2'i show no ' Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,6 The Mining Lnws of this Province aro more liberal and the fees lower t"1" any other Province In the Dominion, or' any colony in Ihe llrilish Hmpir- Mineral locations are granted o discoverers for nominal fees. ..j, is Absolute Tillcs are oblaiued by developing such properties, the security guaranteed by drown Oraiils. . . griitin I'J Full information together wilh Mining Ilcpcrts Maps, may bo oblm" nddrcssliig 'ultSTen OF MNES mmmm MINISTER THE HON. THE Victoria, British uo.u..